Esempio n. 1
static void prepare_verlet_scheme(FILE                           *fplog,
                                  t_commrec                      *cr,
                                  t_inputrec                     *ir,
                                  int                             nstlist_cmdline,
                                  const gmx_mtop_t               *mtop,
                                  matrix                          box,
                                  gmx_bool                        bUseGPU)
    /* For NVE simulations, we will retain the initial list buffer */
    if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI) &&
        ir->verletbuf_tol > 0 &&
        !(EI_MD(ir->eI) && ir->etc == etcNO))
        /* Update the Verlet buffer size for the current run setup */
        verletbuf_list_setup_t ls;
        real                   rlist_new;

        /* Here we assume SIMD-enabled kernels are being used. But as currently
         * calc_verlet_buffer_size gives the same results for 4x8 and 4x4
         * and 4x2 gives a larger buffer than 4x4, this is ok.
        verletbuf_get_list_setup(TRUE, bUseGPU, &ls);

        calc_verlet_buffer_size(mtop, det(box), ir, -1, &ls, NULL, &rlist_new);

        if (rlist_new != ir->rlist)
            if (fplog != NULL)
                fprintf(fplog, "\nChanging rlist from %g to %g for non-bonded %dx%d atom kernels\n\n",
                        ir->rlist, rlist_new,
                        ls.cluster_size_i, ls.cluster_size_j);
            ir->rlist     = rlist_new;
            ir->rlistlong = rlist_new;

    if (nstlist_cmdline > 0 && (!EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI) || ir->verletbuf_tol <= 0))
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not set nstlist without %s",
                  !EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI) ? "dynamics" : "verlet-buffer-tolerance");

    if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI))
        /* Set or try nstlist values */
        increase_nstlist(fplog, cr, ir, nstlist_cmdline, mtop, box, bUseGPU);
Esempio n. 2
void calc_verlet_buffer_size(const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, real boxvol,
                             const t_inputrec *ir,
                             real reference_temperature,
                             const verletbuf_list_setup_t *list_setup,
                             int *n_nonlin_vsite,
                             real *rlist)
    double                resolution;
    char                 *env;

    real                  particle_distance;
    real                  nb_clust_frac_pairs_not_in_list_at_cutoff;

    verletbuf_atomtype_t *att  = NULL;
    int                   natt = -1, i;
    double                reppow;
    real                  md1_ljd, d2_ljd, md3_ljd;
    real                  md1_ljr, d2_ljr, md3_ljr;
    real                  md1_el,  d2_el;
    real                  elfac;
    real                  kT_fac, mass_min;
    int                   ib0, ib1, ib;
    real                  rb, rl;
    real                  drift;

    if (reference_temperature < 0)
        if (EI_MD(ir->eI) && ir->etc == etcNO)
            /* This case should be handled outside calc_verlet_buffer_size */
            gmx_incons("calc_verlet_buffer_size called with an NVE ensemble and reference_temperature < 0");

        /* We use the maximum temperature with multiple T-coupl groups.
         * We could use a per particle temperature, but since particles
         * interact, this might underestimate the buffer size.
        reference_temperature = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < ir->opts.ngtc; i++)
            if (ir->opts.tau_t[i] >= 0)
                reference_temperature = max(reference_temperature,

    /* Resolution of the buffer size */
    resolution = 0.001;

    env = getenv("GMX_VERLET_BUFFER_RES");
    if (env != NULL)
        sscanf(env, "%lf", &resolution);

    /* In an atom wise pair-list there would be no pairs in the list
     * beyond the pair-list cut-off.
     * However, we use a pair-list of groups vs groups of atoms.
     * For groups of 4 atoms, the parallelism of SSE instructions, only
     * 10% of the atoms pairs are not in the list just beyond the cut-off.
     * As this percentage increases slowly compared to the decrease of the
     * Gaussian displacement distribution over this range, we can simply
     * reduce the drift by this fraction.
     * For larger groups, e.g. of 8 atoms, this fraction will be lower,
     * so then buffer size will be on the conservative (large) side.
     * Note that the formulas used here do not take into account
     * cancellation of errors which could occur by missing both
     * attractive and repulsive interactions.
     * The only major assumption is homogeneous particle distribution.
     * For an inhomogeneous system, such as a liquid-vapor system,
     * the buffer will be underestimated. The actual energy drift
     * will be higher by the factor: local/homogeneous particle density.
     * The results of this estimate have been checked againt simulations.
     * In most cases the real drift differs by less than a factor 2.

