void DrawClearQuadMRT( FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, bool bClearColor, int32 NumClearColors, const FLinearColor* ClearColorArray, bool bClearDepth, float Depth, bool bClearStencil, uint32 Stencil, FIntPoint ViewSize, FIntRect ExcludeRect )
	ClearQuadSetup( RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, bClearColor, NumClearColors, ClearColorArray, bClearDepth, Depth, bClearStencil, Stencil );

	// Draw a fullscreen quad
	if(ExcludeRect.Width() > 0 && ExcludeRect.Height() > 0)
		// with a hole in it
		FVector4 OuterVertices[4];
		OuterVertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		OuterVertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		OuterVertices[2].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		OuterVertices[3].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );

		float InvViewWidth = 1.0f / ViewSize.X;
		float InvViewHeight = 1.0f / ViewSize.Y;
		FVector4 FractionRect = FVector4(ExcludeRect.Min.X * InvViewWidth, ExcludeRect.Min.Y * InvViewHeight, (ExcludeRect.Max.X - 1) * InvViewWidth, (ExcludeRect.Max.Y - 1) * InvViewHeight);

		FVector4 InnerVertices[4];
		InnerVertices[0].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.X), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.Y), Depth, 1.0f );
		InnerVertices[1].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.Z), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.Y), Depth, 1.0f );
		InnerVertices[2].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.Z), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.W), Depth, 1.0f );
		InnerVertices[3].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.X), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.W), Depth, 1.0f );
		FVector4 Vertices[10];
		Vertices[0] = OuterVertices[0];
		Vertices[1] = InnerVertices[0];
		Vertices[2] = OuterVertices[1];
		Vertices[3] = InnerVertices[1];
		Vertices[4] = OuterVertices[2];
		Vertices[5] = InnerVertices[2];
		Vertices[6] = OuterVertices[3];
		Vertices[7] = InnerVertices[3];
		Vertices[8] = OuterVertices[0];
		Vertices[9] = InnerVertices[0];

		DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 8, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]) );
		// without a hole
		FVector4 Vertices[4];
		Vertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		Vertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		Vertices[2].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		Vertices[3].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
		DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 2, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]));
Esempio n. 2
// draw
void AnimationObject::Draw(void) {
  auto p_device = DeviceHolder::Instance().GetDevice();

  p_texture_animation_ -> UpdateAnimation();

  Vertex2D data[] ={
    {D3DXVECTOR3(pos_.x - size_.x / 2, pos_.y - size_.y / 2, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0xffffffff, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f)},
    {D3DXVECTOR3(pos_.x + size_.x / 2, pos_.y - size_.y / 2, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0xffffffff, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 0.0f)},
    {D3DXVECTOR3(pos_.x - size_.x / 2, pos_.y + size_.y / 2, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0xffffffff, D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 1.0f)},
    {D3DXVECTOR3(pos_.x + size_.x / 2, pos_.y + size_.y / 2, 0.0f), 1.0f, 0xffffffff, D3DXVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f)},

  D3DXVECTOR2 texture_uv_ = p_texture_animation_ -> GetTextureUV();
  D3DXVECTOR2 texture_uv_offset_ = p_texture_animation_->GetTextureUVOffset();

  if (move_direction_ == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
    texture_uv_.x += texture_uv_offset_.x;
    texture_uv_offset_.x *= -1;

  data[0].tex = D3DXVECTOR2(texture_uv_.x, texture_uv_.y);
  data[1].tex = D3DXVECTOR2(texture_uv_.x + texture_uv_offset_.x, texture_uv_.y);
  data[2].tex = D3DXVECTOR2(texture_uv_.x, texture_uv_.y + texture_uv_offset_.y);
  data[3].tex = D3DXVECTOR2(texture_uv_.x + texture_uv_offset_.x, texture_uv_.y + texture_uv_offset_.y);



  p_device->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, data, sizeof(Vertex2D));
Esempio n. 3
	bool DX9RenderSystem::DrawSprite( int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int tx, int ty, int tsx, int tsy, Texture* tex, unsigned int color )
		// Get the place on the screen
		float fx = (float)(x) - (float)mSize.x / 2 - 0.5f;
		float fy = (float)(y) - (float)mSize.y / 2 - 0.5f;

		// Get the width for the screen
		float fsx = (float)sx;// / (float)mSize.x;
		float fsy = (float)sy;// / (float)mSize.y;

		// Get the place for the TextureBase
		float ftx = (float)tx / (float)tex->GetWidth( );
		float fty = (float)ty / (float)tex->GetHeight( );

