Esempio n. 1
**  BootDone -- free up memory allocated for a connection.
**	Parameters:
**		rconn - incoming boot complete packet.
**	Returns:
**		1 on success, 0 on failure.
**	Side Effects:
**		none.
BootDone(RMPCONN *rconn)
	RMPCONN *oldconn;
	struct rmp_packet *rpl;

	 *  If we cant find the connection, ignore the request.
	if ((oldconn = FindConn(rconn)) == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "BootDone: no existing connection (%s)",

	rpl = &oldconn->rmp;			/* cache ptr to RMP packet */

	 *  Make sure Session ID's match.
	if (ntohs(rconn->rmp.r_rrq.rmp_session) !=
	    ((rpl->r_type == RMP_BOOT_REPL)? ntohs(rpl->r_brpl.rmp_session):
	                                    ntohs(rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_session))) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "BootDone: bad session id (%s)",

	RemoveConn(oldconn);			/* remove connection */

	syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: boot complete", EnetStr(rconn));

Esempio n. 2
**  DoTimeout -- Free any connections that have timed out.
**	Parameters:
**		None.
**	Returns:
**		Nothing.
**	Side Effects:
**		- Timed out connections in `RmpConns' will be freed.
	RMPCONN *rtmp;
	time_t now;

	 *  For each active connection, if RMP_TIMEOUT seconds have passed
	 *  since the last packet was sent, delete the connection.
	now = time(NULL);
	for (rtmp = RmpConns; rtmp != NULL; rtmp = rtmp->next)
		if ((rtmp->tstamp.tv_sec + RMP_TIMEOUT) < now) {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: connection timed out (%u)",
			       EnetStr(rtmp), rtmp->rmp.r_type);
Esempio n. 3
**  ProcessPacket -- determine packet type and do what's required.
**	An RMP BOOT packet has been received.  Look at the type field
**	and process Boot Requests, Read Requests, and Boot Complete
**	packets.  Any other type will be dropped with a warning msg.
**	Parameters:
**		rconn - the new connection
**		client - list of files available to this host
**	Returns:
**		Nothing.
**	Side Effects:
**		- If this is a valid boot request, it will be added to
**		  the linked list of outstanding requests (RmpConns).
**		- If this is a valid boot complete, its associated
**		  entry in RmpConns will be deleted.
**		- Also, unless we run out of memory, a reply will be
**		  sent to the host that sent the packet.
ProcessPacket(RMPCONN *rconn, CLIENT *client)
	struct rmp_packet *rmp;
	RMPCONN *rconnout;

	rmp = &rconn->rmp;		/* cache pointer to RMP packet */

	switch(rmp->r_type) {		/* do what we came here to do */
		case RMP_BOOT_REQ:		/* boot request */
			if ((rconnout = NewConn(rconn)) == NULL)

			 *  If the Session ID is 0xffff, this is a "probe"
			 *  packet and we do not want to add the connection
			 *  to the linked list of active connections.  There
			 *  are two types of probe packets, if the Sequence
			 *  Number is 0 they want to know our host name, o/w
			 *  they want the name of the file associated with
			 *  the number spec'd by the Sequence Number.
			 *  If this is an actual boot request, open the file
			 *  and send a reply.  If SendBootRepl() does not
			 *  return 0, add the connection to the linked list
			 *  of active connections, otherwise delete it since
			 *  an error was encountered.
			if (ntohs(rmp->r_brq.rmp_session) == RMP_PROBESID) {
				if (WORDZE(rmp->r_brq.rmp_seqno))
					(void) SendServerID(rconnout);
					(void) SendFileNo(rmp, rconnout,
					                  client? client->files:
			} else {
				if (SendBootRepl(rmp, rconnout,
				    client? client->files: BootFiles))

		case RMP_BOOT_REPL:		/* boot reply (not valid) */
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: sent a boot reply",