    /* Worst case assumption: HCP packing of particles gives largest distance */
    particle_distance = pow(boxvol*sqrt(2)/mtop->natoms, 1.0/3.0);

    get_verlet_buffer_atomtypes(mtop, &att, &natt, n_nonlin_vsite);
    assert(att != NULL && natt >= 0);

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "particle distance assuming HCP packing: %f nm\n",
        fprintf(debug, "energy drift atom types: %d\n", natt);

    reppow   = mtop->ffparams.reppow;
    md1_ljd  = 0;
    d2_ljd   = 0;
    md3_ljd  = 0;
    md1_ljr  = 0;
    d2_ljr   = 0;
    md3_ljr  = 0;
    if (ir->vdwtype == evdwCUT)
        real sw_range, md3_pswf;

        switch (ir->vdw_modifier)
            case eintmodNONE:
            case eintmodPOTSHIFT:
                /* -dV/dr of -r^-6 and r^-reppow */
                md1_ljd =     -6*pow(ir->rvdw, -7.0);
                md1_ljr = reppow*pow(ir->rvdw, -(reppow+1));
                /* The contribution of the higher derivatives is negligible */
            case eintmodFORCESWITCH:
                /* At the cut-off: V=V'=V''=0, so we use only V''' */
                md3_ljd  = -md3_force_switch(6.0,    ir->rvdw_switch, ir->rvdw);
                md3_ljr  =  md3_force_switch(reppow, ir->rvdw_switch, ir->rvdw);
            case eintmodPOTSWITCH:
                /* At the cut-off: V=V'=V''=0.
                 * V''' is given by the original potential times
                 * the third derivative of the switch function.
                sw_range  = ir->rvdw - ir->rvdw_switch;
                md3_pswf  = 60.0*pow(sw_range, -3.0);

                md3_ljd   = -pow(ir->rvdw, -6.0   )*md3_pswf;
                md3_ljr   =  pow(ir->rvdw, -reppow)*md3_pswf;
                gmx_incons("Unimplemented VdW modifier");
    else if (EVDW_PME(ir->vdwtype))
        real b, r, br, br2, br4, br6;
        b        = calc_ewaldcoeff_lj(ir->rvdw, ir->ewald_rtol_lj);
        r        = ir->rvdw;
        br       = b*r;
        br2      = br*br;
        br4      = br2*br2;
        br6      = br4*br2;
        /* -dV/dr of g(br)*r^-6 [where g(x) = exp(-x^2)(1+x^2+x^4/2), see LJ-PME equations in manual] and r^-reppow */
        md1_ljd  = -exp(-br2)*(br6 + 3.0*br4 + 6.0*br2 + 6.0)*pow(r, -7.0);
        md1_ljr  = reppow*pow(r, -(reppow+1));
        /* The contribution of the higher derivatives is negligible */
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Energy drift calculation is only implemented for plain cut-off Lennard-Jones interactions");

    elfac = ONE_4PI_EPS0/ir->epsilon_r;

    /* Determine md=-dV/dr and dd=d^2V/dr^2 */
    md1_el = 0;
    d2_el  = 0;
    if (ir->coulombtype == eelCUT || EEL_RF(ir->coulombtype))
        real eps_rf, k_rf;

        if (ir->coulombtype == eelCUT)
            eps_rf = 1;
            k_rf   = 0;
            eps_rf = ir->epsilon_rf/ir->epsilon_r;
            if (eps_rf != 0)
                k_rf = pow(ir->rcoulomb, -3.0)*(eps_rf - ir->epsilon_r)/(2*eps_rf + ir->epsilon_r);
                /* epsilon_rf = infinity */
                k_rf = 0.5*pow(ir->rcoulomb, -3.0);

        if (eps_rf > 0)
            md1_el = elfac*(pow(ir->rcoulomb, -2.0) - 2*k_rf*ir->rcoulomb);
        d2_el      = elfac*(2*pow(ir->rcoulomb, -3.0) + 2*k_rf);
    else if (EEL_PME(ir->coulombtype) || ir->coulombtype == eelEWALD)
        real b, rc, br;

        b      = calc_ewaldcoeff_q(ir->rcoulomb, ir->ewald_rtol);
        rc     = ir->rcoulomb;
        br     = b*rc;
        md1_el = elfac*(b*exp(-br*br)*M_2_SQRTPI/rc + gmx_erfc(br)/(rc*rc));
        d2_el  = elfac/(rc*rc)*(2*b*(1 + br*br)*exp(-br*br)*M_2_SQRTPI + 2*gmx_erfc(br)/rc);
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Energy drift calculation is only implemented for Reaction-Field and Ewald electrostatics");

    /* Determine the variance of the atomic displacement
     * over nstlist-1 steps: kT_fac
     * For inertial dynamics (not Brownian dynamics) the mass factor
     * is not included in kT_fac, it is added later.
    if (ir->eI == eiBD)
        /* Get the displacement distribution from the random component only.
         * With accurate integration the systematic (force) displacement
         * should be negligible (unless nstlist is extremely large, which
         * you wouldn't do anyhow).
        kT_fac = 2*BOLTZ*reference_temperature*(ir->nstlist-1)*ir->delta_t;
        if (ir->bd_fric > 0)
            /* This is directly sigma^2 of the displacement */
            kT_fac /= ir->bd_fric;