		// Get the width for the TextureBase
		float ftsx = (float)tsx / (float)tex->GetWidth( );
		float ftsy = (float)tsy / (float)tex->GetHeight( );

		struct VertDef { Vector3 pos; Vector2 uv; unsigned int color; } verts[] =
			{ Vector3( fx, fy, 1 ), Vector2( ftx, fty ), color },
			{ Vector3( fx, fy+fsy, 1 ), Vector2( ftx, fty+ftsy ), color },
			{ Vector3( fx+fsx, fy, 1 ), Vector2( ftx+ftsx, fty ), color },
			{ Vector3( fx+fsx, fy+fsy, 1 ), Vector2( ftx+ftsx, fty+ftsy ), color }

		SetTexture( 0, tex );
		DrawPrimitiveUP( PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip, 2, &verts, sizeof( VertDef ) );

		return true;
Esempio n. 4
void BaseDemo::ShowBlock(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const XMFLOAT4& color, float dt /*= 0*/)
	float x = (float)x1;
	float y = (float)y1;
	float h = (float)y2 - y1;
	float w = (float)x2 - x1;

	XMFLOAT3 LeftTop = XMFLOAT3(x, y, 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightTop = XMFLOAT3(x + w, y, 0.0f);

	XMFLOAT3 LeftBottom = XMFLOAT3(x, (y + h), 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightBottom = XMFLOAT3(x + w, (y + h), 0.0f);

	VertexPositionColorTexture vertices[] =
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) },
		{ LeftTop, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 0) },
		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) },
		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },
		{ RightBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 1) }
	XMMATRIX rz = XMMatrixRotationZ(XM_PI *dt);
	//先平移为原点,绕着原点旋转, 转换到平行投影的中点为(w/2,h/2)坐标系。Y 是颠倒的,在旋转
	XMMATRIX rTmp = XMMatrixTranslation(-x, -y, 0.0)* rz * XMMatrixTranslation(x, y, 0.0);

	XMMATRIX toTexSpace = GetShow2DMatrix(mClientWidth, mClientHeight);
	toTexSpace = rTmp * toTexSpace;
	DrawPrimitiveUP(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLELIST, 6, vertices, toTexSpace);
Esempio n. 5
// draw
void Parpix::draw(Renderer *renderer,Sprite2D* sprite) {
  const auto pDevice = renderer->getDevice();
  auto shader = renderer->getShader();

  auto constTable = shader->getNowPixShader()->_constTable;


  const SIZE size = App::instance().getWindowSize();
  const float w = (float)size.cx;
  const float h = (float)size.cy;

  Vec3 dir[4];
  Vec3 col[4];
  static float f = 0;

  f += 0.02f;

  col[0] = Vec3(1, 1, 0.1f);
  col[1] = Vec3(0.1f, 0.1f, 1);
  col[2] = Vec3(1, 1, 0.1f);
  col[3] = Vec3(0.3f, 0.3f, 1);

  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    dir[i] = Vec3(cosf(f + D3DX_PI * 0.5f * i),1,sinf(f + D3DX_PI * 0.5f * i));
    dir[i]  *= 400;
    dir[i].y = 10;

  constTable->SetFloatArray(pDevice,"gDLight",(float*)dir,sizeof(float) * 3 * 4);
  constTable->SetFloatArray(pDevice,"gDLightCol",(float*)col,sizeof(float) * 3 * 4);
  constTable->SetFloatArray(pDevice,"gCameraPos",(float*)&renderer->getCamera()->getCurrentCamera()->getPosP(),sizeof(float) * 3);

  struct T4VERTEX {
    float p[4];
    float t[2];
  }  Vertex[4] = {

  pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND,D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);		// ソース
  pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND,D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);	// デスト
void DrawClearQuadMRT( FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, bool bClearColor, int32 NumClearColors, const FLinearColor* ClearColorArray, bool bClearDepth, float Depth, bool bClearStencil, uint32 Stencil )
	ClearQuadSetup( RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, bClearColor, NumClearColors, ClearColorArray, bClearDepth, Depth, bClearStencil, Stencil );

