Esempio n. 1
* function name: FreqToBandWithRounding
* description:  Retrieve index of nearest band border
* returnt:		index
static Word16 FreqToBandWithRounding(Word32 freq,                   /*!< frequency in Hertz */
                                     Word32 fs,                     /*!< Sampling frequency in Hertz */
                                     Word16 numOfBands,             /*!< total number of bands */
                                     const Word16 *bandStartOffset) /*!< table of band borders */
  Word32 lineNumber, band;
  Word32 temp, shift;

  /*  assert(freq >= 0);  */
  shift = norm_l(fs);
  lineNumber = (extract_l(fixmul((bandStartOffset[numOfBands] << 2),Div_32(freq << shift,fs << shift))) + 1) >> 1;
  /* freq > fs/2 */
  temp = lineNumber - bandStartOffset[numOfBands] ;                                            
  if (temp >= 0)
    return numOfBands;

  /* find band the line number lies in */
  for (band=0; band<numOfBands; band++) {
    temp = bandStartOffset[band + 1] - lineNumber;                                           
    if (temp > 0) break;

  temp = (lineNumber - bandStartOffset[band]);
  temp = (temp - (bandStartOffset[band + 1] - lineNumber));                                   
  if ( temp > 0 )
    band = band + 1;

  return extract_l(band);
Esempio n. 2
void Levinson(int32_t r32[],	/* (i)  : r32[] double precision vector of autocorrelation coefficients   */
	      int16_t a[],	/* (o)  : a[] in Q12 - LPC coefficients                                   */
	      int16_t old_a[],	/* (i/o): old_a[] in Q12 - previous LPC coefficients                      */
	      int16_t m		/* (i)  : LPC order                                                       */
	int16_t i, j, high, low, alpha_hi, alpha_lo, alpha_exp;
	int16_t exp, r_hi[LPCO + 1], r_lo[LPCO + 1];
	int16_t a_hi[LPCO + 1], a_lo[LPCO + 1], anew_hi[LPCO + 1],
	    anew_lo[LPCO + 1];
	int16_t rc_hi, rc_lo;
	int32_t a0, a1, alpha_man;

	memzero(r_hi, (LPCO + 1) * sizeof(int16_t));
	memzero(r_lo, (LPCO + 1) * sizeof(int16_t));
	memzero(anew_hi, (LPCO + 1) * sizeof(int16_t));
	memzero(anew_lo, (LPCO + 1) * sizeof(int16_t));

	/* Normalization of autocorrelation coefficients */
	exp = bv_norm_l(r32[0]);
	for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
		r32[i] = L_bv_shl(r32[i], exp);
		L_Extract(r32[i], r_hi + i, r_lo + i);

	/* a[1] = rc = -r[1]/r[0] */
	a1 = bv_L_abs(r32[1]);
	a0 = Div_32(a1, r_hi[0], r_lo[0]);	// rc in Q31
	if (r32[1] > 0)
		a0 = L_bv_negate(a0);
	L_Extract(L_bv_shr(a0, 4), a_hi + 1, a_lo + 1);	// Q27

	/*  alpha = r[0]*(1-rc*rc) */
	L_Extract(a0, &high, &low);
	a0 = Mpy_32(high, low, high, low);	// rc^2 in Q31
	a0 = bv_L_abs(a0);	// Lesson from G.729
	a0 = L_bv_sub(0x40000000, L_bv_shr(a0, 1));	// 1-rc*rc in Q30
	L_Extract(a0, &high, &low);
	a0 = Mpy_32(r_hi[0], r_lo[0], high, low);	// alpha in Q30
	alpha_exp = bv_norm_l(a0);
	alpha_man = L_bv_shl(a0, alpha_exp);
	alpha_exp = bv_sub(alpha_exp, 1);	// alpha: Q(31+alpha_exp)

