void updateAutotuneState(void) { static bool landedAfterAutoTuning = false; static bool autoTuneWasUsed = false; if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAUTOTUNE)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(AUTOTUNE_MODE)) { if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { if (isAutotuneIdle() || landedAfterAutoTuning) { autotuneReset(); landedAfterAutoTuning = false; } autotuneBeginNextPhase(¤tProfile->pidProfile); ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(AUTOTUNE_MODE); autoTuneWasUsed = true; } else { if (havePidsBeenUpdatedByAutotune()) { saveConfigAndNotify(); autotuneReset(); } } } return; } if (FLIGHT_MODE(AUTOTUNE_MODE)) { autotuneEndPhase(); DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(AUTOTUNE_MODE); } if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && autoTuneWasUsed) { landedAfterAutoTuning = true; } }
void pidLuxFloat(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, const rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig) { float horizonLevelStrength = 0.0f; if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // (convert 0-100 range to 0.0-1.0 range) horizonLevelStrength = (float)calcHorizonLevelStrength(rxConfig->midrc, pidProfile->horizon_tilt_effect, pidProfile->horizon_tilt_mode, pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL]) / 100.0f; } // ----------PID controller---------- for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { const uint8_t rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis]; // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode float angleRate; if (axis == FD_YAW) { // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 32.0f; } else { // control is GYRO based for ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[axis]) / 16.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here #ifdef GPS const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]; #else const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]; #endif if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) { // ANGLE mode angleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / 16.0f; } else { // HORIZON mode // mix in errorAngle to desired angleRate to add a little auto-level feel. // horizonLevelStrength has been scaled to the stick input angleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL] * horizonLevelStrength / 16.0f; } } } // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ---------- const float gyroRate = luxGyroScale * gyroADCf[axis] * gyro.scale; axisPID[axis] = pidLuxFloatCore(axis, pidProfile, gyroRate, angleRate); //axisPID[axis] = constrain(axisPID[axis], -PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID, PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID); #ifdef GTUNE if (FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { calculate_Gtune(axis); } #endif } }
static void ltm_sframe(void) { uint8_t lt_flightmode; uint8_t lt_statemode; if (FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 0; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_WP_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 10; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_RTH_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 13; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_POSHOLD_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 9; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 11; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_ALTHOLD_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 8; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 2; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 3; else lt_flightmode = 1; // Rate mode lt_statemode = (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) ? 1 : 0; if (failsafeIsActive()) lt_statemode |= 2; ltm_initialise_packet('S'); ltm_serialise_16(vbat * 100); //vbat converted to mv ltm_serialise_16(0); // current, not implemented ltm_serialise_8((uint8_t)((rssi * 254) / 1023)); // scaled RSSI (uchar) ltm_serialise_8(0); // no airspeed ltm_serialise_8((lt_flightmode << 2) | lt_statemode); ltm_finalise(); }
void ltm_sframe(sbuf_t *dst) { uint8_t lt_flightmode; if (FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 0; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_WP_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 10; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_RTH_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 13; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_POSHOLD_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 9; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 11; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(NAV_ALTHOLD_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 8; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 2; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 3; else lt_flightmode = 1; // Rate mode uint8_t lt_statemode = (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) ? 1 : 0; if (failsafeIsActive()) lt_statemode |= 2; sbufWriteU8(dst, 'S'); ltm_serialise_16(dst, vbat * 100); //vbat converted to mv ltm_serialise_16(dst, (uint16_t)constrain(mAhDrawn, 0, 0xFFFF)); // current mAh (65535 mAh max) ltm_serialise_8(dst, (uint8_t)((rssi * 254) / 1023)); // scaled RSSI (uchar) ltm_serialise_8(dst, 0); // no airspeed ltm_serialise_8(dst, (lt_flightmode << 2) | lt_statemode); }
void updateAltHoldState(void) { // Baro alt hold activate if (!IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXBARO)) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE); return; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE)) { //led0_op(false); ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE); AltHold = EstAlt;//+100;//drona pras //DRONA //initialThrottleHold = rcData[THROTTLE];//Drona pras // initialThrottleHold = 1500;//Drona pras // errorVelocityI = 0; //DRONA altHoldThrottleAdjustment = 0; //DRONA } else { //led0_op(true);//drona pras } initialThrottleHold_test=initialThrottleHold; //DRONA //debug_d0 = pidProfile->D8[PIDALT]; debug_e1 = rcCommand[THROTTLE]; //DRONA }
uint8_t getMagHoldState() { #ifndef MAG return MAG_HOLD_DISABLED; #endif if (!sensors(SENSOR_MAG) || !STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) { return MAG_HOLD_DISABLED; } #if defined(NAV) int navHeadingState = naivationGetHeadingControlState(); // NAV will prevent MAG_MODE from activating, but require heading control if (navHeadingState != NAV_HEADING_CONTROL_NONE) { // Apply maghold only if heading control is in auto mode if (navHeadingState == NAV_HEADING_CONTROL_AUTO) { return MAG_HOLD_ENABLED; } } else #endif if (ABS(rcCommand[YAW]) < 15 && FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { return MAG_HOLD_ENABLED; } else { return MAG_HOLD_UPDATE_HEADING; } return MAG_HOLD_UPDATE_HEADING; }
