Esempio n. 1
double logRV(size_t dims,gsl_vector_uint *x,gsl_vector_uint *sums,unsigned int NN) {
  unsigned int n=0;
  double r=0;

  size_t i;

  for(i=0;i<dims;i++) {

  // x*(log(Na)-log(x))+y*(log(Nb)-log(y))+n*(log(n)-log(NN));

  for(i=0;i<dims;i++) {
    unsigned int xi=gsl_vector_uint_get(x,i);
    if (xi != 0) {
    } else {

  if (n==0)
    return r;
    return r+n*(log(n)-log(NN));
Esempio n. 2
void fbst_loginorm(gsl_rng *r,
		   gsl_vector_uint *x,
		   gsl_vector_uint *sums,
		   double alpha,
		   double beta,
		   double *_ev,double *_err,
		   FBSTConfig *config) {

  size_t i,j;
  double mean;
  double var;
  double a,b;

  assert(x->size == sums->size);

  gsl_vector *means=gsl_vector_alloc(x->size);
  gsl_vector *sd=gsl_vector_alloc(x->size);

  for(i=0;i<x->size;i++) {

    printf("x%i=N(%lg %lg)\n",i,mean,var);


Esempio n. 3
jd_var *jd_array_insert(jd_array *jda, int idx, size_t count) {
  unsigned ix = check_idx_open(jda, idx);
  size_t sz = jd_array_count(jda);
  size_t need = count * sizeof(jd_var);
  jd_string_space(&jda->s, need);
  memmove(ELT(jda, ix + count), ELT(jda, ix), (sz - ix) * sizeof(jd_var));
  memset(ELT(jda, ix), 0, count * sizeof(jd_var));
  jda->s.used += need;
  return ELT(jda, ix);
void ComputeStiffnessMatrixNullspace::RemoveNullspaceComponent(int n, int nullspaceDimension, const double * nullspaceOrthonormalBasis, double * x)
  for(int i=0; i<nullspaceDimension; i++)
    double dotp=0.0;
    for(int j=0; j<3*n; j++)
      dotp += x[j] * nullspaceOrthonormalBasis[ELT(3*n, j, i)];
    for(int j=0; j<3*n; j++)
      x[j] -= dotp * nullspaceOrthonormalBasis[ELT(3*n, j, i)];
Esempio n. 5
void MyFrame::InterpolateMatrix(wxString dataDescription, ModalMatrix * inputModalMatrix)
  wxFileDialog *dlg = new wxFileDialog(this, _T("Interpolate ") + dataDescription + _T(" to triangle mesh"), uiState.currentWorkingDirectory, _T(""), _T("Modal Matrix Files(*.U)|*.U|All files(*.*)|*.*"), wxFD_SAVE /*| wxHIDE_READONLY*/, wxDefaultPosition);

  if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
    wxString outputFilename( dlg->GetPath() );
    if( !outputFilename.empty() )
      if (!precomputationState.interpolationDataAvailable)

      // interpolate
      printf("Interpolating data...\n");
      double * inputMatrix = inputModalMatrix->GetMatrix();
      int nTarget = (int)(precomputationState.renderingMesh->getNumVertices());
      double * outputMatrix = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * 3 * nTarget * inputModalMatrix->Getr());
      for(int i=0; i<inputModalMatrix->Getr(); i++)
          nTarget, precomputationState.simulationMesh->getNumElementVertices(),

      // save file to disk
      const char * filename = outputFilename.mb_str();
	  printf("Saving output to %s.\n", (char*)filename);
	  int code = WriteMatrixToDisk((char*)filename,
        3 * nTarget, 



      if (code != 0)
        this->errMsg( _T("Saving error"),  
          _T("Unable to save interpolated data to ") + outputFilename );

void ReducedSubspaceStVKForceModel::GetTangentStiffnessMatrixHelper(
  double * tangentStiffnessMatrix)
  // evaluate stiffness matrix
  stVKStiffnessMatrix->ComputeStiffnessMatrix(u, sparseMatrix);

