Esempio n. 1
iwSaveLoad::iwSaveLoad(const unsigned short add_height, const std::string& window_title)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_SAVE, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(600, 400 + add_height), window_title, LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41))
    AddTable(0, DrawPoint(20, 30), Extent(560, 300), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 5, _("Filename"), 270, ctrlTable::SRT_STRING, _("Map"), 250,
             ctrlTable::SRT_STRING, _("Time"), 250, ctrlTable::SRT_DATE, _("Start GF"), 320, ctrlTable::SRT_NUMBER, "", 0,
Esempio n. 2
/** Returns a list of parts of a single section that have been referenced.  The offsets are relative to the start of the
 *  section. */
SgAsmGenericSection::get_referenced_extents() const
    ExtentMap retval;
    if (0==get_size())
        return retval;

    Extent s(get_offset(), get_size());
    const ExtentMap &file_extents = get_file()->get_referenced_extents();
    for (ExtentMap::const_iterator i=file_extents.begin(); i!=file_extents.end(); i++) {
        Extent e = i->first;
        if (e.contained_in(s)) {
            retval.insert(Extent(e.first()-get_offset(), e.size()));
        } else if (e.left_of(s) || e.right_of(s)) {
        } else if (e.contains(s)) {
            retval.insert(Extent(0, get_size()));
        } else if (e.begins_before(s)) {
            retval.insert(Extent(0, e.first()+e.size()-get_offset()));
        } else if (e.ends_after(s)) {
            retval.insert(Extent(e.first()-get_offset(), get_offset()+get_size()-e.first()));
        } else {
            assert(!"invalid extent overlap category");
    return retval;
Esempio n. 3
// TODO: Avoid flickering!
void MScrollView::UpdateScrollInfo()
    MRect rcClient;


    si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
    si.nMin = 0;
    si.nMax = Extent().cx;
    si.nPage = rcClient.Width();
    if (static_cast<UINT>(si.nMax) < si.nPage)
        ScrollPos().x = 0;
    si.nPos = ScrollPos().x;
    SetHScrollInfo(&si, TRUE);

    si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
    si.nMin = 0;
    si.nMax = Extent().cy;
    si.nPage = rcClient.Height();
    if (static_cast<UINT>(si.nMax) < si.nPage)
        ScrollPos().y = 0;
    si.nPos = ScrollPos().y;
    SetVScrollInfo(&si, TRUE);

    ::InvalidateRect(m_hwndParent, NULL, TRUE);
Esempio n. 4
iwLoad::iwLoad(CreateServerInfo csi) : iwSaveLoad(0, _("Load game!")), csi(std::move(csi))
    AddEdit(1, DrawPoint(20, 350), Extent(510, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont);
    AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(540, 346), Extent(40, 40), TC_GREEN2, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 48));
    // Tabelle ausfüllen beim Start
    : IngameWindow(CGI_ENDGAME, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(240, 100), _("Surrender game?"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41))
    // Ok
    AddImageButton(0, DrawPoint(85, 24), Extent(68, 57), TC_GREEN2, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 32), _("Surrender"));
    // Ok + Abbrennen
    AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(16, 24), Extent(68, 57), TC_GREEN2, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 23), _("Destroy all buildings and surrender"));
    // Abbrechen
    AddImageButton(1, DrawPoint(158, 24), Extent(68, 57), TC_RED1, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 40), _("Don't surrender"));
 *  Zeichenmethode.
 *  @return @p true bei Erfolg, @p false bei Fehler
void ctrlPercent::Draw_()
    // Wenn der Prozentsatzpointer = 0, dann wird 0 angezeigt und es soll nich abstürzen!
    unsigned short percentage = (this->percentage_ ? *this->percentage_ : 0);

    if(percentage > 100)
        percentage = 100;

    // Farbe wählen je nachdem wie viel Prozent
    unsigned color;
    if(percentage >= 60)
        color = COLOR_60_PERCENT;
    else if(percentage >= 30)
        color = COLOR_30_PERCENT;
    else if(percentage >= 20)
        color = COLOR_20_PERCENT;
        color = COLOR_0_PERCENT;

    // Box zeichnen
    Draw3D(Rect(GetDrawPos(), GetSize()), tc, false);

