Esempio n. 1
void Fd::Close()
		throw std::logic_error("IsAcquired() (Fd::Close())");

	if(close(TheFd) != 0)
		throw ErrnoException(errno, "Fd::Close()");

	TheFd = -1;
  static void removeIPCAccessControlFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& name, bool is_group)

    const std::string basename = getIPCAccessControlFileBasename(name, is_group);
    const std::string separator = ( - 1) == '/' ? "" : "/");
    const std::string filepath = path + separator + basename;

    if (unlink(filepath.c_str()) != 0) {
      throw ErrnoException("removeIPCAccessControlFile", filepath, errno);
/// intialise
void DeviceMonitor::Init( const LedControlPtr& leds ) {
	leds_ = leds;
	// get udev library context
	dev_context_ = udev_new();
	if ( !dev_context_ ) throw ErrnoException( "udev_new" );
	// set up udev monitor
	dev_monitor_ = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink( dev_context_, "udev" );
	if ( !dev_monitor_ ) throw ErrnoException( "udev_monitor_new_from_netlink" );
	// only interested in scsi devices
	if ( udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype( dev_monitor_, "scsi", "scsi_device" ) ) {
		throw ErrnoException( "udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype" );
	// enumerate existing devices
	enumDevices_( );
	// then start monitoring
	if ( udev_monitor_enable_receiving( dev_monitor_ ) ) {
		throw ErrnoException( "udev_monitor_enable_receiving" );
  static void createIPCAccessControlFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& name, bool is_group, const IPCServer::AccessControl& access_control)

    const std::string basename = getIPCAccessControlFileBasename(name, is_group);
    const std::string separator = ( - 1) == '/' ? "" : "/");
    const std::string filepath = path + separator + basename;

     * Ensure that only the owner can read/write the file.

    std::ofstream access_control_stream(filepath);

    if (!access_control_stream.good()) {
      throw ErrnoException("createIPCAccessControlFile", filepath, errno);

Esempio n. 5
int Quorum::getFd() {
    int fd = cman_get_fd(cman);
    if (fd == 0) throw ErrnoException("Can't get cman file descriptor");
    return fd;
/// main looop
void DeviceMonitor::Main( ) {
	assert( dev_monitor_ );
	const int fd_mon = udev_monitor_get_fd( dev_monitor_ );
	const int nfds = fd_mon + 1;
        int queue_tok = 8;
	sigset_t sigempty;
	sigemptyset( &sigempty );

        struct timespec timeout;

        if( activity )
            timeout.tv_sec = 0;
            //timeout.tv_sec = 1;
            timeout.tv_nsec = 100000000;
            //timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
            timeout.tv_sec = 999;
            timeout.tv_nsec = 0;

	while ( true ) {
		fd_set fds_read;
		FD_ZERO( &fds_read );
		FD_SET( fd_mon, &fds_read );
		// block for something interesting to happen
		int res = pselect( nfds, &fds_read, 0, 0, &timeout, &sigempty );
		if ( res < 0 ) {
			if ( EINTR != errno ) throw ErrnoException( "select" );
			std::cout << "Exiting on signal\n";
			return; // signalled
		// udev monitor notification?
		if ( FD_ISSET( fd_mon, &fds_read ) ) {
			std::tr1::shared_ptr< udev_device > device( udev_monitor_receive_device( dev_monitor_ ), &udev_device_unref );
                        // make sure this is a device we want to monitor
			if (!acceptDevice_(device.get())) continue;
			const char* str = udev_device_get_action( device.get() );
			if ( !str ) {
			} else if ( 0 == strcasecmp( str, "add" ) ) {
				deviceAdded_( device.get() );
			} else if ( 0 == strcasecmp( str, "remove" ) ) {
				deviceRemove_( device.get() );
			} else {
				if ( debug ) {
					std::cout << "action: " << str << '\n';
					std::cout << ' ' << udev_device_get_syspath(device.get()) << "' (" << udev_device_get_subsystem(device.get()) << ")\n";

                if( activity )
                    for( int i = 0; i < num_disks_; ++i )
                        std::ifstream stats;
               statsFile(i).c_str() );

                        char buf[256];
                        stats.getline( &(buf[0]), 255 );
                        std::string s(&(buf[0]));

                        // tokenize the string
                        std::string::size_type last = s.find_first_not_of( " ", 0 );
                        std::string::size_type pos = s.find_first_of( " ", last );

                        int tok = 0;
                        int queue_length = 0;
                        while( std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != last )
                            last = s.find_first_not_of(" ", pos );
                            pos = s.find_first_of( " ", last );

                            if( tok == queue_tok )
                                queue_length = atoi(s.substr( last, pos - last ).c_str());
                                if( debug )
                                    std::cout << " " << i << " " << queue_length;

                        int led_idx = ledIndex(i);

                        if( led_enabled_[led_idx] && leds_ )
                            if( queue_length > 0 )
                                leds_->Set( LED_BLUE, led_idx, true );
                                leds_->Set( LED_RED, led_idx, true );
                                leds_->Set( LED_BLUE, led_idx, true );
                                leds_->Set( LED_RED, led_idx, false );
                if( debug )
                    std::cout << "\n";