VOID LpThreadNotificationRoutine( PEX_THREAD_REGISTRATION pxThreadReg, PKTHREAD pThread, BOOL Creating )
	if( Creating && ( pThread->CreateOptions & 0x100 ) )
		DbgPrint( "Xbox Kernel Version %d.%d.%d\n", XboxKrnlVersion->Major, XboxKrnlVersion->Minor, XboxKrnlVersion->Build );
		wprintf( L"Loaded game executable. Path = %s\n", ( *XexExecutableModuleHandle )->FullDllName.Buffer );

		DWORD dwGameTitleId = XamGetCurrentTitleId();

		if ( dwGameTitleId == NULL )
			DbgPrint( "Unable to pull the games Title ID, patching aborted.\n" );

		for( int i = 0; i < DRIVESCOUNT; i++ )
			MountPath( APPMOUNTAS, pszDrivesToCheck[ i ] );
			DbgPrint( "Mounted path \'%s\'\n", pszDrivesToCheck[ i ] );
			DbgPrint( "Checking for %08X.patch\n", dwGameTitleId );

			CHAR szFullPatchPath[ MAX_PATH ];
			sprintf_s( szFullPatchPath, MAX_PATH, "XGP:\\Patches\\%08X.patch", dwGameTitleId );


			if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
				DbgPrint( "Unable to open file \'%s\' error %08X\n", szFullPatchPath, GetLastError() );

			DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL );

			if ( dwFileSize <= 0  )
				DbgPrint( "Bad file size. dwFileSize = %08X\n", dwFileSize );

			DbgPrint( "File size = %d bytes\n", dwFileSize );

			PBYTE pFileBuffer = new BYTE[ dwFileSize ];
			DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
			ReadFile( hFile, pFileBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL );

			DbgPrint( "Read %d byte\n", dwBytesRead );

			CloseHandle( hFile );

			DoPatches( pFileBuffer, dwFileSize );

			delete pFileBuffer;
//			UnmountPath( APPMOUNTAS );

		DbgPrint( "Everything is done!\n" );
Esempio n. 2
u32 DIUpdateRegisters( void )
	u32 read,i;
	static u32 PatchState = 0;
	static u32 DOLReadSize= 0;

	if( read32(DI_CONTROL) != 0xdeadbeef )
		write32( DI_SCONTROL, read32(DI_CONTROL) & 3 );
		clear32( DI_SSTATUS, 0x14 );

		write32( DI_CONTROL, 0xdeadbeef );
		if( read32(DI_SCONTROL) & 1 )
			if( ConfigGetConfig(DML_CFG_ACTIVITY_LED) )
				set32( HW_GPIO_OUT, 1<<5 );

			if( read32(DI_CMD_0) != 0xdeadbeef )
				write32( DI_SCMD_0, read32(DI_CMD_0) );
				write32( DI_CMD_0, 0xdeadbeef );
			if( read32(DI_CMD_1) != 0xdeadbeef ) 
				write32( DI_SCMD_1, read32(DI_CMD_1) );
				write32( DI_CMD_1, 0xdeadbeef );
			if( read32(DI_CMD_2) != 0xdeadbeef )
				write32( DI_SCMD_2, read32(DI_CMD_2) );
				write32( DI_CMD_2, 0xdeadbeef );
			if( read32(DI_DMA_ADR) != 0xdeadbeef )
				write32( DI_SDMA_ADR, read32(DI_DMA_ADR) );
				write32( DI_DMA_ADR, 0xdeadbeef );

			if( read32(DI_DMA_LEN) != 0xdeadbeef )
				write32( DI_SDMA_LEN, read32(DI_DMA_LEN) );
				write32( DI_DMA_LEN, 0xdeadbeef );

			if( read32(DI_IMM) != 0xdeadbeef )
				write32( DI_SIMM, read32(DI_IMM) );
				write32( DI_IMM, 0xdeadbeef );
			switch( read32(DI_SCMD_0) >> 24 )
				case 0xA7:
				case 0xA9:
				case 0xA8:
					u32 Buffer	= P2C(read32(DI_SDMA_ADR));
					u32 Length	= read32(DI_SCMD_2);
					u32 Offset	= read32(DI_SCMD_1) << 2;

				//	dbgprintf("DIP:DVDRead( 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x )\n", Offset, Length, Buffer|0x80000000  );
					//	udelay(250);
					if( GameFile.fptr != Offset )
					if( f_lseek( &GameFile, Offset ) != FR_OK )
						dbgprintf("DIP:Failed to seek to 0x%08x\n", Offset );
					if( f_read( &GameFile, (char*)Buffer, Length, &read ) != FR_OK )
						dbgprintf("DIP:Failed to read from 0x%08x to 0x%08X\n", Offset, Buffer );
					//if( ((read+31)&(~31)) != Length )
					//	dbgprintf("DIP:DVDLowRead Offset:%08X Size:%08d Dst:%08X\n", Offset, Length, Buffer  );
					//	dbgprintf("DIP:Failed to read %d bytes, only got %d\n", Length, read );
					//	break;

					if( (u32)Buffer == 0x01300000 )
						DoPatchesLoader( (char*)(0x01300000), Length );

