int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Display *dpy; GLXFBConfig pixmapConfig; XVisualInfo *windowVis; GLXPixmap gp; Window win; GLXContext ctx; Pixmap p; dpy = OpenDisplay(); pixmapConfig = ChoosePixmapFBConfig(dpy); windowVis = ChooseWindowVisual(dpy); win = CreateWindow(dpy, windowVis, 500, 500, "Texture From Pixmap"); gp = CreatePixmap(dpy, pixmapConfig, 512, 512, &p); DrawPixmapImage(dpy, p, 512, 512); ctx = glXCreateContext(dpy, windowVis, NULL, True); if (!ctx) { printf("Couldn't create GLX context\n"); exit(1); } glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win, ctx); BindPixmapTexture(dpy, gp); EventLoop(dpy, win); return 0; }
/*---------------------------main------------------------ M A I N E N T R Y P O I N T ---------------------------main------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in server; struct hostent *sp; char *host; *global_argv = *argv; openlog("browser", LOG_PID, LOG_USER); setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_DEBUG)); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s STARTED", argv[0]); /* Create a socket */ sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); /* Connect it to a server */ memset((char *) &server, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons((u_short) PORT); sp = gethostbyname(SERVER); memcpy(&server.sin_addr, sp->h_addr, sp->h_length); connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); /* All event driven I/O starts in the EventLoop */ int rc = EventLoop(); /* This process ends when all event driven I/O file descriptors are closed */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s SHUTDOWN ", argv[0]); /* SHUTDOWN */ close(sockfd); exit(0); }
// Begin 'context help mode' bool wxContextHelp::BeginContextHelp(wxWindow* win) { if (!win) win = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow(); if (!win) return false; wxCursor cursor(wxCURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW); wxCursor oldCursor = win->GetCursor(); win->SetCursor(cursor); #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxSetCursor(cursor); #endif m_status = false; #ifdef __WXMOTIF__ wxPushOrPopEventHandlers(this, win, true); #else win->PushEventHandler(new wxContextHelpEvtHandler(this)); #endif win->CaptureMouse(); EventLoop(); win->ReleaseMouse(); #ifdef __WXMOTIF__ wxPushOrPopEventHandlers(this, win, false); #else win->PopEventHandler(true); #endif win->SetCursor(oldCursor); #ifdef __WXMAC__ wxSetCursor(wxNullCursor); #endif if (m_status) { wxPoint pt; wxWindow* winAtPtr = wxFindWindowAtPointer(pt); #if 0 if (winAtPtr) { printf("Picked %s (%d)\n", winAtPtr->GetName().c_str(), winAtPtr->GetId()); } #endif if (winAtPtr) DispatchEvent(winAtPtr, pt); } return true; }
/*---------------------------main------------------------ M A I N E N T R Y P O I N T ---------------------------main------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char result[BUFFSIZE]; *global_argv = *argv; LogOpenSystem("application"); LogDebugOn(); LogDebug("%s STARTED ", argv[0]); sprintf(result, "Application Started\n"); Writen(STDOUT_FILENO, result, strlen(result)); sprintf(result, "*******************\n"); Writen(STDOUT_FILENO, result, strlen(result)); sprintf(result, "* Hello World *\n"); Writen(STDOUT_FILENO, result, strlen(result)); sprintf(result, "* dlroW olleH *\n"); Writen(STDOUT_FILENO, result, strlen(result)); sprintf(result, "*******************\n"); Writen(STDOUT_FILENO, result, strlen(result)); int rc = EventLoop(); LogDebug("%s SHUTDOWN ", argv[0]); /* SHUTDOWN */ close(sockfd); exit(0); }
void Application::Run() { running_ = Initialize(); while (running_) { clock_.beginFrame(); sfx::Global::Input.Update(); EventLoop(); /*if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::LAlt) && sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { running_ = false; }*/ if (running_) { running_ = Update(); if (running_) { window_.clear(sf::Color::Black); Render(); window_.draw(hud_); window_.display(); } } clock_.endFrame(); } window_.close(); CleanUp(); Global::UnloadGlobalResources(); }