static void pidLevel(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, pidState_t *pidState, flight_dynamics_index_t axis, float horizonRateMagnitude) { // This is ROLL/PITCH, run ANGLE/HORIZON controllers const float angleTarget = pidRcCommandToAngle(rcCommand[axis], pidProfile->max_angle_inclination[axis]); const float angleError = angleTarget - attitude.raw[axis]; float angleRateTarget = constrainf(angleError * (pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / FP_PID_LEVEL_P_MULTIPLIER), -controlRateConfig->rates[axis] * 10.0f, controlRateConfig->rates[axis] * 10.0f); // Apply simple LPF to angleRateTarget to make response less jerky // Ideas behind this: // 1) Attitude is updated at gyro rate, rateTarget for ANGLE mode is calculated from attitude // 2) If this rateTarget is passed directly into gyro-base PID controller this effectively doubles the rateError. // D-term that is calculated from error tend to amplify this even more. Moreover, this tend to respond to every // slightest change in attitude making self-leveling jittery // 3) Lowering LEVEL P can make the effects of (2) less visible, but this also slows down self-leveling. // 4) Human pilot response to attitude change in RATE mode is fairly slow and smooth, human pilot doesn't // compensate for each slightest change // 5) (2) and (4) lead to a simple idea of adding a low-pass filter on rateTarget for ANGLE mode damping // response to rapid attitude changes and smoothing out self-leveling reaction if (pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL]) { // I8[PIDLEVEL] is filter cutoff frequency (Hz). Practical values of filtering frequency is 5-10 Hz angleRateTarget = pt1FilterApply4(&pidState->angleFilterState, angleRateTarget, pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL], dT); } // P[LEVEL] defines self-leveling strength (both for ANGLE and HORIZON modes) if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { pidState->rateTarget = (1.0f - horizonRateMagnitude) * angleRateTarget + horizonRateMagnitude * pidState->rateTarget; } else { pidState->rateTarget = angleRateTarget; } }
void applyLedModeLayer(void) { const ledConfig_t *ledConfig; uint8_t ledIndex; for (ledIndex = 0; ledIndex < ledCount; ledIndex++) { ledConfig = &ledConfigs[ledIndex]; if (!(ledConfig->flags & LED_FUNCTION_THRUST_RING)) { if (ledConfig->flags & LED_FUNCTION_COLOR) { setLedHsv(ledIndex, &colors[ledConfig->color]); } else { setLedHsv(ledIndex, &hsv_black); } } if (!(ledConfig->flags & LED_FUNCTION_FLIGHT_MODE)) { if (ledConfig->flags & LED_FUNCTION_ARM_STATE) { if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { setLedHsv(ledIndex, &hsv_green); } else { setLedHsv(ledIndex, &hsv_blue); } } continue; } applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &orientationModeColors); if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) { applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &headfreeModeColors); #ifdef MAG } else if (FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &magModeColors); #endif #ifdef BARO } else if (FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE)) { applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &baroModeColors); #endif } else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &horizonModeColors); } else if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) { applyDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, ledConfig, &angleModeColors); } } }
void pidController(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig) { uint8_t magHoldState = getMagHoldState(); if (magHoldState == MAG_HOLD_UPDATE_HEADING) { updateMagHoldHeading(DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw)); } for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { // Step 1: Calculate gyro rates pidState[axis].gyroRate = gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale; // Step 2: Read target float rateTarget; if (axis == FD_YAW && magHoldState == MAG_HOLD_ENABLED) { rateTarget = pidMagHold(pidProfile); } else { rateTarget = pidRcCommandToRate(rcCommand[axis], controlRateConfig->rates[axis]); } // Limit desired rate to something gyro can measure reliably pidState[axis].rateTarget = constrainf(rateTarget, -GYRO_SATURATION_LIMIT, +GYRO_SATURATION_LIMIT); } // Step 3: Run control for ANGLE_MODE, HORIZON_MODE, and HEADING_LOCK if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { const float horizonRateMagnitude = calcHorizonRateMagnitude(pidProfile, rxConfig); pidLevel(pidProfile, controlRateConfig, &pidState[FD_ROLL], FD_ROLL, horizonRateMagnitude); pidLevel(pidProfile, controlRateConfig, &pidState[FD_PITCH], FD_PITCH, horizonRateMagnitude); } if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADING_LOCK) && magHoldState != MAG_HOLD_ENABLED) { pidApplyHeadingLock(pidProfile, &pidState[FD_YAW]); } if (FLIGHT_MODE(TURN_ASSISTANT)) { pidTurnAssistant(pidState); } // Step 4: Run gyro-driven control for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { // Apply PID setpoint controller pidApplyRateController(pidProfile, &pidState[axis], axis); // scale gyro rate to DPS } }
void annexCode(void) { int32_t throttleValue; // Compute ROLL PITCH and YAW command rcCommand[ROLL] = getAxisRcCommand(rcData[ROLL], currentControlRateProfile->rcExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.deadband); rcCommand[PITCH] = getAxisRcCommand(rcData[PITCH], currentControlRateProfile->rcExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.deadband); rcCommand[YAW] = -getAxisRcCommand(rcData[YAW], currentControlRateProfile->rcYawExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.yaw_deadband); //Compute THROTTLE command throttleValue = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck, PWM_RANGE_MAX); throttleValue = (uint32_t)(throttleValue - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck) * PWM_RANGE_MIN / (PWM_RANGE_MAX - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000] rcCommand[THROTTLE] = rcLookupThrottle(throttleValue); if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) { const float radDiff = degreesToRadians(DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw) - headFreeModeHold); const float cosDiff = cos_approx(radDiff); const float sinDiff = sin_approx(radDiff); const int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff; rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff; rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH; } if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { LED0_ON; } else { if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXARM) == 0) { ENABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } if (!STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) { DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } if (isCalibrating() || isSystemOverloaded()) { warningLedFlash(); DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } #if defined(NAV) if (naivationBlockArming()) { DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } #endif if (ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM)) { warningLedDisable(); } else { warningLedFlash(); } warningLedUpdate(); } // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities. if (gyro.temperature) gyro.temperature(&telemTemperature1); }
