Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int status  = -1;
	const int N = 1024;
	double *c_data = (double *)malloc(N*sizeof(double)*N);
	double *result = (double *)malloc(N*2*sizeof(double)*N);
	double *Iresult = (double *)malloc(N*sizeof(double)*N);
	complex_t *dst1= (complex_t *)malloc(N*sizeof(complex_t)*N);
	cl_mem g_data = NULL;
	cl_mem g_Iresult = NULL;
	cl_mem g_result = NULL;
	cl_mem g_temp = NULL;

	for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<N; j++)
		     c_data[i*N + j] = i*N + j+1024;		
    status = clInitialKernelAPI();

	status = clMallocBuf((void**)(&g_data),N*N*sizeof(double));
	status = clMallocBuf((void**)(&g_result),N*N*2*sizeof(double));
	status = clMallocBuf((void**)(&g_Iresult),N*N*sizeof(double));
	status = clMallocBuf((void**)(&g_temp),N*N*2*sizeof(double));
	status = clMemcpyBuf((void**)(&c_data),(void**)(&g_data),N*N*sizeof(double), clMemcpyHostToDevice);
	//GPU 1D FFT 
	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
	status = FFT_1D_OCL(g_data, g_result, log2(N),1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	status = clMemcpyBuf((void**)(&g_result),(void**)(&result),N*2*sizeof(double), clMemcpyDeviceToHost);
	time_stamp(1,"GPU time: ");
	printf(" \n GPU 1D result: \n ");
	for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
		printf("%f  %f \n ", result[i*2], result[i*2+1]);		
	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
	status = FFT_1D_OCL(g_result, g_Iresult, log2(N),-1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	status = clMemcpyBuf((void**)(&g_Iresult),(void**)(&Iresult),N*sizeof(double), clMemcpyDeviceToHost);
	time_stamp(1,"GPU time: ");
	printf(" \n GPU IFFT 1D Iresult: \n ");
	for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
		printf("%f  %f \n ", Iresult[i]);		

	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
	status = FFT_2D_OCL(g_data, g_result,g_temp, log2(N),log2(N),1 ,NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	time_stamp(1,"\nGPU 2D time: ");
	status = clMemcpyBuf((void**)(&g_result),(void**)(&result),N*N*2*sizeof(double), clMemcpyDeviceToHost);
	printf("  GPU 2D result: \n ");
	for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
		printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n ", result[i*2], result[i*2+1], result[i*2+N*2], result[i*2+1+N*2], result[i*2+8*N*2], result[i*2+1+8*N*2]);		

	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<20; i++)
	status = FFT_2D_OCL(g_result,g_Iresult, g_temp, log2(N),log2(N),-1 ,NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
	time_stamp(1,"\nGPU 2D IFFT time: ");
	status = clMemcpyBuf((void**)(&g_Iresult),(void**)(&Iresult),N*N*sizeof(double), clMemcpyDeviceToHost);
	printf("  GPU 2D IFFT result: \n ");
	for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
		printf("%f, %f\n ", Iresult[i], Iresult[i+N]);		

	// CPU 1D FFT
	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
	status = FFT_R2C_1D(c_data, dst1,log2(N));
	time_stamp(1,"\nCPU time: ");
	printf(" \n CPU result: \n ");
    for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
      	printf("%f, %f\n", dst1[i].real, dst1[i].imaginary);

	time_stamp(0, NULL);
	for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
	status = FFT_C2R_1D(dst1,result, log2(N));
	time_stamp(1,"\nCPU time: ");
	printf(" \n CPU IFFT 1D result: \n ");
    for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
      	printf("%f, %f\n", result[i]);

	// CPU 2D
	time_stamp(0, NULL);	
	status = FFT_2D(c_data, dst1,log2(N), log2(N));
	time_stamp(1,"\nCPU 2D time: ");

	printf(" \n CPU 2D result: \n ");
    for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
      	printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n", dst1[i].real, dst1[i].imaginary, dst1[i+N].real, dst1[i+N].imaginary);

	//cpu 2d IFFT
	time_stamp(0, NULL);	
	status = IFFT_2D(dst1,Iresult, log2(N), log2(N));
	time_stamp(1,"\nCPU 2D time: ");
	printf(" \n CPU 2D IFFT result: \n ");
    for(int i=0; i<MIN(8, N); i++)
      	printf("%f, %f\n ", Iresult[i], Iresult[i+N]);	