    // Fortschritt zeichnen
    Extent progSize = GetSize() - Extent(8, 8);
    progSize.x = (progSize.x * percentage) / 100;
    DrawRectangle(Rect(GetDrawPos() + DrawPoint(4, 4), progSize), color);

    // Text zeichnen
    std::string caption = helpers::toString(percentage) + "%";
    font->Draw(GetDrawPos() + DrawPoint(GetSize()) / 2, caption, FontStyle::CENTER | FontStyle::VCENTER, text_color);
Esempio n. 7
  InterfaceParticles(const Boundary& boundary, const int& levelMin, const int& levelMax,
		     const Vector& box_offset, const vmg_float& box_size,
		     const int& near_field_cells,
		     const int& coarsening_steps, const vmg_float& alpha) :
    Interface(boundary, levelMin, levelMax, box_offset, box_size, coarsening_steps, alpha),
    spl(near_field_cells, Extent(MaxLevel()).MeshWidth().Max())
 *  Konstruktor von @p iwPleaseWait.
 *  Fenster wird modal geöffnet, damit man ggf. einen "Weiter"-Button nicht
 *  mehrfach betätigen kann.
    : IngameWindow(CGI_PLEASEWAIT, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(300, 60), _("Please wait..."), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41),
                   true, false)
    AddText(0, GetSize() / 2, _("Please wait..."), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER | FontStyle::VCENTER, NormalFont);
Esempio n. 9
iwTrade::iwTrade(const nobBaseWarehouse& wh, const GameWorldViewer& gwv, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory)
    : IngameWindow(wh.CreateGUIID(), IngameWindow::posAtMouse, Extent(400, 194), _("Trade"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)), wh(wh),
      gwv(gwv), gcFactory(gcFactory), possibleSrcWarehouses(gwv.GetPlayer().GetWarehousesForTrading(wh))
    // Get title of the player
    SetTitle((boost::format(_("Trade with %s")) % gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(wh.GetPlayer()).name).str());
    // Gebäudebild und dessen Schatten
    AddImage(0, DrawPoint(100, 144), LOADER.GetNationImage(wh.GetNation(), 250 + 5 * wh.GetBuildingType()));

    const unsigned left_column = 200;

    AddComboBox(4, DrawPoint(left_column, 84), Extent(160, 18), TC_GREY, NormalFont, 90); // Ware/Figure names
    AddText(1, DrawPoint(left_column, 30), "Deal in:", COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::LEFT, NormalFont);
    ctrlComboBox* box = this->AddComboBox(2, DrawPoint(left_column, 44), Extent(160, 18), TC_GREY, NormalFont, 200); // Ware or figure?
    AddText(3, DrawPoint(left_column, 70), "Type:", COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::LEFT, NormalFont);

    // Create possible wares, figures
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_WARE_TYPES; ++i)
        // Only add one shield type
        if(GoodType(i) != ConvertShields(GoodType(i)))
        // Don't add empty water
        if(i == GD_WATEREMPTY)
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_JOB_TYPES; ++i)
        // Can't trade boat carriers
        if(i == JOB_BOATCARRIER)

    AddImage(5, DrawPoint(left_column + 20, 130), static_cast<ITexture*>(nullptr), _("Ware you like to trade"));
    AddEdit(6, DrawPoint(left_column + 34, 120), Extent(39, 20), TC_GREY, NormalFont)->SetNumberOnly(true);
    AddText(7, DrawPoint(left_column + 75, 125), "/ 20", COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::LEFT, NormalFont);

    AddTextButton(8, DrawPoint(left_column, 150), Extent(150, 22), TC_GREEN2, _("Send"), NormalFont);

