Esempio n. 1
void PropDlg::DrawChildrenOfItem(HTREEITEM hParentItem)
	INT			iIconNormal		= 0;
	INT			iIconSelected	= 0;
	INT			iIconOverlayed	= 0;
	BOOL		haveChildren	= FALSE;
	INT			root			= 0;
	HTREEITEM	pCurrentItem	= TreeView_GetNextItem(_hTreeCtrl, hParentItem, TVGN_CHILD);

	/* get element list */
	PELEM		parentElement	= (PELEM)GetParam(hParentItem);

	if (parentElement != NULL)
		/* update elements in parent tree */
		for (size_t i = 0; i < parentElement->vElements.size(); i++)
			PELEM	pElem	= &parentElement->vElements[i];

			/* get root */
			root = pElem->uParam & FAVES_PARAM;

			/* initialize children */
			haveChildren		= FALSE;

			if (pElem->uParam & FAVES_PARAM_GROUP)
				if (pElem->vElements.size() != 0)
					if ((pElem->vElements[0].uParam & FAVES_PARAM_GROUP) || (_bWithLink == TRUE))
						haveChildren = TRUE;
				/* add new item */
				pCurrentItem = InsertItem(pElem->pszName, ICON_GROUP, ICON_GROUP, 0, 0, hParentItem, TVI_LAST, haveChildren, (LPARAM)pElem);

			if ((pElem->uParam & FAVES_PARAM_LINK) && (_bWithLink == TRUE))
				/* add new item */
				ExtractIcons(pElem->pszName, NULL, DEVT_FILE, &iIconNormal, &iIconSelected, &iIconOverlayed);
				pCurrentItem = InsertItem(pElem->pszName, _iUImgPos, _iUImgPos, 0, 0, hParentItem, TVI_LAST, haveChildren, (LPARAM)pElem);
Esempio n. 2
BOOL _ShellImageListInit(int cxIcon, int cyIcon, int cxSmIcon, int cySmIcon, UINT flags, BOOL fRestore)
    int i;
    TCHAR szModule[MAX_PATH];
    HKEY hkeyIcons;


    if (himlIcons == NULL) {
        himlIcons = ImageList_Create(cxIcon, cyIcon, ILC_MASK|ILC_SHARED|flags, 0, 32);
    else {
        ImageList_Remove(himlIcons, -1);
        ImageList_SetIconSize(himlIcons, cxIcon, cyIcon);

    if (himlIcons == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    if (himlIconsSmall == NULL) {
        himlIconsSmall = ImageList_Create(cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, ILC_MASK|ILC_SHARED|flags, 0, 32);
    else {
        ImageList_Remove(himlIconsSmall, -1);
        ImageList_SetIconSize(himlIconsSmall, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon);

    if (himlIconsSmall == NULL) {
        himlIcons = NULL;
        return FALSE;

    // set the bk colors to COLOR_WINDOW since this is what will
    // be used most of the time as the bk for these lists (cabinet, tray)
    // this avoids having to do ROPs when drawing, thus making it fast

    ImageList_SetBkColor(himlIcons, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
    ImageList_SetBkColor(himlIconsSmall, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));

    GetModuleFileName(HINST_THISDLL, szModule, ARRAYSIZE(szModule));

    // WARNING: this code assumes that these icons are the first in
    // our RC file and are in this order and these indexes correspond
    // to the II_ constants in shell.h.

    hkeyIcons =
        SHGetExplorerSubHkey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szShellIcons, FALSE);

    for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(c_SystemImageListIndexes); i++) {

        HICON hIcon=NULL;
        HICON hSmallIcon=NULL;
        int iIndex;

        // Load all of the icons with fRestore == TRUE, or only the overlays
        // if fRestore == FALSE.
        if (fRestore || (i >= II_OVERLAYFIRST && i <= II_OVERLAYLAST))
            // check to see if icon is overridden in the registry
            if (hkeyIcons)
                TCHAR val[10];
                TCHAR ach[MAX_PATH];
                DWORD cb=MAX_PATH;
                int iIcon;

                wsprintf(val, g_szD, i);

                ach[0] = 0;
                RegQueryValueEx(hkeyIcons, val, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)ach, &cb);

                if (ach[0])
                    HICON hIcons[2] = {0, 0};

                    iIcon = PathParseIconLocation(ach);

                    ExtractIcons(ach, iIcon,
                        hIcons, NULL, 2, g_lrFlags);

                    hIcon = hIcons[0];
                    hSmallIcon = hIcons[1];

                    if (hIcon)
                        DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, TEXT("ShellImageListInit: Got default icon #%d from registry: %s,%d"), i, ach, iIcon);

            if (hIcon == NULL)
                hIcon      = LoadImage(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(c_SystemImageListIndexes[i]), IMAGE_ICON, cxIcon, cyIcon, g_lrFlags);
                hSmallIcon = LoadImage(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(c_SystemImageListIndexes[i]), IMAGE_ICON, cxSmIcon, cySmIcon, g_lrFlags);

            if (hIcon)
                iIndex = SHAddIconsToCache(hIcon, hSmallIcon, szModule, i, 0);
                Assert(iIndex == i);     // assume index

                if (i >= II_OVERLAYFIRST && i <= II_OVERLAYLAST)
                    ImageList_SetOverlayImage(himlIcons,      iIndex, i - II_OVERLAYFIRST + 1);
                    ImageList_SetOverlayImage(himlIconsSmall, iIndex, i - II_OVERLAYFIRST + 1);

    if (hkeyIcons)

    return TRUE;