	/* Recursive solution of Yule-Walker equations */
	for (i = 2; i <= m; i++) {

		/* s =  r[i] + sum{r[j]*a[i-j], j=1,2,...,i-1} */
		a0 = 0;
		for (j = 1; j < i; j++) {
			a1 = Mpy_32(r_hi[j], r_lo[j], a_hi[i - j], a_lo[i - j]);	// Q27
			a0 = L_bv_add(a0, a1);	// Q27
		a0 = L_bv_shl(a0, 4);	// Q31
		a0 = L_bv_add(a0, r32[i]);	// Q31

		/* rc = -s/alpha */
		exp = bv_norm_l(a0);
		a0 = L_bv_shl(a0, exp);
		a1 = bv_L_abs(a0);
		if (L_bv_sub(a1, alpha_man) >= 0) {
			a1 = L_bv_shr(a1, 1);
			exp = bv_sub(exp, 1);
		L_Extract(alpha_man, &alpha_hi, &alpha_lo);
		a1 = Div_32(a1, alpha_hi, alpha_lo);
		if (a0 > 0)
			a1 = L_bv_negate(a1);	// rc in Q(31+exp-alpha_exp)
		a1 = L_bv_shr(a1, bv_sub(exp, alpha_exp));	// rc in Q31
		L_Extract(a1, &rc_hi, &rc_lo);	// rc in Q31

		/* Check for absolute value of reflection coefficient - stability */
		if (bv_sub(bv_abs_s(intround(a1)), 32750) > 0) {
			a[0] = 4096;
			for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
				a[j] = old_a[j];


		/* anew[j]=a[j]+rc*a[i-j], j=1,2,...i-1 */
		/* anew[i]=rc                           */
		for (j = 1; j < i; j++) {
			a0 = Mpy_32(a_hi[i - j], a_lo[i - j], rc_hi, rc_lo);	// Q27
			a0 = L_bv_add(a0, L_Comp(a_hi[j], a_lo[j]));	// Q27
			L_Extract(a0, anew_hi + j, anew_lo + j);	// Q27
		L_Extract(L_bv_shr(a1, 4), anew_hi + i, anew_lo + i);	// Q27

		/* alpha = alpha*(1-rc*rc) */
		a0 = Mpy_32(rc_hi, rc_lo, rc_hi, rc_lo);	// rc*rc in Q31
		a0 = bv_L_abs(a0);	// Lesson from G.729
		a0 = L_bv_shr(a0, 1);	// rc*rc in Q30
		a0 = L_bv_sub(0x40000000, a0);	// 1-rc*rc in Q30
		L_Extract(a0, &high, &low);
		a0 = Mpy_32(alpha_hi, alpha_lo, high, low);	// Q(30+alpha_exp)
		exp = bv_norm_l(a0);
		alpha_man = L_bv_shl(a0, exp);	// Q(30+exp+alpha_exp)
		alpha_exp = bv_sub(bv_add(alpha_exp, exp), 1);	// alpha: Q(31+alpha_exp)

		/* a[j] = anew[j] in Q(12+a1_exp) */
		for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
			a_hi[j] = anew_hi[j];
			a_lo[j] = anew_lo[j];

	/* convert lpc coefficients to Q12 and save new lpc as old lpc for next frame */
	a[0] = 4096;
	for (j = 1; j <= m; j++) {
		a[j] = intround(L_bv_shl(L_Comp(a_hi[j], a_lo[j]), 1));	// Q12
		old_a[j] = a[j];

Esempio n. 3
void Levinsone(
  Word16 m,        /* (i)    : LPC order                         */
  Word16 Rh[],      /* (i)     : Rh[M+1] Vector of autocorrelations (msb) */
  Word16 Rl[],      /* (i)     : Rl[M+1] Vector of autocorrelations (lsb) */
  Word16 A[],       /* (o) Q12 : A[M]    LPC coefficients  (m = 10)       */
  Word16 rc[],      /* (o) Q15 : rc[M]   Reflection coefficients.         */
  Word16 old_A[],   /* (i/o) Q12 : last stable filter LPC coefficients  */
  Word16 old_rc[]   /* (i/o) Q15 : last stable filter Reflection coefficients.         */