		case RMP_READ_REQ:		/* read request */
			 *  Send a portion of the boot file.
			(void) SendReadRepl(rconn);

		case RMP_READ_REPL:		/* read reply (not valid) */
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: sent a read reply",

		case RMP_BOOT_DONE:		/* boot complete */
			 *  Remove the entry from the linked list of active
			 *  connections.
			(void) BootDone(rconn);

		default:			/* unknown RMP packet type */
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: unknown packet type (%u)",
			       EnetStr(rconn), rmp->r_type);
Esempio n. 4
**  SendReadRepl -- send a portion of the boot file to the requester.
**	Parameters:
**		rconn - the reply packet to be formatted.
**	Returns:
**		1 on success, 0 on failure.
**	Side Effects:
**		none.
SendReadRepl(RMPCONN *rconn)
	int retval = 0;
	RMPCONN *oldconn;
	struct rmp_packet *rpl, *req;
	int size = 0;
	int madeconn = 0;

	 *  Find the old connection.  If one doesnt exist, create one only
	 *  to return the error code.
	if ((oldconn = FindConn(rconn)) == NULL) {
		if ((oldconn = NewConn(rconn)) == NULL)
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "SendReadRepl: no active connection (%s)",

	req = &rconn->rmp;		/* cache ptr to request packet */
	rpl = &oldconn->rmp;		/* cache ptr to reply packet */

	if (madeconn) {			/* no active connection above; abort */
		rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_ABORT;
		retval = 1;
		goto sendpkt;

	 *  Make sure Session ID's match.
	if (ntohs(req->r_rrq.rmp_session) !=
	    ((rpl->r_type == RMP_BOOT_REPL)? ntohs(rpl->r_brpl.rmp_session):
	                                     ntohs(rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_session))) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "SendReadRepl: bad session id (%s)",
		rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_BADSID;
		retval = 1;
		goto sendpkt;

	 *  If the requester asks for more data than we can fit,
	 *  silently clamp the request size down to RMPREADDATA.
	 *  N.B. I do not know if this is "legal", however it seems
	 *  to work.  This is necessary for bpfwrite() on machines
	 *  with MCLBYTES less than 1514.
	if (ntohs(req->r_rrq.rmp_size) > RMPREADDATA)
		req->r_rrq.rmp_size = htons(RMPREADDATA);

	 *  Position read head on file according to info in request packet.
	GETWORD(req->r_rrq.rmp_offset, size);
	if (lseek(oldconn->bootfd, (off_t)size, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "SendReadRepl: lseek: %m (%s)",
		rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_ABORT;
		retval = 1;
		goto sendpkt;

	 *  Read data directly into reply packet.
	if ((size = read(oldconn->bootfd, &rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_data,
	                 (int) ntohs(req->r_rrq.rmp_size))) <= 0) {
		if (size < 0) {
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "SendReadRepl: read: %m (%s)",
			rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_ABORT;
		} else {
			rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_EOF;
		retval = 1;
		goto sendpkt;

	 *  Set success indication.
	rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_OKAY;

	 *  Set up assorted fields in reply packet.
	rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_type = RMP_READ_REPL;
	COPYWORD(req->r_rrq.rmp_offset, rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_offset);
	rpl->r_rrpl.rmp_session = req->r_rrq.rmp_session;

	oldconn->rmplen = RMPREADSIZE(size);	/* set size of packet */

	retval &= SendPacket(oldconn);		/* send packet */

	if (madeconn)				/* clean up after ourself */

	return (retval);
Esempio n. 5
**  SendBootRepl -- open boot file and respond to boot request.
**	Parameters:
**		req - RMP BOOT packet containing the request.
**		rconn - the reply packet to be formatted.
**		filelist - list of files available to the requester.
**	Returns:
**		1 on success, 0 on failure.
**	Side Effects:
**		none.
SendBootRepl(struct rmp_packet *req, RMPCONN *rconn, char *filelist[])
	int retval;
	char *filename, filepath[RMPBOOTDATA+1];
	RMPCONN *oldconn;
	struct rmp_packet *rpl;
	char *src, *dst1, *dst2;
	u_int8_t i;

