Esempio n. 1
// Called by Microsoft Office Excel whenever the user activates the XLL during
// an Excel session by using the Add-In Manager. This function is not called
// when Excel starts up and loads a pre-installed add-in.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoAdd(void)
    const size_t bufsize = 255;
    const size_t dllsize = 100;
    LPWSTR szBuf = (LPWSTR)malloc(bufsize * sizeof(WCHAR));
    LPWSTR szDLL = (LPWSTR)malloc(dllsize * sizeof(WCHAR));
    XLOPER12 xDLL;

    // Get the name of the XLL
    Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);
    wcsncpy_s(szDLL, dllsize, xDLL.val.str + 1, xDLL.val.str[0]);
    szDLL[xDLL.val.str[0]] = (WCHAR)NULL;

    // Display dialog
    swprintf_s((LPWSTR)szBuf, 255, L"Adding %s\nBuild %hs - %hs",
               __DATE__, __TIME__);
    Excel12f(xlcAlert, 0, 2, TempStr12(szBuf), TempInt12(2));

    // Free the XLL filename
    Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xDLL);

    return 1;
Esempio n. 2
BOOL StartAddinClrHost()
	TCHAR buffer[256] = { 0 };
	::GetModuleFileName(Constants::Dll, buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(WCHAR));

	// trim off file name
	int pos = wcslen(buffer);
	while (--pos >= 0 && buffer[pos] != '\\');
	buffer[pos] = 0;

#if CLR2
    static LPCTSTR clrVersion = L"v2.0.50727";
#elif CLR4
	static LPCTSTR clrVersion = L"v4.0.30319";
    ClrRuntimeHost::Start(clrVersion, L"ExcelMvc", buffer);
	BOOL result = ClrRuntimeHost::TestAndDisplayError();
	if (result)
        // create and remove a book just to get Excel registered with the ROT
        Excel12f(xlcEcho, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) TempBool12(false));
        Excel12f(xlcNew, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) TempInt12(5));
        Excel12f(xlcWorkbookInsert, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) TempInt12(6));
        Excel12f(xlcFileClose, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) TempBool12(false));
        Excel12f(xlcEcho, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) TempBool12(true));

        // attach to ExcelMVC
		ClrRuntimeHost::CallStaticMethod(L"ExcelMvc.Runtime.Interface", L"Attach");
		result = ClrRuntimeHost::TestAndDisplayError();
	return result;
Esempio n. 3
// Callback function that must be implemented and exported by every valid XLL.
// The xlAutoOpen function is the recommended place from where to register XLL
// functions and commands, initialize data structures, customize the user
// interface, and so on.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoOpen(void)
    XLOPER12 xDLL;
    int i;

    // Get the name of the XLL
    Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);

    // Register each of the functions
    for (i = 0 ; i < rgFuncsRows ; i++)
        Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 5,

    // Free the XLL filename
    Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xDLL);

    // Return 1 => success
    return 1;
Esempio n. 4
// getNumberOfRows
// Helper function to get the number of rows in an XLOPER12.
int getNumberOfRows(LPXLOPER12 px)
    int n = -1;
    XLOPER12 xMulti;

    switch (px->xltype)
    case xltypeNum:
        n = 1;

    case xltypeRef:
    case xltypeSRef:
    case xltypeMulti:

        // Multi value, coerce it into a readable form
        if (Excel12f(xlCoerce, &xMulti, 2, px, TempInt12(xltypeMulti)) != xlretUncalced)
            n = xMulti.val.array.rows;

        Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xMulti);

    return n;
Esempio n. 5
int  check_excel_array(const LPXLOPER12 excelArray, LPXLOPER12 coerced, const T&... args)
	switch (excelArray->xltype)
		case xltypeRef:
		case xltypeSRef:
		case xltypeMulti:
			Excel12f(xlcAlert, 0, 1, TempStr12(L"Expected a N-columns excel range"));
			return xlretInvXloper;

	if (xlretUncalced == Excel12f(xlCoerce, coerced , 2, excelArray, TempInt12(xltypeMulti) ) )
		return xlretUncalced;

