Esempio n. 1
File: warp.c Progetto: Limsik/e17
static WarpFocusWin *
   WarpFocusWin       *fw;

   fw = ECALLOC(WarpFocusWin, 1);
   if (!fw)
      return fw;

   EoInit(fw, EOBJ_TYPE_MISC, None, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, "Warp");
   EoSetFloating(fw, 1);
   EoSetLayer(fw, 20);
   EoSetFade(fw, 1);
   EoSetShadow(fw, 1);

   EventCallbackRegister(EoGetWin(fw), WarpFocusHandleEvent, NULL);
   ESelectInput(EoGetWin(fw), ButtonReleaseMask);

   fw->tc = TextclassFind("WARPFOCUS", 0);
   if (!fw->tc)
      fw->tc = TextclassFind("COORDS", 1);

   fw->ic = ImageclassFind("WARPFOCUS", 0);
   if (!fw->ic)
      fw->ic = ImageclassFind("COORDS", 1);

   return fw;
static Group       *
GroupCreate(int gid)
   Group              *g;

   g = ECALLOC(Group, 1);
   if (!g)
      return NULL;

   if (!group_list)
      group_list = ecore_list_new();
   ecore_list_append(group_list, g);

   if (gid == -1)
	/* Create new group id */
	/* ... using us time. Should really be checked for uniqueness. */
	g->index = (int)GetTimeUs();
	/* Use given group id */
	g->index = gid;
   g->cfg.iconify = Conf_groups.dflt.iconify;
   g->cfg.kill = Conf_groups.dflt.kill;
   g->cfg.move = Conf_groups.dflt.move;
   g->cfg.raise = Conf_groups.dflt.raise;
   g->cfg.set_border = Conf_groups.dflt.set_border;
   g->cfg.stick = Conf_groups.dflt.stick;
   g->cfg.shade = Conf_groups.dflt.shade;

   Dprintf("grp=%p gid=%d\n", g, g->index);
   return g;
Esempio n. 3
static Snapshot    *
_SnapCreate(const char *name)
   Snapshot           *sn;

   sn = ECALLOC(Snapshot, 1);
   if (!sn)
      return NULL;

   LIST_APPEND(Snapshot, &ss_list, sn);

   sn->name = Estrdup(name);

   return sn;
Esempio n. 4
static ImageClass  *
ImageclassCreate(const char *name)
   ImageClass         *ic;

   ic = ECALLOC(ImageClass, 1);
   if (!ic)
      return NULL;

   LIST_PREPEND(ImageClass, &iclass_list, ic);

   ic->name = Estrdup(name);

   return ic;
Esempio n. 5
File: magwin.c Progetto: gzorin/e17
static MagWindow   *
MagwinCreate(const char *title, int width, int height)
   MagWindow          *mw;
   Win                 win;
   int                 x, y, w, h;

   mw = ECALLOC(MagWindow, 1);
   if (!mw)
      return NULL;

   win = VROOT;
   w = width;
   h = height;
   x = (win->w - w) / 2;
   y = (win->h - h) / 2;

   win = ECreateClientWindow(VROOT, x, y, w, h);

   mw->title = title;
   mw->ewin = AddInternalToFamily(win, NULL, EWIN_TYPE_MISC, &_MagEwinOps, mw);
   if (!mw->ewin)
	return NULL;

   mw->filter = 1;
   mw->disable_text = 1;

   mw->ewin->o.ghost = 1;
   EoSetLayer(mw->ewin, 10);
   EwinMoveResize(mw->ewin, EoGetX(mw->ewin), EoGetY(mw->ewin),
		  mw->ewin->client.w, mw->ewin->client.h);

   mw->ewin->client.event_mask |=
      KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask |
   ESelectInput(win, mw->ewin->client.event_mask);

   EventCallbackRegister(win, MagwinEvent, mw);

   EQueryPointer(VROOT, &mw->cx, &mw->cy, NULL, NULL);
   mw->scale = Conf.magwin.zoom_res;
   mw->step = 4;

   return mw;
Esempio n. 6
File: iclass.c Progetto: Limsik/e17
static ImageState  *
ImagestateCreate(const char *file)
   ImageState         *is;

   is = ECALLOC(ImageState, 1);
   if (!is)
      return NULL;

   is->pixmapfillstyle = FILL_STRETCH;
   ImagestateColorsSetGray(is, 255, 200, 160, 120, 64);
   is->bevelstyle = BEVEL_NONE;
   is->im_file = Estrdup(file);

   return is;
Esempio n. 7
File: iclass.c Progetto: Limsik/e17
static ImageClass  *
ImageclassCreate(const char *name)
   ImageClass         *ic;

   ic = ECALLOC(ImageClass, 1);
   if (!ic)
      return NULL;

   if (!iclass_list)
      iclass_list = ecore_list_new();
   ecore_list_prepend(iclass_list, ic);

   ic->name = Estrdup(name);

   return ic;
Esempio n. 8
static MenuStyle   *
MenuStyleCreate(const char *name)
   MenuStyle          *ms;

   ms = ECALLOC(MenuStyle, 1);
   if (!ms)
      return NULL;

   if (!menu_style_list)
      menu_style_list = ecore_list_new();
   ecore_list_prepend(menu_style_list, ms);

