Esempio n. 1
void ahrs_propagate(void) {

    /* converts gyro to floating point */
    struct FloatRates gyro_float;
    RATES_FLOAT_OF_BFP(gyro_float, imu.gyro_prev);
    /* unbias measurement */
    RATES_SUB(gyro_float, ahrs_impl.gyro_bias);

    const float alpha = 0.1;
    FLOAT_RATES_LIN_CMB(ahrs_impl.imu_rate, ahrs_impl.imu_rate, (1.-alpha), gyro_float, alpha);

    /* add correction     */
    struct FloatRates omega;
    RATES_SUM(omega, gyro_float, ahrs_impl.rate_correction);
    /* and zeros it */

    const float dt = 1./AHRS_PROPAGATE_FREQUENCY;
    FLOAT_RMAT_INTEGRATE_FI(ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_rmat, omega, dt);
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_RMAT(ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat, ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_rmat);
    FLOAT_QUAT_INTEGRATE(ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat, omega, dt);
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_rmat, ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat);

Esempio n. 2
void ahrs_align(void) {

    /* Compute an initial orientation from accel and mag directly as quaternion */
    ahrs_float_get_quat_from_accel_mag(&ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat, &ahrs_aligner.lp_accel, &ahrs_aligner.lp_mag);
    ahrs_impl.heading_aligned = TRUE;
    /* Compute an initial orientation from accel and just set heading to zero */
    ahrs_float_get_quat_from_accel(&ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat, &ahrs_aligner.lp_accel);
    ahrs_impl.heading_aligned = FALSE;

    /* Convert initial orientation from quat to rotation matrix representations. */
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_rmat, ahrs_impl.ltp_to_imu_quat);

    /* Compute initial body orientation */

    /* used averaged gyro as initial value for bias */
    struct Int32Rates bias0;
    RATES_COPY(bias0, ahrs_aligner.lp_gyro);
    RATES_FLOAT_OF_BFP(ahrs_impl.gyro_bias, bias0);

    ahrs.status = AHRS_RUNNING;
int spi_ap_link_init()
  if (spi_link_init()) {
    TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "%s", "failed to open SPI link \n");
    return -1;

  // Initialize IMU->Body orientation
  imuFloat.body_to_imu_quat = body_to_imu_quat;
  imuFloat.sample_count = 0;

	// This code is for aligning body to imu rotation, turn this on, put the vehicle in hover, pointed north, read BOOZ2_AHRS_REF_QUAT as body to imu (in wing frame)
  struct FloatVect3 x_axis = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
  FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(imuFloat.body_to_imu_quat, x_axis, QUAT_SETPOINT_HOVER_PITCH);

	FLOAT_EULERS_OF_QUAT(imuFloat.body_to_imu_eulers, imuFloat.body_to_imu_quat);
  FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(imuFloat.body_to_imu_rmat, imuFloat.body_to_imu_quat);

  struct FloatRates bias0 = { 0., 0., 0.};
  rdyb_mahrs_init(imuFloat.body_to_imu_quat, bias0);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
void test_of_axis_angle(void) {

    struct FloatVect3 axis = { 0., 1., 0.};
    DISPLAY_FLOAT_VECT3("axis", axis);
    const float angle = RadOfDeg(30.);
    printf("angle %f\n", DegOfRad(angle));

    struct FloatQuat my_q;
    FLOAT_QUAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(my_q, axis, angle);

    struct FloatMat33 my_r1;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(my_r1, my_q);
    DISPLAY_FLOAT_RMAT("rmat1", my_r1);

    struct FloatMat33 my_r;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(my_r, axis, angle);
    DISPLAY_FLOAT_RMAT("rmat", my_r);


    struct FloatEulers eul = {RadOfDeg(30.), RadOfDeg(30.), 0.};

    struct FloatVect3 uz = { 0., 0., 1.};
    struct FloatMat33 r_yaw;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(r_yaw, uz, eul.psi);

    struct FloatVect3 uy = { 0., 1., 0.};
    struct FloatMat33 r_pitch;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(r_pitch, uy, eul.theta);

    struct FloatVect3 ux = { 1., 0., 0.};
    struct FloatMat33 r_roll;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_AXIS_ANGLE(r_roll, ux, eul.phi);

    struct FloatMat33 r_yaw_pitch;
    FLOAT_RMAT_COMP(r_yaw_pitch, r_yaw, r_pitch);

    struct FloatMat33 r_yaw_pitch_roll;
    FLOAT_RMAT_COMP(r_yaw_pitch_roll, r_yaw_pitch, r_roll);