static void ltm_sframe(void) { uint8_t lt_flightmode; uint8_t lt_statemode; if (FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 0; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOME_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 13; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 9; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 4; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 8; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 2; else if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) lt_flightmode = 3; else lt_flightmode = 1; // Rate mode lt_statemode = (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) ? 1 : 0; if (failsafeIsActive()) lt_statemode |= 2; ltm_initialise_packet('S'); ltm_serialise_16(getBatteryVoltage() * 100); //vbat converted to mv ltm_serialise_16(0); // current, not implemented ltm_serialise_8((uint8_t)((getRssi() * 254) / 1023)); // scaled RSSI (uchar) ltm_serialise_8(0); // no airspeed ltm_serialise_8((lt_flightmode << 2) | lt_statemode); ltm_finalise(); }
void autotuneUpdateState(void) { if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAUTOTUNE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(AUTO_TUNE)) { autotuneStart(); ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(AUTO_TUNE); } else { autotuneCheckUpdateGains(); } } else { if (FLIGHT_MODE(AUTO_TUNE)) { autotuneUpdateGains(tuneSaved); } DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(AUTO_TUNE); } }
void updateGtuneState(void) { static bool GTuneWasUsed = false; if (rcModeIsActive(BOXGTUNE)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE); init_Gtune(); GTuneWasUsed = true; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && !ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && GTuneWasUsed) { saveConfigAndNotify(); GTuneWasUsed = false; } } else { if (FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE); } } }
void updateGtuneState(void) { static bool GTuneWasUsed = false; if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXGTUNE)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE); init_Gtune(¤tProfile->pidProfile); GTuneWasUsed = true; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && !ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && GTuneWasUsed) { saveConfigAndNotify(); GTuneWasUsed = false; } } else { if (FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE); } } }
static void applyLedFixedLayers() { for (int ledIndex = 0; ledIndex < ledCounts.count; ledIndex++) { const ledConfig_t *ledConfig = &ledStripConfig()->ledConfigs[ledIndex]; hsvColor_t color = *getSC(LED_SCOLOR_BACKGROUND); int fn = ledGetFunction(ledConfig); int hOffset = HSV_HUE_MAX; switch (fn) { case LED_FUNCTION_COLOR: color = ledStripConfig()->colors[ledGetColor(ledConfig)]; break; case LED_FUNCTION_FLIGHT_MODE: for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(flightModeToLed); i++) if (!flightModeToLed[i].flightMode || FLIGHT_MODE(flightModeToLed[i].flightMode)) { const hsvColor_t *directionalColor = getDirectionalModeColor(ledIndex, &ledStripConfig()->modeColors[flightModeToLed[i].ledMode]); if (directionalColor) { color = *directionalColor; } break; // stop on first match } break; case LED_FUNCTION_ARM_STATE: color = ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) ? *getSC(LED_SCOLOR_ARMED) : *getSC(LED_SCOLOR_DISARMED); break; case LED_FUNCTION_BATTERY: color = HSV(RED); hOffset += scaleRange(calculateBatteryPercentage(), 0, 100, -30, 120); break; case LED_FUNCTION_RSSI: color = HSV(RED); hOffset += scaleRange(rssi * 100, 0, 1023, -30, 120); break; default: break; } if (ledGetOverlayBit(ledConfig, LED_OVERLAY_THROTTLE)) { hOffset += scaledAux; } color.h = (color.h + hOffset) % (HSV_HUE_MAX + 1); setLedHsv(ledIndex, &color); } }
void updateMagHold(void) { if (ABS(rcCommand[YAW]) < 15 && FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { int16_t dif = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw) - magHold; if (dif <= -180) dif += 360; if (dif >= +180) dif -= 360; dif *= -GET_DIRECTION(rcControlsConfig()->yaw_control_reversed); if (STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * currentPidProfile->P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg } else magHold = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw); }
void updateMagHold(void) { if (ABS(rcCommand[YAW]) < 70 && FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { int16_t dif = heading - magHold; if (dif <= -180) dif += 360; if (dif >= +180) dif -= 360; dif *= -masterConfig.yaw_control_direction; if (STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg } else magHold = heading; }
void updateMagHold(void) { if (ABS(rcCommand[YAW]) < 15 && FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { int16_t dif = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw) - magHold; if (dif <= -180) dif += 360; if (dif >= +180) dif -= 360; dif *= -masterConfig.yaw_control_direction; if (STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * currentProfile->pidProfile.P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg } else magHold = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw); }
void updateSonarAltHoldState(void) { // Sonar alt hold activate if (!IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXSONAR)) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE); return; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE); AltHold = EstAlt; initialThrottleHold = rcData[THROTTLE]; errorVelocityI = 0; altHoldThrottleAdjustment = 0; } }
void updateSonarAltHoldState(void) { // Sonar alt hold activate if (!rcOptions[BOXSONAR]) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE); return; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE); AltHold = EstAlt; initialThrottleHold = rcCommand[THROTTLE]; errorVelocityI = 0; altHoldThrottleAdjustment = 0; } }
void updateAltHoldState(void) { // Baro alt hold activate if (!IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXBARO)) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE); return; } if (!FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE); AltHold = estimatedAltitude; initialThrottleHold = rcData[THROTTLE]; errorVelocityI = 0; altHoldThrottleAdjustment = 0; } }
