Esempio n. 1
void ComSession::ThrowIfError(
    HRESULT   result,
    IUnknown* pObjectWithError,
    REFIID    rErrorInterface) const
    if (FAILED(result)) {
        std::auto_ptr<std::wostringstream> msg(new std::wostringstream);
        DumpErrorInfo(msg.get(), pObjectWithError, rErrorInterface);
        throw wexception(msg->str().c_str());
Esempio n. 2
HRESULT CSQLCore::Init(LPCOLESTR strSQLConfig, DWORD nThreadIDNotify, DWORD cSilentThreads, 
                       DWORD cNotifyThreads)

  if (cSilentThreads + cNotifyThreads < 1 || 
      cSilentThreads + cNotifyThreads > 20) // must have between 1 and 20 threads
    return E_INVALIDARG;

  m_nThreadIDNotify = nThreadIDNotify;
  m_cSilentThreads = cSilentThreads;
  m_cNotifyThreads = cNotifyThreads;

  // create event used to signal that ALL sql threads should exit
  m_hKillSQLEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

  hr = m_connection.OpenFromInitializationString(strSQLConfig);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    DumpErrorInfo(m_connection.m_spInit, IID_IDBInitialize, NULL);
    return hr;

  m_hQueryNotify = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, MAXLONG, NULL);
  m_hQuerySilent = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, MAXLONG, NULL);

  m_pthdQueue = new CSQLQueueThread(m_hKillSQLEvent, this);
  assert (m_pthdQueue);

  m_pargSilentThreads = (CSQLThread **) new char[sizeof(CSQLThread *) * m_cSilentThreads];
  m_pargNotifyThreads = (CSQLThread **) new char[sizeof(CSQLThread *) * m_cNotifyThreads];

  DWORD i = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < m_cNotifyThreads; i++)
    m_pargNotifyThreads[i] = new CSQLThread(m_hKillSQLEvent, true, this);

  for (i = 0; i < m_cSilentThreads; i++)
    m_pargSilentThreads[i] = new CSQLThread(m_hKillSQLEvent, false, this);

  return hr;
Esempio n. 3
// DumpErrorInfo queries SQLOLEDB error interfaces, retrieving available
// status or error information.
inline void ComSession::DumpErrorInfo(
    IUnknown* pObjectWithError,
    REFIID    rErrorInterface) const
    DumpErrorInfo(&std::wcout, pObjectWithError, rErrorInterface);