 Word16 i, j;
 Word16 hi, lo;
 Word16 Kh, Kl;                /* reflection coefficient; hi and lo           */
 Word16 alp_h, alp_l, alp_exp; /* Prediction gain; hi lo and exponent         */
 Word16 Ah[M_BWDP1], Al[M_BWDP1];      /* LPC coef. in double prec.                   */
 Word16 Anh[M_BWDP1], Anl[M_BWDP1];    /* LPC coef.for next iteration in double prec. */
 Word32 t0, t1, t2;            /* temporary variable                          */
 Word32 tmp;

/* K = A[1] = -R[1] / R[0] */

  t1  = L_Comp(Rh[1], Rl[1]);           /* R[1] in Q31      */
  tmp = L_Comp(Rh[0], Rl[0]);
  if (t1 > tmp) t1 = tmp;

  t2  = L_abs(t1);                      /* abs R[1]         */
  t0  = Div_32(t2, Rh[0], Rl[0]);       /* R[1]/R[0] in Q31 */
  if(t1 > 0) t0= L_negate(t0);          /* -R[1]/R[0]       */
  L_Extract(t0, &Kh, &Kl);              /* K in DPF         */
  rc[0] = Kh;
  t0 = L_shr(t0,4);                     /* A[1] in Q27      */
  L_Extract(t0, &Ah[1], &Al[1]);        /* A[1] in DPF      */

/*  Alpha = R[0] * (1-K**2) */

  t0 = Mpy_32(Kh ,Kl, Kh, Kl);          /* K*K      in Q31 */
  t0 = L_abs(t0);                       /* Some case <0 !! */
  t0 = L_sub( (Word32)0x7fffffffL, t0 ); /* 1 - K*K  in Q31 */
  L_Extract(t0, &hi, &lo);              /* DPF format      */
  t0 = Mpy_32(Rh[0] ,Rl[0], hi, lo);    /* Alpha in Q31    */

/* Normalize Alpha */

  alp_exp = norm_l(t0);
  t0 = L_shl(t0, alp_exp);
  L_Extract(t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);         /* DPF format    */

 * ITERATIONS  I=2 to m                 *

  for(i= 2; i<=m; i++)

    /* t0 = SUM ( R[j]*A[i-j] ,j=1,i-1 ) +  R[i] */

    t0 = 0;
    for(j=1; j<i; j++)
      t0 = L_add(t0, Mpy_32(Rh[j], Rl[j], Ah[i-j], Al[i-j]));

    t0 = L_shl(t0,4);                  /* result in Q27 -> convert to Q31 */
                                       /* No overflow possible            */
    t1 = L_Comp(Rh[i],Rl[i]);

    t0 = L_add(t0, t1);                /* add R[i] in Q31                 */

    /* K = -t0 / Alpha */

    t1 = L_abs(t0);
    tmp = L_Comp(alp_h, alp_l);
    if (t1 > tmp) t1 = tmp;
    t2 = Div_32(t1, alp_h, alp_l);     /* abs(t0)/Alpha                   */
    if(t0 > 0) t2= L_negate(t2);       /* K =-t0/Alpha                    */
    t2 = L_shl(t2, alp_exp);           /* denormalize; compare to Alpha   */
    L_Extract(t2, &Kh, &Kl);           /* K in DPF                        */
    rc[i-1] = Kh;

    /* Test for unstable filter. If unstable keep old A(z) */

    if (sub(abs_s(Kh), 32750) > 0)
      for(j=0; j<=m; j++)
        A[j] = old_A[j];
      rc[0] = old_rc[0];        /* only two rc coefficients are needed */
      rc[1] = old_rc[1];

