Esempio n. 1
 * GetIconByIndex - get an icon by index.
 * Call this to get a BitmapPtr for the specified icon index number.  This
 * returns NULL if the resouce at the specified index is not an icon, or if
 * the specified index is out of range (greater than the number returned by
 * DmNumResources() for the icon set).
static BitmapPtr GetIconByIndex(DmOpenRef pdb, UInt16 iconIndex)
    UInt32 typeRes;

    DmResourceInfo(pdb, iconIndex, &typeRes, 0, 0);

    if (bitmapRsc != typeRes)
        return NULL;

    return (BitmapPtr)DmGetResourceIndex(pdb, iconIndex);
Esempio n. 2
void IntlInit(void)
	Err result;
	MemHandle localeCodeH;
	MemHandle tableListH;
	MemHandle featureTableH;
	ROMFtrTableType* featureTableP;
	ROMFtrCreatorType* creatorTableP;
	UInt16 creators;
	Boolean fastSort = true;
	Boolean fastSearch = true;
	Boolean fastAttr = true;
	UInt16 index;
	UInt32 intlFtrFlags;

	UInt16 systemCard;
	LocalID systemID;
	DmSearchStateType* searchStateP;
	MemHandle localeNameH;
	LocalID moduleID;
	DmOpenRef moduleRef;

	// Locate the system DB, so that we know where to look (which card)
	// for the locale module.
	searchStateP = (DmSearchStateType*)MemPtrNew(sizeof(DmSearchStateType));
	result = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(	true,
															true,					// onlyLatestVers
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf((result != errNone) || (systemID == 0), "Can't find system DB");
	localeNameH = DmGetResource(strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID);
	ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string");
	moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator(	systemCard,
	if (moduleID != 0)
		moduleRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, moduleID, dmModeReadOnly | dmModeLeaveOpen);
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(moduleRef == 0, "Can't open locale module");
		if (ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMVersResID) != kIntlLMVersion)
			moduleID = 0;
	// If we couldn't find the locale module, or it has the wrong version, then
	// default to the ROM locale's locale module.
	if (moduleID == 0)
		SysNVParamsType* romParamsP;
		OmLocaleType romLocale;
		Char* overlayName;
		LocalID overlayID;
		DmOpenRef overlayRef;
		Char* systemName;
		// Open up the system overlay that corresponds to the ROM's locale.
		// Note that (assuming the ROM locale != current locale) we have to
		// try to open up the overlay explicitly, since the Overlay Mgr
		// won't be opening it automatically. We also have to handle the case
		// of a ROM built without overlays, in which case the ROM locale's
		// locale module name string is located in the base, which means we
		// have to make a low-level resource call to get it (otherwise we'll
		// get the string from the system overlay).
		romParamsP = (SysNVParamsType*)MemPtrNew(sizeof(SysNVParamsType));
		MemGetRomNVParams(romParamsP); = romParamsP->localeCountry;
		romLocale.language = romParamsP->localeLanguage;
		// Get the name of the system DB, so that we can construct the overlay
		// name.
		systemName = (Char*)MemPtrNew(dmDBNameLength);
		overlayName = (Char*)MemPtrNew(dmDBNameLength);

		result = DmDatabaseInfo(systemCard, systemID, systemName,
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't get system DB info");
		result = OmLocaleToOverlayDBName(systemName, &romLocale, overlayName);
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't make ROM locale system overlay name");
		overlayID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator(systemCard,
		if (overlayID != 0)
			overlayRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, overlayID, dmModeReadOnly);
			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(overlayRef == 0, "Can't open system overlay");
			// Now load the locale module name string from this overlay, and use
			// it to find the locale module.
			localeNameH = DmGet1Resource(strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID);
			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string");
			moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator(	systemCard,
			// Assume it's a ROM built without overlays, in which case we need to
			// get the locale name handle from the system base.
			DmOpenRef sysRef = NULL;
			Int16 index;
				LocalID dbID;
				sysRef = DmNextOpenResDatabase(sysRef);
				if ((sysRef != NULL)
				 && (DmOpenDatabaseInfo(sysRef, &dbID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == errNone)
				 && (dbID == systemID))
			} while (sysRef != NULL);