	// without a hole
	FVector4 Vertices[4];
	Vertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
	Vertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
	Vertices[2].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
	Vertices[3].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
	DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 2, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]));
Esempio n. 7
void BaseDemo::DrawPrimitiveUP(PrimitiveType PrimitiveType, unsigned int PrimitiveCount, VertexPositionColor *pVertexs, const XMMATRIX &model /*= XMMatrixIdentity()*/, ID3D11ShaderResourceView*pTexture /*= NULL*/)
	std::vector<VertexPositionColorTexture> vertex;
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < PrimitiveCount; ++i)
		VertexPositionColorTexture& pPoint = vertex[i];
		pPoint.color = pVertexs[i].color;
		pPoint.position = pVertexs[i].position;
	DrawPrimitiveUP(PrimitiveType, PrimitiveCount, &vertex[0], model, pTexture);
Esempio n. 8
void DynamicPrimitive::ShowTexEx(RECT *pDest, RECT *pSrc, int nWidth, int nHeight, ID3D11ShaderResourceView*pTexture)
	XMFLOAT4 color(0, 0, 0, 0);
	int x = pDest->left;
	int y = pDest->top;

	int h = pDest->bottom - pDest->top;
	int w = pDest->right - pDest->left;

	XMFLOAT3 LeftTop = XMFLOAT3(x, y, 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightTop = XMFLOAT3(x + w, y, 0.0f);

	XMFLOAT3 LeftBottom = XMFLOAT3(x, (y + h), 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightBottom = XMFLOAT3(x + w, (y + h), 0.0f);
	int tmpX = (float)m_nWidth*1.0f / 2.0f - x;
	int tmpY = (float)m_nHeight*1.0f / 2.0f - y;
	VertexPositionColorTexture vertices[] =
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) },
		{ LeftTop, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 0) },
		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) },
		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },
		{ RightBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 1) }
	XMFLOAT2 textureCoordinate[4];
	textureCoordinate[0].x = textureCoordinate[1].x = float(pSrc->left) / (float)nWidth;
	textureCoordinate[0].y = textureCoordinate[3].y = float(pSrc->bottom) / (float)nHeight;

	textureCoordinate[2].x = textureCoordinate[3].x = float(pSrc->right) / (float)nWidth;
	textureCoordinate[2].y = textureCoordinate[1].y = float(pSrc->top) / (float)nHeight;
	vertices[0].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[0];
	vertices[1].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[1];
	vertices[2].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[2];

	vertices[3].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[0];
	vertices[4].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[2];
	vertices[5].textureCoordinate = textureCoordinate[3];

	// Transform NDC space [-1,+1]^2 to texture space [0,1]^2
	XMMATRIX toTexSpace = GetShow2DMatrix(m_nWidth, m_nHeight);
	DrawPrimitiveUP(PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLELIST, 6, vertices, toTexSpace, pTexture);
Esempio n. 9
void FD3D11DynamicRHI::IssueLongGPUTask()
	if (GMaxRHIFeatureLevel >= ERHIFeatureLevel::SM4)
		int32 LargestViewportIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		int32 LargestViewportPixels = 0;

		for (int32 ViewportIndex = 0; ViewportIndex < Viewports.Num(); ViewportIndex++)
			FD3D11Viewport* Viewport = Viewports[ViewportIndex];

			if (Viewport->GetSizeXY().X * Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y > LargestViewportPixels)
				LargestViewportPixels = Viewport->GetSizeXY().X * Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y;
				LargestViewportIndex = ViewportIndex;

		if (LargestViewportIndex >= 0)
			FD3D11Viewport* Viewport = Viewports[LargestViewportIndex];

			FRHICommandList_RecursiveHazardous RHICmdList(this);

			SetRenderTarget(RHICmdList, Viewport->GetBackBuffer(), FTextureRHIRef());
			RHICmdList.SetBlendState(TStaticBlendState<CW_RGBA, BO_Add, BF_One, BF_One>::GetRHI(), FLinearColor::Black);
			RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<false, CF_Always>::GetRHI(), 0);
			RHICmdList.SetRasterizerState(TStaticRasterizerState<FM_Solid, CM_None>::GetRHI());

			auto ShaderMap = GetGlobalShaderMap(GMaxRHIFeatureLevel);
			TShaderMapRef<TOneColorVS<true> > VertexShader(ShaderMap);
			TShaderMapRef<FLongGPUTaskPS> PixelShader(ShaderMap);

			RHICmdList.SetLocalBoundShaderState(RHICmdList.BuildLocalBoundShaderState(GD3D11Vector4VertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, VertexShader->GetVertexShader(), FHullShaderRHIRef(), FDomainShaderRHIRef(), PixelShader->GetPixelShader(), FGeometryShaderRHIRef()));