    // Choose wares at first
    Msg_ComboSelectItem(2, 0);
Esempio n. 10
DBRegion DBObjData::Extent(DBObjRecord *record) {
    DBRegion extent;
    DBCoordinate coord;
    DBFloat delta;
    DBObjTable *items;
    DBObjTableField *field;

    if (record == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) return (Extent());

    switch (Type()) {
        case DBTypeVectorPoint:
            delta = pow((double) 10.0, (double) Precision());
            items = TablesPTR->Item(DBrNItems);
            field = items->Field(DBrNCoord);
            coord = field->Coordinate(record);
            extent.Expand(coord + delta);
            extent.Expand(coord - delta);
            return (extent);
        case DBTypeVectorLine:
        case DBTypeVectorPolygon:
            items = TablesPTR->Item(DBrNItems);
            field = items->Field(DBrNRegion);
            return (field->Region(record));
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
        case DBTypeGridContinuous:
            return (Extent());
        case DBTypeNetwork: {
            DBInt cellID, cellNum;
            DBObjRecord *cellRec;
            DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(this);

            cellRec = netIF->MouthCell(record);
            cellNum = netIF->CellBasinCells(cellRec) + cellRec->RowID();
            for (cellID = cellRec->RowID(); cellID < cellNum; ++cellID) {
                cellRec = netIF->Cell(cellID);
                extent.Expand(netIF->Center(cellRec) + (netIF->CellSize() / 2.0));
                extent.Expand(netIF->Center(cellRec) - (netIF->CellSize() / 2.0));
            delete netIF;
            return (extent);
        case DBTypeTable:
            return (extent);
Esempio n. 11
/* Augments superclass to make sure free list and such are adjusted properly */
SgAsmPEStringSection::set_size(rose_addr_t newsize)
    rose_addr_t orig_size = get_size();
    SgAsmGenericStrtab *strtab = get_strtab();

    if (get_size() > orig_size) {
        /* Add new address space to string table free list */
        rose_addr_t n = get_size() - orig_size;
        strtab->get_freelist().insert(Extent(orig_size, n));
    } else if (get_size() < orig_size) {
        /* Remove deleted address space from string table free list */
        rose_addr_t n = orig_size - get_size();
        strtab->get_freelist().erase(Extent(get_size(), n));
iwLobbyServerInfo::iwLobbyServerInfo(unsigned serverId)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_LOBBYSERVERINFO, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(260, 260), _("Server Information"),
                   LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
    AddText(0, DrawPoint(30, 40), _("Map Name:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddEdit(1, DrawPoint(30, 60), Extent(200, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 0, false, true);
    AddText(3, DrawPoint(30, 90), _("Server Name:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddEdit(4, DrawPoint(30, 110), Extent(200, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 0, false, true);
    AddText(5, DrawPoint(30, 140), _("Host:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddEdit(6, DrawPoint(30, 160), Extent(200, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 0, false, true);
    AddText(7, DrawPoint(30, 190), _("Version:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddEdit(8, DrawPoint(30, 210), Extent(200, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 0, false, true);

    AddTimer(9, 5000);
iwBuildingSite::iwBuildingSite(GameWorldView& gwv, const noBuildingSite* const buildingsite)
    : IngameWindow(buildingsite->CreateGUIID(), IngameWindow::posAtMouse, Extent(226, 194),
                   _(BUILDING_NAMES[buildingsite->GetBuildingType()]), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
      gwv(gwv), buildingsite(buildingsite)
    // Bild des Gebäudes
    AddImage(0, DrawPoint(113, 130), buildingsite->GetBuildingImage());
    // Gebäudename
    AddText(1, DrawPoint(113, 44), _("Order of building site"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, NormalFont);

    // Hilfe
    AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(16, 147), Extent(30, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 225), _("Help"));
    // Gebäude abbrennen
    AddImageButton(3, DrawPoint(50, 147), Extent(34, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 23), _("Demolish house"));

    // "Gehe Zu Ort"
    AddImageButton(4, DrawPoint(179, 147), Extent(30, 32), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 107), _("Go to place"));
Esempio n. 14
dskLAN::dskLAN() : dskMenuBase(LOADER.GetImageN("setup013", 0)), discovery(LAN_DISCOVERY_CFG)
    // "Server hinzufügen"
    AddTextButton(ID_btAddServer, DrawPoint(530, 250), Extent(250, 22), TC_GREEN2, _("Add Server"), NormalFont);
    // "Verbinden"
    AddTextButton(ID_btConnect, DrawPoint(530, 280), Extent(250, 22), TC_GREEN2, _("Connect"), NormalFont);
    // "Zurück"
    AddTextButton(ID_btBack, DrawPoint(530, 530), Extent(250, 22), TC_RED1, _("Back"), NormalFont);