	if (coerced->val.array.columns != sizeof...(args))
		//throw std::runtime_error("Wrong number of dimensions, expected:" + std::to_string(sizeof...(args)));
		Excel12f(xlcAlert, 0, 1, TempStr12(L"Wrong number of dimensions"));
		return xlretInvXloper;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
// Excel calls xlAutoOpen when it loads the XLL.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoOpen(void)
       static XLOPER12 xDLL;      // The filename of this XLL.
       int i;
       // Fetch the name of this XLL. This is used as the first arg
       // to the REGISTER function to specify the name of the XLL.
       Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);
       // Loop through the g_rgUDFs[] table, registering each
       // function in the table using xlfRegister.
       for (i = 0; i < g_rgNumUDFs; i++)
              Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 1 + g_rgUDFdata,
                       (LPXLOPER12) &xDLL,
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][0]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][1]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][2]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][3]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][4]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][5]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][6]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][7]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][8]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][9]),
                       (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][10])
       // Free the XLL filename.
       Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) &xDLL);
       return 1;
Esempio n. 7
// Excel calls xlAutoRegister12 if a macro sheet tries to register
// a function without specifying the type_text argument.
__declspec(dllexport) LPXLOPER12 WINAPI xlAutoRegister12(LPXLOPER12 pxName)
       static XLOPER12 xDLL, xRegId;
       int i;

       xRegId.xltype = xltypeErr;
       xRegId.val.err = xlerrValue;
       for (i = 0; i < g_rgNumUDFs; i++)
              if (!lpwstricmp(g_rgUDFs[i][0], pxName->val.str))
                     Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 1 + g_rgUDFdata,
                             (LPXLOPER12) &xDLL,
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][0]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][1]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][2]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][3]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][4]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][5]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][6]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][7]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][8]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][9]),
                             (LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][10])
                     // Free the oper returned by Excel.
                     Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) &xDLL);
                     return(LPXLOPER12) &xRegId;
       return(LPXLOPER12) &xRegId;
Esempio n. 8
// Excel calls xlAutoRegister12 if a macro sheet tries to register
// a function without specifying the type_text argument.
__declspec(dllexport) LPXLOPER12 WINAPI xlAutoRegister12(LPXLOPER12 pxName)
    static XLOPER12 xDLL, xRegId;
    int i;

    ** This block initializes xRegId to a #VALUE! error first. This is done in
    ** case a function is not found to register. Next, the code loops through the
    ** functions in rgFuncs[] and uses lpstricmp to determine if the current
    ** row in rgFuncs[] represents the function that needs to be registered.
    ** When it finds the proper row, the function is registered and the
    ** register ID is returned to Microsoft Excel. If no matching function is
    ** found, an xRegId is returned containing a #VALUE! error.

    xRegId.xltype = xltypeErr;
    xRegId.val.err = xlerrValue;

    for (i = 0; i < rgWorksheetFuncsRows; i++) 
        if (!lpwstricmp(rgWorksheetFuncs[i][0], pxName->val.str)) 
            Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);

            Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 4,
            /* Free the XLL filename */
            Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xDLL);

            return (LPXLOPER12)&xRegId;

    //Word of caution - returning static XLOPERs/XLOPER12s is not thread safe
    //for UDFs declared as thread safe, use alternate memory allocation mechanisms

    return (LPXLOPER12)&xRegId;
Esempio n. 9
// Called by Microsoft Office Excel when the Add-in Manager is invoked for the
// first time in an Excel session. This function is used to provide the Add-In
// Manager with information about your add-in.
_declspec(dllexport) LPXLOPER12 WINAPI xlAddInManagerInfo12(LPXLOPER12 xAction)
    LPXLOPER12 pxInfo;
    XLOPER12 xIntAction;

    pxInfo = (LPXLOPER12)malloc(sizeof(XLOPER12));

    Excel12f(xlCoerce, &xIntAction, 2, xAction, TempInt12(xltypeInt));

    if (xIntAction.val.w == 1)
        LPWSTR szDesc = (LPWSTR)malloc(50 * sizeof(WCHAR));
        swprintf_s(szDesc, 50, L"%s", L"\020Example CUDA XLL");
        pxInfo->xltype = xltypeStr;
        pxInfo->val.str = szDesc;
        pxInfo->xltype = xltypeErr;
        pxInfo->val.err = xlerrValue;

    pxInfo->xltype |= xlbitDLLFree;
    return pxInfo;
Esempio n. 10
// The Excel Add-in Manager calls xlAddInManagerInfo12 function
// to find the long name of the add-in.
__declspec(dllexport) LPXLOPER12 WINAPI xlAddInManagerInfo12(LPXLOPER12 xAction)
       static XLOPER12 xInfo, xIntAction;
       // This code coerces the passed-in value to an integer.
       Excel12f(xlCoerce, &xIntAction, 2, xAction,
       if (xIntAction.val.w == 1)
              // Note that the string is length-prefixed in octal.
              xInfo.xltype = xltypeStr;
              xInfo.val.str = L"SimpleXll2007";
              xInfo.xltype = xltypeErr;
              xInfo.val.err = xlerrValue;
       // Word of caution: returning static XLOPERs/XLOPER12s is
       // not thread-safe. For UDFs declared as thread-safe, use
       // alternate memory allocation mechanisms.
       return(LPXLOPER12) &xInfo;
Esempio n. 11
// Called by Microsoft Office Excel whenever the XLL is deactivated. The add-in
// is deactivated when an Excel session ends normally. The add-in can be
// deactivated by the user during an Excel session, and this function will be
// called in that case.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoClose(void)
    int i;