			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(sysRef == NULL, "Can't find system DB");
			index = DmFindResource(sysRef, strRsc, localeModuleNameStrID, NULL);
			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(index == -1, "Missing locale module name string");
			localeNameH = DmGetResourceIndex(sysRef, index);
			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(localeNameH == NULL, "Missing locale module name string");
			moduleID = DmFindDatabaseWithTypeCreator(	systemCard,
		// If we found the locale module DB, open it up and make sure it has
		// the right version.
		if (moduleID != 0)
			moduleRef = DmOpenDatabase(systemCard, moduleID, dmModeReadOnly | dmModeLeaveOpen);
			if ((moduleRef == 0)
			 || (ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMVersResID) != kIntlLMVersion))
				// Trigger fatal alert below. No need to close the DB in that case.
				moduleID = 0;
				// We found a valid locale module, using the ROM locale, so set
				// the current locale to be the ROM locale.
				result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumLanguage, romLocale.language);
				if (result == errNone)
					result = FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumCountry,;
				ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't switch current locale to ROM locale");
		ErrFatalDisplayIf(moduleID == 0, "No valid locale module");
	result = DmDatabaseProtect(systemCard, moduleID, true);
	if (result != dmErrROMBased)
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't protect locale module");
	// Give the locale module code in the Simulator a chance to
	// initialize itself. If there's no such code (e.g. with latin) then the
	// routine in SimStubs.cp does nothing.

	// If there's a locale module code resource, load & call it now.
	localeCodeH = DmGet1Resource(kIntlLMCodeType, kIntlLMCodeResID);
	if (localeCodeH != NULL)
		ProcPtr localeCodeP = (ProcPtr)MemHandleLock(localeCodeH);
	// If the IntlMgr data ptr hasn't been set up by the locale module code,
	// allocate it now.
	if (GIntlMgrGlobalsP == NULL)
		UInt16 numCustomTransTables;
		MemPtr globalPtr;

		numCustomTransTables = ResLoadConstant(kIntlLMCustomTransCountID);
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(numCustomTransTables > kIntlMaxCustomTransliterations,
									"Too many custom transliterations");
		globalPtr = MemPtrNew(sizeof(IntlGlobalsType) + (numCustomTransTables * sizeof(void*)));
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(globalPtr == NULL, "Out of memory");
		MemSet(globalPtr, sizeof(IntlGlobalsType) + (numCustomTransTables * sizeof(void*)), 0);
		GIntlMgrGlobalsP = globalPtr;
		GIntlData->numCustomTransliterations = numCustomTransTables;
		// If any of the sorting tables are already configured, we can't do
		// our fast sorting optimization.
		for (index = 0; index < kIntlMaxSortLevels; index++)
			if (GIntlData->sortTables[index] != NULL)
				fastSort = false;
		// If the word start or word match tables are already configured, we
		// can't do our fast word search optimization.
		if ((GIntlData->findWordStartTable != NULL)
		 || (GIntlData->findWordMatchTable != NULL))
			fastSearch = false;
		// If the character attribute table is already configured, we can't do
		// our fast attribute optimization.
		if (GIntlData->charAttrTable != NULL)
			fastAttr = false;
	// Loop over all of the table resources, locking & setting up pointers in
	// the IntlMgr global data structure.
	tableListH = DmGet1Resource(kIntlLMTableListType, kIntlLMTableListResID);
	if (tableListH != NULL)
		IntlLMTableEntryType* curTable;
		UInt8* globalsP = (UInt8*)GIntlMgrGlobalsP;
		IntlLMTableResType* tableListP = (IntlLMTableResType*)MemHandleLock(tableListH);
		for (index = 0, curTable = tableListP->resources; index < tableListP->numResources; index++, curTable++)
			void** ptrLocation;
			MemHandle tableH;
			tableH = DmGet1Resource(curTable->resType, curTable->resID);
			ErrFatalDisplayIf(tableH == NULL, "Missing table resource from locale module");
			ErrFatalDisplayIf(curTable->tableIndex >= intlLMNumTableIndexes, "Invalid table index");
			ptrLocation = (void**)(globalsP + kIntlGlobalOffsets[curTable->tableIndex]);
			ErrFatalDisplayIf(*ptrLocation != NULL, "Resource overriding existing table ptr");
			*ptrLocation = MemHandleLock(tableH);