  // project matrix
  for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
    sparseMatrix->MultiplyVector(&U[ELT(3*n,0,i)], &bufferMatrix[ELT(3*n,0,i)]);

  modalMatrix->ProjectMatrix(r, bufferMatrix, tangentStiffnessMatrix);
void ReducedMassSpringSystemForceModel::GetTangentStiffnessMatrixHelper(
  double * tangentStiffnessMatrix)
  // evaluate stiffness matrix
  //PerformanceCounter counter;
  massSpringSystem->ComputeStiffnessMatrix(u, sparseMatrix);
  //printf("counter: %G\n", counter.GetElapsedTime());

  // project matrix
    //PerformanceCounter counter;

    int upperTriangleOnly=1;
    int oneIndexed=1;
    sparseMatrix->GenerateCompressedRowMajorFormat_four_array(csr_values, csr_columns, csr_pointerB, csr_pointerE, upperTriangleOnly, oneIndexed); 

    char transa = 'N';
    int m = sparseMatrix->GetNumRows();
    int n = r;
    int k = m;
    double alpha = 1.0;
    char matdescra[7] = "SUNFXX";
    double * val = csr_values;
    int * indx = csr_columns;
    int * pntrb = csr_pointerB;
    int * pntre = csr_pointerE;
    double * b = U;
    int ldb = m;
    double beta = 0.0;
    double * c = bufferMatrix;
    int ldc = m;
    mkl_dcsrmm(&transa, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, matdescra, val, indx, pntrb, pntre,
      b, &ldb, &beta, c, &ldc);

    //printf("counter: %G\n", counter.GetElapsedTime());
    for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
      sparseMatrix->MultiplyVector(&U[ELT(3*n,0,i)], &bufferMatrix[ELT(3*n,0,i)]);

  modalMatrix->ProjectMatrix(r, bufferMatrix, tangentStiffnessMatrix);

  int r2 = r*r;
  for(int i=0; i<r2; i++)
    tangentStiffnessMatrix[i] *= -1;
Esempio n. 8
void Matrix<real>::RemoveColumns(int columnStart, int columnEnd)
  // write everything to the right of columnEnd to the left
  int stride = columnEnd - columnStart;
  for(int column=columnEnd; column<n; column++)
    // write column to column-stride
    memcpy(&data[ELT(m, 0, column-stride)], &data[ELT(m, 0, column)], sizeof(double) * m);

  // free the space
  data = (real*) realloc (data, sizeof(real) * m * (n - stride));
  n = n - stride;
Esempio n. 9
size_t jd_array_remove(jd_array *jda, int idx, size_t count, jd_var *slot) {
  unsigned ix = check_idx_open(jda, idx);
  size_t avail = jd_array_count(jda) - ix;
  if (count > avail) count = avail;
  if (slot) {
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      jd_assign(slot++, ELT(jda, ix + i));
  release(jda, ix, count);
  memmove(ELT(jda, ix), ELT(jda, ix + count), (avail - count) * sizeof(jd_var));
  jda->s.used -= count * sizeof(jd_var);

  return count;
Esempio n. 10
void Matrix<real>::AppendRowsColumns(const Matrix<real> & bottomLeftBlock, const Matrix<real> & topRightBlock, const Matrix<real> & bottomRightBlock)
  if (topRightBlock.Getm() != m)
    printf("Error: mismatch in AppendRowsColumns.\n");
    throw 43;

  if (bottomLeftBlock.Getn() != n)
    printf("Error: mismatch in AppendRowsColumns.\n");
    throw 44;

  if (bottomRightBlock.Getm() != bottomLeftBlock.Getm())
    printf("Error: mismatch in AppendRowsColumns.\n");
    throw 45;

  if (bottomRightBlock.Getn() != topRightBlock.Getn())
    printf("Error: mismatch in AppendRowsColumns.\n");
    throw 46;