    DISPLAY_FLOAT_RMAT_AS_EULERS_DEG("rmat", r_yaw_pitch_roll);
    DISPLAY_FLOAT_RMAT("rmat", r_yaw_pitch_roll);

    struct FloatMat33 rmat1;
    FLOAT_RMAT_OF_EULERS(rmat1, eul);
    DISPLAY_FLOAT_RMAT("rmat1", rmat1);

Esempio n. 5
void ahrs_align(void) {

  /* Compute an initial orientation using euler angles */
  ahrs_float_get_euler_from_accel_mag(&ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_euler, &ahrs_aligner.lp_accel, &ahrs_aligner.lp_mag);
  /* Convert initial orientation in quaternion and rotation matrice representations. */
  FLOAT_QUAT_OF_EULERS(ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_quat, ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_euler);
  FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_rmat, ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_quat);
  /* Compute initial body orientation */

  /* used averaged gyro as initial value for bias */
  struct Int32Rates bias0;
  RATES_COPY(bias0, ahrs_aligner.lp_gyro);
  RATES_FLOAT_OF_BFP(ahrs_impl.gyro_bias, bias0);

  ahrs.status = AHRS_RUNNING;

Esempio n. 6
static void ahrs_do_update_mag(void) {
	int i, j, k;

#ifdef BAFL_DEBUG2
	printf("Mag update.\n");

	MAGS_FLOAT_OF_BFP(bafl_mag, imu.mag);

	/* P_prio = P */
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_Pprio[i][j] = bafl_P[i][j];

	 * set up measurement matrix
	 * h = [236.; -2.; 396.];
	 * hx = [ h(2); -h(1); 0]; //only psi (phi and theta = 0)
	 * Hm = Cnb * hx;
	 * H = [ 0  0        0  0  0
	 *       0  0 Cnb*hx 0  0  0
	 *       0  0        0  0  0 ];
	 * */
	/*bafl_H[0][2] = RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 0) * bafl_h.y - RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 1) * bafl_h.x;
	bafl_H[1][2] = RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 0) * bafl_h.y - RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 1) * bafl_h.x;
	bafl_H[2][2] = RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 0) * bafl_h.y - RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 1) * bafl_h.x;*/
	bafl_H[0][2] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 1);
	bafl_H[1][2] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 1);
	bafl_H[2][2] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 1);
	//rest is zero

	 * compute Kalman gain K
	 * K = P_prio * H_T * inv(S)
	 * S = H * P_prio * HT + R
	 * K = P_prio * HT * inv(H * P_prio * HT + R)

	/* covariance residual S = H * P_prio * HT + R    */

	/* temp_S(3x6) = H(3x6) * P_prio(6x6)
	 * only third column of H is non-zero
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_tempS[i][j] = bafl_H[i][2] * bafl_Pprio[2][j];

	/* S(3x3) = temp_S(3x6) * HT(6x3) + R(3x3)
	 * only third row of HT is non-zero
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			bafl_S[i][j] = bafl_tempS[i][2] * bafl_H[j][2]; /* H[j][2] = HT[2][j] */
		bafl_S[i][i] += bafl_R_mag;

	/* invert S
	FLOAT_MAT33_INVERT(bafl_invS, bafl_S);

	/* temp_K(6x3) = P_prio(6x6) * HT(6x3)
	 * only third row of HT is non-zero
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			/* not computing zero elements */
			bafl_tempK[i][j] = bafl_Pprio[i][2] * bafl_H[j][2]; /* H[j][2] = HT[2][j] */

	/* K(6x3) = temp_K(6x3) * invS(3x3)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			bafl_K[i][j]  = bafl_tempK[i][0] * bafl_invS[0][j];
			bafl_K[i][j] += bafl_tempK[i][1] * bafl_invS[1][j];
			bafl_K[i][j] += bafl_tempK[i][2] * bafl_invS[2][j];

	 * Update filter state.
	 *  The a priori filter state is zero since the errors are corrected after each update.
	 *  X = X_prio + K (y - H * X_prio)
	 *  X = K * y