CocoDeviceWrapper::CocoDeviceWrapper(android_app* i_app) : app(i_app), jenv(nullptr), glwrap(nullptr), video(false) { app->userData = this; app->onAppCmd = StateHandler; app->onInputEvent = InputHandler; JavaVMAttachArgs jvmArgs; jvmArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; = "NativeThread"; = NULL; app->activity->vm->GetEnv((void**)&jenv, JNI_VERSION_1_6); if(app->activity->vm->AttachCurrentThread(&jenv, &jvmArgs) == JNI_ERR) { trace("ERROR(CocoDeviceWrapper.cpp): Could not AttachCurrentThread to JavaVM"); } else { jclass jcls = jenv->GetObjectClass(app->activity->clazz); jmID_KeyboardShow = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "KeyboardShow", "()V"); jmID_KeyboardHide = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "KeyboardHide", "()V"); jmID_KeyboardToggle = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "KeyboardToggle", "()V"); jmID_PlayVideo = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "PlayVideo", "()V"); jmID_GetScreenRotation = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "GetScreenRotation", "()I"); jmID_GetScreenIsPortrait = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "GetScreenIsPortrait", "()Z"); jmID_GetScreenTop = jenv->GetMethodID(jcls, "GetScreenTop", "()I"); } EventLoop(); }
int main(int argc, char**argv) { int errno = 0; srand(time(NULL)); if (errno = PacMan()) { return errno; } /* ToDo: add Timer-Callbacks for Goodies */ //SDL_TimerID timer = SDL_AddTimer(200, NewGoodie, NULL); if(CheckEvents()){ return 0; } SDL_TimerID timer = SDL_AddTimer(randomGTime(2000, 7000), NewGoodie, NULL); if(timer){ printf("Timer erfolgreich erstellt!\n"); } thrd_create(NULL, Enemy, NULL); /* Implementation of an enemy *********************************************/ /* An enemy lives for 25 Steps and walks a bit slower than the player ... */ /**************************************************************************/ /* ToDo: move enemy into Thread */ /* Already done */ /* EventLoop */ return EventLoop(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Display *dpy; WindowData winData; dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!dpy) { printf("Error: couldn't open default display.\n"); return -1; } MakeWindow(dpy, "glprocs test", 0, 0, 300, 300, &winData); XMapWindow(dpy, winData.window); glXMakeCurrent(dpy, winData.window, winData.context); InitializeOpenGL(&winData); EventLoop(&winData); glXDestroyContext(dpy, winData.context); XDestroyWindow(dpy, winData.window); XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; }
ConnectionDispatcherTask::ConnectionDispatcherTask(int num_handlers, int listen_fd) : NotifiableTask(MASTER_THREAD_ID), next_handler_(0) { RegisterEvent( listen_fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, METHOD_AS_CALLBACK(ConnectionDispatcherTask, DispatchConnection), this); RegisterSignalEvent(SIGHUP, METHOD_AS_CALLBACK(NotifiableTask, ExitLoop), this); // TODO(tianyu) Figure out what this initialization logic is doing and // potentially rewrite // register thread to epoch manager. if (concurrency::EpochManagerFactory::GetEpochType() == EpochType::DECENTRALIZED_EPOCH) { for (size_t task_id = 0; task_id < (size_t)num_handlers; task_id++) { concurrency::EpochManagerFactory::GetInstance().RegisterThread(task_id); } } // create worker threads. for (int task_id = 0; task_id < num_handlers; task_id++) { auto handler = std::make_shared<ConnectionHandlerTask>(task_id); handlers_.push_back(handler); thread_pool.SubmitDedicatedTask([=] { handler->EventLoop(); }); } }
Client::Client() : mMesgId(0) { mEpoller = NEW Epoller(); mLoop = NEW EventLoop(mEpoller); mSock = NEW Socket(false); }
static PVOID EventThread( PVOID pContext ) { EventLoop((PSELECT_THREAD) pContext); return NULL; }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int nCmdShow) { sprintf(szAppClass, "GameServer%d", (int) hInstance); if (!InitApplication(hInstance)) return (false); if (!InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow)) return (false); Initialize(); EventLoop(); return 0; }
static PVOID EventThread( PVOID pContext ) { EventLoop((PKQUEUE_THREAD) pContext); return NULL; }