  Matrix<real> blockMatrix(bottomLeftBlock.Getm(), n);
  real * blockMatrixData = blockMatrix.GetData();
  memcpy(blockMatrixData, bottomLeftBlock.GetData(), sizeof(real) * (bottomLeftBlock.Getm() * bottomLeftBlock.Getn()));
  memcpy(&blockMatrixData[ELT(bottomLeftBlock.Getm(), 0, bottomLeftBlock.Getn())], bottomRightBlock.GetData(), sizeof(real) * (bottomRightBlock.Getm() * bottomRightBlock.Getn()));
Esempio n. 11
void SynthesizeVector(int n_inp, int r_inp, real * U_inp, real * q_inp, real * f_inp)
#ifdef CBLAS
  CBLAS_ORDER     order= CblasColMajor;
  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans= CblasNoTrans;
  int m = n_inp;
  int n = r_inp;
  real alpha = 1;
  real * a = U_inp;
  int lda = m;
  real * x = q_inp;
  int incx = 1;
  real beta = 0;
  real * y = f_inp; // holds the result
  int incy = 1;

  _cblas_xgemv<sizeof(real)==sizeof(float)>::f(order, trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy);
  int i,j;
  for (i=0; i<n_inp; i++) // over all rows, i.e. all coordinates
    f_inp[i] = 0;
    for (j=0; j<r_inp; j++) // over all modes
      f_inp[i] += U_inp[ELT(n_inp,i,j)] * q_inp[j];
Esempio n. 12
void ProjectVector(int n_inp, int r_inp, real * U_inp, real * q_inp, real * f_inp)
  // has to make inner product of vector f will all the columns of U
  // i.e. multiply U^T * f = q
#ifdef CBLAS
  CBLAS_ORDER     order= CblasColMajor;
  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans= CblasTrans;
  int m = n_inp;
  int n = r_inp;
  real alpha = 1;
  real * a = U_inp;
  int lda = m;
  real * x = f_inp;
  int incx = 1;
  real beta = 0;
  real * y = q_inp; // will hold the result
  int incy = 1;

  _cblas_xgemv<sizeof(real)==sizeof(float)>::f(order, trans, m, n, alpha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy);
  int i,j;
  for (j=0; j<r_inp; j++) // over all columns of U
    // dot product of column j of U with vector f
    q_inp[j] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<n_inp; i++)
      q_inp[j] += U_inp[ELT(n_inp,i,j)] * f_inp[i];
Esempio n. 13
void Matrix<real>::SetSubmatrix(int I, int J, const Matrix<real> & submatrix)
  int subm = submatrix.Getm();
  int subn = submatrix.Getn();
  real * subdata = submatrix.GetData();

  if ((I < 0) || (J < 0) || (I + subm > m) || (J + subn > n))
    printf("Error: matrix index out of bounds.\n");
    throw 21;

  for(int j=0; j<subn; j++)
    for(int i=0; i<subm; i++)
      data[ELT(m,I+i,J+j)] = subdata[ELT(subm,i,j)];
Esempio n. 14
Matrix<real>::Matrix(int m_, const real * diagonal,
         bool freeDataInDestructor_):
  m(m_), n(m_), freeDataInDestructor(freeDataInDestructor_)
  data = (real*) calloc (m*m, sizeof(real));
  for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
    data[ELT(m,i,i)] = diagonal[i];
void ReducedLinearStVKForceModel::GetInternalForce(double * q, double * internalForces)
  // internalForces = K * q
  memset(internalForces, 0, sizeof(double) * r);
  for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
      internalForces[i] += K[ELT(r,i,j)] * q[j];
Esempio n. 16
void SynthesizeSparseVector(int n, int r, real * U, real * q, real * f, int * i_buffer, int k)
  int i,j;
  for (i=0; i<k; i++) // over all non-zero rows
    f[i] = 0;
    for (j=0; j<r; j++) // over all modes
      f[i] += U[ELT(n,i_buffer[i],j)] * q[j];
Esempio n. 17
static jd_var *array_join(jd_var *out, jd_var *sep, jd_array *jda) {
  size_t len = 0;
  size_t count = jd_array_count(jda);
  size_t slen = sep ? jd_length(sep) : 0;
  unsigned i;

