Esempio n. 1
// Low-Level transmit routine.  Should do the actual transmission of the
// packet. The packet is contained in the pbuf that is passed to the function.
// This pbuf might be chained.
low_level_output(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p)
    struct pbuf *q;
    int i;
    unsigned char *pucBuf;
    unsigned long ulTemp;
    unsigned char *pucTemp = (unsigned char *)&ulTemp;

    // Wait for space available in the TX FIFO.

    // Fill in the first two bytes of the payload data (configured as padding
    // with ETH_PAD_SIZE = 2) with the total length of the payload data
    // (minus the Ethernet MAC layer header).
    pucBuf = p->payload;
    ulTemp = p->tot_len - 16;
    *pucBuf++ = pucTemp[0];
    *pucBuf++ = pucTemp[1];

    // Copy data from the pbuf(s) into the TX Fifo.
    // For now, assume every pbuf is full, except possibly the last one.
    for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next)
        pucBuf = q->payload;

        // Send the data from the pbuf to the interface, one pbuf at a
        // time. The size of the data in each pbuf is kept in the ->len
        // variable.
        for(i = 0; i < q->len; i += 4)
            pucTemp[0] = *pucBuf++;
            pucTemp[1] = *pucBuf++;
            pucTemp[2] = *pucBuf++;
            pucTemp[3] = *pucBuf++;
            HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_DATA) = ulTemp;

    // Wakeup the transmitter.


    return ERR_OK;
Esempio n. 2
// Low-Level transmit routine.  Should do the actual transmission of the
// packet. The packet is contained in the pbuf that is passed to the function.
// This pbuf might be chained.
rt_err_t luminaryif_tx(rt_device_t dev, struct pbuf *p)
    int iBuf;
    unsigned char *pucBuf;
    unsigned long *pulBuf;
    struct pbuf *q;
    int iGather;
    unsigned long ulGather;
    unsigned char *pucGather;
    unsigned long ulTemp;	

    /* lock tx operation */
    rt_sem_take(&tx_sem, RT_WAITING_FOREVER);
    // Wait for space available in the TX FIFO.

    // Fill in the first two bytes of the payload data (configured as padding
    // with ETH_PAD_SIZE = 2) with the total length of the payload data
    // (minus the Ethernet MAC layer header).
    *((unsigned short *)(p->payload)) = p->tot_len - 16;

    // Initialize the gather register.
    iGather = 0;
    pucGather = (unsigned char *)&ulGather;
    ulGather = 0;

    // Copy data from the pbuf(s) into the TX Fifo.
    for(q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next)
        // Intialize a char pointer and index to the pbuf payload data.
        pucBuf = (unsigned char *)q->payload;
        iBuf = 0;

        // If the gather buffer has leftover data from a previous pbuf
        // in the chain, fill it up and write it to the Tx FIFO.
        while((iBuf < q->len) && (iGather != 0))
            // Copy a byte from the pbuf into the gather buffer.
            pucGather[iGather] = pucBuf[iBuf++];

            // Increment the gather buffer index modulo 4.
            iGather = ((iGather + 1) % 4);

        // If the gather index is 0 and the pbuf index is non-zero,
        // we have a gather buffer to write into the Tx FIFO.
        if((iGather == 0) && (iBuf != 0))
            HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_DATA) = ulGather;
            ulGather = 0;

        // Copy words of pbuf data into the Tx FIFO, but don't go past
        // the end of the pbuf.
        if((iBuf % 4) != 0)
            while((iBuf + 4) <= q->len)
                ulTemp  = (pucBuf[iBuf++] <<  0);
                ulTemp |= (pucBuf[iBuf++] <<  8);
                ulTemp |= (pucBuf[iBuf++] << 16);
                ulTemp |= (pucBuf[iBuf++] << 24);		
                HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_DATA) = ulTemp;
            // Initialze a long pointer into the pbuf for 32-bit access.
            pulBuf = (unsigned long *)&pucBuf[iBuf];

            while((iBuf + 4) <= q->len)
                HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_DATA) = *pulBuf++;
                iBuf += 4;
        // Check if leftover data in the pbuf and save it in the gather
        // buffer for the next time.
        while(iBuf < q->len)
            // Copy a byte from the pbuf into the gather buffer.
            pucGather[iGather] = pucBuf[iBuf++];

            // Increment the gather buffer index modulo 4.
            iGather = ((iGather + 1) % 4);

    // Send any leftover data to the FIFO.
    HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_DATA) = ulGather;

    // Wakeup the transmitter.