            /* Set the masses to 1 as kT_fac is the full sigma^2,
             * but we divide by m in ener_drift().
            for (i = 0; i < natt; i++)
                att[i].prop.mass = 1;
            real tau_t;

            /* Per group tau_t is not implemented yet, use the maximum */
            tau_t = ir->opts.tau_t[0];
            for (i = 1; i < ir->opts.ngtc; i++)
                tau_t = max(tau_t, ir->opts.tau_t[i]);

            kT_fac *= tau_t;
            /* This kT_fac needs to be divided by the mass to get sigma^2 */
        kT_fac = BOLTZ*reference_temperature*sqr((ir->nstlist-1)*ir->delta_t);

    mass_min = att[0].prop.mass;
    for (i = 1; i < natt; i++)
        mass_min = min(mass_min, att[i].prop.mass);

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "md1_ljd %9.2e d2_ljd %9.2e md3_ljd %9.2e\n", md1_ljd, d2_ljd, md3_ljd);
        fprintf(debug, "md1_ljr %9.2e d2_ljr %9.2e md3_ljr %9.2e\n", md1_ljr, d2_ljr, md3_ljr);
        fprintf(debug, "md1_el  %9.2e d2_el  %9.2e\n", md1_el, d2_el);
        fprintf(debug, "sqrt(kT_fac) %f\n", sqrt(kT_fac));
        fprintf(debug, "mass_min %f\n", mass_min);

    /* Search using bisection */
    ib0 = -1;
    /* The drift will be neglible at 5 times the max sigma */
    ib1 = (int)(5*2*sqrt(kT_fac/mass_min)/resolution) + 1;
    while (ib1 - ib0 > 1)
        ib = (ib0 + ib1)/2;
        rb = ib*resolution;
        rl = max(ir->rvdw, ir->rcoulomb) + rb;

        /* Calculate the average energy drift at the last step
         * of the nstlist steps at which the pair-list is used.
        drift = ener_drift(att, natt, &mtop->ffparams,
                           md1_ljd, d2_ljd, md3_ljd,
                           md1_ljr, d2_ljr, md3_ljr,
                           md1_el,  d2_el,
                           rl, boxvol);

        /* Correct for the fact that we are using a Ni x Nj particle pair list
         * and not a 1 x 1 particle pair list. This reduces the drift.
        /* We don't have a formula for 8 (yet), use 4 which is conservative */
        nb_clust_frac_pairs_not_in_list_at_cutoff =
            surface_frac(min(list_setup->cluster_size_i, 4),
                         particle_distance, rl)*
            surface_frac(min(list_setup->cluster_size_j, 4),
                         particle_distance, rl);
        drift *= nb_clust_frac_pairs_not_in_list_at_cutoff;

        /* Convert the drift to drift per unit time per atom */
        drift /= ir->nstlist*ir->delta_t*mtop->natoms;

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "ib %3d %3d %3d rb %.3f %dx%d fac %.3f drift %.1e\n",
                    ib0, ib, ib1, rb,
                    list_setup->cluster_size_i, list_setup->cluster_size_j,

        if (fabs(drift) > ir->verletbuf_tol)
            ib0 = ib;
            ib1 = ib;


    *rlist = max(ir->rvdw, ir->rcoulomb) + ib1*resolution;
Esempio n. 3
/* Try to increase nstlist when using the Verlet cut-off scheme */
static void increase_nstlist(FILE *fp, t_commrec *cr,
                             t_inputrec *ir, int nstlist_cmdline,
                             const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, matrix box,
                             gmx_bool bGPU)
    float                  listfac_ok, listfac_max;
    int                    nstlist_orig, nstlist_prev;
    verletbuf_list_setup_t ls;
    real                   rlistWithReferenceNstlist, rlist_inc, rlist_ok, rlist_max;
    real                   rlist_new, rlist_prev;
    size_t                 nstlist_ind = 0;
    t_state                state_tmp;
    gmx_bool               bBox, bDD, bCont;
    const char            *nstl_gpu = "\nFor optimal performance with a GPU nstlist (now %d) should be larger.\nThe optimum depends on your CPU and GPU resources.\nYou might want to try several nstlist values.\n";
    const char            *nve_err  = "Can not increase nstlist because an NVE ensemble is used";
    const char            *vbd_err  = "Can not increase nstlist because verlet-buffer-tolerance is not set or used";
    const char            *box_err  = "Can not increase nstlist because the box is too small";
    const char            *dd_err   = "Can not increase nstlist because of domain decomposition limitations";
    char                   buf[STRLEN];
    const float            oneThird = 1.0f / 3.0f;

    if (nstlist_cmdline <= 0)
        if (ir->nstlist == 1)
            /* The user probably set nstlist=1 for a reason,
             * don't mess with the settings.