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if (i) len += slen;
    len += jd_length(ELT(jda, i));

  jd_set_empty_string(out, len);

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if (sep && i) jd_append(out, sep);
    jd_append(out, ELT(jda, i));

  return out;
Esempio n. 18
static jd_var *array_stringify(jd_var *out, jd_array *jda) {
  size_t count = jd_array_count(jda);
  jd_set_array(out, count);
  unsigned i;

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    jd_stringify(jd_push(out, 1), ELT(jda, i));

  return out;
Esempio n. 19
Matrix<real>::Matrix (int m_, const Matrix & vec, bool freeDataInDestructor_):
  m(m_), n(m_), freeDataInDestructor(freeDataInDestructor_)
  if (m != vec.Getm())
    throw 101;
  if (vec.Getn() != 1)
    throw 102;
  data = (real*) calloc (m*m, sizeof(real));
  for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
    data[ELT(m,i,i)] = vec(i,0);
Esempio n. 20
void Matrix<real>::AppendColumns(const Matrix<real> & columns)
  if (columns.Getm() != m)
    printf("Error: mismatch in number of rows in AppendColumns.\n");
    throw 41;

  data = (real*) realloc (data, sizeof(real) * (m * (n + columns.Getn())));
  memcpy(&data[ELT(m, 0, n)], columns.GetData(), sizeof(real) * m * columns.Getn());
  n += columns.Getn();
Esempio n. 21
void ProjectSparseVector(int n, int r, real * U, real * q, real * f_buffer, int * i_buffer, int k)
  // has to make inner product of vector f will all the columns of U
  int i,j;
  for (j=0; j<r; j++) // over all columns of U
    // dot product of column j of U with vector f
    q[j] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<k; i++)
      q[j] += U[ELT(n,i_buffer[i],j)] * f_buffer[i];

void StVKReducedHessianTensor::ContractWithVector(int r, double * Hq, double * q, double * A)
  // computes A = Hq : q

  int quadraticSize = StVKReducedInternalForces::GetQuadraticSize(r);

  // multiply Hq and q
  cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, 
       r, quadraticSize, 
       Hq, r,
       q, 1,
       A, 1);

  for(int j=r-1; j>=0; j--)
    for(int i=r-1; i>=j; i--)
      int lowerTrianglePos = j * r - (j-1) * j / 2 + (i-j);
      A[ELT(r,i,j)] = A[lowerTrianglePos];
      A[ELT(r,j,i)] = A[lowerTrianglePos];
Esempio n. 23
static int left2right(Agraph_t *g, node_t *v, node_t *w)
    int         rv;

#ifdef NOTDEF
    adjmatrix_t *M;
    M = GD_rank(g)[ND_rank(v)].flat;
    if (M == NULL) rv = FALSE;
    else {
        if (GD_flip(g)) {node_t *t = v; v = w; w = t;}
        rv = ELT(M,flatindex(v),flatindex(w));
		rv = FALSE;
    return rv;
Esempio n. 24
int MatrixExp(int m, real * mtx, real t, real * output, int ideg_)
  INTEGER ideg = ideg_;
  INTEGER M = m;
  INTEGER ldh = M;
  INTEGER lwsp = 4*M*M+ideg+1;
  real * wsp = (real*) malloc (sizeof(real) * lwsp);
  INTEGER * ipiv = (INTEGER*) malloc (sizeof(INTEGER) * M);
  INTEGER iexph = 0;
  INTEGER ns = 0;
  INTEGER flag = 0;

  int mm = m*m;
  real maxEntry = 0;
  for(int i=0;i<mm; i++)
    maxEntry = MAX(maxEntry, fabs(mtx[i]));

  if (maxEntry != 0)
    _xgpadm<sizeof(real)==sizeof(float)>::f(&ideg, &M, &t, mtx,
        &ldh, wsp, &lwsp,
        ipiv, &iexph, &ns, &flag);