     *  Compute new LPC coeff. -> An[i]         *
     *  An[j]= A[j] + K*A[i-j]     , j=1 to i-1 *
     *  An[i]= K                                *

    for(j=1; j<i; j++)
      t0 = Mpy_32(Kh, Kl, Ah[i-j], Al[i-j]);
      t0 = L_add(t0, L_Comp(Ah[j], Al[j]));
      L_Extract(t0, &Anh[j], &Anl[j]);
    t2 = L_shr(t2, 4);                  /* t2 = K in Q31 ->convert to Q27  */
    L_Extract(t2, &Anh[i], &Anl[i]);    /* An[i] in Q27                    */

    /*  Alpha = Alpha * (1-K**2) */

    t0 = Mpy_32(Kh ,Kl, Kh, Kl);          /* K*K      in Q31 */
    t0 = L_abs(t0);                       /* Some case <0 !! */
    t0 = L_sub( (Word32)0x7fffffffL, t0 ); /* 1 - K*K  in Q31 */
    L_Extract(t0, &hi, &lo);              /* DPF format      */
    t0 = Mpy_32(alp_h , alp_l, hi, lo);   /* Alpha in Q31    */

    /* Normalize Alpha */

    j = norm_l(t0);
    t0 = L_shl(t0, j);
    L_Extract(t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);         /* DPF format    */
    alp_exp = add(alp_exp, j);             /* Add normalization to alp_exp */

    /* A[j] = An[j] */

    for(j=1; j<=i; j++)
      Ah[j] =Anh[j];
      Al[j] =Anl[j];

  /* Truncate A[i] in Q27 to Q12 with rounding */

  A[0] = 4096;
  for(i=1; i<=m; i++)
    t0   = L_Comp(Ah[i], Al[i]);
    old_A[i] = A[i] = round(L_shl(t0, 1));
  old_rc[0] = rc[0];
  old_rc[1] = rc[1];

Esempio n. 4
 *   FUNCTION:  Levinson()
 *   PURPOSE:  Levinson-Durbin algorithm in double precision. To compute the
 *             LP filter parameters from the speech autocorrelations.
 *       R[i]    autocorrelations.
 *       A[i]    filter coefficients.
 *       K       reflection coefficients.
 *       Alpha   prediction gain.
 *       Initialisation:
 *               A[0] = 1
 *               K    = -R[1]/R[0]
 *               A[1] = K
 *               Alpha = R[0] * (1-K**2]
 *       Do for  i = 2 to M
 *            S =  SUM ( R[j]*A[i-j] ,j=1,i-1 ) +  R[i]
 *            K = -S / Alpha
 *            An[j] = A[j] + K*A[i-j]   for j=1 to i-1
 *                                      where   An[i] = new A[i]
 *            An[i]=K
 *            Alpha=Alpha * (1-K**2)
 *       END
int Levinson (
    LevinsonState *st,
    Word16 Rh[],       /* i : Rh[m+1] Vector of autocorrelations (msb) */
    Word16 Rl[],       /* i : Rl[m+1] Vector of autocorrelations (lsb) */
    Word16 A[],        /* o : A[m]    LPC coefficients  (m = 10)       */
    Word16 rc[]        /* o : rc[4]   First 4 reflection coefficients  */
    Word16 i, j;
    Word16 hi, lo;
    Word16 Kh, Kl;                /* reflexion coefficient; hi and lo      */
    Word16 alp_h, alp_l, alp_exp; /* Prediction gain; hi lo and exponent   */
    Word16 Ah[M + 1], Al[M + 1];  /* LPC coef. in double prec.             */
    Word16 Anh[M + 1], Anl[M + 1];/* LPC coef.for next iteration in double
                                     prec. */
    Word32 t0, t1, t2;            /* temporary variable                    */

    /* K = A[1] = -R[1] / R[0] */

    t1 = L_Comp (Rh[1], Rl[1]);
    t2 = L_abs (t1);                    /* abs R[1]         */
    t0 = Div_32 (t2, Rh[0], Rl[0]);     /* R[1]/R[0]        */

    if (t1 > 0)
       t0 = L_negate (t0);             /* -R[1]/R[0]       */
    L_Extract (t0, &Kh, &Kl);           /* K in DPF         */
    rc[0] = round (t0);

    t0 = L_shr (t0, 4);                 /* A[1] in          */
    L_Extract (t0, &Ah[1], &Al[1]);     /* A[1] in DPF      */