    // Gameserver-Tabelle - "ID", "Server", "Karte", "Spieler", "Version"
    AddTable(ID_tblServer, DrawPoint(20, 20), Extent(500, 530), TC_GREY, NormalFont, 5, _("ID"), 0, ctrlTable::SRT_NUMBER, _("Server"), 300,
             ctrlTable::SRT_STRING, _("Map"), 300, ctrlTable::SRT_STRING, _("Player"), 200, ctrlTable::SRT_STRING, _("Version"), 100,


    AddTimer(ID_tmrRefreshServers, 60000); // Servers broadcast changes, so force a full update only once a minute
    AddTimer(ID_tmrRefreshList, 2000);
FBox FKBoxElem::CalcAABB(const FTransform& BoneTM, float Scale) const
	FTransform ElemTM = GetTransform();
	ElemTM.ScaleTranslation( FVector(Scale) );
	ElemTM *= BoneTM;

	FVector Extent(0.5f * Scale * X, 0.5f * Scale * Y, 0.5f * Scale * Z);
	FBox LocalBox(-Extent, Extent);

	return LocalBox.TransformBy(ElemTM);
Esempio n. 16
DwarfLineMapper::visit(SgNode *node)
    if (SgAsmDwarfLineList *ll = isSgAsmDwarfLineList(node)) {
        const SgAsmDwarfLinePtrList &lines = ll->get_line_list();
        for (SgAsmDwarfLinePtrList::const_iterator li=lines.begin(); li!=lines.end(); ++li) {
            SgAsmDwarfLine *line = *li;
            p_addr2src.insert(Extent(line->get_address()), SrcInfo(line->get_file_id(), line->get_line()));
            up_to_date = false;
Esempio n. 17
 forceinline bool
 Shape::getExtentAtDepth(int d, Extent& extent) {
   if (d > depth())
     return false;
   extent = Extent(0,0);
   for (int i=0; i <= d; i++) {
     Extent currentExtent = (*this)[i];
     extent.l += currentExtent.l;
     extent.r += currentExtent.r;
   return true;
iwDiplomacy::iwDiplomacy(const GameWorldViewer& gwv, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_DIPLOMACY, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter,
                   Extent(500, FIRST_LINE_Y + gwv.GetWorld().GetNumPlayers() * (CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT) + 20), _("Diplomacy"),
                   LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
      gwv(gwv), gcFactory(gcFactory)
    // "Header" der Tabelle
    AddText(0, DrawPoint(LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + PING_FIELD_POS, HEADER_Y), _("Ping"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, NormalFont);
    AddText(1, DrawPoint(LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + TREATIES_POS, HEADER_Y), _("Treaties"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, NormalFont);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < gwv.GetWorld().GetNumPlayers(); ++i)
        const GamePlayer& player = gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(i);
        curTxtPos.y += CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT;
        // Einzelne Spielernamen
        AddText(100 + i, curTxtPos,, player.color, FontStyle::VCENTER, NormalFont);

        if( == PS_OCCUPIED)
            // Ping
            DrawPoint pingPos(LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + PING_FIELD_POS - PING_FIELD_SIZE.x / 2, curTxtPos.y);
            AddTextDeepening(200 + i, pingPos, PING_FIELD_SIZE, TC_GREY, "0", NormalFont, COLOR_YELLOW);

        // An sich selber braucht man keine Bündnisse zu schließen
        if(gwv.GetPlayerId() == i)
        // Bündnisvertrag-Button
        glArchivItem_Bitmap* image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 61);
        Extent btSize(40, 40);
        DrawPoint btPos(LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS + TREATIES_POS - TREATIE_BUTTON_SPACE / 2 - (image->getWidth() + 8),
                        curTxtPos.y - btSize.y / 2);
        ctrlButton* button = AddImageButton(300 + i, btPos, btSize, TC_GREY, image, _("Treaty of alliance"));

        // Verbleibende Zeit unter dem Button
        DrawPoint remainingTimePos = button->GetPos() + DrawPoint(btSize.x / 2, btSize.y + 4);
        AddText(500 + i, remainingTimePos, "", COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, SmallFont);

        // Nichtangriffspakt
        image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 100);
        button = AddImageButton(400 + i, btPos, btSize, TC_GREY, image, _("Non-aggression pact"));

