Esempio n. 1


    This function displays lines of text on the screen, taking into account
  the number of text lines printed so far and the number of lines available
  for output.

    If all available lines are exhausted, this function returns without doing

    If the last available line of the screen is reached, this function prints
  "..." to indicate that some lines may not have been printed due to lack
  of space.

    Otherwise, this function prints the line on the screen by calling DisplayOutput,
  and updates the count of lines printed based on how many lines DisplayOutput
  used to print the text.
   static void WriteLine(CallDemoApp * pMe,  char *pszStr, AECHAR *pszwStr, boolean isWideChar)

   pMe:   [in]: Contains a pointer to this app's data structure.
   pszStr:    [in]: The character string to be displayed on the screen.

  Assumes the pMe->m_cLineNum gets initialized to the starting line for text display
  on the screen, and that pMe->m_cMaxLine contains the last available line for 
  output on the screen.



static void WriteLine(CallDemoApp * pMe, char *pszStr, AECHAR *pszwStr, boolean isWideChar)
  // If all available lines used, return
  if (pMe->m_cLineNum > pMe->m_cMaxLine)

  // If we've reached last available line, print an
  // ellipsis indicator
  if (pMe->m_cLineNum == pMe->m_cMaxLine)
    DisplayOutput(pMe->a.m_pIShell, pMe->a.m_pIDisplay, pMe->m_cLineNum++, "...", NULL, FALSE);

  // There are lines available for printing.  Print the string passed as
  // input and update the count of lines available
  pMe->m_cLineNum += DisplayOutput(pMe->a.m_pIShell, pMe->a.m_pIDisplay, pMe->m_cLineNum, pszStr, pszwStr, isWideChar);

} // End of WriteLine
Esempio n. 2
void Restore (NWCONN_HANDLE ConnHandle, char* FileName, char* Logfilename)
	char 		Line 		[1024];
	char* 		Next;
	char 		Buffer 		[512];
	FILE* 		BackupFile;
	FILE*		Logfile;
	char  		FirstParam 	[512];
	char  		Rights 		[12];
	char  		Object 		[300];
	int   		ArgNo;
	char  		Op 		[8];
	BYTE 		OldNameSpace;

	// save the default namespace
	OldNameSpace = SetCurrentNameSpace (NW_NS_LONG);

	// attempt to open the backup file
	if ((BackupFile = fopen (FileName, "r")) == NULL)
		printf ("Couldn\'t open file: %s\n", FileName);
		if (Logfilename)
			if ((Logfile = fopen (Logfilename, "w")) == NULL)
				printf ("Couldn't open %s\n", Logfilename);
				Logfile = NULL;
			Logfile = NULL;
		// read file line by line - also, check that the NLM hasn't been terminated
		while ((!feof (BackupFile)) && (!NlmExiting))
			fgets (Line, 1024, BackupFile);
			if (!feof (BackupFile))
				Next = Line;
				ArgNo = 0;

				// use GetParams to iteratively get the equivalent argvs
				while (strcmp ((Next = GetParam (Next, Buffer, 512)), "") != 0 || strcmp (Buffer, "") != 0)
					// copy string depending on the argument number
					if (ArgNo == 1)
						if (stricmp (Buffer, "RIGHTS") != 0 && stricmp (Buffer, "cx") != 0)
							strncpy (Op, Buffer, 8);
					else if (ArgNo == 2)
						strcpy (FirstParam, Buffer);
					else if (ArgNo == 3)
						strncpy (Rights, Buffer, 12);
						Rights [11] = 0;
					else if (ArgNo == 4)
						if (strncmp (Buffer, "/NAME=", 6) == 0 || strncmp (Buffer, "/name=", 6) == 0)
							TrimQuotes (Object, Buffer, MAX_DN_CHARS);
						else if (stricmp (Buffer, "/F") == 0)
							strcpy (Object, "/F");
							strcpy (Object, "");
				// if the syntax is valid call the appropriate function to 
				// set trustee rights or IRFs
				if (stricmp (Op, "RIGHTS") ==0 && ArgNo == 4)
					if (strncmp (Object, "/F", 2) == 0 || strncmp (Object, "/f", 2) == 0)
						// printf ("IRF: %s, %s\n", FirstParam, Rights);
						// if (Clear != 0)
						//	InheritedRights (ConnHandle, 0, FirstParam, NW_NS_LONG, "RWCFEMA");
		                                res = InheritedRights (ConnHandle, 0, FirstParam, NW_NS_LONG, Rights);
						DisplayOutput (FirstParam, Rights, "/F", res, Logfile);

					if (strncmp (Object, "/NAME=", 6) == 0 || strncmp (Object, "/name=", 6) == 0)
						// printf ("Rights: %s, %s, %s\n", FirstParam, Rights, Object);
						// if (Clear != 0)
						//	TrusteeRights (ConnHandle, 0, FirstParam, NW_NS_LONG, Object+6, "REM");
	                                        res = TrusteeRights (ConnHandle, 0, FirstParam, NW_NS_LONG, Object+6, Rights);
						DisplayOutput (FirstParam, Rights, Object+6, res, Logfile);