    //printf("iexph=%d ns=%d flag=%d\n", (int)iexph, (int)ns, (int)flag);

    if (flag != 0)
      printf("Error: xgpadm returned non-zero exit flag %d.\n", (int)flag);
      return flag;

    memcpy(output, &wsp[iexph-1], sizeof(real) * m * m);
    // set result to identity matrix
    memset(output, 0, sizeof(real) * m * m);
    for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
      output[ELT(m,i,i)] = 1.0;


  return 0;
Esempio n. 25
void MyFrame::OnExportLinearModes(wxCommandEvent& event)
  wxFileDialog *dlg = new wxFileDialog(this, _T("Export linear modes"),
	uiState.currentWorkingDirectory, _T(""), _T("Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt|All files(*.*)|*.*"),
	wxFD_SAVE /*| wxHIDE_READONLY*/, wxDefaultPosition);
  if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
    wxString linearModesFilename( dlg->GetPath().GetData() );
    if( !linearModesFilename.empty() )
      const char * filename = linearModesFilename.mb_str();
      FILE * fout = fopen((char*)filename, "w");
      if (fout)
        double * U = precomputationState.linearModalMatrix->GetMatrix();
        int n = precomputationState.linearModalMatrix->Getn();
        fprintf(fout,"%d\n%d\n", 3*n, precomputationState.rLin);
        for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
          for(int j=0; j<precomputationState.rLin; j++)
            fprintf(fout, "%.15f ", U[ELT(3*n,i,j)]);
        this->errMsg( _T("Exporting error"),  
          _T("Unable to export linear modes to ") + linearModesFilename );

Esempio n. 26
static void
NAME (SCM *const base_ptr, size_t nr_elems, INC_PARAM
      SCM less)
  /* Stack node declarations used to store unfulfilled partition obligations. */
  typedef struct {
    size_t lo;
    size_t hi;
  } stack_node;

  static const char s_buggy_less[] = "buggy less predicate used when sorting";

#define ELT(i) base_ptr[(i)*INC]

  if (nr_elems == 0)
    /* Avoid lossage with unsigned arithmetic below.  */

  if (nr_elems > MAX_THRESH)
      size_t lo = 0;
      size_t hi = nr_elems-1;

      stack_node stack[STACK_SIZE];
      stack_node *top = stack + 1;

      while (STACK_NOT_EMPTY)
	  size_t left;
	  size_t right;
	  size_t mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
	  SCM pivot;

	  /* Select median value from among LO, MID, and HI. Rearrange
	     LO and HI so the three values are sorted. This lowers the
	     probability of picking a pathological pivot value and
	     skips a comparison for both the left and right. */

	  if (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(mid), ELT(lo))))
	    SWAP (ELT(mid), ELT(lo));
	  if (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(hi), ELT(mid))))
	    SWAP (ELT(mid), ELT(hi));
	    goto jump_over;
	  if (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(mid), ELT(lo))))
	    SWAP (ELT(mid), ELT(lo));

	  pivot = ELT(mid);
	  left = lo + 1;
	  right = hi - 1;

	  /* Here's the famous ``collapse the walls'' section of quicksort.
	     Gotta like those tight inner loops!  They are the main reason
	     that this algorithm runs much faster than others. */
	      while (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(left), pivot)))
		  left += 1;
		  /* The comparison predicate may be buggy */
		  if (left > hi)
		    scm_misc_error (NULL, s_buggy_less, SCM_EOL);

	      while (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, pivot, ELT(right))))
		  right -= 1;
		  /* The comparison predicate may be buggy */
		  if (right < lo)
		    scm_misc_error (NULL, s_buggy_less, SCM_EOL);

	      if (left < right)
		  SWAP (ELT(left), ELT(right));
		  left += 1;
		  right -= 1;
	      else if (left == right)
		  left += 1;
		  right -= 1;
	  while (left <= right);