        // Verbleibende Zeit unter dem Button
        remainingTimePos = button->GetPos() + DrawPoint(btSize.x / 2, btSize.y + 4);
        AddText(600 + i, remainingTimePos, "", COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER, SmallFont);
    // Farben festlegen
Esempio n. 19
iwSave::iwSave() : iwSaveLoad(40, _("Save game!"))
    AddEdit(1, DrawPoint(20, 390), Extent(510, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont);
    AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(540, 386), Extent(40, 40), TC_GREEN2, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 47));

    // Autospeicherzeug
    AddText(3, DrawPoint(20, 350), _("Auto-Save every:"), 0xFFFFFF00, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    ctrlComboBox* combo = AddComboBox(4, DrawPoint(270, 345), Extent(130, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 100);

    /// Combobox füllen
    combo->AddString(_("Disabled")); // deaktiviert

    // Last entry is only for debugging
    const unsigned numIntervalls = ? NUM_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS : NUM_AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS - 1;

    // Die Intervalle
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < numIntervalls; ++i)
        combo->AddString(helpers::toString(AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS[i]) + " GF");

    // Richtigen Eintrag auswählen
    bool found = false;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < numIntervalls; ++i)
        if(SETTINGS.interface.autosave_interval == AUTO_SAVE_INTERVALS[i])
            combo->SetSelection(i + 1);
            found = true;

    // Ungültig oder 0 --> Deaktiviert auswählen

    // Tabelle ausfüllen beim Start
void iwDiplomacy::Msg_PaintBefore()
    // Farben, die zu den 3 Bündnisstates gesetzt werden (0-kein Bündnis, 1-in Arbeit, 2-Bündnis abgeschlossen)
    const std::array<unsigned, 3> PACT_COLORS = {COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN};

    // Die farbigen Zeilen malen
    DrawPoint curPos = GetDrawPos() + DrawPoint(LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS, FIRST_LINE_Y);
    Rect curRect(curPos, Extent(GetSize().x - 2 * LINE_DISTANCE_TO_MARGINS, CELL_HEIGHT));
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < gwv.GetWorld().GetNumPlayers(); ++i)
        // Rechtecke in Spielerfarbe malen mit entsprechender Transparenz
        DrawRectangle(curRect, SetAlpha(gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(i).color, 0x40));
        curRect.move(DrawPoint(0, CELL_HEIGHT + SPACE_HEIGHT));

        // Farben der Bündnis-Buttons setzen, je nachdem wie der Status ist

        // Existiert der Button auch?
        auto* button = GetCtrl<ctrlImageButton>(300 + i);
        // Bündnisvertrag
            // Farbe je nach Bündnisstatus setzen
            button->SetModulationColor(PACT_COLORS[gwv.GetPlayer().GetPactState(TREATY_OF_ALLIANCE, i)]);
        // Nicht-Angriffspakt
        button = GetCtrl<ctrlImageButton>(400 + i);
            // Farbe je nach Bündnisstatus setzen
            button->SetModulationColor(PACT_COLORS[gwv.GetPlayer().GetPactState(NON_AGGRESSION_PACT, i)]);

        // Ggf. Ping aktualisieren
        if(auto* pingfield = GetCtrl<ctrlTextDeepening>(200 + i))

        // Verbleibende Zeit der Bündnisse in den Text-Ctrls anzeigen
        if(GetCtrl<ctrlText>(500 + i))
            for(unsigned z = 0; z < 2; ++z)
                unsigned duration = gwv.GetPlayer().GetRemainingPactTime(PactType(z), i);
                // Überhaupt ein Bündnis abgeschlossen und Bündnis nicht für die Ewigkeit?
                if(duration > 0 && duration != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    // Dann entsprechende Zeit setzen
                    GetCtrl<ctrlText>(500 + z * 100 + i)->SetText(GAMECLIENT.FormatGFTime(duration));
                    // Ansonsten leer
                    GetCtrl<ctrlText>(500 + z * 100 + i)->SetText("");
iwSuggestPact::iwSuggestPact(const PactType pt, const GamePlayer& player, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_SUGGESTPACT, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(320, 215), _(PACT_TITLES[pt]), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
      pt(pt), player(player), gcFactory(gcFactory)
    glArchivItem_Bitmap* image;

        case TREATY_OF_ALLIANCE: image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 61); break;
        case NON_AGGRESSION_PACT: image = LOADER.GetImageN("io", 100); break;
        default: image = nullptr;