	// Note that we can't check for the presence of tables here, as a table that
	// is required by a Text Mgr routine might be NULL if the locale module has
	// patched out that routine.
	// As an optimization, see if all of the sorting tables are byte-indexed 8-bit
	// values. If so, then replace the table ptrs with ptrs to the actual data,
	// and set the fast sorting intl mgr flag.
	for (index = 0; (index < kIntlMaxSortLevels) && fastSort; index++)
		void* sortTable = GIntlData->sortTables[index];
		if (sortTable == NULL)
		else if (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(sortTable, 8) == NULL)
			fastSort = false;
	if (fastSort)
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteSortingFlag;
		for (index = 0; index < kIntlMaxSortLevels; index++)
			GIntlData->sortTables[index] = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->sortTables[index], 8);
	// As an optimization, see if all of the searching tables are byte-indexed 8-bit
	// values. If so, then replace the table ptrs with ptrs to the actual data,
	// and set the fast searching intl mgr flag. Note that PrvGetByteIndexedTable
	// will return NULL if findWordMatchTable is NULL, which is OK because then
	// TxtFindString must be patched out anyway. The findWordStartTable is optional,
	// and thus it can either be NULL or a byte indexed byte table.
	if ((fastSearch)
	 && ((GIntlData->findWordStartTable == NULL)
	  || (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordStartTable, 8) != NULL))
	 && (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordMatchTable, 8) != NULL))
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteSearchingFlag;

		GIntlData->findWordStartTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordStartTable, 8);
		GIntlData->findWordMatchTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->findWordMatchTable, 8);
	// As an optimization, see if the character attribute table is a byte-indexed
	// table of 16-bit values. If so, then replace the table ptr with a ptr to
	// the data, and set the kByteCharAttrFlag flag.
	if (fastAttr && (PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16) != NULL))
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kByteCharAttrFlag;
		GIntlData->charAttrTable = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16);
	// As an optimization, see if the character attribute table is a stage index map
	// table of 16-bit values. If so, then replace the table ptr with a ptr to
	// the sub-table offsets, set up the result table ptr, and set the
	// kStageCharAttrFlag flag.
	else if (fastAttr && PrvGetStageIndexMapTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16))
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kStageCharAttrFlag;
		GIntlData->charAttrTable = PrvGetStageIndexMapTable(GIntlData->charAttrTable, 16);
	// If there's a doubleCharTable, we want to (a) verify that it's a byte-indexed
	// byte table, and (b) set up the pointer now.
	if (GIntlData->doubleCharTable != NULL)
		void* tableP = PrvGetByteIndexedTable(GIntlData->doubleCharTable, 8);
		ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(tableP == NULL, "Double-char table isn't byte-indexed byte table");
		GIntlData->doubleCharTable = tableP;
	// Load the 'feat' resource from the locale module, and use it to initialize
	// various locale-specific features. Typically this includes sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags,
	// sysFtrNumEncoding, sysFtrDefaultFont, and sysFtrDefaultBoldFont.
	// Try to load the 'feat' resource.
	featureTableH = DmGet1Resource(sysResTFeatures, kIntlLMFeatureResID);
	ErrFatalDisplayIf(featureTableH == NULL, "Missing feature table");
	featureTableP = (ROMFtrTableType*)MemHandleLock(featureTableH);
	creatorTableP = featureTableP->creator;
	for (creators = 0; creators < featureTableP->numEntries; creators++)
		UInt16 features;
		for (features = 0; features < creatorTableP->numEntries; features++)
			result = FtrSet(	creatorTableP->creator,
			ErrNonFatalDisplayIf(result != errNone, "Can't set locale feature");
		// Advance to next creator table.
		creatorTableP = (ROMFtrCreatorType*)((UInt8*)creatorTableP
								+ sizeof(ROMFtrCreatorType)
								+ (creatorTableP->numEntries * sizeof(ROMFtrFeatureType)));
	// Now, set up our internal kByteSearchingFlag flag based on the sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags
	// feature value. This means that sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags is read-only, since if
	// anybody uses FtrSet to change the settings of the flags, that won't update
	// our internal flag(s).
	if ((FtrGet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumCharEncodingFlags, &intlFtrFlags) == errNone)
	 && ((intlFtrFlags & charEncodingOnlySingleByte) != 0))
		GIntlData->intlFlags |= kSingleByteOnlyFlag;
	// Finally set the bit that tells everybody we're ready to support IntlMgr/TextMgr calls.
	FtrSet(sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumIntlMgr, intlMgrExists);
} // IntlInit