	  /* Set up pointers for next iteration.  First determine whether
	     left and right partitions are below the threshold size.  If so,
	     ignore one or both.  Otherwise, push the larger partition's
	     bounds on the stack and continue sorting the smaller one. */

	  if ((size_t) (right - lo) <= MAX_THRESH)
	      if ((size_t) (hi - left) <= MAX_THRESH)
		/* Ignore both small partitions. */
		POP (lo, hi);
		/* Ignore small left partition. */
		lo = left;
	  else if ((size_t) (hi - left) <= MAX_THRESH)
	    /* Ignore small right partition. */
	    hi = right;
	  else if ((right - lo) > (hi - left))
	      /* Push larger left partition indices. */
	      PUSH (lo, right);
	      lo = left;
	      /* Push larger right partition indices. */
	      PUSH (left, hi);
	      hi = right;

  /* Once the BASE_PTR array is partially sorted by quicksort the rest is
     completely sorted using insertion sort, since this is efficient for
     partitions below MAX_THRESH size. BASE_PTR points to the beginning of the
     array to sort, and END idexes the very last element in the array (*not*
     one beyond it!). */

    size_t tmp = 0;
    size_t end = nr_elems-1;
    size_t thresh = min (end, MAX_THRESH);
    size_t run;

    /* Find smallest element in first threshold and place it at the
       array's beginning.  This is the smallest array element,
       and the operation speeds up insertion sort's inner loop. */

    for (run = tmp + 1; run <= thresh; run += 1)
      if (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(run), ELT(tmp))))
	tmp = run;

    if (tmp != 0)
      SWAP (ELT(tmp), ELT(0));

    /* Insertion sort, running from left-hand-side up to right-hand-side.  */

    run = 1;
    while (++run <= end)

	tmp = run - 1;
	while (scm_is_true (scm_call_2 (less, ELT(run), ELT(tmp))))
	    /* The comparison predicate may be buggy */
	    if (tmp == 0)
	      scm_misc_error (NULL, s_buggy_less, SCM_EOL);

	    tmp -= 1;

	tmp += 1;
	if (tmp != run)
            SCM to_insert = ELT(run);
            size_t hi, lo;

            for (hi = lo = run; --lo >= tmp; hi = lo)
              ELT(hi) = ELT(lo);
            ELT(hi) = to_insert;
Esempio n. 27
int MatrixPCA(ThresholdingSpecification * thresholdingSpecification,
              int m, int n, double * A, int * r, double * weights)
  if (!A)
    printf("Error: input matrix is NULL.\n");
    return -1;

  if (weights != NULL)
    // transform row i of A by sqrt(weights[i])
    for(int row=0; row<m; row++)
      double rowWeight = sqrt(weights[row]);
      for(int column=0; column<n; column++)
        A[ELT(m, row, column)] *= rowWeight;

  bool transpose = false;
  if (m > n)
    transpose = true;

    // swap m,n
    int bufferi = m;
    m = n;
    n = bufferi;

  // do SVD

  char jobu  = 'O';//overwrites A with U (left singular vectors)
  //char jobu  = 'N';
  char jobvt = 'S';//all rows returned in VT
  //char jobvt = 'N';

  int ldA = m;

  int ldU = m;

  int lwork = 64*MAX(3*MIN( m, n)+MAX(m,n), 5*MIN(m,n)-4);

  double * work = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * lwork);
  if (!work)
    printf("Error: failed to allocate workspace.\n");
    return -2;

  //printf("Workspace size is: %G Mb .\n",1.0 * lwork * sizeof(int) / 1024 / 1024);

  // allocate array for singular vectors
  double * S = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * MIN(m,n));
  if (!S)
    printf("Error: failed to allocate singular vectors.\n");
    return -2;

  double * dummyU = NULL;

  // allocate array for VT
  int ldVT = MIN(m,n);
  double * VT = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * ldVT * n);
  if (!VT)
    printf("Error: failed to allocate VT.\n");
    return -2;

  #ifdef __APPLE__
    #define DGESVD dgesvd_
    #define INTEGER __CLPK_integer
    #define DGESVD dgesvd
    #define INTEGER int