   ms->name = Estrdup(name);
   ms->iconpos = ICON_LEFT;

   return ms;
Esempio n. 9
Menu               *
MenuCreate(const char *name, const char *title, Menu * parent, MenuStyle * ms)
   Menu               *m;

   m = ECALLOC(Menu, 1);
   if (!m)
      return m;

   m->parent = parent;
   MenuSetName(m, name);
   MenuSetTitle(m, title);
   if (ms)
      MenuSetStyle(m, ms);
   m->icon_size = -1;		/* Use image size */

   if (!menu_list)
      menu_list = ecore_list_new();
   ecore_list_append(menu_list, m);

   return m;
Esempio n. 10
static void
ECursorCreate(const char *name, const char *image, int native_id,
	      unsigned int fg, unsigned int bg)
   ECursor            *ec;

   if ((!name) || (!image && native_id == -1))

   ec = ECALLOC(ECursor, 1);
   if (!ec)

   ec->name = Estrdup(name);

   ec->file = Estrdup(image);
   ec->fg = 0xff000000 | fg;
   ec->bg = 0xff000000 | bg;
   ec->native_id = native_id;

   LIST_PREPEND(ECursor, &cursor_list, ec);
Esempio n. 11
MenuItem           *
MenuItemCreate(const char *text, ImageClass * iclass,
	       const char *action_params, Menu * child)
   MenuItem           *mi;

   mi = ECALLOC(MenuItem, 1);

   mi->icon_iclass = iclass;
#if 0
   if (iclass)

   mi->text = (text) ? Estrdup((text[0]) ? text : "?!?") : NULL;
   mi->params = Estrdup(action_params);
   mi->child = child;
   if (child)
   mi->state = STATE_NORMAL;

   return mi;
Esempio n. 12
static ToolTip     *
TooltipCreate(const char *name, const char *ic0, const char *ic1,
	      const char *ic2, const char *ic3, const char *ic4,
	      const char *tclass, int dist, const char *tooltippic)
   ToolTip            *tt;
   ImageClass         *ic;

   if (!ic0 || !tclass)
      return NULL;

   ic = ImageclassAlloc(ic0, 0);
   if (!ic)
      return NULL;

   tt = ECALLOC(ToolTip, 1);
   if (!tt)
      return NULL;

   tt->name = Estrdup(name);
   tt->iclass[0] = ImageclassAlloc(ic1, 0);
   tt->iclass[1] = ImageclassAlloc(ic2, 0);
   tt->iclass[2] = ImageclassAlloc(ic3, 0);
   tt->iclass[3] = ImageclassAlloc(ic4, 0);
   tt->iclass[4] = ic;
   tt->tclass = TextclassAlloc(tclass, 1);
   tt->tooltippic = ImageclassAlloc(tooltippic, 0);

   tt->dist = dist;

   if (!tt_list)
      tt_list = ecore_list_new();
   ecore_list_prepend(tt_list, tt);

   return tt;
Esempio n. 13
DrawEwinShape(EWin * ewin, int md, int x, int y, int w, int h,
              int firstlast, int seqno)
    ShapeData          *psd;
    int                 dx, dy;

    /* Quit if no change */
    if (firstlast == 1 &&
            (x == ewin->shape_x && y == ewin->shape_y &&
             (ewin->state.shaded || (w == ewin->shape_w && h == ewin->shape_h))))

    if ((md == MR_OPAQUE) || (md == MR_TECH_OPAQUE))
        EwinOpMoveResize(ewin, OPSRC_USER, x, y, w, h);
        if (md == MR_OPAQUE)
            goto done;

    if (firstlast == 0)

        psd = ECALLOC(ShapeData, 1);
        ewin->shape_data = psd;
        if (!psd)
            goto done;
        psd->root = WinGetXwin(VROOT);
        EwinBorderGetSize(ewin, &psd->bl, &psd->br, &psd->bt, &psd->bb);
    psd = (ShapeData *) ewin->shape_data;
    if (!psd)
        goto done;

    dx = EoGetX(EoGetDesk(ewin));
    dy = EoGetY(EoGetDesk(ewin));
    ewin->shape_x = x;
    ewin->shape_y = y;
    x += dx;
    y += dy;

    if (!ewin->state.shaded)
        ewin->shape_w = w;
        ewin->shape_h = h;
        w = ewin->shape_w;
        h = ewin->shape_h;

    if (((md <= MR_BOX) || (md == MR_TECH_OPAQUE)) &&
        _ShapeDrawNograb_tech_box(ewin, md, firstlast, x, y, w, h, seqno);
        goto done;

    switch (md)
    case MR_TECHNICAL:
    case MR_TECH_OPAQUE:
    case MR_BOX:
        _ShapeDrawNontranslucent(ewin, md, firstlast, x, y, w, h);
        /* Fall back to opaque mode */
        Conf.movres.mode_move = MR_OPAQUE;

    psd->xo = x;
    psd->yo = y;
    psd->wo = w;
    psd->ho = h;

    if (firstlast == 0 || firstlast == 2 || firstlast == 4)
        ewin->req_x = ewin->shape_x;
        ewin->req_y = ewin->shape_y;
        if (firstlast == 2)
            ewin->shape_data = NULL;