	/*  innovation
	 *  y = Cnb * [hx; hy; hz] - mag
	FLOAT_RMAT_VECT3_MUL(bafl_ym, bafl_dcm, bafl_h); //can be optimized
	FLOAT_VECT3_SUB(bafl_ym, bafl_mag);

	/* X(6) = K(6x3) * y(3)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		bafl_X[i]  = bafl_K[i][0] * bafl_ym.x;
		bafl_X[i] += bafl_K[i][1] * bafl_ym.y;
		bafl_X[i] += bafl_K[i][2] * bafl_ym.z;

	 * Update the filter covariance.
	 *  P = P_prio - K * H * P_prio
	 *  P = ( I - K * H ) * P_prio

	/*  temp(6x6) = I(6x6) - K(6x3)*H(3x6)
	 *  last 3 columns of H are zero
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
			if (i == j) {
				bafl_tempP[i][j] = 1.;
			} else {
				bafl_tempP[i][j] = 0.;
			if (j == 2) { /* omit the parts where H is zero */
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
					bafl_tempP[i][j] -= bafl_K[i][k] * bafl_H[k][j];

	/*  P(6x6) = temp(6x6) * P_prio(6x6)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_P[i][j] = bafl_tempP[i][0] * bafl_Pprio[0][j];
			for (k = 1; k < BAFL_SSIZE; k++) {
				bafl_P[i][j] += bafl_tempP[i][k] * bafl_Pprio[k][j];

#ifdef LKF_PRINT_P
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
			printf("%f\t", bafl_P[i][j]);
		printf("]\n    ");

	 *  Correct errors.

	/*  Error quaternion.
	QUAT_ASSIGN(bafl_q_m_err, 1.0, bafl_X[0]/2, bafl_X[1]/2, bafl_X[2]/2);
	FLOAT_QUAT_INVERT(bafl_q_m_err, bafl_q_m_err);
	/* normalize */
	float q_sq;
	q_sq = bafl_q_m_err.qx * bafl_q_m_err.qx + bafl_q_m_err.qy * bafl_q_m_err.qy + bafl_q_m_err.qz * bafl_q_m_err.qz;
	if (q_sq > 1) { /* this should actually never happen */
		FLOAT_QUAT_SMUL(bafl_q_m_err, bafl_q_m_err, 1 / sqrtf(1 + q_sq));
		printf("mag error quaternion q_sq > 1!!\n");
	} else {
		bafl_q_m_err.qi = sqrtf(1 - q_sq);

	/*  correct attitude
	FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(bafl_qtemp, bafl_q_m_err, bafl_quat);
	FLOAT_QUAT_COPY(bafl_quat, bafl_qtemp);

	/*  correct gyro bias
	RATES_ASSIGN(bafl_b_m_err, bafl_X[3], bafl_X[4], bafl_X[5]);
	RATES_SUB(bafl_bias, bafl_b_m_err);

	 *  compute all representations
	/* maintain rotation matrix representation */
	FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(bafl_dcm, bafl_quat);
	/* maintain euler representation */
	FLOAT_EULERS_OF_RMAT(bafl_eulers, bafl_dcm);
Esempio n. 7
static void ahrs_do_update_accel(void) {
	int i, j, k;

#ifdef BAFL_DEBUG2
	printf("Accel update.\n");

	/* P_prio = P */
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_Pprio[i][j] = bafl_P[i][j];

	 * set up measurement matrix
	 * g = 9.81
	 * gx = [ 0 -g  0
	 *        g  0  0
	 *        0  0  0 ]
	 * H = [          0 0 0 ]
	 *	   [ -Cnb*gx  0 0 0 ]
	 *     [          0 0 0 ]
	 * */
	bafl_H[0][0] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 1) * BAFL_g;
	bafl_H[0][1] =  RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 0) * BAFL_g;
	bafl_H[1][0] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 1) * BAFL_g;
	bafl_H[1][1] =  RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 0) * BAFL_g;
	bafl_H[2][0] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 1) * BAFL_g;
	bafl_H[2][1] =  RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 0) * BAFL_g;
	/* rest is zero
	bafl_H[0][2] = 0.;
	bafl_H[1][2] = 0.;
	bafl_H[2][2] = 0.;*/

