Esempio n. 1
void Cscope::OnCreateDB(wxCommandEvent& e)
    // sanity
    if(m_mgr->IsWorkspaceOpen() == false) {

    wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(true);

    // get the reverted index option
    wxString command;
    wxString endMsg;
    CScopeConfData settings;

    command << GetCscopeExeName();

    m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->ReadObject(wxT("CscopeSettings"), &settings);
    if(settings.GetBuildRevertedIndexOption()) {
        command << wxT(" -q");
        endMsg << _("Recreated inverted CScope DB");
    } else {
        command << wxT(" -b");
        endMsg << _("Recreated CScope DB");

    // Do the actual create db
    // since the process is always running from the workspace
    // directory, there is no need to specify the full path of the list file

    command << wxT(" -L -i cscope_file.list");
    DoCscopeCommand(command, wxEmptyString, endMsg);
Esempio n. 2
void Cscope::OnFindFunctionsCallingThisFunction(wxCommandEvent& e)
    wxString word = GetSearchPattern();
    if(word.IsEmpty()) {

    wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

    // get the rebuild option
    wxString rebuildOption = wxT("");
    CScopeConfData settings;

    m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->ReadObject(wxT("CscopeSettings"), &settings);
    if(!settings.GetRebuildOption()) {
        rebuildOption = wxT(" -d");

    // Do the actual search
    wxString command;
    wxString endMsg;
    command << GetCscopeExeName() << rebuildOption << wxT(" -L -3 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
    endMsg << _("cscope results for: functions calling '") << word << wxT("'");
    DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 3
void Cscope::OnFindSymbol(wxCommandEvent &e)
	// sanity
	if ( m_mgr->GetActiveEditor() == NULL ) {
	wxString word = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetWordAtCaret();
	if (word.IsEmpty()) {

	wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

	// get the rebuild option
	wxString rebuildOption = wxT("");
	CScopeConfData settings;

	m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->ReadObject(wxT("CscopeSettings"), &settings);
	if (!settings.GetRebuildOption())
		rebuildOption = wxT(" -d");

	//Do the actual search
	wxString command;
	wxString endMsg;
	command << GetCscopeExeName() << rebuildOption << wxT(" -L -0 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
	endMsg << wxT("cscope results for: find C symbol '") << word << wxT("'");
	DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 4
void CscopePlugin::OnFind(wxCommandEvent &event)
    wxString WordAtCaret = GetWordAtCaret();
    if (WordAtCaret.IsEmpty()) return;

    wxString list_file, outputfilename;
    if ( !CreateListFile(list_file) ) return;

    wxString cmd( GetCscopeBinaryName() + _T(" ") + //_T(" -f ")  + reffilename +
                  _T(" -L") );
    wxString endMsg(_T("Results for: "));
    if ( event.GetId() == idOnFindFunctionsCallingThisFunction)
        cmd += _T(" -3 ");
        endMsg += _T("find functions calling '") + WordAtCaret + _T("'");
    else //if( event.GetId() == idOnFindFunctionsCalledByThisFuncion)
        cmd += _T(" -2 ");
        endMsg += _T("find functions called by '") + WordAtCaret + _T("'");
//    else if ( event.GetId() == idOnFindGlobalDefinition )
//    {
//        cmd += _T(" -1 ");
//        endMsg += _T("find '") + WordAtCaret + _T("' global definition");
//    }
//    else //idOnFindSymbol
//    {
//        cmd += _T(" -0 ");
//        endMsg += _T("find C symbol '") + WordAtCaret + _T("'");
//    }

    cmd += WordAtCaret + _T(" -i \"") + list_file + _T("\"");
    DoCscopeCommand(cmd, endMsg);
Esempio n. 5
void Cscope::OnFindGlobalDefinition(wxCommandEvent& e)
    wxString word = GetSearchPattern();
    if(word.IsEmpty()) {
    wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

    // Do the actual search
    wxString command;
    wxString endMsg;
    command << GetCscopeExeName() << wxT(" -d -L -1 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
    endMsg << _("cscope results for: find global definition of '") << word << wxT("'");
    DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 6
void Cscope::OnFindFunctionsCallingThisFunction(wxCommandEvent &e)
	wxString word = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetWordAtCaret();
	if (word.IsEmpty()) {

	wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

	//Do the actual search
	wxString command;
	wxString endMsg;
	command << GetCscopeExeName() << wxT(" -d -L -3 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
	endMsg << wxT("cscope results for: functions calling '") << word << wxT("'");
	DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 7
void Cscope::OnFindFilesIncludingThisFname(wxCommandEvent& e)
    wxString word = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetSelection();
    if(word.IsEmpty()) {
        // If there's no selection, try for the caret word
        // That'll either be (rubbish, or) a filename
        // or it'll be the 'h'of filename.h
        // Cscope can cope with just a filename
        word = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetWordAtCaret();
        if(word == wxT("h")) {
            long pos = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetCurrentPosition();
            long start = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->WordStartPos(pos - 2, true);
            wxString name = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetTextRange(start, pos - 2);
            // Append the .h  Cscope would be happy with just foo,
            // but would also return #include foobar.h which isn't what's been requested
            word = name + wxT(".h");
        if(word.IsEmpty()) {

    wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

    // get the rebuild option
    wxString rebuildOption = wxT("");
    CScopeConfData settings;

    m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->ReadObject(wxT("CscopeSettings"), &settings);
    if(!settings.GetRebuildOption()) {
        rebuildOption = wxT(" -d");

    // Do the actual search
    wxString command;
    wxString endMsg;
    command << GetCscopeExeName() << rebuildOption << wxT(" -L -8 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
    endMsg << _("cscope results for: files that #include '") << word << wxT("'");
    DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 8
void Cscope::DoFindSymbol(const wxString& word)
    wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

    // get the rebuild option
    wxString rebuildOption = wxT("");
    CScopeConfData settings;

    m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->ReadObject(wxT("CscopeSettings"), &settings);
    if(!settings.GetRebuildOption()) {
        rebuildOption = wxT(" -d");

    // Do the actual search
    wxString command;
    wxString endMsg;
    command << GetCscopeExeName() << rebuildOption << wxT(" -L -0 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
    endMsg << wxT("cscope results for: find C symbol '") << word << wxT("'");
    DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);
Esempio n. 9
void Cscope::OnFindGlobalDefinition(wxCommandEvent &e)
	// sanity
	if ( m_mgr->GetActiveEditor() == NULL ) {

	wxString word = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor()->GetWordAtCaret();
	if (word.IsEmpty()) {
	wxString list_file = DoCreateListFile(false);

	//Do the actual search
	wxString command;
	wxString endMsg;
	command << GetCscopeExeName() << wxT(" -d -L -1 ") << word << wxT(" -i ") << list_file;
	endMsg << wxT("cscope results for: find global definition of '") << word << wxT("'");
	DoCscopeCommand(command, word, endMsg);