			// Draw a fullscreen quad
			FVector4 Vertices[4];
			Vertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, 0, 1.0f );
			Vertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, 0, 1.0f );
			Vertices[2].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0, 1.0f );
			Vertices[3].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, 0, 1.0f );
			DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 2, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]));
			// Implicit flush. Always call flush when using a command list in RHI implementations before doing anything else. This is super hazardous.
Esempio n. 10
//	描画(頂点数不定)
void CMglTexture::Draw( MYU_VERTEX *pMyuVertex, UINT nPrimitiveCount, BOOL bVertexRevise )
	CreateCheck();	//	Createチェック

	//	頂点補正
	if ( bVertexRevise )
		//MglMoveVertexs1( (MYU_VERTEX1*)pMyuVertex, TEXTURE_FLOAT_ADJ, TEXTURE_FLOAT_ADJ, 2+nPrimitiveCount );
		MglMoveVertexs( pMyuVertex, TEXTURE_FLOAT_ADJ, TEXTURE_FLOAT_ADJ, TEXTURE_FLOAT_ADJ, 2+nPrimitiveCount );

	//	テクスチャの設定
	MyuAssert( d3d->SetTexture(0, m_pTexture), D3D_OK,
		"CMglImage::TextureDrawPrimitive()  SetTexture()に失敗" );

	DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, nPrimitiveCount, pMyuVertex, sizeof(MYU_VERTEX) );
	//	絵画
	/*MyuAssert( d3d->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, nPrimitiveCount, pMyuVertex, sizeof(MYU_VERTEX) ), D3D_OK,
		"CMglImage::TextureDrawPrimitive()  DrawPrimitiveUP()に失敗" );*/
Esempio n. 11
void BaseDemo::DrawScene()
	ShowBlock(100, 100, 300, 200, { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, mTimer.TotalTime());

	vector<VertexPositionColor> vertices;
	for (int xval = 0; xval < mClientWidth; ++xval)
		float yval = (float)m_Curve->Evaluate(xval);
		vertices[xval] = DirectX::VertexPositionColor(XMFLOAT3((float)xval, yval, 0.0f), XMFLOAT4(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1));
	XMMATRIX toTexSpace = GetShow2DMatrix(mClientWidth, mClientHeight);
	DrawPrimitiveUP(PRIMITIVE_LINESTRIP, mClientWidth, &vertices[0], toTexSpace);

	static int kkkkkk = 0;
	if (kkkkkk >= mClientWidth - 1)
		kkkkkk = 0;
	int xPos = (int)vertices[kkkkkk].position.x;
	int yPos = (int)vertices[kkkkkk].position.y;

	ShowBlock(xPos - 5, yPos - 5, xPos + 5, yPos + 5, XMFLOAT4(DirectX::Colors::Blue));

	for (int i = 0; i < m_Curve->Size(); ++i)
		int xPos = (int)m_Curve->Key(i);// +mClientWidth / 2;
		int yPos = (int)m_Curve->Value(i);
		ShowBlock(xPos - 5, yPos - 5, xPos + 5, yPos + 5, XMFLOAT4(DirectX::Colors::Red));

Esempio n. 12
void DynamicPrimitive::ShowRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const XMFLOAT4& color, bool bDot, float dt /*= 0*/)
	float x = (float)x1;
	float y = (float)y1;
	float h = (float)y2 - y1;
	float w = (float)x2 - x1;

	XMFLOAT3 LeftTop = XMFLOAT3(x, y, 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightTop = XMFLOAT3(x + w, y, 0.0f);

	XMFLOAT3 LeftBottom = XMFLOAT3(x, (y + h), 0.0f);
	XMFLOAT3 RightBottom = XMFLOAT3(x + w, (y + h), 0.0f);

	VertexPositionColorTexture vertices[8] =
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) },
		{ LeftTop, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 0) },

		{ LeftTop, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 0) },
		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },

		{ RightTop, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 0) },
		{ RightBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 1) },

		{ RightBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(1, 1) },
		{ LeftBottom, color, XMFLOAT2(0, 1) }

	XMMATRIX rz = XMMatrixRotationZ(XM_PI *dt);
	//先平移为原点,绕着原点旋转, 转换到平行投影的中点为(w/2,h/2)坐标系。Y 是颠倒的,在旋转
	XMMATRIX rTmp = XMMatrixTranslation(-x, -y, 0.0)* rz * XMMatrixTranslation(x, y, 0.0);

