Esempio n. 1
 *  @brief  An MPL wrapper for the main MPU Self Test API inv_factory_calibrate().
 *          See inv_factory_calibrate() function for more details.
 *  @pre    inv_dmp_open() <b>must</b> have been called to populate the mldl_cfg
 *          data structure.
 *          On Windows, SetupPlatform() is also a madatory pre condition to
 *          ensure the accelerometer is properly configured before running the
 *          test.
 *  @param  mlsl_handle
 *              serial interface handle to allow serial communication with the
 *              device, both gyro and accelerometer.
 *  @param  provide_result
 *              If 1:
 *              perform and analyze the offset, drive frequency, and noise
 *              calculation and compare it against set thresholds. Report
 *              also the final result using a bit-mask like error code as
 *              described in the inv_test_gyro_xxxx() functions.
 *              When 0:
 *              skip the noise and drive frequency calculation  and pass/fail
 *              assessment. It simply calculates the gyro and accel biases.
 *              NOTE: for MPU6050 devices, this parameter is currently
 *              ignored.
 *  @return INV_SUCCESS or first non-zero error code otherwise.
inv_error_t inv_self_test_factory_calibrate(void *mlsl_handle,
        unsigned char provide_result)
    inv_error_t firstError = INV_SUCCESS;
    inv_error_t result;
    unsigned char initState = inv_get_state();

    if (initState < INV_STATE_DMP_OPENED) {
        MPL_LOGE("Self Test cannot run before inv_dmp_open()\n");

    /* obtain a pointer to the 'struct mldl_cfg' data structure. */
    mputestCfgPtr = inv_get_dl_config();

    if(initState == INV_STATE_DMP_STARTED) {
        result = inv_dmp_stop();
        ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    result = inv_factory_calibrate(mlsl_handle, provide_result);
    ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    if(initState == INV_STATE_DMP_STARTED) {
        result = inv_dmp_start();
        ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    return firstError;
Esempio n. 2
 *  @brief  Closes the motion sensor engine.
 *          Does not close the serial communication. To do that,
 *          call MLSerialClose().
 *          After calling MLDmpClose() another DMP module can be
 *          loaded in the MPL with the corresponding necessary 
 *          intialization and configurations, via any of the 
 *          MLDmpXXXOpen functions.
 *  @pre    MLDmpOpen() must have been called.
 *  @code
 *     result = MLDmpClose();
 *     if (ML_SUCCESS != result) {
 *         // Handle the error case
 *     }
 *  @endcode
 *  @return ML_SUCCESS, Non-zero error code otherwise.
tMLError MLDmpClose(void)
    tMLError result;
    tMLError firstError = ML_SUCCESS;

    if (MLGetState() <= ML_STATE_DMP_CLOSED)
        return ML_SUCCESS;

    result = MLDLDmpStop(ML_ALL_SENSORS);
    ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    result = FIFOClose();
    ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    result = MLDLClose();
    ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    result = MLStateTransition(ML_STATE_SERIAL_OPENED);
    ERROR_CHECK_FIRST(firstError, result);

    return result;