    // Bild als Orientierung, welchen Vertrag wir gerade bearbeiten
        this->AddImage(0, DrawPoint(55, 100), image);

    AddText(1, DrawPoint(100, 30), _("Contract type:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddText(2, DrawPoint(100, 45), _(PACT_NAMES[pt]), COLOR_GREEN, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddText(3, DrawPoint(100, 70), _("To player:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddText(4, DrawPoint(100, 85),, player.color, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    AddText(5, DrawPoint(100, 110), _("Duration:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);
    ctrlComboBox* combo = AddComboBox(6, DrawPoint(100, 125), Extent(190, 22), TC_GREEN2, NormalFont, 100);

    // Zeiten zur Combobox hinzufügen
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_DURATIONS; ++i)
        combo->AddString(helpers::format("%s  (%s)", DURATION_NAMES[i], GAMECLIENT.FormatGFTime(DURATIONS[i])));
    // Erstes Item in der Combobox vorerst auswählen

    // Option "ewig" noch hinzufügen

    AddTextButton(7, DrawPoint(110, 170), Extent(100, 22), TC_GREEN2, _("Confirm"), NormalFont);
Esempio n. 22
void DBObjData::RecalcExtent() {
    DBRegion extent;

    switch (Type()) {
        case DBTypeVectorPoint:
        case DBTypeVectorLine:
        case DBTypeVectorPolygon: {
            DBVectorIF *vectorIF = new DBVectorIF(this);
            DBInt recordID;
            for (recordID = 0; recordID < vectorIF->ItemNum(); ++recordID)
            delete vectorIF;
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
        case DBTypeGridContinuous: {
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(this);
            extent.LowerLeft = Extent().LowerLeft;
            extent.UpperRight.X = extent.LowerLeft.X + gridIF->ColNum() * gridIF->CellWidth();
            extent.UpperRight.Y = extent.LowerLeft.Y + gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->CellHeight();
            delete gridIF;
        case DBTypeNetwork: {
            DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(this);
            extent.LowerLeft = Extent().LowerLeft;
            extent.UpperRight.X = extent.LowerLeft.X + netIF->ColNum() * netIF->CellWidth();
            extent.UpperRight.Y = extent.LowerLeft.Y + netIF->RowNum() * netIF->CellHeight();
            delete netIF;
        case DBTypeTable:
Esempio n. 23
iwAddons::iwAddons(GlobalGameSettings& ggs, Window* parent, ChangePolicy policy, std::vector<AddonId> addonIds)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_ADDONS, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(700, 500), _("Addon Settings"), LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41), true,
                   false, parent),
      ggs(ggs), policy(policy), addonIds(std::move(addonIds))
    AddText(0, DrawPoint(20, 30), _("Additional features:"), COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);

    Extent btSize(200, 22);
    if(policy != READONLY)
        AddTextButton(1, DrawPoint(20, GetSize().y - 40), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("Apply"), NormalFont, _("Apply Changes"));

    AddTextButton(2, DrawPoint(250, GetSize().y - 40), btSize, TC_RED1, _("Abort"), NormalFont, _("Close Without Saving"));

    if(policy != READONLY)
        AddTextButton(3, DrawPoint(480, GetSize().y - 40), btSize, TC_GREY, _("Default"), NormalFont, _("Use S2 Defaults"));

    // Kategorien
    ctrlOptionGroup* optiongroup = AddOptionGroup(5, ctrlOptionGroup::CHECK);
    btSize = Extent(120, 22);
    // "Alle"
    optiongroup->AddTextButton(ADDONGROUP_ALL, DrawPoint(20, 50), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("All"), NormalFont);
    // "Militär"
    optiongroup->AddTextButton(ADDONGROUP_MILITARY, DrawPoint(150, 50), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("Military"), NormalFont);
    // "Wirtschaft"
    optiongroup->AddTextButton(ADDONGROUP_ECONOMY, DrawPoint(290, 50), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("Economy"), NormalFont);
    // "Spielverhalten"
    optiongroup->AddTextButton(ADDONGROUP_GAMEPLAY, DrawPoint(430, 50), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("Gameplay"), NormalFont);
    // "Sonstiges"
    optiongroup->AddTextButton(ADDONGROUP_OTHER, DrawPoint(560, 50), btSize, TC_GREEN2, _("Other"), NormalFont);