	XMMATRIX toTexSpace = GetShow2DMatrix(m_nWidth, m_nHeight);
	toTexSpace = rTmp * toTexSpace;
//	m_MaterialPtr->SetbUseGeometry(bDot);
	DrawPrimitiveUP(PRIMITIVE_LINELIST, 8, vertices, toTexSpace);
Esempio n. 13
// TODO support ExcludeRect
void DrawClearQuadMRT(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, bool bClearColor, int32 NumClearColors, const FLinearColor* ClearColorArray, bool bClearDepth, float Depth, bool bClearStencil, uint32 Stencil)
	// Set new states
	FBlendStateRHIParamRef BlendStateRHI;
	if (NumClearColors <= 1)
		BlendStateRHI = bClearColor
			? TStaticBlendState<>::GetRHI()
			: TStaticBlendState<CW_NONE>::GetRHI();
		BlendStateRHI = bClearColor
			? TStaticBlendState<>::GetRHI()
	const FDepthStencilStateRHIParamRef DepthStencilStateRHI = 
		(bClearDepth && bClearStencil)
			? TStaticDepthStencilState<
				true, CF_Always,
			: bClearDepth
				? TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_Always>::GetRHI()
				: bClearStencil
					? TStaticDepthStencilState<
						false, CF_Always,
					: TStaticDepthStencilState<false, CF_Always>::GetRHI();

	RHICmdList.SetRasterizerState(TStaticRasterizerState<FM_Solid, CM_None>::GetRHI());

	auto ShaderMap = GetGlobalShaderMap(FeatureLevel);

	// Set the new shaders
	TShaderMapRef<TOneColorVS<true> > VertexShader(ShaderMap);

	FOneColorPS* PixelShader = NULL;

	// Set the shader to write to the appropriate number of render targets
	// On AMD PC hardware, outputting to a color index in the shader without a matching render target set has a significant performance hit
	if (NumClearColors <= 1)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<1> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 2)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<2> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 3)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<3> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 4)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<4> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 5)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<5> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 6)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<6> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 7)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<7> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;
	else if (NumClearColors == 8)
		TShaderMapRef<TOneColorPixelShaderMRT<8> > MRTPixelShader(ShaderMap);
		PixelShader = *MRTPixelShader;

	SetGlobalBoundShaderState(RHICmdList, FeatureLevel, GClearMRTBoundShaderState[FMath::Max(NumClearColors - 1, 0)], GetVertexDeclarationFVector4(), *VertexShader, PixelShader);
	FLinearColor ShaderClearColors[MaxSimultaneousRenderTargets];

	for (int32 i = 0; i < NumClearColors; i++)
		ShaderClearColors[i] = ClearColorArray[i];

	SetShaderValueArray(RHICmdList, PixelShader->GetPixelShader(),PixelShader->ColorParameter,ShaderClearColors,NumClearColors);
		// Draw a fullscreen quad
		/*if(ExcludeRect.Width() > 0 && ExcludeRect.Height() > 0)
			// with a hole in it (optimization in case the hardware has non constant clear performance)
			FVector4 OuterVertices[4];
			OuterVertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			OuterVertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			OuterVertices[2].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			OuterVertices[3].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );

			float InvViewWidth = 1.0f / Viewport.Width;
			float InvViewHeight = 1.0f / Viewport.Height;
			FVector4 FractionRect = FVector4(ExcludeRect.Min.X * InvViewWidth, ExcludeRect.Min.Y * InvViewHeight, (ExcludeRect.Max.X - 1) * InvViewWidth, (ExcludeRect.Max.Y - 1) * InvViewHeight);

			FVector4 InnerVertices[4];
			InnerVertices[0].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.X), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.Y), Depth, 1.0f );
			InnerVertices[1].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.Z), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.Y), Depth, 1.0f );
			InnerVertices[2].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.Z), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.W), Depth, 1.0f );
			InnerVertices[3].Set( FMath::Lerp(-1.0f,  1.0f, FractionRect.X), FMath::Lerp(1.0f, -1.0f, FractionRect.W), Depth, 1.0f );
			FVector4 Vertices[10];
			Vertices[0] = OuterVertices[0];
			Vertices[1] = InnerVertices[0];
			Vertices[2] = OuterVertices[1];
			Vertices[3] = InnerVertices[1];
			Vertices[4] = OuterVertices[2];
			Vertices[5] = InnerVertices[2];
			Vertices[6] = OuterVertices[3];
			Vertices[7] = InnerVertices[3];
			Vertices[8] = OuterVertices[0];
			Vertices[9] = InnerVertices[0];

			DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 8, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]) );
			// without a hole
			FVector4 Vertices[4];
			Vertices[0].Set( -1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			Vertices[1].Set(  1.0f,  1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			Vertices[2].Set( -1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			Vertices[3].Set(  1.0f, -1.0f, Depth, 1.0f );
			DrawPrimitiveUP(RHICmdList, PT_TriangleStrip, 2, Vertices, sizeof(Vertices[0]));