	 *  If another connection already exists, delete it since we
	 *  are obviously starting again.
	if ((oldconn = FindConn(rconn)) != NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: dropping existing connection",

	rpl = &rconn->rmp;			/* cache ptr to RMP packet */

	 *  Set up assorted fields in reply packet.
	rpl->r_brpl.rmp_type = RMP_BOOT_REPL;
	COPYWORD(req->r_brq.rmp_seqno, rpl->r_brpl.rmp_seqno);
	rpl->r_brpl.rmp_session = htons(GenSessID());
	rpl->r_brpl.rmp_version = htons(RMP_VERSION);
	rpl->r_brpl.rmp_flnmsize = req->r_brq.rmp_flnmsize;

	 *  Copy file name to `filepath' string, and into reply packet.
	src = &req->r_brq.rmp_flnm;
	dst1 = filepath;
	dst2 = &rpl->r_brpl.rmp_flnm;
	for (i = 0; i < req->r_brq.rmp_flnmsize; i++)
		*dst1++ = *dst2++ = *src++;
	*dst1 = '\0';

	 *  If we are booting HP-UX machines, their secondary loader will
	 *  ask for files like "/hp-ux".  As a security measure, we do not
	 *  allow boot files to lay outside the boot directory (unless they
	 *  are purposely link'd out.  So, make `filename' become the path-
	 *  stripped file name and spoof the client into thinking that it
	 *  really got what it wanted.
	filename = (filename = strrchr(filepath,'/'))? ++filename: filepath;

	 *  Check that this is a valid boot file name.
	for (i = 0; i < C_MAXFILE && filelist[i] != NULL; i++)
		if (STREQN(filename, filelist[i]))
			goto match;

	 *  Invalid boot file name, set error and send reply packet.
	rpl->r_brpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_NOFILE;
	retval = 0;
	goto sendpkt;

	 *  This is a valid boot file.  Open the file and save the file
	 *  descriptor associated with this connection and set success
	 *  indication.  If the file couldnt be opened, set error:
	 *  	"no such file or dir" - RMP_E_NOFILE
	 *	"file table overflow" - RMP_E_BUSY
	 *	"too many open files" - RMP_E_BUSY
	 *	anything else         - RMP_E_OPENFILE
	if ((rconn->bootfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0600)) < 0) {
		rpl->r_brpl.rmp_retcode = (errno == ENOENT)? RMP_E_NOFILE:
			(errno == EMFILE || errno == ENFILE)? RMP_E_BUSY:
		retval = 0;
	} else {
		rpl->r_brpl.rmp_retcode = RMP_E_OKAY;
		retval = 1;

	syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: request to boot %s (%s)",
	       EnetStr(rconn), filename, retval? "granted": "denied");

	rconn->rmplen = RMPBOOTSIZE(rpl->r_brpl.rmp_flnmsize);

	return (retval & SendPacket(rconn));
Esempio n. 6
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int c, fd, omask, maxfds;
	fd_set rset;

	 *  Close any open file descriptors.
	 *  Temporarily leave stdin & stdout open for `-d',
	 *  and stderr open for any pre-syslog error messages.
		int i, nfds = getdtablesize();

		for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
			if (i != fileno(stdin) && i != fileno(stdout) &&
			    i != fileno(stderr))
				(void) close(i);