static void pidRewrite(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig) { UNUSED(rxConfig); int axis; int32_t PTerm, ITerm, DTerm, delta; static int32_t lastError[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; static int32_t previousErrorGyroI[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int32_t AngleRateTmp, RateError, gyroRate; int8_t horizonLevelStrength = 100; if (!deltaStateIsSet && pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) { for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, &deltaBiQuadState[axis], 0); deltaStateIsSet = true; } if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // Figure out the raw stick positions const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle); // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over horizonLevelStrength = (500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 5; // 100 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection // Using Level D as a Sensitivity for Horizon. 0 more level to 255 more rate. Default value of 100 seems to work fine. // For more rate mode increase D and slower flips and rolls will be possible horizonLevelStrength = constrain((10 * (horizonLevelStrength - 100) * (10 * pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] / 80) / 100) + 100, 0, 100); } // ----------PID controller---------- for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { uint8_t rate = 10; // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode if (axis == YAW || !pidProfile->airModeInsaneAcrobilityFactor || !IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAIRMODE)) { rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis]; } // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode if (axis == FD_YAW) { // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) AngleRateTmp = ((int32_t)(rate + 27) * rcCommand[YAW]) >> 5; } else {
void updateGpsWaypointsAndMode(void) { static uint8_t GPSNavReset = 1; if (STATE(GPS_FIX) && GPS_numSat >= 5) { // if both GPS_HOME & GPS_HOLD are checked => GPS_HOME is the priority if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOME]) { if (!STATE(GPS_HOME_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOME_MODE); DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE); GPSNavReset = 0; GPS_set_next_wp(&GPS_home[LAT], &GPS_home[LON]); nav_mode = NAV_MODE_WP; } } else { DISABLE_STATE(GPS_HOME_MODE); if (rcOptions[BOXGPSHOLD] && areSticksInApModePosition(gpsProfile->ap_mode)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE)) { ENABLE_STATE(GPS_HOLD_MODE); GPSNavReset = 0; GPS_hold[LAT] = GPS_coord[LAT]; GPS_hold[LON] = GPS_coord[LON]; GPS_set_next_wp(&GPS_hold[LAT], &GPS_hold[LON]); nav_mode = NAV_MODE_POSHOLD; } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE); // both boxes are unselected here, nav is reset if not already done if (GPSNavReset == 0) { GPSNavReset = 1; GPS_reset_nav(); } } } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOME_MODE); DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE); nav_mode = NAV_MODE_NONE; } }
void annexCode(void) { if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) { float radDiff = degreesToRadians(DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw) - headFreeModeHold); float cosDiff = cos_approx(radDiff); float sinDiff = sin_approx(radDiff); int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff; rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff; rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH; } if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { LED0_ON; } else { if (rcModeIsActive(BOXARM) == 0) { ENABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } if (!imuIsAircraftArmable(armingConfig()->max_arm_angle)) { DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } if (isCalibrating() || isSystemOverloaded()) { warningLedFlash(); DISABLE_ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM); } else { if (ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM)) { warningLedDisable(); } else { warningLedFlash(); } } warningLedUpdate(); } // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities. if (gyro.temperature) gyro.temperature(&telemTemperature1); }
void handleSmartPortTelemetry(void) { uint32_t smartPortLastServiceTime = millis(); if (!smartPortTelemetryEnabled) { return; } if (!canSendSmartPortTelemetry()) { return; } while (serialRxBytesWaiting(smartPortSerialPort) > 0) { uint8_t c = serialRead(smartPortSerialPort); smartPortDataReceive(c); } uint32_t now = millis(); // if timed out, reconfigure the UART back to normal so the GUI or CLI works if ((now - smartPortLastRequestTime) > SMARTPORT_NOT_CONNECTED_TIMEOUT_MS) { smartPortState = SPSTATE_TIMEDOUT; return; } while (smartPortHasRequest) { // Ensure we won't get stuck in the loop if there happens to be nothing available to send in a timely manner - dump the slot if we loop in there for too long. if ((millis() - smartPortLastServiceTime) > SMARTPORT_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_MS) { smartPortHasRequest = 0; return; } // we can send back any data we want, our table keeps track of the order and frequency of each data type we send uint16_t id = frSkyDataIdTable[smartPortIdCnt]; if (id == 0) { // end of table reached, loop back smartPortIdCnt = 0; id = frSkyDataIdTable[smartPortIdCnt]; } smartPortIdCnt++; int32_t tmpi; static uint8_t t1Cnt = 0; switch(id) { #ifdef GPS case FSSP_DATAID_SPEED : if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX)) { uint32_t tmpui = (GPS_speed * 36 + 36 / 2) / 100; smartPortSendPackage(id, tmpui); // given in 0.1 m/s, provide in KM/H smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; #endif case FSSP_DATAID_VFAS : if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) { uint16_t vfasVoltage; if (telemetryConfig->frsky_vfas_cell_voltage) { vfasVoltage = vbat / batteryCellCount; } else { vfasVoltage = vbat; } smartPortSendPackage(id, vfasVoltage * 10); // given in 0.1V, convert to volts smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; case FSSP_DATAID_CURRENT : if (feature(FEATURE_CURRENT_METER)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, amperage / 10); // given in 10mA steps, unknown requested unit smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; //case FSSP_DATAID_RPM : case FSSP_DATAID_ALTITUDE : if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, BaroAlt); // unknown given unit, requested 100 = 1 meter smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; case FSSP_DATAID_FUEL : if (feature(FEATURE_CURRENT_METER)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, mAhDrawn); // given in mAh, unknown requested unit smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; //case