void TopWindow::Open(HWND hwnd) { GuiLock __; if(dokeys && (!GUI_AKD_Conservative() || GetAccessKeysDeep() <= 1)) DistributeAccessKeys(); UsrLogT(3, "OPEN " + Desc(this)); LLOG("TopWindow::Open, owner HWND = " << FormatIntHex((int)hwnd, 8) << ", Active = " << FormatIntHex((int)::GetActiveWindow(), 8)); IgnoreMouseUp(); SyncCaption(); #ifdef PLATFORM_WINCE if(!GetRect().IsEmpty()) #endif if(fullscreen) { SetRect(GetScreenSize()); Create(hwnd, WS_POPUP, 0, false, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, false); } else { CenterRect(hwnd, hwnd && hwnd == GetTrayHWND__() ? center ? 2 : 0 : center); Create(hwnd, style, exstyle, false, state == OVERLAPPED ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : state == MINIMIZED ? SW_MINIMIZE : SW_MAXIMIZE, false); } PlaceFocus(); SyncCaption(); FixIcons(); }
void MenuBar::Set(const Event<Bar&> menu) { if(lock) return; Clear(); lock++; menu(*this); SyncBar(); DistributeAccessKeys(); lock--; }
void TopWindow::Open(Ctrl *owner) { LLOG("TopWindow::Open"); GuiLock __; if(dokeys && (!GUI_AKD_Conservative() || GetAccessKeysDeep() <= 1)) DistributeAccessKeys(); USRLOG(" OPEN " + Desc(this)); LLOG("OPEN " << Name() << " owner: " << UPP::Name(owner)); IgnoreMouseUp(); bool weplace = owner && center == 1 || center == 2 || !GetRect().IsEmpty(); if(fullscreen) SetRect(0, 0, Xwidth, Xheight); else CenterRect(owner); LLOG("Open NextRequest " << NextRequest(Xdisplay)); Create(owner, false, false); XSetWMProperties (Xdisplay, GetWindow(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); xminsize.cx = xmaxsize.cx = Null; title2.Clear(); if(!weplace) { LLOG("SyncCaption"); SyncCaption(); } LLOG("SyncSizeHints"); size_hints->flags = 0; SyncSizeHints(); Rect r = GetRect(); size_hints->x = r.left; size_hints->y = r.top; size_hints->width = r.Width(); size_hints->height = r.Height(); size_hints->win_gravity = StaticGravity; size_hints->flags |= PPosition|PSize|PWinGravity; if(owner) { ASSERT(owner->IsOpen()); LLOG("XSetTransientForHint"); XSetTransientForHint(Xdisplay, GetWindow(), owner->GetWindow()); } LLOG("XSetWMNormalHints"); XSetWMNormalHints(Xdisplay, GetWindow(), size_hints); Atom protocols[3]; protocols[0] = XAtom("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"); protocols[1] = XAtom("WM_TAKE_FOCUS"); protocols[2] = XAtom("_NET_WM_PING"); LLOG("XSetWMProtocols"); XSetWMProtocols(Xdisplay, GetWindow(), protocols, 3); String x = GetExeTitle().ToString(); const char *progname = ~x; class_hint->res_name = (char *)progname; class_hint->res_class = (char *)progname; XSetClassHint(Xdisplay, GetWindow(), class_hint); LLOG("WndShow(" << visible << ")"); WndShow(visible); if(visible) { XEvent e; LLOG("XWindowEvent"); XWindowEvent(Xdisplay, top->window, VisibilityChangeMask, &e); ignoretakefocus = true; SetTimeCallback(500, THISBACK(EndIgnoreTakeFocus)); LLOG("SetWndFocus"); SetWndFocus(); for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { // X11 tries to move our window, so ignore the first set of ConfigureNotify // and move the window into position after FocusIn - but not if we want WM to // place the window if(weplace) while(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(Xdisplay, top->window, ConfigureNotify, &e)) { if(e.xconfigure.window != top->window) ProcessEvent(&e); } if(XCheckTypedWindowEvent(Xdisplay, top->window, FocusIn, &e)) { ProcessEvent(&e); if(e.xfocus.window == top->window) break; } Sleep(10); } } if(weplace) { WndSetPos(GetRect()); LLOG("SyncCaption"); SyncCaption(); } LLOG(">Open