	 * compute Kalman gain K
	 * K = P_prio * H_T * inv(S)
	 * S = H * P_prio * HT + R
	 * K = P_prio * HT * inv(H * P_prio * HT + R)

	/* covariance residual S = H * P_prio * HT + R    */

	/* temp_S(3x6) = H(3x6) * P_prio(6x6)
	 * last 4 columns of H are zero
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_tempS[i][j]  = bafl_H[i][0] * bafl_Pprio[0][j];
			bafl_tempS[i][j] += bafl_H[i][1] * bafl_Pprio[1][j];

	/* S(3x3) = temp_S(3x6) * HT(6x3) + R(3x3)
	 * bottom 4 rows of HT are zero
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			bafl_S[i][j]  = bafl_tempS[i][0] * bafl_H[j][0]; /* H[j][0] = HT[0][j] */
			bafl_S[i][j] += bafl_tempS[i][1] * bafl_H[j][1]; /* H[j][0] = HT[0][j] */
		bafl_S[i][i] += bafl_R_accel;

	/* invert S
	FLOAT_MAT33_INVERT(bafl_invS, bafl_S);

	/* temp_K(6x3) = P_prio(6x6) * HT(6x3)
	 * bottom 4 rows of HT are zero
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			/* not computing zero elements */
			bafl_tempK[i][j]  = bafl_Pprio[i][0] * bafl_H[j][0]; /* H[j][0] = HT[0][j] */
			bafl_tempK[i][j] += bafl_Pprio[i][1] * bafl_H[j][1]; /* H[j][1] = HT[1][j] */

	/* K(6x3) = temp_K(6x3) * invS(3x3)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			bafl_K[i][j]  = bafl_tempK[i][0] * bafl_invS[0][j];
			bafl_K[i][j] += bafl_tempK[i][1] * bafl_invS[1][j];
			bafl_K[i][j] += bafl_tempK[i][2] * bafl_invS[2][j];

	 * Update filter state.
	 *  The a priori filter state is zero since the errors are corrected after each update.
	 *  X = X_prio + K (y - H * X_prio)
	 *  X = K * y

	/*printf("R = ");
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			printf("%f\t", RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, i, j));
		printf("]\n    ");

	/* innovation
	 * y = Cnb * -[0; 0; g] - accel
	bafl_ya.x = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 0, 2) * BAFL_g - bafl_accel_measure.x;
	bafl_ya.y = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 1, 2) * BAFL_g - bafl_accel_measure.y;
	bafl_ya.z = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, 2, 2) * BAFL_g - bafl_accel_measure.z;

	/* X(6) = K(6x3) * y(3)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		bafl_X[i]  = bafl_K[i][0] * bafl_ya.x;
		bafl_X[i] += bafl_K[i][1] * bafl_ya.y;
		bafl_X[i] += bafl_K[i][2] * bafl_ya.z;

	 * Update the filter covariance.
	 *  P = P_prio - K * H * P_prio
	 *  P = ( I - K * H ) * P_prio

	/*  temp(6x6) = I(6x6) - K(6x3)*H(3x6)
	 *  last 4 columns of H are zero
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			if (i == j) {
				bafl_tempP[i][j] = 1.;
			} else {
				bafl_tempP[i][j] = 0.;
			if (j < 2) { /* omit the parts where H is zero */
				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
					bafl_tempP[i][j] -= bafl_K[i][k] * bafl_H[k][j];

	/*  P(6x6) = temp(6x6) * P_prio(6x6)
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_P[i][j] = bafl_tempP[i][0] * bafl_Pprio[0][j];
			for (k = 1; k < BAFL_SSIZE; k++) {
				bafl_P[i][j] += bafl_tempP[i][k] * bafl_Pprio[k][j];

#ifdef LKF_PRINT_P
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
			printf("%f\t", bafl_P[i][j]);
		printf("]\n    ");

	 *  Correct errors.

