Esempio n. 1
EfiStrnCat (
  IN CHAR16   *Dest,
  IN CHAR16   *Src,
  IN UINTN    Length

Routine Description:
  Concatinate Source on the end of Destination

  Dst              Destination string
  Src              Source string
  Length           Length of destination string


  EfiStrnCpy (Dest + EfiStrLen (Dest), Src, Length);
Esempio n. 2
AlignmentItem (
  IN        CHAR16   *ControllerHandleName,
  IN        CHAR16   *PrefixString,
  IN OUT    CHAR16   **NewString

Routine Description:
  Do controller item string swap and alignment if needed. The alignment is the length of PrefixString.
  Because controller device path is too long sometime and cannot be presented in one line,
  and the browser automatic swap will break the necessary alignment, so do some additional
  process  for the problem.

 ControllerHandleName - a pointer to the controller real device path string
 PrefixString- a pointer to the prefix string
 NewString - a pointer to the string which will be presented by the browser



  CHAR16                                    *PadString;
  UINTN                                     PtrIndex;
  UINTN                                     IndexOffset;
  UINTN                                     Width;
  CHAR16                                    *NewStringSwapped;
  UINTN                                     SwapLineNum;
  UINTN                                     SwapLine;

  // Register the device name string and create item in set options page
  *NewString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (ControllerHandleName) + EfiStrSize (PrefixString));
  EfiStrCat (*NewString, PrefixString);
  EfiStrCat (*NewString, ControllerHandleName);
  // Add pad chars into the string  for string swap in set options page to solve following two issue:
  // Issue1: Our form browser will do the string swap according to the spaces in the string, so
  //              if a string is too long and without space in it, the string position will be ugly.
  //              The driver need add some spaces to control the swap in the long and no space string.
  // Issue2:  If browser find a space to do swap, it will not show any other space directly followed it in swap position.
  //                So if you want to use the space to do the alignment in swapped new line, you need add another char(e.g '.')  in it.
  // e.g. if the item max lenth is 5, then the following string need add some space and '.' to get right presentation
  // '12345678901234567890' --------> '      12345 .    67890 .    12345 .    67890' , and presentation is below
  // |     12345
  // |.    67890
  // |.    12345
  // |.    67890
  if ((EfiStrLen (*NewString)/SWAP_LENGTH > 0) && (EfiStrLen (PrefixString) > 0)) {
    // Prepare the pad string according to the PrefixString length
    // the pad string is string of ' ', except of the NO2 charater which is '.'
    PadString = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (PrefixString) + 2);
    for (PtrIndex = 0; PtrIndex < (EfiStrLen (PrefixString) + 1); PtrIndex++) {
      PadString[PtrIndex] = ' ';
    PadString[1] = '.';

    Width = SWAP_LENGTH - EfiStrLen (PrefixString);
    SwapLineNum = EfiStrLen (ControllerHandleName)/Width;

    NewStringSwapped = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool (EfiStrSize (ControllerHandleName) +
                       EfiStrSize (PrefixString) +
                       SwapLineNum * EfiStrSize (PadString));
    ASSERT (NewStringSwapped != NULL);

    IndexOffset = 0;
    EfiStrCpy (NewStringSwapped, PrefixString);
    IndexOffset += EfiStrLen (PrefixString);

    for (SwapLine = 0; SwapLine < SwapLineNum; SwapLine++) {
      EfiStrnCpy (&NewStringSwapped[IndexOffset],
                  &ControllerHandleName[SwapLine * Width],
      IndexOffset += Width;

      EfiStrnCpy (&NewStringSwapped[IndexOffset],
                  EfiStrLen (PadString)
      IndexOffset += EfiStrLen (PadString);
    EfiStrCat (NewStringSwapped, &ControllerHandleName[SwapLine * Width]);
    gBS->FreePool (PadString);
    gBS->FreePool (*NewString);
    *NewString = NewStringSwapped;