FSSP_DATAID_ADC1 : //case FSSP_DATAID_ADC2 : #ifdef GPS case FSSP_DATAID_LATLONG : if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX)) { uint32_t tmpui = 0; // the same ID is sent twice, one for longitude, one for latitude // the MSB of the sent uint32_t helps FrSky keep track // the even/odd bit of our counter helps us keep track if (smartPortIdCnt & 1) { tmpui = abs(GPS_coord[LON]); // now we have unsigned value and one bit to spare tmpui = (tmpui + tmpui / 2) / 25 | 0x80000000; // 6/100 = 1.5/25, division by power of 2 is fast if (GPS_coord[LON] < 0) tmpui |= 0x40000000; } else { tmpui = abs(GPS_coord[LAT]); // now we have unsigned value and one bit to spare tmpui = (tmpui + tmpui / 2) / 25; // 6/100 = 1.5/25, division by power of 2 is fast if (GPS_coord[LAT] < 0) tmpui |= 0x40000000; } smartPortSendPackage(id, tmpui); smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; #endif //case FSSP_DATAID_CAP_USED : case FSSP_DATAID_VARIO : if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, vario); // unknown given unit but requested in 100 = 1m/s smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; case FSSP_DATAID_HEADING : smartPortSendPackage(id, attitude.values.yaw * 10); // given in 10*deg, requested in 10000 = 100 deg smartPortHasRequest = 0; break; case FSSP_DATAID_ACCX : smartPortSendPackage(id, accSmooth[X] / 44); // unknown input and unknown output unit // we can only show 00.00 format, another digit won't display right on Taranis // dividing by roughly 44 will give acceleration in G units smartPortHasRequest = 0; break; case FSSP_DATAID_ACCY : smartPortSendPackage(id, accSmooth[Y] / 44); smartPortHasRequest = 0; break; case FSSP_DATAID_ACCZ : smartPortSendPackage(id, accSmooth[Z] / 44); smartPortHasRequest = 0; break; case FSSP_DATAID_T1 : // we send all the flags as decimal digits for easy reading // the t1Cnt simply allows the telemetry view to show at least some changes t1Cnt++; if (t1Cnt >= 4) { t1Cnt = 1; } tmpi = t1Cnt * 10000; // start off with at least one digit so the most significant 0 won't be cut off // the Taranis seems to be able to fit 5 digits on the screen // the Taranis seems to consider this number a signed 16 bit integer if (ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM)) tmpi += 1; if (ARMING_FLAG(PREVENT_ARMING)) tmpi += 2; if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) tmpi += 4; if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) tmpi += 10; if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) tmpi += 20; if (FLIGHT_MODE(UNUSED_MODE)) tmpi += 40; if (FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE)) tmpi += 40; if (FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) tmpi += 100; if (FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE)) tmpi += 200; if (FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE)) tmpi += 400; if (FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE)) tmpi += 1000; if (FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOME_MODE)) tmpi += 2000; if (FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) tmpi += 4000; smartPortSendPackage(id, (uint32_t)tmpi); smartPortHasRequest = 0; break; case FSSP_DATAID_T2 : if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) { #ifdef GPS // provide GPS lock status smartPortSendPackage(id, (STATE(GPS_FIX) ? 1000 : 0) + (STATE(GPS_FIX_HOME) ? 2000 : 0) + GPS_numSat); smartPortHasRequest = 0; #endif } else if (feature(FEATURE_GPS)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, 0); smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; #ifdef GPS case FSSP_DATAID_GPS_ALT : if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, GPS_altitude * 100); // given in 0.1m , requested in 10 = 1m (should be in mm, probably a bug in opentx, tested on smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; #endif case FSSP_DATAID_A4 : if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) { smartPortSendPackage(id, vbat * 10 / batteryCellCount ); // given in 0.1V, convert to volts smartPortHasRequest = 0; } break; default: break; // if nothing is sent, smartPortHasRequest isn't cleared, we already incremented the counter, just loop back to the start } } }
// Betaflight pid controller, which will be maintained in the future with additional features specialised for current (mini) multirotor usage. // Based on 2DOF reference design (matlab) void pidBetaflight(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, const rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig) { float errorRate = 0, rP = 0, rD = 0, PVRate = 0; float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm; static float lastRateError[2]; static float Kp[3], Ki[3], Kd[3], b[3], c[3], rollPitchMaxVelocity, yawMaxVelocity, previousSetpoint[3]; float delta; int axis; float horizonLevelStrength = 1; float tpaFactor = PIDweight[0] / 100.0f; // tpa is now float initFilters(pidProfile); if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // Figure out the raw stick positions const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle); // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500; // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection if(pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] == 0){ horizonLevelStrength = 0; } else { horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL])) + 1, 0, 1); } } // Yet Highly experimental and under test and development // Throttle coupled to Igain like inverted TPA // 50hz calculation (should cover all rx protocols) static float kiThrottleGain = 1.0f; if (pidProfile->itermThrottleGain) { const uint16_t maxLoopCount = 20000 / targetPidLooptime; const float throttleItermGain = (float)pidProfile->itermThrottleGain * 0.001f; static int16_t previousThrottle; static uint16_t loopIncrement; if (loopIncrement >= maxLoopCount) { kiThrottleGain = 1.0f + constrainf((float)(ABS(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - previousThrottle)) * throttleItermGain, 0.0f, 5.0f); // Limit to factor 5 previousThrottle = rcCommand[THROTTLE]; loopIncrement = 0; } else { loopIncrement++; } } // ----------PID controller---------- for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { static uint8_t configP[3], configI[3], configD[3]; // Prevent unnecessary computing and check for changed PIDs. No need for individual checks. Only pids is fine for now // Prepare all parameters for PID controller if ((pidProfile->P8[axis] != configP[axis]) || (pidProfile->I8[axis] != configI[axis]) || (pidProfile->D8[axis] != configD[axis])) { Kp[axis] = PTERM_SCALE * pidProfile->P8[axis]; Ki[axis] = ITERM_SCALE * pidProfile->I8[axis]; Kd[axis] = DTERM_SCALE * pidProfile->D8[axis]; b[axis] = pidProfile->ptermSetpointWeight / 100.0f; c[axis] = pidProfile->dtermSetpointWeight / 100.0f; yawMaxVelocity = pidProfile->yawRateAccelLimit * 1000 * getdT(); rollPitchMaxVelocity = pidProfile->rateAccelLimit * 1000 * getdT(); configP[axis] = pidProfile->P8[axis]; configI[axis] = pidProfile->I8[axis]; configD[axis] = pidProfile->D8[axis]; } // Limit abrupt yaw inputs / stops float maxVelocity = (axis == YAW) ? yawMaxVelocity : rollPitchMaxVelocity; if (maxVelocity) { float currentVelocity = setpointRate[axis] - previousSetpoint[axis]; if (ABS(currentVelocity) > maxVelocity) { setpointRate[axis] = (currentVelocity > 0) ? previousSetpoint[axis] + maxVelocity : previousSetpoint[axis] - maxVelocity; } previousSetpoint[axis] = setpointRate[axis]; } // Yaw control is GYRO based, direct sticks control is applied to rate PID if ((FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) && axis != YAW) { // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination #ifdef GPS const float errorAngle = (constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination), +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here #else const float errorAngle = (constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination), +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here #endif if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) { // ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed setpointRate[axis] = errorAngle * pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / 10.0f; } else { // HORIZON mode - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel setpointRate[axis] = setpointRate[axis] + (errorAngle * pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL] * horizonLevelStrength / 10.0f); } } PVRate = gyroADCf[axis] / 16.4f; // Process variable from gyro output in deg/sec // --------low-level gyro-based PID based on 2DOF PID controller. ---------- // ---------- 2-DOF PID controller with optional filter on derivative term. b = 1 and only c can be tuned (amount derivative on measurement or error). ---------- // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes // ----- calculate error / angle rates ---------- errorRate = setpointRate[axis] - PVRate; // r - y rP = b[axis] * setpointRate[axis] - PVRate; // br - y // Slowly restore original setpoint with more stick input float diffRate = errorRate - rP; rP += diffRate * rcInput[axis]; // Reduce Hunting effect and jittering near setpoint. Limit multiple zero crossing within deadband and lower PID affect during low error amount float dynReduction = tpaFactor; if (pidProfile->toleranceBand) { const float minReduction = (float)pidProfile->toleranceBandReduction / 100.0f; static uint8_t zeroCrossCount[3]; static uint8_t currentErrorPolarity[3]; if (ABS(errorRate) < pidProfile->toleranceBand) { if (zeroCrossCount[axis]) { if (currentErrorPolarity[axis] == POSITIVE_ERROR) { if (errorRate < 0 ) { zeroCrossCount[axis]--; currentErrorPolarity[axis] = NEGATIVE_ERROR; } } else { if (errorRate > 0 ) { zeroCrossCount[axis]--; currentErrorPolarity[axis] = POSITIVE_ERROR; } } } else { dynReduction *= constrainf(ABS(errorRate) / pidProfile->toleranceBand, minReduction, 1.0f); } } else { zeroCrossCount[axis] = pidProfile->zeroCrossAllowanceCount; currentErrorPolarity[axis] = (errorRate > 0) ? POSITIVE_ERROR : NEGATIVE_ERROR; } } // -----calculate P component PTerm = Kp[axis] * rP * dynReduction; // -----calculate I component. // Reduce strong Iterm accumulation during higher stick inputs float accumulationThreshold = (axis == YAW) ? pidProfile->yawItermIgnoreRate : pidProfile->rollPitchItermIgnoreRate; float setpointRateScaler = constrainf(1.0f - (1.5f * (ABS(setpointRate[axis]) / accumulationThreshold)), 0.0f, 1.0f); // Handle All windup Scenarios // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp float itermScaler = setpointRateScaler * kiThrottleGain; errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + Ki[axis] * errorRate * getdT() * itermScaler, -250.0f, 250.0f); // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis]; //-----calculate D-term (Yaw D not yet supported) if (axis == YAW) { if (pidProfile->yaw_lpf_hz) PTerm = pt1FilterApply4(&yawFilter, PTerm, pidProfile->yaw_lpf_hz, getdT()); axisPID[axis] = lrintf(PTerm + ITerm); DTerm = 0.0f; // needed for blackbox } else { rD = c[axis] * setpointRate[axis] - PVRate; // cr - y delta = rD - lastRateError[axis]; lastRateError[axis] = rD; // Divide delta by targetLooptime to get differential (ie dr/dt) delta *= (1.0f / getdT()); if (debugMode == DEBUG_DTERM_FILTER) debug[axis] = Kd[axis] * delta * dynReduction; // Filter delta if (dtermNotchInitialised) delta = biquadFilterApply(&dtermFilterNotch[axis], delta); if (pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) { if (dtermBiquadLpfInitialised) { delta = biquadFilterApply(&dtermFilterLpf[axis], delta); } else { delta = pt1FilterApply4(&deltaFilter[axis], delta, pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, getdT()); } } DTerm = Kd[axis] * delta * dynReduction; // -----calculate total PID output axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm), -900, 900); } // Disable PID control at zero throttle if (!pidStabilisationEnabled) axisPID[axis] = 0; #ifdef GTUNE if (FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { calculate_Gtune(axis); } #endif #ifdef BLACKBOX axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm; axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm; axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm; #endif } }
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED void servoMixer(void) { int16_t input[INPUT_SOURCE_COUNT]; // Range [-500:+500] static int16_t currentOutput[MAX_SERVO_RULES]; uint8_t i; if (FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE)) { // Direct passthru from RX input[INPUT_STABILIZED_ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL]; input[INPUT_STABILIZED_PITCH] = rcCommand[PITCH]; input[INPUT_STABILIZED_YAW] = rcCommand[YAW]; } else { // Assisted modes (gyro only or gyro+acc according to AUX configuration in Gui input[INPUT_STABILIZED_ROLL] = axisPID[ROLL]; input[INPUT_STABILIZED_PITCH] = axisPID[PITCH]; input[INPUT_STABILIZED_YAW] = axisPID[YAW]; // Reverse yaw servo when inverted in 3D mode if (feature(FEATURE_3D) && (rcData[THROTTLE] < rxConfig->midrc)) { input[INPUT_STABILIZED_YAW] *= -1; } } input[INPUT_GIMBAL_PITCH] = scaleRange(attitude.values.pitch, -1800, 1800, -500, +500); input[INPUT_GIMBAL_ROLL] = scaleRange(attitude.values.roll, -1800, 1800, -500, +500); input[INPUT_STABILIZED_THROTTLE] = motor[0] - 1000 - 500; // Since it derives from rcCommand or mincommand and must be [-500:+500] // center the RC input value around the RC middle value // by subtracting the RC middle value from the RC input value, we get: // data - middle = input // 2000 - 1500 = +500 // 1500 - 1500 = 0 // 1000 - 1500 = -500 input[INPUT_RC_ROLL] = rcData[ROLL] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_PITCH] = rcData[PITCH] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_YAW] = rcData[YAW] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_THROTTLE] = rcData[THROTTLE] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_AUX1] = rcData[AUX1] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_AUX2] = rcData[AUX2] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_AUX3] = rcData[AUX3] - rxConfig->midrc; input[INPUT_RC_AUX4] = rcData[AUX4] - rxConfig->midrc; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) servo[i] = 0; // mix servos according to rules for (i = 0; i < servoRuleCount; i++) { // consider rule if no box assigned or box is active if (currentServoMixer[i].box == 0 || IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXSERVO1 + currentServoMixer[i].box - 1)) { uint8_t target = currentServoMixer[i].targetChannel; uint8_t from = currentServoMixer[i].inputSource; uint16_t servo_width = servoConf[target].max - servoConf[target].min; int16_t min = currentServoMixer[i].min * servo_width / 100 - servo_width / 2; int16_t max = currentServoMixer[i].max * servo_width / 100 - servo_width / 2; if (currentServoMixer[i].speed == 0) currentOutput[i] = input[from]; else { if (currentOutput[i] < input[from]) currentOutput[i] = constrain(currentOutput[i] + currentServoMixer[i].speed, currentOutput[i], input[from]); else if (currentOutput[i] > input[from]) currentOutput[i] = constrain(currentOutput[i] - currentServoMixer[i].speed, input[from], currentOutput[i]); } servo[target] += servoDirection(target, from) * constrain(((int32_t)currentOutput[i] * currentServoMixer[i].rate) / 100, min, max); } else { currentOutput[i] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) { servo[i] = ((int32_t)servoConf[i].rate * servo[i]) / 100L; servo[i] += determineServoMiddleOrForwardFromChannel(i); } }
void pidLuxFloat(const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, const controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, const rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, const rxConfig_t *rxConfig) { pidFilterIsSetCheck(pidProfile); float horizonLevelStrength; if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // Figure out the most deflected stick position const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(ROLL, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(PITCH, rxConfig->midrc)); const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle); // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500; // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection if(pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL] == 0){ horizonLevelStrength = 0; } else { horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->D8[PIDLEVEL])) + 1, 0, 1); } } // ----------PID controller---------- for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { const uint8_t rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis]; // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode float angleRate; if (axis == FD_YAW) { // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 32.0f; } else { // control is GYRO based for ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID angleRate = (float)((rate + 27) * rcCommand[axis]) / 16.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here #ifdef GPS const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]; #else const float errorAngle = constrain(2 * rcCommand[axis], -((int)max_angle_inclination), max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]; #endif if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) { // ANGLE mode angleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->P8[PIDLEVEL] / 16.0f; } else { // HORIZON mode // mix in errorAngle to desired angleRate to add a little auto-level feel. // horizonLevelStrength has been scaled to the stick input angleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->I8[PIDLEVEL] * horizonLevelStrength / 16.0f; } } } // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ---------- const float gyroRate = luxGyroScale * gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale; axisPID[axis] = pidLuxFloatCore(axis, pidProfile, gyroRate, angleRate); //axisPID[axis] = constrain(axisPID[axis], -PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID, PID_LUX_FLOAT_MAX_PID); #ifdef GTUNE if (FLIGHT_MODE(GTUNE_MODE) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) { calculate_Gtune(axis); } #endif } }
void loop(void) { static uint32_t loopTime; #if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR) static bool haveProcessedAnnexCodeOnce = false; #endif updateRx(currentTime); if (shouldProcessRx(currentTime)) { processRx(); isRXDataNew = true; #ifdef BARO // the 'annexCode' initialses rcCommand, updateAltHoldState depends on valid rcCommand data. if (haveProcessedAnnexCodeOnce) { if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) { updateAltHoldState(); } } #endif #ifdef SONAR // the 'annexCode' initialses rcCommand, updateAltHoldState depends on valid rcCommand data. if (haveProcessedAnnexCodeOnce) { if (sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)) { updateSonarAltHoldState(); } } #endif } else { // not processing rx this iteration executePeriodicTasks(); // if GPS feature is enabled, gpsThread() will be called at some intervals to check for stuck // hardware, wrong baud rates, init GPS if needed, etc. Don't use SENSOR_GPS here as gpsThread() can and will // change this based on available hardware #ifdef GPS if (feature(FEATURE_GPS)) { gpsThread(); } #endif } currentTime = micros(); if (shouldRunLoop(loopTime)) { loopTime = currentTime + targetLooptime; imuUpdate(¤tProfile->accelerometerTrims); // Measure loop rate just after reading the sensors currentTime = micros(); cycleTime = (int32_t)(currentTime - previousTime); previousTime = currentTime; dT = (float)cycleTime * 0.000001f; annexCode(); if (masterConfig.rxConfig.rcSmoothing) { filterRc(); } #if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR) haveProcessedAnnexCodeOnce = true; #endif #ifdef MAG if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) { updateMagHold(); } #endif #ifdef GTUNE updateGtuneState(); #endif #if defined(BARO) || defined(SONAR) if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO) || sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)) { if (FLIGHT_MODE(BARO_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(SONAR_MODE)) { applyAltHold(&masterConfig.airplaneConfig); } } #endif // If we're armed, at minimum throttle, and we do arming via the // sticks, do not process yaw input from the rx. We do this so the // motors do not spin up while we are trying to arm or disarm. // Allow yaw control for tricopters if the user wants the servo to move even when unarmed. if (isUsingSticksForArming() && rcData[THROTTLE] <= masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck #ifndef USE_QUAD_MIXER_ONLY #ifdef USE_SERVOS && !