	/*  Error quaternion.
	QUAT_ASSIGN(bafl_q_a_err, 1.0, bafl_X[0]/2, bafl_X[1]/2, bafl_X[2]/2);
	FLOAT_QUAT_INVERT(bafl_q_a_err, bafl_q_a_err);

	/* normalize
	 * Is this needed? Or is the approximation good enough?*/
	float q_sq;
	q_sq = bafl_q_a_err.qx * bafl_q_a_err.qx + bafl_q_a_err.qy * bafl_q_a_err.qy + bafl_q_a_err.qz * bafl_q_a_err.qz;
	if (q_sq > 1) { /* this should actually never happen */
		FLOAT_QUAT_SMUL(bafl_q_a_err, bafl_q_a_err, 1 / sqrtf(1 + q_sq));
		printf("Accel error quaternion q_sq > 1!!\n");
	} else {
		bafl_q_a_err.qi = sqrtf(1 - q_sq);

	/*  correct attitude
	FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(bafl_qtemp, bafl_q_a_err, bafl_quat);
	FLOAT_QUAT_COPY(bafl_quat, bafl_qtemp);

	/*  correct gyro bias
	RATES_ASSIGN(bafl_b_a_err, bafl_X[3], bafl_X[4], bafl_X[5]);
	RATES_SUB(bafl_bias, bafl_b_a_err);

	 *  compute all representations
	/* maintain rotation matrix representation */
	FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(bafl_dcm, bafl_quat);
	/* maintain euler representation */
	FLOAT_EULERS_OF_RMAT(bafl_eulers, bafl_dcm);
Esempio n. 8
 * Propagate our dynamic system in time
 * Run the strapdown computation and the predict step of the filter
 *      quat_dot = Wxq(pqr) * quat
 *      bias_dot = 0
 * Wxq is the quaternion omega matrix:
 *              [ 0, -p, -q, -r ]
 *      1/2 *   [ p,  0,  r, -q ]
 *              [ q, -r,  0,  p ]
 *              [ r,  q, -p,  0 ]
void ahrs_propagate(void) {
	int i, j, k;


	/* compute unbiased rates */
	RATES_FLOAT_OF_BFP(bafl_rates, imu.gyro);
	RATES_SUB(bafl_rates, bafl_bias);

	/* run strapdown computation

	/* multiplicative quaternion update */
	/* compute correction quaternion */
	QUAT_ASSIGN(bafl_qr, 1., bafl_rates.p * BAFL_DT / 2, bafl_rates.q * BAFL_DT / 2, bafl_rates.r * BAFL_DT / 2);
	/* normalize it. maybe not necessary?? */
	float q_sq;
	q_sq = (bafl_qr.qx * bafl_qr.qx +bafl_qr.qy * bafl_qr.qy + bafl_qr.qz * bafl_qr.qz) / 4;
	if (q_sq > 1) { /* this should actually never happen */
		FLOAT_QUAT_SMUL(bafl_qr, bafl_qr, 1 / sqrtf(1 + q_sq));
	} else {
		bafl_qr.qi = sqrtf(1 - q_sq);
	/* propagate correction quaternion */
	FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(bafl_qtemp, bafl_quat, bafl_qr);
	FLOAT_QUAT_COPY(bafl_quat, bafl_qtemp);

	bafl_qnorm = FLOAT_QUAT_NORM(bafl_quat);
	//TODO check if broot force normalization is good, use lagrange normalization?

	 *  compute all representations
	/* maintain rotation matrix representation */
	FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(bafl_dcm, bafl_quat);
	/* maintain euler representation */
	FLOAT_EULERS_OF_RMAT(bafl_eulers, bafl_dcm);

	/* error KF-Filter
	 * propagate only the error covariance matrix since error is corrected after each measurement
	 * F = [ 0  0  0          ]
	 *     [ 0  0  0   -Cbn   ]
	 *     [ 0  0  0          ]
	 *     [ 0  0  0  0  0  0 ]
	 *     [ 0  0  0  0  0  0 ]
	 *     [ 0  0  0  0  0  0 ]
	 * T = e^(dt * F)
	 * T = [ 1   0   0             ]
	 *     [ 0   1   0   -Cbn*dt   ]
	 *     [ 0   0   1             ]
	 *     [ 0   0   0   1   0   0 ]
	 *     [ 0   0   0   0   1   0 ]
	 *     [ 0   0   0   0   0   1 ]
	 * P_prio = T * P * T_T + Q

	 *  compute state transition matrix T
	 *  diagonal elements of T are always one
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			bafl_T[i][j + 3] = -RMAT_ELMT(bafl_dcm, j, i); /* inverted bafl_dcm */