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
// See if two images match in the Fourier domain.
// Vectors av[] and bv[] should be normalized and same size.
// wvlen (in pixels) sets a minimum feature size (roughly).
double FourierMatch(
	const vector<Point>		&pts,
	const vector<double>	&av,
	const vector<double>	&bv,
	int						wvlen,
	bool					write_images,
	const char				*msg,
	FILE*					flog )
/* ----------------------- */
/* Report difference power */
/* ----------------------- */

	if( !MeanSqrDiff( av, bv, msg, flog ) )
		return 0.0;

/* ----------- */
/* Make images */
/* ----------- */

	vector<double>	i1, i2, diff;
	int				Nx, Ny;

		const vector<Point>	*pbest;
		vector<Point>		altpts;

		pbest = SmallestFootprint( altpts, pts, msg, flog );

		MakeMetricImagesFFT( i1, i2, diff, Nx, Ny,
			*pbest, av, bv, write_images, msg, flog );

/* ----------- */
/* Image power */
/* ----------- */

// Compare lowest few coefficients (longer than wvlen).
// Remember FFT x-elements are arranged like this:
//	elem	freq		wvlen
//	----	----		-----
//	0		0			DC const
//	1		1/Nx		Nx
//	2		2/Nx		Nx/2
//	3		3/Nx		Nx/3
// ...		...			...
//	Nx/2	(Nx/2)/Nx	2
// Since wvlen = Nx/elem; then elem = Nx/wvlen.

	vector<CD>	i1fft, i2fft, dfft;
	double		total = 0.0, dot = 0.0;
	int			xlim = Nx/wvlen, ylim = Ny/wvlen;

	FFT_2D( i1fft,  i1, Nx, Ny, false );
	FFT_2D( i2fft,  i2, Nx, Ny, false );
	FFT_2D( dfft, diff, Nx, Ny, false );

	for( int x = -xlim; x <= xlim; ++x ) {

		for( int y = -ylim; y <= ylim; ++y ) {

			CD	v1 = FFT_r2c_lookup( i1fft, Nx, Ny, x, y ),
				v2 = FFT_r2c_lookup( i2fft, Nx, Ny, x, y );

			total	+= sqrt( norm( v1 ) * norm( v2 ) );
			dot		+= v1.real()*v2.real() + v1.imag()*v2.imag();

	dot /= total;

	fprintf( flog, "FFT: norm-dot %f, energy %f\n", dot, total );

/* --------------------------------*/
/* Difference power: make spectrum */
/* --------------------------------*/

// Form spectrum with powers ordered from small to large wavelength.
// The objective will be to report what fraction of total power is
// covered by small-sized features in the diff image. The idea is
// that in a seriously bad mismatch, diff will get large features
// and the spectrum would be shifted out to long wavelength.

	int				M		= Nx/2 + 1;
	int				maxf	= int(sqrt( Nx*Nx + Ny*Ny )/2.0) + 1;
	vector<double>	pspectrum( maxf, 0.0 );

	for( int x = 1; x < M; ++x ) {

		double	wavex = double(Nx)/x;

		for( int y = 1; y < Ny; ++y ) {

			double	wavey = double(Ny)/(y > Ny/2 ? Ny-y : y);
			double	wave  = sqrt( wavex*wavex + wavey*wavey );

			int	iwave = int(wave);

			if( iwave > maxf - 1 )
				iwave = maxf - 1;

			pspectrum[iwave] += norm( dfft[x + M*y] );

/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* Difference power: where cum power exceeds threshold */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */

	const double thresh = 0.50;	// fraction of total power

	double	tot = 0.0, cum = 0.0;
	int		i;

// tot = total power

	for( i = 0; i < maxf; ++i )
		tot += pspectrum[i];

// repeat summing, but only up to tot*thresh

	for( i = 0; cum < tot * thresh && i < maxf; ++i ) {

		cum += pspectrum[i];

		// report progress periodically
		if( i && !(i % 10) ) {
			fprintf( flog,
			"FFT: %s: cum frac to %d = %f\n", msg, i, cum/tot );

	fprintf( flog,
	"FFT: %s: Cum power exceeds %2d%% of %f"
	" at index %d/%d (frac %f).\n",
	msg, int(thresh*100.0), tot, i, maxf, cum/tot );

	return dot;