				// code to change context
				if (stricmp (Op, "cx") == 0 && ArgNo == 2)
					if ((res = NWDSSetContext (NDSContext, DCK_NAME_CONTEXT, FirstParam)) != 0)
						printf ("NWDSSetContext returned: %d\n", res);
		// close the file and restore the original name space
		fclose (BackupFile);
		if (Logfile)
			fclose (Logfile);
		SetTargetNameSpace (OldNameSpace);
Esempio n. 3
void DoSort(FILE *fp)
     Step1 a
     Open the file and generate linked list
   trnx *t;
   char line[BUFFER];
   char *tokens;
   char *op,*timeval,*amt,*description;
   int errCheck = 1;
    Generate a list and Initialise it
   My402List list;

   while (!feof(fp))
       Perform the necessary error checks for the line
     errCheck = errorCheckLine(line);

     if (errCheck == 0)
       Extract each element in the file and store it
      each attribute of transaction.

     t = malloc(sizeof(trnx));
     tokens = malloc(strlen(line));
     amt = malloc(strlen(line));

     op = strtok(tokens,"\t");
     timeval = strtok(NULL,"\t");
     amt = strtok(NULL,"\t");
     description = strtok(NULL,"\t");
     Error Check for each of the tokens in the line
     errCheck = 1;
     errCheck = errCheckOp(t,op);
     if (errCheck == 0)
       fputs("Operator is invalid.Must be +/-\n",stderr);
     errCheck = 1;
     errCheck = errCheckTime(&list,t,timeval);
     if (errCheck == 0)
       fputs("Timestamp is invalid.\n",stderr);
     errCheck = 1;
     errCheck = errCheckAmount(t,amt);
     if (errCheck == 0)
       fputs("Amount is invalid.\n",stderr);
     errCheck = errCheckDesc(t,description);
     if (errCheck == 0)
      Create node in the list

     (void)My402ListAppend(&list,(void *)t);
       Get next element in the list



Esempio n. 4
int GetTrustees (NWCONN_HANDLE ConnHandle, NWDIR_HANDLE DirHandle, pnstr8 Path, nuint16 NameSpace, nuint16 SubDir, FILE* fh)
        int              i;                             // Used for iterating through trustee lists
        NW_ENTRY_INFO*   EntryInfo;                     // Netware structure for file / folder info
        NW_ENTRY_INFO2*  Children;                      // List of child files and folders
        NWET_INFO*       TrusteeInfo;                   // Netware structure for holding a list of trustees
        nuint16          NumEntries;                    // Pointer to the number of entries returned by NDS Api functions
        SEARCH_SEQUENCE* Seq;                           // Sequence number used by NDS Api
        NWDSCCODE        res;                           // Variable to store the result of functions - 0=Success
        nuint16          FileFlag;                      // Specifies a file or folder
        nuint32          IterHandle;                    // Iteration handle for NDS functions
        pnstr8           Trustee;                       // String to hold trustee name after its been converted from ObjectID
        pnstr8           IRights;                       // String represent the inherited rights filter
        pnstr8           Rights;                        // String to represent rights
        pnstr8           DosPath;                       // String to hold Path converted to Netware (DOS) notation
        NWDIR_HANDLE*    TempDirHandle;                 // Temporary directory handle to use for getting subfolders
        pnstr8           NextPath;                      // String to hold the name of the subfolder

        EntryInfo       = (NW_ENTRY_INFO*)      malloc (sizeof (NW_ENTRY_INFO));
        TrusteeInfo     = (NWET_INFO*)          malloc (sizeof (NWET_INFO));
        Trustee         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * MAX_DN_CHARS+1);
        IRights         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 10);
        Rights          = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 10);
        DosPath         = (pnstr8)              malloc (sizeof (nstr8) * 256);
        if (EntryInfo && TrusteeInfo && Trustee && IRights && Rights && DosPath)
                // Find out whether Path is a file or folder, and get the inherited rights filter

                if ((res = NWGetNSEntryInfo (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NW_NS_LONG, NW_NS_LONG, SA_ALL, IM_ATTRIBUTES | IM_RIGHTS | IM_NAME, EntryInfo)) != 0)
                        printf ("NWGetNSEntryInfo returned: %d\n", res);

                // Print the inherited rights as a string - all the rights are ORed together to make an nuint16.
                if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_ALL) != TA_ALL)
                        strcpy (IRights, "");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_NONE)          == TA_NONE)     strcat (IRights, "S");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_READ)          == TA_READ)     strcat (IRights, "R");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_WRITE)         == TA_WRITE)    strcat (IRights, "W");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_CREATE)        == TA_CREATE)   strcat (IRights, "C");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_DELETE)        == TA_DELETE)   strcat (IRights, "E");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_MODIFY)        == TA_MODIFY)   strcat (IRights, "M");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_SEARCH)        == TA_SEARCH)   strcat (IRights, "F");
                        if ((EntryInfo->inheritedRightsMask & TA_OWNERSHIP)     == TA_OWNERSHIP)strcat (IRights, "A");