	 * estimate the a priori error covariance matrix P_k = T * P_k-1 * T_T + Q
	/* Temporary multiplication temp(6x6) = T(6x6) * P(6x6)      */
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_tempP[i][j] = 0.;
			for (k = 0; k < BAFL_SSIZE; k++) {
				bafl_tempP[i][j] += bafl_T[i][k] * bafl_P[k][j];

	/* P_k(6x6) = temp(6x6) * T_T(6x6) + Q  */
	for (i = 0; i < BAFL_SSIZE; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < BAFL_SSIZE; j++) {
			bafl_P[i][j] = 0.;
			for (k = 0; k < BAFL_SSIZE; k++) {
				bafl_P[i][j] += bafl_tempP[i][k] * bafl_T[j][k]; //T[j][k] = T_T[k][j]
		if (i<3) {
			bafl_P[i][i] += bafl_Q_att;
		} else {
			bafl_P[i][i] += bafl_Q_gyro;

#ifdef LKF_PRINT_P
	printf("Pp =");
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
			printf("%f\t", bafl_P[i][j]);
		printf("]\n    ");
void quat_from_earth_cmd_f(struct FloatQuat *quat, struct FloatVect2 *cmd, float heading) {

  /* cmd_x is positive to north = negative pitch
   * cmd_y is positive to east = positive roll
   * orientation vector describing simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch
  const struct FloatVect3 ov = {cmd->y, -cmd->x, 0.0};
  /* quaternion from that orientation vector */
  struct FloatQuat q_rp;

  /* as rotation matrix */
  struct FloatRMat R_rp;
  FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(R_rp, q_rp);
  /* body x-axis (before heading command) is first column */
  struct FloatVect3 b_x;
  VECT3_ASSIGN(b_x, R_rp.m[0], R_rp.m[3], R_rp.m[6]);
  /* body z-axis (thrust vect) is last column */
  struct FloatVect3 thrust_vect;
  VECT3_ASSIGN(thrust_vect, R_rp.m[2], R_rp.m[5], R_rp.m[8]);

  /// @todo optimize yaw angle calculation

   * Instead of using the psi setpoint angle to rotate around the body z-axis,
   * calculate the real angle needed to align the projection of the body x-axis
   * onto the horizontal plane with the psi setpoint.
   * angle between two vectors a and b:
   * angle = atan2(norm(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b)) * sign(dot(cross(a,b), n))
   * where the normal n is the thrust vector (i.e. both a and b lie in that plane)

  // desired heading vect in earth x-y plane
  const struct FloatVect3 psi_vect = {cosf(heading), sinf(heading), 0.0};

  /* projection of desired heading onto body x-y plane
   * b = v - dot(v,n)*n
  float dot = FLOAT_VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(psi_vect, thrust_vect);
  struct FloatVect3 dotn;
  FLOAT_VECT3_SMUL(dotn, thrust_vect, dot);

  // b = v - dot(v,n)*n
  struct FloatVect3 b;
  FLOAT_VECT3_DIFF(b, psi_vect, dotn);
  dot = FLOAT_VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(b_x, b);
  struct FloatVect3 cross;
  VECT3_CROSS_PRODUCT(cross, b_x, b);
  // norm of the cross product
  float nc = FLOAT_VECT3_NORM(cross);
  // angle = atan2(norm(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b))
  float yaw2 = atan2(nc, dot) / 2.0;

  // negative angle if needed
  // sign(dot(cross(a,b), n)
  float dot_cross_ab = FLOAT_VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(cross, thrust_vect);
  if (dot_cross_ab < 0) {
    yaw2 = -yaw2;

  /* quaternion with yaw command */
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;
  QUAT_ASSIGN(q_yaw, cosf(yaw2), 0.0, 0.0, sinf(yaw2));

  /* final setpoint: apply roll/pitch, then yaw around resulting body z-axis */
  FLOAT_QUAT_COMP(*quat, q_rp, q_yaw);

Esempio n. 10
static inline void compute_imu_rmat_and_euler_from_quat(void) {
  FLOAT_RMAT_OF_QUAT(ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_rmat, ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_quat);
  FLOAT_EULERS_OF_RMAT(ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_euler, ahrs_float.ltp_to_imu_rmat);