Esempio n. 1
void L2Sphere::EucHvToHv(Variable *x, Vector *etax, Vector *exix, Vector* xix, const Problem *prob) const
	//return; //---
	const double *xptr = x->ObtainReadData();
	Variable *xcubed = x->ConstructEmpty();
	SharedSpace *Sharedxcubed = new SharedSpace(xcubed);
	double *xcubedptr = xcubed->ObtainWriteEntireData();
	for (integer i = 0; i < n; i++)
		xcubedptr[i] = xptr[i] * xptr[i] * xptr[i];
	double a1 = Metric(x, xcubed, xcubed);

	const SharedSpace *Sharedegf = x->ObtainReadTempData("EGrad");
	Vector *egfVec = Sharedegf->GetSharedElement();
	double a2 = Metric(x, egfVec, xcubed);

	Vector *x2etax = etax->ConstructEmpty();
	double *x2etaxptr = x2etax->ObtainWriteEntireData();
	const double *etaxptr = etax->ObtainReadData();
	for (integer i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x2etaxptr[i] = xptr[i] * xptr[i] * etaxptr[i];
	scalarVectorAddVector(x, -3.0 * a2 / a1, x2etax, exix, xix);
	delete x2etax;
	ExtrProjection(x, xix, xix);
Esempio n. 2
void Stiefel::Projection(Variable *x, Vector *v, Vector *result) const
	if (IsIntrApproach)
		IntrProjection(x, v, result);
		ExtrProjection(x, v, result);
Esempio n. 3
void Stiefel::EucHvToHv(Variable *x, Vector *etax, Vector *exix, Vector *xix, const Problem *prob) const
	if (metric == EUCLIDEAN)
		char *transn = const_cast<char *> ("n"), *transt = const_cast<char *> ("t");
		double one = 1, zero = 0;
		integer inc = 1, N = n, P = p, Length = N * P;
		double *symxtegfptr;
		SharedSpace *symxtegf;
		if (x->TempDataExist("symxtegf"))
			symxtegf = const_cast<SharedSpace *> (x->ObtainReadTempData("symxtegf"));
			symxtegfptr = const_cast<double *> (symxtegf->ObtainReadData());
			const double *xxM = x->ObtainReadData();
			const SharedSpace *Sharedegf = x->ObtainReadTempData("EGrad");
			Vector *egfVec = Sharedegf->GetSharedElement();
			const double *egf = egfVec->ObtainReadData();
			symxtegf = new SharedSpace(2, p, p);
			symxtegfptr = symxtegf->ObtainWriteEntireData();
			dgemm_(transt, transn, &P, &P, &N, &one, const_cast<double *> (xxM), &N, const_cast<double *> (egf), &N, &zero, symxtegfptr, &P);
			for (integer i = 0; i < p; i++)
				for (integer j = i + 1; j < p; j++)
					symxtegfptr[i + j * p] += symxtegfptr[j + i * p];
					symxtegfptr[i + j * p] /= 2.0;
					symxtegfptr[j + i * p] = symxtegfptr[i + j * p];

		double *resultTV = xix->ObtainWritePartialData();
		const double *etaxTV = etax->ObtainReadData();

		double negone = -1;
		dgemm_(transn, transn, &N, &P, &P, &negone, const_cast<double *> (etaxTV), &N, symxtegfptr, &P, &one, resultTV, &N);
		ExtrProjection(x, xix, xix);
		if (!x->TempDataExist("symxtegf"))
			x->AddToTempData("symxtegf", symxtegf);
	Rcpp::Rcout << "Warning:The function converting action of Eucidean Hessian to action of Riemannian Hessian has not been done!" << std::endl;
Esempio n. 4
void L2Sphere::EucGradToGrad(Variable *x, Vector *egf, Vector *gf, const Problem *prob) const

	if (prob->GetUseHess())
		Vector *segf = egf->ConstructEmpty();
		segf->NewMemoryOnWrite(); // I don't remember the reason. It seems to be required.
		SharedSpace *Sharedegf = new SharedSpace(segf);
		x->AddToTempData("EGrad", Sharedegf);
	ExtrProjection(x, egf, gf);
Esempio n. 5
void Stiefel::EucGradToGrad(Variable *x, Vector *egf, Vector *gf, const Problem *prob) const
	if (metric == EUCLIDEAN)
		if (prob->GetUseHess())
			Vector *segf = egf->ConstructEmpty();
			segf->NewMemoryOnWrite(); // I don't remember the reason. It seems to be required.
			SharedSpace *Sharedegf = new SharedSpace(segf);
			x->AddToTempData("EGrad", Sharedegf);
		ExtrProjection(x, egf, gf);
	Rcpp::Rcout << "Warning:The function converting Eucidean Gradient to Riemannian Gradient has not been done!" << std::endl;
Esempio n. 6
void Stiefel::qfcoTangentVector(Variable *x, Vector *etax, Variable *y, Vector *xiy, Vector *result) const
	const double *yM = y->ObtainReadData();
	Vector *exresult = EMPTYEXTR->ConstructEmpty();
	double *exresultTV = exresult->ObtainWriteEntireData();

	Vector *extempy = nullptr;
	const double *extempyTV;
	if (IsIntrApproach)
		extempy = EMPTYEXTR->ConstructEmpty();
		ObtainExtr(y, xiy, extempy);
		extempyTV = extempy->ObtainReadData();
		extempyTV = xiy->ObtainReadData();
	double *ytxiy = new double[p * p];

	char *transt = const_cast<char *> ("t"), *transn = const_cast<char *> ("n");
	integer N = n, P = p, inc = 1;
	double one = 1, zero = 0;
	dgemm_(transt, transn, &P, &P, &N, &one, const_cast<double *> (yM), &N, const_cast<double *> (extempyTV), &N, &zero, ytxiy, &P);
	for (integer i = 0; i < p; i++)
		for (integer j = i; j < p; j++)
			ytxiy[i + j * p] = -ytxiy[i + j * p];
	dgemm_(transn, transn, &N, &P, &P, &one, const_cast<double *> (yM), &N, ytxiy, &P, &zero, exresultTV, &N);
	integer Length = N * P;
	daxpy_(&Length, &one, const_cast<double *> (extempyTV), &inc, exresultTV, &inc);

	const SharedSpace *HHR = y->ObtainReadTempData("HHR");
	const double *ptrHHR = HHR->ObtainReadData();
	double sign;
	for (integer i = 0; i < P; i++)
		sign = (ptrHHR[i + i * N] >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
		dscal_(&N, &sign, exresultTV + i * N, &inc);

	char *left = const_cast<char *> ("r"), *up = const_cast<char *> ("u"), *nonunit = const_cast<char *> ("n");
	dtrsm_(left, up, transt, nonunit, &N, &P, &one, const_cast<double *> (ptrHHR), &N, exresultTV, &N);

	ExtrProjection(x, exresult, exresult);
	if (IsIntrApproach)
		ObtainIntr(x, exresult, result);

	delete[] ytxiy;
	delete exresult;
	if (extempy != nullptr)
		delete extempy;