Esempio n. 1
void QVX_TensileTest::BeginTensileTest(QVX_Environment* pEnvIn, int NumStepIn, double ConvThreshIn, double MixRadiusIn, MatBlendModel ModelIn, double PolyExpIn)
	//set up local copy of the environment and object...

//	if (MixRadius != 0)	RenderMixedObject(pEnvIn->pObj, &LocObj, MixRadius); //if there's any mixing, we need to make it...
	LocObj = *(pEnvIn->pObj); //otherwise just simulate the original object.
	LocEnv = *pEnvIn; //set local environment params to those of the input
	LocEnv.pObj = &LocObj; //make sure local environment points to local object

	//set up blending if desired
	BlendingEnabled = false;
	if (MixRadiusIn != 0){ //if some blending...
		//check for 2 or fewer materials!
		if (LocObj.GetNumLeafMatInUse() > 2){
			QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Warning", "Currently blending only supported with 2 or fewer materials. Aborting.");
		BlendingEnabled = true;
		MixRadius = MixRadiusIn;
		BlendModel = ModelIn;
		PolyExp = PolyExpIn;
	NumStep = NumStepIn;
	ConvThresh = ConvThreshIn;
	CurTick = 0;
	TotalTick = NumStep;
	CancelFlag = false;

	std::string Message = "";


	Import(&LocEnv, NULL, &Message);


//	SetBondDampZ(1.0);
//	SetSlowDampZ(0.03);


	if (!DoBCChecks()) return;

	CurViewMode = RVM_VOXELS;
	CurViewCol = RVC_STRAIN_EN;

	//QString DispMesg;

	OutFilePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(NULL, "Save Tensile Test Results", "", "TXT Files (*.txt)");

	emit StartExternalGLUpdate(33);

	TestRunning = true;
	if (OutFilePath != "") TensileThread.Execute(false);
//	RunTensileTest(&DispMesg);
	if (ProgressMessage != "") QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "warning", QString::fromStdString(ProgressMessage));

Esempio n. 2
/*! The environment should have been previously initialized and linked with a single voxel object. 
This function sets or resets the entire simulation with the new environment.
@param[in] pEnvIn A pointer to initialized CVX_Environment to import into the simulator.
@param[out] RetMessage A pointer to initialized string. Output information from the Import function is appended to this string.
bool CVX_Sim::Import(CVX_Environment* pEnvIn, CMesh* pSurfMeshIn, std::string* RetMessage)
	ClearAll(); //clears out all arrays and stuff

	if (pEnvIn != NULL) pEnv = pEnvIn;
	if (pEnv == NULL) {if (RetMessage) *RetMessage += "Invalid Environment pointer"; return false;}

	LocalVXC = *pEnv->pObj; //make a copy of the reference digital object!
	if (LocalVXC.GetNumVox() == 0) {if (RetMessage) *RetMessage += "No voxels in object"; return false;}

	int SIndexIt = 0; //keep track of how many voxel we've added (for storing reverse lookup array...)
	int NumBCs = pEnv->GetNumBCs();
	CVX_FRegion* pCurBc;

	//initialize XtoSIndexMap & StoXIndexMap
	XtoSIndexMap.resize(LocalVXC.GetStArraySize(), -1); // = new int[LocalVXC.GetStArraySize()];
	StoXIndexMap.resize(LocalVXC.GetNumVox(), -1); // = new int [m_NumVox];

	std::vector<int> Sizes(NumBCs, 0);
	for (int i=0; i<NumBCs; i++) Sizes[i] = pEnv->GetNumTouching(i);
//	pEnv->GetNumVoxTouchingForced(&Sizes); //get the number of voxels in each region (to apply equal force to each voxel within this region!)

