Esempio n. 1
static void ConnectLeftDegenerate( TESStesselator *tess,
								  ActiveRegion *regUp, TESSvertex *vEvent )
* The event vertex lies exacty on an already-processed edge or vertex.
* Adding the new vertex involves splicing it into the already-processed
* part of the mesh.
	TESShalfEdge *e, *eTopLeft, *eTopRight, *eLast;
	ActiveRegion *reg;

	e = regUp->eUp;
	if( VertEq( e->Org, vEvent )) {
		/* e->Org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait
		* for e->Org to be pulled from the queue
		SpliceMergeVertices( tess, e, vEvent->anEdge );

	if( ! VertEq( e->Dst, vEvent )) {
		/* General case -- splice vEvent into edge e which passes through it */
		if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, e->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if( regUp->fixUpperEdge ) {
			/* This edge was fixable -- delete unused portion of original edge */
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, e->Onext ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp->fixUpperEdge = FALSE;
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		SweepEvent( tess, vEvent );	/* recurse */

	/* vEvent coincides with e->Dst, which has already been processed.
	* Splice in the additional right-going edges.
	regUp = TopRightRegion( regUp );
	reg = RegionBelow( regUp );
	eTopRight = reg->eUp->Sym;
	eTopLeft = eLast = eTopRight->Onext;
	if( reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
		/* Here e->Dst has only a single fixable edge going right.
		* We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges.
		assert( eTopLeft != eTopRight );   /* there are some left edges too */
		DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
		if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eTopRight = eTopLeft->Oprev;
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if( ! EdgeGoesLeft( eTopLeft )) {
		/* e->Dst had no left-going edges -- indicate this to AddRightEdges() */
		eTopLeft = NULL;
	AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eTopRight->Onext, eLast, eTopLeft, TRUE );
Esempio n. 2
/* tessMeshTessellateMonoRegion( face ) tessellates a monotone region
* (what else would it do??)  The region must consist of a single
* loop of half-edges (see mesh.h) oriented CCW.  "Monotone" in this
* case means that any vertical line intersects the interior of the
* region in a single interval.  
* Tessellation consists of adding interior edges (actually pairs of
* half-edges), to split the region into non-overlapping triangles.
* The basic idea is explained in Preparata and Shamos (which I don''t
* have handy right now), although their implementation is more
* complicated than this one.  The are two edge chains, an upper chain
* and a lower chain.  We process all vertices from both chains in order,
* from right to left.
* The algorithm ensures that the following invariant holds after each
* vertex is processed: the untessellated region consists of two
* chains, where one chain (say the upper) is a single edge, and
* the other chain is concave.  The left vertex of the single edge
* is always to the left of all vertices in the concave chain.
* Each step consists of adding the rightmost unprocessed vertex to one
* of the two chains, and forming a fan of triangles from the rightmost
* of two chain endpoints.  Determining whether we can add each triangle
* to the fan is a simple orientation test.  By making the fan as large
* as possible, we restore the invariant (check it yourself).
int tessMeshTessellateMonoRegion( TESSmesh *mesh, TESSface *face )
	TESShalfEdge *up, *lo;

	/* All edges are oriented CCW around the boundary of the region.
	* First, find the half-edge whose origin vertex is rightmost.
	* Since the sweep goes from left to right, face->anEdge should
	* be close to the edge we want.
	up = face->anEdge;
	if(!( up->Lnext != up && up->Lnext->Lnext != up )) return 1;

	for( ; VertLeq( up->Dst, up->Org ); up = up->Lprev )
	for( ; VertLeq( up->Org, up->Dst ); up = up->Lnext )
	lo = up->Lprev;

	while( up->Lnext != lo ) {
		if( VertLeq( up->Dst, lo->Org )) {
			/* up->Dst is on the left.  It is safe to form triangles from lo->Org.
			* The EdgeGoesLeft test guarantees progress even when some triangles
			* are CW, given that the upper and lower chains are truly monotone.
			while( lo->Lnext != up && (EdgeGoesLeft( lo->Lnext )
				|| EdgeSign( lo->Org, lo->Dst, lo->Lnext->Dst ) <= 0 )) {
					TESShalfEdge *tempHalfEdge= tessMeshConnect( mesh, lo->Lnext, lo );
					if (tempHalfEdge == NULL) return 0;
					lo = tempHalfEdge->Sym;
			lo = lo->Lprev;
		} else {
			/* lo->Org is on the left.  We can make CCW triangles from up->Dst. */
			while( lo->Lnext != up && (EdgeGoesRight( up->Lprev )
				|| EdgeSign( up->Dst, up->Org, up->Lprev->Org ) >= 0 )) {
					TESShalfEdge *tempHalfEdge= tessMeshConnect( mesh, up, up->Lprev );
					if (tempHalfEdge == NULL) return 0;
					up = tempHalfEdge->Sym;
			up = up->Lnext;

	/* Now lo->Org == up->Dst == the leftmost vertex.  The remaining region
	* can be tessellated in a fan from this leftmost vertex.
	if( lo->Lnext == up ) return 1;
	while( lo->Lnext->Lnext != up ) {
		TESShalfEdge *tempHalfEdge= tessMeshConnect( mesh, lo->Lnext, lo );
		if (tempHalfEdge == NULL) return 0;
		lo = tempHalfEdge->Sym;

	return 1;