    ctrlScrollBar* scrollbar =
      AddScrollBar(6, DrawPoint(GetSize().x - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 20, 90), Extent(SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, GetSize().y - 140), SCROLLBAR_WIDTH,
                   TC_GREEN2, (GetSize().y - 140) / 30 - 1);

    optiongroup->SetSelection(ADDONGROUP_ALL, true);
Esempio n. 24
/** Obtains the virtual address of the Hint/Name Table.  The Hint/Name Table is an implicit table--the PE file format
 *  specification talks about such a table, but it is not actually defined anywhere in the PE file.  Instead, various Import
 *  Lookup Table and Import Address Table entries might point to individual Hint/Name pairs, which collectively form an
 *  implicit Hint/Name Table.  There is no requirement that the Hint/Name pairs are contiguous in the address space, and indeed
 *  they often are not.  Therefore, the only way to describe the location of the Hint/Name Table is by a list of addresses.
 *  This function will scan this Import Directory's import items, observe which items make references to Hint/Name pairs that
 *  have known addresses, and add those areas of virtual memory to the specified extent map.  This function returns the number
 *  of ILT entries that reference a Hint/Name pair. */
SgAsmPEImportDirectory::hintname_table_extent(ExtentMap &extent/*in,out*/) const
    size_t retval = 0;
    const SgAsmPEImportItemPtrList &imports = get_imports()->get_vector();
    for (SgAsmPEImportItemPtrList::const_iterator ii=imports.begin(); ii!=imports.end(); ++ii) {
        SgAsmPEImportItem *import = *ii;
        if (!import->get_by_ordinal() && import->get_hintname_rva().get_rva()!=0 && import->get_hintname_nalloc()>0) {
            size_t nbytes = std::min(import->get_hintname_nalloc(), import->hintname_required_size());
            extent.insert(Extent(import->get_hintname_rva().get_va(), nbytes));
    return retval;
void ExtentStore::add(const Extent& extent)
   assert(extent.numPages() > 0);

   // The new extent is not allowed to be inside an already existing extent
   for(auto iter : extents)
      if( (iter.begin().toInteger() <= extent.begin().toInteger() && extent.begin().toInteger() < iter.end().toInteger())
       || (iter.begin().toInteger() < extent.end().toInteger() && extent.end().toInteger() <= iter.end().toInteger()))
         throw util::StupidUserException("extent store: overlapping extents");

   // Add extent
   pageCount += extent.numPages();
   if(!extents.empty() && extents.back().end() == extent.begin())
      extents.back() = Extent(extents.back().begin(), extent.end()); else // Merge to last extent
      extents.emplace_back(extent); // Add a new extent
Esempio n. 26
int CKernel_Density::On_Parameter_Changed(CSG_Parameters *pParameters, CSG_Parameter *pParameter)
	if( (!SG_STR_CMP(pParameter->Get_Identifier(), "POINTS") || !SG_STR_CMP(pParameter->Get_Identifier(), "RADIUS"))
	&&  pParameters->Get_Parameter("POINTS")->asShapes() )
		CSG_Rect	Extent(pParameters->Get_Parameter("POINTS")->asShapes()->Get_Extent());

		Extent.Inflate(pParameters->Get_Parameter("RADIUS")->asDouble(), false);

		m_Grid_Target.Set_User_Defined(pParameters, Extent);

	m_Grid_Target.On_Parameter_Changed(pParameters, pParameter);

	return( CSG_Tool::On_Parameter_Changed(pParameters, pParameter) );
Esempio n. 27
void Addon::createGui(Window* window, unsigned id, unsigned short& y, bool /*readonly*/, unsigned /*status*/) const //-V669
    DrawPoint btPos(20, y), txtPos(52, y + 4);
    auto* button = window->GetCtrl<ctrlButton>(id + 1);
        button = window->AddImageButton(id + 1, btPos, Extent(22, 22), TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 21), description_);


    auto* text = window->GetCtrl<ctrlText>(id);
        text = window->AddText(id, txtPos, name_, COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle{}, NormalFont);