((masterConfig.mixerMode == MIXER_TRI || masterConfig.mixerMode == MIXER_CUSTOM_TRI) && masterConfig.mixerConfig.tri_unarmed_servo) #endif && masterConfig.mixerMode != MIXER_AIRPLANE && masterConfig.mixerMode != MIXER_FLYING_WING #endif ) { rcCommand[YAW] = 0; } if (currentProfile->throttle_correction_value && (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE))) { rcCommand[THROTTLE] += calculateThrottleAngleCorrection(currentProfile->throttle_correction_value); } #ifdef GPS if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) { if ((FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOME_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(GPS_HOLD_MODE)) && STATE(GPS_FIX_HOME)) { updateGpsStateForHomeAndHoldMode(); } } #endif // PID - note this is function pointer set by setPIDController() pid_controller( ¤tProfile->pidProfile, currentControlRateProfile, masterConfig.max_angle_inclination, ¤tProfile->accelerometerTrims, &masterConfig.rxConfig ); mixTable(); #ifdef USE_SERVOS filterServos(); writeServos(); #endif if (motorControlEnable) { writeMotors(); } #ifdef BLACKBOX if (!cliMode && feature(FEATURE_BLACKBOX)) { handleBlackbox(); } #endif } #ifdef TELEMETRY if (!cliMode && feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) { telemetryProcess(&masterConfig.rxConfig, masterConfig.flight3DConfig.deadband3d_throttle); } #endif #ifdef LED_STRIP if (feature(FEATURE_LED_STRIP)) { updateLedStrip(); } #endif }
void processRx(void) { static bool armedBeeperOn = false; calculateRxChannelsAndUpdateFailsafe(currentTime); // in 3D mode, we need to be able to disarm by switch at any time if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) { if (!IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXARM)) mwDisarm(); } updateRSSI(currentTime); if (feature(FEATURE_FAILSAFE)) { if (currentTime > FAILSAFE_POWER_ON_DELAY_US && !failsafeIsMonitoring()) { failsafeStartMonitoring(); } failsafeUpdateState(); } throttleStatus_e throttleStatus = calculateThrottleStatus(&masterConfig.rxConfig, masterConfig.flight3DConfig.deadband3d_throttle); if (throttleStatus == THROTTLE_LOW) { pidResetErrorAngle(); pidResetErrorGyro(); } // When armed and motors aren't spinning, do beeps and then disarm // board after delay so users without buzzer won't lose fingers. // mixTable constrains motor commands, so checking throttleStatus is enough if (ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && feature(FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP) && !STATE(FIXED_WING) ) { if (isUsingSticksForArming()) { if (throttleStatus == THROTTLE_LOW) { if (masterConfig.auto_disarm_delay != 0 && (int32_t)(disarmAt - millis()) < 0 ) { // auto-disarm configured and delay is over mwDisarm(); armedBeeperOn = false; } else { // still armed; do warning beeps while armed beeper(BEEPER_ARMED); armedBeeperOn = true; } } else { // throttle is not low if (masterConfig.auto_disarm_delay != 0) { // extend disarm time disarmAt = millis() + masterConfig.auto_disarm_delay * 1000; } if (armedBeeperOn) { beeperSilence(); armedBeeperOn = false; } } } else { // arming is via AUX switch; beep while throttle low if (throttleStatus == THROTTLE_LOW) { beeper(BEEPER_ARMED); armedBeeperOn = true; } else if (armedBeeperOn) { beeperSilence(); armedBeeperOn = false; } } } processRcStickPositions(&masterConfig.rxConfig, throttleStatus, masterConfig.retarded_arm, masterConfig.disarm_kill_switch); if (feature(FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL)) { updateInflightCalibrationState(); } updateActivatedModes(currentProfile->modeActivationConditions); if (!cliMode) { updateAdjustmentStates(currentProfile->adjustmentRanges); processRcAdjustments(currentControlRateProfile, &masterConfig.rxConfig); } bool canUseHorizonMode = true; if ((IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXANGLE) || (feature(FEATURE_FAILSAFE) && failsafeIsActive())) && (sensors(SENSOR_ACC))) { // bumpless transfer to Level mode canUseHorizonMode = false; if (!FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) { pidResetErrorAngle(); ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE); } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE); // failsafe support } if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXHORIZON) && canUseHorizonMode) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE); if (!FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { pidResetErrorAngle(); ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE); } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE); } if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE) || FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) { LED1_ON; } else { LED1_OFF; } #ifdef MAG if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC) || sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) { if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXMAG)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE); magHold = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw); } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(MAG_MODE); } if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXHEADFREE)) { if (!FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE); } } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE); } if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXHEADADJ)) { headFreeModeHold = DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw); // acquire new heading } } #endif #ifdef GPS if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) { updateGpsWaypointsAndMode(); } #endif if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXPASSTHRU)) { ENABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE); } else { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(PASSTHRU_MODE); } if (masterConfig.mixerMode == MIXER_FLYING_WING || masterConfig.mixerMode == MIXER_AIRPLANE) { DISABLE_FLIGHT_MODE(HEADFREE_MODE); } #ifdef TELEMETRY if (feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) { if ((!masterConfig.telemetryConfig.telemetry_switch && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) || (masterConfig.telemetryConfig.telemetry_switch && IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXTELEMETRY))) { releaseSharedTelemetryPorts(); } else { // the telemetry state must be checked immediately so that shared serial ports are released. telemetryCheckState(); mspAllocateSerialPorts(&masterConfig.serialConfig); } } #endif }