//	Vec3D BCpoint;
	Vec3D<> BCsize = pEnv->pObj->GetLatDimEnv()/2.0;
	Vec3D<> WSSize = pEnv->pObj->GetWorkSpace();

	//Add all Voxels:
	bool HasPlasticMaterial = false;
	Vec3D<> ThisPos;
	Vec3D<> ThisScale = LocalVXC.GetLatDimEnv();
	//Build voxel list
	for (int i=0; i<LocalVXC.GetStArraySize(); i++){ //for each voxel in the array
		XtoSIndexMap[i] = -1; //assume there is not a voxel here...

		if(LocalVXC.Structure[i] != 0 ){ //if there's material here
			int ThisMatIndex = LocalVXC.GetLeafMatIndex(i); 
			int ThisMatModel = LocalVXC.Palette[ThisMatIndex].GetMatModel();
			if (ThisMatModel == MDL_BILINEAR || ThisMatModel == MDL_DATA) HasPlasticMaterial = true; //enable plasticity in the sim

			LocalVXC.GetXYZ(&ThisPos, i, false);//Get XYZ location

			CVXS_Voxel CurVox(this, SIndexIt, i, ThisMatIndex, ThisPos, ThisScale);

			XtoSIndexMap[i] = SIndexIt; //so we can find this voxel based on it's original index
			StoXIndexMap[SIndexIt] = i; //so we can find the original index based on its simulator position
			for (int j = 0; j<NumBCs; j++){ //go through each primitive defined as a constraint!
				pCurBc = pEnv->GetBC(j);
				if (pCurBc->GetRegion()->IsTouching(&ThisPos, &BCsize, &WSSize)){ //if this point is within

			if(BlendingEnabled) CurVox.CalcMyBlendMix(); //needs to be done basically last.

	//add input voxel so that NumVox() works!
	InputVoxSInd = (int)VoxArray.size();
	CVXS_Voxel TmpVox(this, 0, 0, 0, Vec3D<>(0,0,0), Vec3D<>(0,0,0));
//	TmpVox.LinkToVXSim(this);

	//SET UP ALL PERMANENT BONDS (in between materials and the input bond)
	Vec3D<> RelDist;

	//exhaustive (slower, but still OK)
	for (int i=0; i<NumVox(); i++){ //for each voxel in our newly-made array
		for (int j = i+1; j<NumVox(); j++){
			if (!LocalVXC.IsAdjacent(StoXIndexMap[i], StoXIndexMap[j], false, &RelDist)) continue;
			if (!CreateBond(B_LINEAR, i, j, true) && RetMessage) *RetMessage += "At least one bond creation failed during import";


	//Create input bond
	CreateBond(B_INPUT_LINEAR_NOROT, InputVoxSInd, InputVoxSInd, true, &InputBondInd, false); //create input bond, but initialize it to meaningless connection to self

	UpdateAllBondPointers(); //necessary since we probably reallocated the bond array when adding pbonds the first time

	//Set up our surface list...
	for (int i=0; i<NumVox(); i++){ //for each voxel in our newly-made array
		if (VoxArray[i].GetNumLocalBonds() != 6){

		//todo: only do for those on surfaces, I think.
		VoxArray[i].CalcNearby((int)(CollisionHorizon*1.5)); //populate the nearby array

#ifdef USE_OPEN_GL
	VoxMesh.DefMesh.DrawSmooth = false;

	//if the input mesh is not valid, use marching cubes to create one
	if (!pSurfMeshIn){
		CMesh GeneratedSmoothMesh;

		CArray3Df OccupancyArray(pEnv->pObj->GetVXDim(), pEnv->pObj->GetVYDim(), pEnv->pObj->GetVZDim()); 
		int NumPossibleVox = pEnv->pObj->GetStArraySize();
		for (int g=0; g<NumPossibleVox; g++){
			if (pEnv->pObj->Structure.GetData(g)>0) OccupancyArray[g] = 1.0;
		CMarchCube::SingleMaterial(&GeneratedSmoothMesh, &OccupancyArray, 0.5, pEnv->pObj->GetLatticeDim());
		SurfMesh.ImportSimWithMesh(this, &GeneratedSmoothMesh);
	else SurfMesh.ImportSimWithMesh(this, pSurfMeshIn);


	OptimalDt = CalcMaxDt(); //to set up dialogs parameter ranges, we need this before the first iteration.
	EnablePlasticity(HasPlasticMaterial); //turn off plasticity if we don't need it...

	Initalized = true;
//	std::string tmpString;

	std::ostringstream os;
	os << "Completed Simulation Import: " << NumVox() << " Voxels, " << NumBond() << "Bonds.\n";
	*RetMessage += os.str();

	return true;