Esempio n. 28
void AddonBool::createGui(Window* window, unsigned id, unsigned short& y, bool readonly, unsigned status) const
    Addon::createGui(window, id, y, readonly, status);
    DrawPoint cbPos(430, y);

    auto* check = window->GetCtrl<ctrlCheck>(id + 2);
        check = window->AddCheckBox(id + 2, DrawPoint(0, 0), Extent(220, 20), TC_GREY, _("Use"), NormalFont, readonly);
        setGuiStatus(window, id, status);


    y += 30;
void iwBuildingSite::Msg_PaintAfter()
    // Baukosten zeichnen
    DrawPoint curPos = GetDrawPos() + DrawPoint(GetSize().x / 2, 60);
    for(unsigned char i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        unsigned wares_count = 0;
        unsigned wares_delivered = 0;
        unsigned wares_used = 0;

        if(i == 0)
            wares_count = BUILDING_COSTS[buildingsite->GetNation()][buildingsite->GetBuildingType()].boards;
            wares_used = buildingsite->getUsedBoards();
            wares_delivered = buildingsite->getBoards() + wares_used;
        } else
            wares_count = BUILDING_COSTS[buildingsite->GetNation()][buildingsite->GetBuildingType()].stones;
            wares_used = buildingsite->getUsedStones();
            wares_delivered = buildingsite->getStones() + wares_used;

        if(wares_count == 0)

        // "Schwarzer Rahmen"
        DrawPoint waresPos = curPos - DrawPoint(24 * wares_count / 2, 0);
        DrawRectangle(Rect(waresPos, Extent(24 * wares_count, 24)), 0x80000000);
        waresPos += DrawPoint(12, 12);

        // Die Waren
        for(unsigned char z = 0; z < wares_count; ++z)
            glArchivItem_Bitmap* bitmap = LOADER.GetMapImageN(2250 + (i == 0 ? GD_BOARDS : GD_STONES));
            bitmap->DrawFull(waresPos, (z < wares_delivered ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF404040));

            // Hammer wenn Ware verbaut
            if(z < wares_used)
                LOADER.GetMapImageN(2250 + GD_HAMMER)->DrawFull(waresPos);
            waresPos.x += 24;
        curPos.y += 29;
iwDistribution::iwDistribution(const GameWorldViewer& gwv, GameCommandFactory& gcFactory)
    : IngameWindow(CGI_DISTRIBUTION, IngameWindow::posLastOrCenter, Extent(290, 312), _("Distribution of goods"),
                   LOADER.GetImageN("resource", 41)),
      gwv(gwv), gcFactory(gcFactory), settings_changed(false)

    // Tab Control
    ctrlTab* tab = AddTabCtrl(0, DrawPoint(10, 20), 270);
    DrawPoint txtPos(GetSize().x / 2, 60);
    DrawPoint progPos(PROGRESS_BORDER_DISTANCE - tab->GetPos().x, txtPos.y);
    const Extent progSize(GetSize().x - 2 * PROGRESS_BORDER_DISTANCE, 20);

    for(unsigned groupId = 0; groupId < groups.size(); groupId++)
        const DistributionGroup& group = groups[groupId];
        ctrlGroup* tabGrp = tab->AddTab(group.img,, groupId);
        txtPos.y = progPos.y = 60;
        unsigned curId = 0;
        for(const std::string& entry : group.entries)
            unsigned txtId = group.entries.size() + curId;
            tabGrp->AddText(txtId, txtPos, entry, COLOR_YELLOW, FontStyle::CENTER | FontStyle::BOTTOM, SmallFont);
            tabGrp->AddProgress(curId++, progPos, progSize, TC_GREY, 139, 138, 10);
            txtPos.y = progPos.y += progSize.y * 2;

    // Gruppe auswählen

    // Timer für die Übertragung der Daten via Netzwerk
    AddTimer(1, 2000);

    const Extent btSize(32, 32);
    // Hilfe
    AddImageButton(2, DrawPoint(15, GetSize().y - 15 - btSize.y), btSize, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 225), _("Help"));
    // Standardbelegung
    AddImageButton(10, GetSize() - DrawPoint::all(15) - btSize, btSize, TC_GREY, LOADER.GetImageN("io", 191), _("Default"));