					if( PatchState == 0 )
						if( Length == 0x100 )
							if( read32( (u32)Buffer ) == 0x100 )
								//quickly calc the size
								DOLSize = sizeof(dolhdr);
								dolhdr *dol = (dolhdr*)Buffer;
								for( i=0; i < 7; ++i )
									DOLSize += dol->sizeText[i];
								for( i=0; i < 11; ++i )
									DOLSize += dol->sizeData[i];
								DOLReadSize = sizeof(dolhdr);

								for( i=0; i < 7; ++i )
									if( dol->addressText[i] == 0 )

									if( DOLMinOff > dol->addressText[i])
										DOLMinOff = dol->addressText[i];

									if( DOLMaxOff < dol->addressText[i] + dol->sizeText[i] )
										DOLMaxOff = dol->addressText[i] + dol->sizeText[i];
								DOLMinOff -= 0x80000000;
								DOLMaxOff -= 0x80000000;								

								dbgprintf("DIP:DOLSize:%d DOLMinOff:0x%08X DOLMaxOff:0x%08X\n", DOLSize, DOLMinOff, DOLMaxOff );

								PatchState = 1;
						} else if( read32(Buffer) == 0x7F454C46 )
							if (getfilenamebyoffset(Offset) != NULL)
								dbgprintf("DIP:The Game is loading %s\n", getfilenamebyoffset(Offset));
							} else
								dbgprintf("DIP:The Game is loading some .elf that is not in the fst...\n");
							for (i = ((*(u32 *)0x00000038) & ~0x80000000) + 16; i < 0x01800000; i+=12)	// Search the fst for the dvd offset of the .elf file
								if (*(u32 *)i == Offset)
									DOLSize = *(u32 *)(i+4);
									DOLReadSize = Length;

									if( DOLReadSize == DOLSize )	// The .elf is read completely already
										dbgprintf("DIP:The .elf is read completely, file size: %u bytes\n", DOLSize);
										DoPatches( (char*)(Buffer), Length, 0x80000000 );
									} else							// a part of the .elf is read
										PatchState = 2;
										if (Length <= 4096) // The .elf header is read
											ELFNumberOfSections = read16(Buffer+0x2c) -2;	// Assume that 2 sections are .bss and .sbss which are not read
											dbgprintf("DIP:The .elf header is read(%u bytes), .elf file size: %u bytes, number of sections to load: %u\n", Length, DOLSize, ELFNumberOfSections);
										} else				// The .elf is read into a buffer
											ELFNumberOfSections = -1;						// Make sure that ELFNumberOfSections == 0 does not become true
											dbgprintf("DIP:The .elf is read into a buffer, read progress: %u/%u bytes\n", Length, DOLSize);

					} else if ( PatchState != 0 )
						DOLReadSize += Length;
						if (PatchState == 2)
							// DOLMinOff and DOLMaxOff are optimised when loading .dol files
							if (DOLMinOff > Buffer)
								DOLMinOff = Buffer;
							if (DOLMaxOff < Buffer+Length)
								DOLMaxOff = Buffer+Length;
							if (ELFNumberOfSections < 0)
								dbgprintf("DIP:.elf read progress: %u/%u bytes\n", DOLReadSize, DOLSize);
							} else
								dbgprintf("DIP:.elf read progress: %u/%u bytes, sections left: %u\n", DOLReadSize, DOLSize, ELFNumberOfSections);

						//dbgprintf("DIP:DOLSize:%d DOLReadSize:%d\n", DOLSize, DOLReadSize );
						if( DOLReadSize >= DOLSize || (PatchState == 2 && ELFNumberOfSections == 0))
							DoPatches( (char*)(DOLMinOff), DOLMaxOff-DOLMinOff, 0x80000000 );
							PatchState = 0;
					write32( DI_SDMA_LEN, 0 );
					while( read32(DI_SCONTROL) & 1 )
						clear32( DI_SCONTROL, 1 );

					set32( DI_SSTATUS, 0x3A );

					if( ConfigGetConfig(DML_CFG_NODISC) )
						write32( 0x0d80000C, (1<<0) | (1<<4) );
						write32( HW_PPCIRQFLAG, read32(HW_PPCIRQFLAG) );
						write32( HW_ARMIRQFLAG, read32(HW_ARMIRQFLAG) );
						set32( 0x0d80000C, (1<<2) );

					} else {
						if( (read32(DI_SCMD_0) >> 24) == 0xA7 )
							write32( 0x0d80000C, (1<<0) | (1<<4) );
							write32( HW_PPCIRQFLAG, read32(HW_PPCIRQFLAG) );
							write32( HW_ARMIRQFLAG, read32(HW_ARMIRQFLAG) );
							set32( 0x0d80000C, (1<<2) );		
				} break;
					dbgprintf("DIP:Unknown CMD:%08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", read32(DI_SCMD_0), read32(DI_SCMD_1), read32(DI_SCMD_2), read32(DI_SIMM), read32(DI_SDMA_ADR), read32(DI_SDMA_LEN) );
				} break;

			if( ConfigGetConfig(DML_CFG_ACTIVITY_LED) )
				clear32( HW_GPIO_OUT, 1<<5 );

			return 1;
		} else {