    /*  Alpha = R[0] * (1-K**2) */

    t0 = Mpy_32 (Kh, Kl, Kh, Kl);       /* K*K             */
    t0 = L_abs (t0);                    /* Some case <0 !! */
    t0 = L_sub ((Word32) 0x7fffffffL, t0); /* 1 - K*K        */
    L_Extract (t0, &hi, &lo);           /* DPF format      */
    t0 = Mpy_32 (Rh[0], Rl[0], hi, lo); /* Alpha in        */

    /* Normalize Alpha */

    alp_exp = norm_l (t0);
    t0 = L_shl (t0, alp_exp);
    L_Extract (t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);     /* DPF format    */

     * ITERATIONS  I=2 to M                 *

    for (i = 2; i <= M; i++)
       /* t0 = SUM ( R[j]*A[i-j] ,j=1,i-1 ) +  R[i] */
       t0 = 0;
       for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
          t0 = L_add (t0, Mpy_32 (Rh[j], Rl[j], Ah[i - j], Al[i - j]));
       t0 = L_shl (t0, 4);
       t1 = L_Comp (Rh[i], Rl[i]);
       t0 = L_add (t0, t1);            /* add R[i]        */
       /* K = -t0 / Alpha */
       t1 = L_abs (t0);
       t2 = Div_32 (t1, alp_h, alp_l); /* abs(t0)/Alpha              */

       if (t0 > 0)
          t2 = L_negate (t2);         /* K =-t0/Alpha                */
       t2 = L_shl (t2, alp_exp);       /* denormalize; compare to Alpha */
       L_Extract (t2, &Kh, &Kl);       /* K in DPF                      */

       if (sub (i, 5) < 0)
          rc[i - 1] = round (t2);
       /* Test for unstable filter. If unstable keep old A(z) */

       if (sub (abs_s (Kh), 32750) > 0)
          for (j = 0; j <= M; j++)
             A[j] = st->old_A[j];
          for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
             rc[j] = 0;
          return 0;
        *  Compute new LPC coeff. -> An[i]         *
        *  An[j]= A[j] + K*A[i-j]     , j=1 to i-1 *
        *  An[i]= K                                *
       for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
          t0 = Mpy_32 (Kh, Kl, Ah[i - j], Al[i - j]);
          t0 = L_add(t0, L_Comp(Ah[j], Al[j]));
          L_Extract (t0, &Anh[j], &Anl[j]);
       t2 = L_shr (t2, 4);
       L_Extract (t2, &Anh[i], &Anl[i]);
       /*  Alpha = Alpha * (1-K**2) */
       t0 = Mpy_32 (Kh, Kl, Kh, Kl);           /* K*K             */
       t0 = L_abs (t0);                        /* Some case <0 !! */
       t0 = L_sub ((Word32) 0x7fffffffL, t0);  /* 1 - K*K        */
       L_Extract (t0, &hi, &lo);               /* DPF format      */
       t0 = Mpy_32 (alp_h, alp_l, hi, lo);
       /* Normalize Alpha */
       j = norm_l (t0);
       t0 = L_shl (t0, j);
       L_Extract (t0, &alp_h, &alp_l);         /* DPF format    */
       alp_exp = add (alp_exp, j);             /* Add normalization to
                                                  alp_exp */
       /* A[j] = An[j] */
       for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
          Ah[j] = Anh[j];
          Al[j] = Anl[j];
    A[0] = 4096;
    for (i = 1; i <= M; i++)
       t0 = L_Comp (Ah[i], Al[i]);
       st->old_A[i] = A[i] = round (L_shl (t0, 1));
    return 0;