        if (fp != NULL && bGPU && ir->nstlist < nstlist_try[0])
            fprintf(fp, nstl_gpu, ir->nstlist);
        nstlist_ind = 0;
        while (nstlist_ind < NNSTL && ir->nstlist >= nstlist_try[nstlist_ind])
        if (nstlist_ind == NNSTL)
            /* There are no larger nstlist value to try */

    if (EI_MD(ir->eI) && ir->etc == etcNO)
        if (MASTER(cr))
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", nve_err);
        if (fp != NULL)
            fprintf(fp, "%s\n", nve_err);


    if (ir->verletbuf_tol == 0 && bGPU)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "You are using an old tpr file with a GPU, please generate a new tpr file with an up to date version of grompp");

    if (ir->verletbuf_tol < 0)
        if (MASTER(cr))
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", vbd_err);
        if (fp != NULL)
            fprintf(fp, "%s\n", vbd_err);


    if (bGPU)
        listfac_ok  = nbnxn_gpu_listfac_ok;
        listfac_max = nbnxn_gpu_listfac_max;
        listfac_ok  = nbnxn_cpu_listfac_ok;
        listfac_max = nbnxn_cpu_listfac_max;

    nstlist_orig = ir->nstlist;
    if (nstlist_cmdline > 0)
        if (fp)
            sprintf(buf, "Getting nstlist=%d from command line option",
        ir->nstlist = nstlist_cmdline;

    verletbuf_get_list_setup(TRUE, bGPU, &ls);

    /* Allow rlist to make the list a given factor larger than the list
     * would be with the reference value for nstlist (10).
    nstlist_prev = ir->nstlist;
    ir->nstlist  = nbnxnReferenceNstlist;
    calc_verlet_buffer_size(mtop, det(box), ir, -1, &ls, NULL,
    ir->nstlist  = nstlist_prev;

    /* Determine the pair list size increase due to zero interactions */
    rlist_inc = nbnxn_get_rlist_effective_inc(ls.cluster_size_j,
    rlist_ok  = (rlistWithReferenceNstlist + rlist_inc)*pow(listfac_ok, oneThird) - rlist_inc;
    rlist_max = (rlistWithReferenceNstlist + rlist_inc)*pow(listfac_max, oneThird) - rlist_inc;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "nstlist tuning: rlist_inc %.3f rlist_ok %.3f rlist_max %.3f\n",
                rlist_inc, rlist_ok, rlist_max);

    nstlist_prev = nstlist_orig;
    rlist_prev   = ir->rlist;
        if (nstlist_cmdline <= 0)
            ir->nstlist = nstlist_try[nstlist_ind];

        /* Set the pair-list buffer size in ir */
        calc_verlet_buffer_size(mtop, det(box), ir, -1, &ls, NULL, &rlist_new);

        /* Does rlist fit in the box? */
        bBox = (sqr(rlist_new) < max_cutoff2(ir->ePBC, box));
        bDD  = TRUE;
        if (bBox && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
            /* Check if rlist fits in the domain decomposition */
            if (inputrec2nboundeddim(ir) < DIM)
                gmx_incons("Changing nstlist with domain decomposition and unbounded dimensions is not implemented yet");
            bDD = change_dd_cutoff(cr, &state_tmp, ir, rlist_new);

        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "nstlist %d rlist %.3f bBox %d bDD %d\n",
                    ir->nstlist, rlist_new, bBox, bDD);

        bCont = FALSE;

        if (nstlist_cmdline <= 0)
            if (bBox && bDD && rlist_new <= rlist_max)
                /* Increase nstlist */
                nstlist_prev = ir->nstlist;
                rlist_prev   = rlist_new;
                bCont        = (nstlist_ind+1 < NNSTL && rlist_new < rlist_ok);
                /* Stick with the previous nstlist */
                ir->nstlist = nstlist_prev;
                rlist_new   = rlist_prev;
                bBox        = TRUE;
                bDD         = TRUE;

    while (bCont);

    if (!bBox || !bDD)
        gmx_warning(!bBox ? box_err : dd_err);
        if (fp != NULL)
            fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", bBox ? box_err : dd_err);
        ir->nstlist = nstlist_orig;
    else if (ir->nstlist != nstlist_orig || rlist_new != ir->rlist)
        sprintf(buf, "Changing nstlist from %d to %d, rlist from %g to %g",
                nstlist_orig, ir->nstlist,
                ir->rlist, rlist_new);
        if (MASTER(cr))
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", buf);
        if (fp != NULL)
            fprintf(fp, "%s\n\n", buf);
        ir->rlist     = rlist_new;
        ir->rlistlong = rlist_new;