NextRequest " << NextRequest(Xdisplay)); LLOG(">OPENED " << Name()); PlaceFocus(); StateH(OPEN); Vector<int> fe = GetPropertyInts(top->window, XAtom("_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS")); if(fe.GetCount() >= 4 && fe[0] >= 0 && fe[0] <= 16 && fe[1] >= 0 && fe[1] <= 16 && //fluxbox returns wrong numbers - quick&dirty workaround fe[2] >= 0 && fe[2] <= 64 && fe[3] >= 0 && fe[3] <= 48) { GuiLock __; windowFrameMargin.left = max(windowFrameMargin.left, fe[0]); windowFrameMargin.right = max(windowFrameMargin.right, fe[1]); windowFrameMargin.top = max(windowFrameMargin.top, fe[2]); windowFrameMargin.bottom = max(windowFrameMargin.bottom, fe[3]); } if(IsOpen() && top) top->owner = owner; long curr_pid = getpid(); static Window wm_client_leader; ONCELOCK { wm_client_leader = XCreateSimpleWindow(Xdisplay, Xroot, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); XChangeProperty(Xdisplay, wm_client_leader, XAtom("WM_CLIENT_LEADER"), XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (byte *)&wm_client_leader, 1); XChangeProperty(Xdisplay, wm_client_leader, XAtom("_NET_WM_PID"), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (byte *) &curr_pid, 1); } Window win = GetWindow(); XChangeProperty(Xdisplay, win, XAtom("_NET_WM_PID"), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (byte *) &curr_pid, 1); XChangeProperty(Xdisplay, win, XAtom("WM_CLIENT_LEADER"), XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (byte *)&wm_client_leader, 1); int version = 5; XChangeProperty(Xdisplay, win, XAtom("XdndAware"), XA_ATOM, 32, 0, (byte *)&version, 1); SyncState(); FixIcons(); }
void MenuBar::PopUp(Ctrl *owner, Point p, Size rsz) { bool szcx = true; bool szcy = true; bool szx = false; bool szy = false; if(parentmenu) { if(parentmenu->IsChild()) szcx = false; else szcy = false; WhenHelp = parentmenu->WhenHelp; } Rect r = GetWorkArea(p); restorefocus = GetFocusCtrl(); LLOG("PopUp " << UPP::Name(this) << " set restorefocus:" << UPP::Name(restorefocus)); DistributeAccessKeys(); frame.Set(style->popupframe); if(GUI_GlobalStyle() >= GUISTYLE_XP) SetFrame(frame); else SetFrame(OutsetFrame()); pane.SubMenu(); Size sz = pane.Repos(false, r.Height()); pane.RightPos(0, sz.cx).BottomPos(0, sz.cy); Size sz0 = sz; sz = AddFrameSize(sz); if(p.y + sz.cy > r.bottom) { if(p.y - r.top > r.bottom - p.y) { int y0; if (parentmenu && parentmenu->GetActiveSubmenu() && parentmenu->submenuitem) y0 = parentmenu->submenuitem->GetScreenRect().BottomRight().y + 2 + rsz.cy; else y0 = p.y + rsz.cy; szy = szcy; sz = pane.Repos(false, y0 - max(y0 - sz.cy, r.top) - (sz.cy - sz0.cy)); pane.RightPos(0, sz.cx).TopPos(0, sz.cy); sz = AddFrameSize(sz); p.y = y0 - sz.cy; } else { sz = pane.Repos(false, r.bottom - p.y - (sz.cy - sz0.cy)); pane.RightPos(0, sz.cx).BottomPos(0, sz.cy); sz = AddFrameSize(sz); } } if(p.x + sz.cx > r.right) { p.x = max(p.x + rsz.cx - sz.cx, r.left); szx = szcx; pane.LeftPos(0, sz.cx); } bool eff = parentmenu == NULL || parentmenu->doeffect; if(eff && GUI_PopUpEffect() == GUIEFFECT_SLIDE) SetRect(szx ? p.x + sz.cx : p.x, szy ? p.y + sz.cy : p.y, parentmenu ? sz.cx : 1, 1); else SetRect(p.x, p.y, sz.cx, sz.cy); #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 DWORD dummy; CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, PlaySoundThread, NULL, 0, &dummy)); #endif doeffect = true; Ctrl::PopUp(owner, true, true, GUI_DropShadows(), !owner); GuiPlatformAfterMenuPopUp(); if(eff) Animate(*this, p.x, p.y, sz.cx, sz.cy); }