static void Run(intf_thread_t *intf) { intf_sys_t *sys = intf->p_sys; int fd; int canc = vlc_savecancel(); RegisterCallbacks(intf); while(1) { msg_Info(intf, "Creating IRC connection..."); fd = net_ConnectTCP(VLC_OBJECT(intf), sys->server, 6667); if(fd == -1) { msg_Err(intf, "Error connecting to server"); return; } msg_Info(intf, "Connected to server"); /* initialize context */ sys->fd = fd; sys->line_loc = 0; SendBufferInit(intf); SendBufferAppend(intf, "NICK "); SendBufferAppend(intf, sys->nick); SendBufferAppend(intf, "\r\n"); SendBufferAppend(intf, "USER "); SendBufferAppend(intf, sys->nick); SendBufferAppend(intf, " 8 * vlc\r\n"); sys->playlist = pl_Get(intf); #ifdef STOP_HACK playlist_Pause(sys->playlist); input_thread_t * input = playlist_CurrentInput(sys->playlist); var_SetFloat(input, "position", 0.0); #endif EventLoop(fd, intf); free(sys->send_buffer->buffer); sleep(30); } free(sys); vlc_restorecancel(canc); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Initialize(); MakeWindow(); MakeMenu(); InstallTimer(); EventLoop(); return 0; }
//============================================================================= int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { LogMsg.CurMsg = MAXLOGMSGS-1; sprintf( szAppClass, "GameServer%d", hInstance); if (!InitApplication( hInstance)) return (FALSE); if (!InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow)) return (FALSE); Initialize(); EventLoop(); return 0; }
UInt32 PilotMain(UInt16 launchCode, MemPtr cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) { Err err; if (launchCode == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) { if ((err = StartApplication()) == 0) { EventLoop(); StopApplication(); } } return 0; }
void MenuBar::Execute(Ctrl *owner, Point p) { static Vector<Ctrl *> ows; // Used to prevent another open local menu for single owner to be opened (repeated right-click) int level = ows.GetCount(); if(IsEmpty() || FindIndex(ows, owner) >= 0) return; ows.Add(owner); PopUp(owner, p); EventLoop(this); CloseMenu(); ows.SetCount(level); }
DWord PilotMain(Word cmd, Ptr cmdPBP, Word launchFlags) { if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) { StartApplication (); FrmGotoForm (mainForm); EventLoop (); StopApplication (); } return (0); }
ULong PilotMain( UInt launchCode, Ptr cmdPBP, UInt launchFlags ) { Err err=0; if( launchCode == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch ) { if( (err=StartApplication()) == 0 ) { EventLoop(); StopApplication(); } } return err; }
DWord PilotMain (Word cmd, Ptr cmdPBP, Word launchFlags) { int error; if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) { error = StartApplication(); if (error) return error; EventLoop(); StopApplication(); } return 0; }
/** Process a menu action. */ int DoAction() { switch(GetMenuAction()) { case MENU_START: HideMenu(); EventLoop(); ShowMenu(); return 1; case MENU_EXIT: HideMenu(); return 0; default: return 1; } }
int TopWindow::Run(bool appmodal) { GuiLock __; LLOG("TopWindow::Run() <- " << typeid(*this).name()); LLOG("Focus = " << UPP::Name(GetFocusCtrl())); if(!IsOpen()) Open(); if(!IsVisible()) Show(); bool pinloop = inloop; int pexitcode = exitcode; exitcode = Null; Vector<Ctrl *> es; if(appmodal) es = GetTopCtrls(); else { Vector<Ctrl *> ws = GetTopCtrls(); for(int i = 0; i < ws.GetCount(); i++) if(ws[i]->InLoop()) es.Add(ws[i]); Ctrl *mw = GetMainWindow(); if(mw) GatherWindowTree(mw, ws, es); } Vector< Ptr<Ctrl> > disabled = DisableCtrls(es, this); #ifdef _DEBUG for(int d = 0; d < disabled.GetCount(); d++) LLOG("DisableCtrls[" << d << "] = " << UPP::Name(disabled[d])); LLOG("Running EventLoop in " << UPP::Name(this)); #endif EventLoop(this); #ifdef _DEBUG LLOG("Finished EventLoop in " << UPP::Name(this)); for(int e = 0; e < disabled.GetCount(); e++) LLOG("EnableCtrls[" << e << "] = " << UPP::Name(disabled[e])); #endif EnableCtrls(disabled); if(IsNull(exitcode)) { WhenClose(); if(IsNull(exitcode)) DefaultBreak(); } int q = exitcode; inloop = pinloop; exitcode = pexitcode; LLOG("TopWindow::Run() = " << q << " -> " << typeid(*this).name()); #ifdef GUI_WIN LLOG("Focus = " << UPP::Name(GetFocusCtrl()) << ", raw " << (void *)::GetFocus()); #endif return q; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *dpyName = NULL; int i; if (argc == 1) { printf("manywin: open N simultaneous glx windows\n"); printf("Usage:\n"); printf(" manywin [-s] numWindows\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -s = swap immediately after drawing (see src code)\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf(" manywin 10\n"); return 0; } else { int n = 3; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { SwapSeparate = GL_FALSE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-display") == 0 && i < argc) { dpyName = argv[i+1]; i++; } else { n = atoi(argv[i]); } } if (n < 1) n = 1; printf("%d windows\n", n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { char name[100]; struct head *h; sprintf(name, "%d", i); h = AddHead(dpyName, name); if (h) { PrintInfo(h); } } } EventLoop(); DestroyHeads(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { uv_signal_t signals; uv_signal_init(uv_default_loop(), &signals); uv_signal_start(&signals, &_SignalFunc, SIGINT); int hInstance = 0; // TODO: getpid? sprintf( szAppClass, "Gate-Server%d", hInstance); if (!InitApplication( hInstance)) return (false); if (!InitInstance()) return (false); Initialize(); EventLoop(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { ParseOptions(argc, argv); ConvertCrLf = (strcmp(ConvertCrLfStr, "on") == 0); OpenSerialPort(&SerialPort, SP_MODE_READ|SP_MODE_WRITE); InstallSignalHandler(); EventLoop(); sp_close(SerialPort); sp_free_port(SerialPort); return 0; }
virtual void Work() { // Open a database GetViewerMethods()->InvertBackgroundColor(); GetViewerMethods()->OpenDatabase("/usr/gapps/visit/data/noise.silo"); Synchronize(); // Create a plot and draw it. int plotType = PlotIndex("Pseudocolor"); if(plotType != INVALID_PLUGIN_INDEX) { debug1 << "Plot type = " << plotType << endl; GetViewerMethods()->AddPlot(plotType, "hardyglobal"); int threeSlice = OperatorIndex("ThreeSlice"); if(threeSlice != INVALID_PLUGIN_INDEX) GetViewerMethods()->AddOperator(threeSlice); GetViewerMethods()->DrawPlots(); } Synchronize(); // Save an image. GetViewerMethods()->SaveWindow(); // Set some pseudocolor plot attributes using the base class' // SetValue methods. AttributeSubject *pcAtts = GetViewerState()->GetPlotAttributes(plotType); if(pcAtts != 0) { pcAtts->SetValue("min", 1.5); pcAtts->SetValue("minFlag", true); pcAtts->SetValue("max", 4.5); pcAtts->SetValue("maxFlag", true); pcAtts->SetValue("colorTableName", "calewhite"); pcAtts->Notify(); GetViewerMethods()->SetPlotOptions(plotType); } // Save an image. GetViewerMethods()->SaveWindow(); // Enter an event loop so the program keeps running and we can // interact with the viewer. EventLoop(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *dpyName = XDisplayName(NULL); struct window *h0, *h1, *h2, *h3; /* four windows and contexts sharing display lists and texture objects */ h0 = AddWindow(dpyName, 10, 10, NULL); h1 = AddWindow(dpyName, 330, 10, h0); h2 = AddWindow(dpyName, 10, 350, h0); h3 = AddWindow(dpyName, 330, 350, h0); InitGLstuff(h0); EventLoop(); return 0; }
/* Main entry point; it is unlikely you will need to change this except to handle other launch command codes */ UInt32 PilotMain(UInt16 cmd, void *cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) { UInt16 err; if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) { err = StartApplication(); if (err) return err; EventLoop(); StopApplication(); } else { return sysErrParamErr; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *dpyName = XDisplayName(NULL); pthread_t t0, t1, t2, t3; struct thread_init_arg tia0, tia1, tia2, tia3; struct window *h0; XInitThreads(); gDpy = XOpenDisplay(dpyName); if (!gDpy) { Error(dpyName, "Unable to open display"); return -1; } if (initMainthread(gDpy, dpyName)) return -1; /* four windows and contexts sharing display lists and texture objects */ h0 = AddWindow(gDpy, dpyName, 10, 10, gCtx); (void) AddWindow(gDpy, dpyName, 330, 10, gCtx); (void) AddWindow(gDpy, dpyName, 10, 350, gCtx); (void) AddWindow(gDpy, dpyName, 330, 350, gCtx); if (!glXMakeCurrent(gDpy, h0->Win, gCtx)) { Error(dpyName, "glXMakeCurrent failed for init thread."); return -1; } InitGLstuff(); = 0; pthread_create(&t0, NULL, threadRunner, &tia0); = 1; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, threadRunner, &tia1); = 2; pthread_create(&t2, NULL, threadRunner, &tia2); = 3; pthread_create(&t3, NULL, threadRunner, &tia3); EventLoop(); return 0; }