Esempio n. 1
// E_AutoAllocFontNum
// Automatically assigns an unused font number to a font
// which was not given one by the author, to allow reference by name
// anywhere without the chore of number allocation.
static bool E_AutoAllocFontNum(vfont_t *font)
   int num;

   if(font->num > 0)
      I_Error("E_AutoAllocFontNum: called for vfont_t with valid num\n");

   // cannot assign because we're out of dehnums?
   if(edf_alloc_fontnum < 0)
      return false;

      num = edf_alloc_fontnum--;
   while(num >= 0 && E_FontForNum(num));

   // ran out while looking for an unused number?
   if(num < 0)
      return false;

   // assign it!
   font->num = num;

   return true;
Esempio n. 2
   void initProps(int px, int py, int fontNum, int pcleartic, int pflags,
                  const char *pmsg)
      x = px;
      y = py;   
      if(!(font = E_FontForNum(fontNum)))
         font = hud_font;
      cleartic = pcleartic >= 0 ? pcleartic : 0;
      flags    = pflags;

      message = alloc = estrdup(pmsg);