    // Delete all the registered functions
    for (i = 0 ; i < rgFuncsRows ; i++)
        Excel12f(xlfSetName, 0, 1, TempStr12(rgFuncs[i][2]));

    // Return 1 => success
    return 1;
Esempio n. 12
// Excel calls xlAutoOpen when it loads the XLL.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoOpen(void)
    static XLOPER12 xDLL;   /* name of this DLL */
    int i;                  /* Loop index */

    ** In the following block of code the name of the XLL is obtained by
    ** calling xlGetName. This name is used as the first argument to the
    ** REGISTER function to specify the name of the XLL. Next, the XLL loops
    ** through the rgFuncs[] table, registering each function in the table using
    ** xlfRegister. Functions must be registered before you can add a menu
    ** item.

    Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);

    for (i=0; i < rgWorksheetFuncsRows; i++) 
        Excel12f(xlfRegister, 0, 1 + rgWorksheetFuncsCols,

    /* Free the XLL filename */
    Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xDLL);
    return 1;
Esempio n. 13
// Excel calls xlAutoClose when it unloads the XLL.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoClose(void)
       int i;
       // Delete all names added by xlAutoOpen or xlAutoRegister.
       for (i = 0; i < g_rgNumUDFs; i++)
              Excel12f(xlfSetName, 0, 1, TempStr12(g_rgUDFs[i][2]));
       return 1;
Esempio n. 14
// Excel calls xlAutoClose when it unloads the XLL.
__declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI xlAutoClose(void)
    int i;

     // Delete all names added by xlAutoOpen or xlAutoRegister.
    for (i = 0; i < rgWorksheetFuncsRows; i++)
        Excel12f(xlfSetName, 0, 1, TempStr12(rgWorksheetFuncs[i][2]));

    return 1;
Esempio n. 15
BOOL __stdcall xlAutoOpen(void)
    if (++AutoOpenCount > 1)
        //MessageBox(0, L"Test", L"Test", MB_OK);
        return TRUE;

	static XLOPER12 xDLL;
	Excel12f(xlGetName, &xDLL, 0);

	int count = sizeof(rgFuncs) / (sizeof(rgFuncs[0][0]) * NumberOfParameters);
	for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
		int macroType = wcscmp(rgFuncs[idx][4], L"0") == 0 ? 0 : 1;
			xlfRegister, 0, 12,
			(LPXLOPER12) &xDLL,
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][0]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][1]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][2]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][3]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempInt12(macroType),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][5]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][6]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][7]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][8]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][9]),
			(LPXLOPER12) TempStr12(rgFuncs[idx][10])

	Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12) &xDLL);

	return StartAddinClrHost();
Esempio n. 16
// extractData
// Helper function for to extract the data from an XLOPER12 into an
// array of n floats. If the XLOPER12 contains a single value then it
// is replicated into all n elements of the array. Otherwise the
// XLOPER12 must contain exactly n rows and one column and the data
// is copied directly into the array.
int extractData(LPXLOPER12 px, int n, float *pdst, int *error)
    int ok = 1;
    int i;
    XLOPER12 xMulti;

    switch (px->xltype)
    case xltypeNum:

        // If there is only one value, copy it into each element of
        // the array.
        for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
            pdst[i] = (float)px->val.num;


    case xltypeRef:
    case xltypeSRef:
    case xltypeMulti:

        // Multi value, coerce it into a readable form
        if (Excel12f(xlCoerce, &xMulti, 2, px, TempInt12(xltypeMulti)) != xlretUncalced)
            // Check number of columns
            if (xMulti.val.array.columns != 1)
                ok = 0;

            if (ok)
                // Check number of rows
                if (xMulti.val.array.rows == 1)
                    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                        pdst[i] = (float)xMulti.val.array.lparray[0].val.num;
                else if (xMulti.val.array.rows == n)
                    // Extract data into the array
                    for (i = 0 ; ok && i < n ; i++)
                        switch (xMulti.val.array.lparray[i].xltype)
                        case xltypeNum:
                            pdst[i] = (float)xMulti.val.array.lparray[i].val.num;

                        case xltypeErr:
                            *error = xMulti.val.array.lparray[i].val.err;
                            ok = 0;

                        case xltypeMissing:
                            *error = xlerrNum;
                            ok = 0;

                            *error = xlerrRef;
                            ok = 0;
                    ok = 0;
            ok = 0;

        Excel12f(xlFree, 0, 1, (LPXLOPER12)&xMulti);

        ok = 0;

    return ok;