                        // printf ("%s\t%s\t/F\n", Path, IRights);
			DisplayOutput (Path, IRights, "/F", SUCCESS, NULL);
			if (fh)
				fprintf (fh,"RIGHTS \"%s\" %s /F\n", Path, IRights); 


                // Get the short path name, as NWIntScanForTrustees will only work with the default name space

                if ((res = GetShortPath (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NameSpace, DosPath, 256, &FileFlag)) != 0)
                        printf ("GetShortPath returned: %d\n", res);
                        return 1;

                IterHandle = 0;
                // Iteratively scan for trustees until there are no more

                while (NWIntScanForTrustees (ConnHandle, 0, DosPath, &IterHandle, &NumEntries, TrusteeInfo, 0) == 0)

                        // arrays of 20 trustees are returned

                        for (i=0;i<20;i++)
                                // if an entry hasn't been populated, it is set to 0L

                                if (TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectID != 0L)
                                        // An object id is returned representing a trustee, so convert to a string

                                        if ((res = NWDSMapIDToName (NDSContext, ConnHandle, TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectID, Trustee)) != 0)
                                                printf ("NWDSMapIDToName returned: %d\n", res);
                                                // Convert the rights to a string, again rights are ORed together

                                                strcpy (Rights, "");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_SUPERVISOR)  == TR_SUPERVISOR)       strcat (Rights, "S");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_READ)        == TR_READ)             strcat (Rights, "R");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_WRITE)       == TR_WRITE)            strcat (Rights, "W");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_CREATE)      == TR_CREATE)           strcat (Rights, "C");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_DELETE)      == TR_DELETE)           strcat (Rights, "E");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_MODIFY)      == TR_MODIFY)           strcat (Rights, "M");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_FILE_SCAN)   == TR_FILE_SCAN)        strcat (Rights, "F");
                                                if ((TrusteeInfo->trusteeList[i].objectRights & TR_ACCESS_CTRL) == TR_ACCESS_CTRL)      strcat (Rights, "A");
                                                //printf ("%s\t%s\t/NAME=%s\n", Path, Rights, Trustee);
						DisplayOutput (Path, Rights, Trustee, SUCCESS, NULL);

                                                if (fh)
                                                        fprintf (fh,"RIGHTS \"%s\" %s /NAME=\"%s\"\n", Path, Rights, Trustee); 

                // If we're examining a directory, then scan files and folder within the directory
		// NOTE: all the variable assigned here are malloc'ed so that only the pointers go on the stack
		//       in recursive calls. I changed this because I was getting some stack overflow problems
		//       on large directory structure on NW5.1

                // added a check to see if the NLM was exiting via the sig handler - if it is, stop processing and clean up
		if (((EntryInfo->attributes & A_DIRECTORY) == A_DIRECTORY) && (SubDir != 0) && (NlmExiting == FALSE))
                        Children        = (NW_ENTRY_INFO2*)     malloc (sizeof (NW_ENTRY_INFO2));
                        Seq             = (SEARCH_SEQUENCE*)    malloc (sizeof (SEARCH_SEQUENCE));
                        TempDirHandle   = (NWDIR_HANDLE*)       malloc (sizeof (NWDIR_HANDLE));
                        if (Children && Seq && TempDirHandle)

                                if ((res = NWAllocTempNSDirHandle2 (ConnHandle, DirHandle, Path, NW_NS_LONG, TempDirHandle, NW_NS_LONG)) != 0)
                                        printf ("NWAllocTempNSDirHandle2 returned: %d\n", res);

                                Seq->searchDirNumber = -1;
                                while (NWScanNSEntryInfo2 (ConnHandle, *TempDirHandle, NW_NS_LONG, SA_ALL, Seq, "*" ,IM_NAME, Children) == 0)
                                        if ((NextPath = (char*) malloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (Children->entryName) + strlen (Path) + 2))) == NULL)
                                                printf ("Couldn't allocate memory\n");
                                                strcpy (NextPath, Path);
                                                strcat (NextPath, "\\");
                                                strcat (NextPath, Children->entryName);

                                                // Iterativly call GetTrustees on subfolders

                                                GetTrustees (ConnHandle, 0, NextPath, NameSpace, SubDir, fh);
                                                free (NextPath);

                                NWDeallocateDirectoryHandle (ConnHandle, *TempDirHandle);
                        if (Children) free (Children);
                        if (Seq) free (Seq);
                        if (TempDirHandle) free (TempDirHandle);
	// cleanup
        if (EntryInfo)          free (EntryInfo);
        if (TrusteeInfo)        free (TrusteeInfo);
        if (Trustee)            free (Trustee);
        if (IRights)            free (IRights);
        if (Rights)             free (Rights);
        if (DosPath)            free (DosPath);

        return 0;