Esempio n. 1
// ACS_funcSetThingState
static void ACS_funcSetThingState(ACS_FUNCARG)
   int32_t     tid       = args[0];
   const char *statename = ACSVM::GetString(args[1]);
   statenum_t  statenum  = E_StateNumForName(statename);
   state_t    *state;
   int32_t     count     = 0;
   Mobj       *mo        = NULL;

   while((mo = P_FindMobjFromTID(tid, mo, thread->trigger)))
      // Look for the named state for that type.
      if((state = E_GetJumpInfo(mo->info, statename)))
         P_SetMobjState(mo, state->index);
      // Otherwise, fall back to the global name.
      else if(statenum >= 0)
         P_SetMobjState(mo, statenum);

   *retn++ = count;
Esempio n. 2
// E_SafeStateNameOrLabel
// haleyjd 07/19/14: Allows lookup of what may either be an EDF global state
// name, DECORATE state label relative to a particular mobjinfo, or a state
// DeHackEd number.
int E_SafeStateNameOrLabel(mobjinfo_t *mi, const char *name)
   char *pos = nullptr;
   long  num = strtol(name, &pos, 0);

   // Not a number? It is a state name.
      int      statenum = NullStateNum;
      state_t *state    = nullptr;
      // Try global resolution first.
      if((statenum = E_StateNumForName(name)) < 0)
         // Try DECORATE state label resolution.
         if((state = E_GetJumpInfo(mi, name)))
            statenum = state->index;

      return statenum;
      return E_SafeState((int)num); // DeHackEd number