  INTEGER M = m;
  INTEGER N = n;
  INTEGER LWORK = lwork;

  //printf("Calling LAPACK dgesvd routine...\n");fflush(NULL);


  DGESVD (&jobu, &jobvt, &M, &N, A, &LDA,
	  S, dummyU, &LDU, VT,
	  &LDVT, work, &LWORK, &INFO);

  if (INFO != 0)
    int code = INFO;
    printf("Error: SVD solver returned non-zero exit code: %d.\n", code);
    return code;


  if (transpose)
    memcpy(A, VT, sizeof(double) * m * n);

    // swap m and n
    int bufferii = m;
    m = n;
    n = bufferii;


  if (weights != NULL)
    // transform row i of A by sqrt(weights[i])^{-1}
    for(int row=0; row<m; row++)
      double rowWeight = 1.0 / sqrt(weights[row]);
      for(int column=0; column<n; column++)
        A[ELT(m, row, column)] *= rowWeight;

  //double totalEnergy = 0;

  //printf ("Singular values:\n");fflush(NULL);
  //for (int i=0; i< MIN(m,n); i++)
    //printf("%f ",S[i]);
  //printf ("\n");

  // discard unneccesary modes
  //printf("Discarding unnecessary components...\n");fflush(NULL);
  if (thresholdingSpecification->tresholdingType == ThresholdingSpecification::epsilonBased)

  // now, variable r has been set to the number of retained modes


  return 0;
Esempio n. 28
static void release(jd_array *jda, unsigned from, size_t count) {
  unsigned i;
  for (i = from; i < from + count; i++) jd_release(ELT(jda, i));
void ComputeStiffnessMatrixNullspace::ComputeNullspace(int n, const double * vertexPos, double * basis, int includeRotationalNullspace, int generateOrthogonalBasis)
  int basisSize = (includeRotationalNullspace ? 6 : 3);

  memset(basis, 0, sizeof(double) * 3 * n * basisSize);

  // translational part
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
      basis[ELT(3*n, 3*i+j, j)] = 1.0;

  // rotational part
  if (includeRotationalNullspace)
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
      Vec3d p(vertexPos[3*i+0], vertexPos[3*i+1], vertexPos[3*i+2]);
      Vec3d e0(1,0,0);
      Vec3d e1(0,1,0);
      Vec3d e2(0,0,1);
      Vec3d r0 = cross(e0, p);
      Vec3d r1 = cross(e1, p);
      Vec3d r2 = cross(e2, p);
      for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
        basis[ELT(3*n, 3*i+j, 3)] = r0[j];
        basis[ELT(3*n, 3*i+j, 4)] = r1[j];
        basis[ELT(3*n, 3*i+j, 5)] = r2[j];

  if (generateOrthogonalBasis)
    // normalize translational vectors
    for(int v=0; v<3; v++)
      double norm2 = 0.0;
      for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
        norm2 += basis[ELT(3*n, i, v)] * basis[ELT(3*n, i, v)];
      double invNorm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm2);
      for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
        basis[ELT(3*n, i, v)] *= invNorm; 
    // ortho-normalize rotational vectors
    if (includeRotationalNullspace)
      for(int v=0; v<3; v++)
        for(int j=0; j<3+v; j++)
          double dotp = 0.0;
          for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
            dotp += basis[ELT(3*n, i, j)] * basis[ELT(3*n, i, 3+v)];
          for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
            basis[ELT(3*n, i, 3+v)] -= dotp * basis[ELT(3*n, i, j)];
          double norm2 = 0.0;
          for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
            norm2 += basis[ELT(3*n, i, 3+v)] * basis[ELT(3*n, i, 3+v)];
          double invNorm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm2);
          for(int i=0; i<3*n; i++)
            basis[ELT(3*n, i, 3+v)] *= invNorm; 
Esempio n. 30
jd_var *jd_array_get(jd_array *jda, int idx) {
  return ELT(jda, check_idx(jda, idx));