	 *  Parse any arguments.
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "adi:")) != -1)
		switch(c) {
		    case 'a':
		    case 'd':
		    case 'i':
			IntfName = optarg;
	for (; optind < argc; optind++) {
		if (ConfigFile == NULL)
			ConfigFile = argv[optind];
		else {
			warnx("too many config files (`%s' ignored)",

	if (ConfigFile == NULL)			/* use default config file */
		ConfigFile = DfltConfig;

	if (DebugFlg) {
		DbgFp = stdout;				/* output to stdout */

		(void) signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);	/* dont muck w/DbgFp */
		(void) signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);
		(void) fclose(stderr);			/* finished with it */
	} else {
		if (daemon(0, 0))
			err(1, "can't detach from terminal");

		(void) signal(SIGUSR1, DebugOn);
		(void) signal(SIGUSR2, DebugOff);

	openlog("rbootd", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);

	 *  If no interface was specified, get one now.
	 *  This is convoluted because we want to get the default interface
	 *  name for the syslog("restarted") message.  If BpfGetIntfName()
	 *  runs into an error, it will return a syslog-able error message
	 *  (in `errmsg') which will be displayed here.
	if (IntfName == NULL) {
		char *errmsg;

		if ((IntfName = BpfGetIntfName(&errmsg)) == NULL) {
			/* Backslash to avoid trigraph '??)'. */
			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "restarted (?\?)");
			/* BpfGetIntfName() returns safe names, using %m */
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", errmsg);

	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "restarted (%s)", IntfName);

	(void) signal(SIGHUP, ReConfig);
	(void) signal(SIGINT, Exit);
	(void) signal(SIGTERM, Exit);

	 *  Grab our host name and pid.
	if (gethostname(MyHost, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "gethostname: %m");
	MyHost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 1] = '\0';

	MyPid = getpid();

	 *  Write proc's pid to a file.
		FILE *fp;

		if ((fp = fopen(PidFile, "w")) != NULL) {
			(void) fprintf(fp, "%d\n", (int) MyPid);
			(void) fclose(fp);
		} else {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "fopen: failed (%s)", PidFile);

	 *  All boot files are relative to the boot directory, we might
	 *  as well chdir() there to make life easier.
	if (chdir(BootDir) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "chdir: %m (%s)", BootDir);

	 *  Initial configuration.
	omask = sigblock(sigmask(SIGHUP));	/* prevent reconfig's */
	if (GetBootFiles() == 0)		/* get list of boot files */
	if (ParseConfig() == 0)			/* parse config file */

	 *  Open and initialize a BPF device for the appropriate interface.
	 *  If an error is encountered, a message is displayed and Exit()
	 *  is called.
	fd = BpfOpen();

	(void) sigsetmask(omask);		/* allow reconfig's */

	 *  Main loop: receive a packet, determine where it came from,
	 *  and if we service this host, call routine to handle request.
	maxfds = fd + 1;
	FD_SET(fd, &rset);
	for (;;) {
		struct timeval timeout;
		fd_set r;
		int nsel;

		r = rset;

		if (RmpConns == NULL) {		/* timeout isn't necessary */
			nsel = select(maxfds, &r, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		} else {
			timeout.tv_sec = RMP_TIMEOUT;
			timeout.tv_usec = 0;
			nsel = select(maxfds, &r, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

		if (nsel < 0) {
			if (errno == EINTR)
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "select: %m");
		} else if (nsel == 0) {		/* timeout */
			DoTimeout();			/* clear stale conns */

		if (FD_ISSET(fd, &r)) {
			RMPCONN rconn;
			CLIENT *client, *FindClient();
			int doread = 1;

			while (BpfRead(&rconn, doread)) {
				doread = 0;

				if (DbgFp != NULL)	/* display packet */

				omask = sigblock(sigmask(SIGHUP));

				 *  If we do not restrict service, set the
				 *  client to NULL (ProcessPacket() handles
				 *  this).  Otherwise, check that we can
				 *  service this host; if not, log a message
				 *  and ignore the packet.
				if (BootAny) {
					client = NULL;
				} else if ((client=FindClient(&rconn))==NULL) {
					       "%s: boot packet ignored",
					(void) sigsetmask(omask);


				(void) sigsetmask(omask);