Esempio n. 1
UString debugTag(uint32 tag, bool trim) {
	UString str;
	if (tagToString(tag, trim, str))
		return UString::format("0x%08X ('%s')", FROM_BE_32(tag), str.c_str());

	return UString::format("0x%08X", FROM_BE_32(tag));
Esempio n. 2
void Chore::fade(Animation::FadeMode mode, uint msecs) {
	for (int i = 0; i < _numTracks; i++) {
		Component *comp = _owner->_components[_tracks[i].compID];
		if (comp && FROM_BE_32(comp->getTag()) == MKTAG('K','E','Y','F')) {
			KeyframeComponent *kf = static_cast<KeyframeComponent *>(comp);
			kf->fade(mode, msecs);
Esempio n. 3
ModelComponent *Costume::getMainModelComponent() const {
    for (int i = 0; i < _numComponents; i++) {
        // Needs to handle Main Models (pigeons) and normal Models
        // (when Manny climbs the rope)
        if (FROM_BE_32(_components[i]->getTag()) == MKTAG('M','M','D','L'))
            return static_cast<ModelComponent *>(_components[i]);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
void MaterialComponent::init() {
	_mat = NULL;
	if (FROM_BE_32(_parent->getTag()) == MKTAG('M','M','D','L') ||
		FROM_BE_32(_parent->getTag()) == MKTAG('M','O','D','L')) {
		ModelComponent *p = static_cast<ModelComponent *>(_parent);
		Model *model = p->getModel();
		if (model) {
			for (int i = 0; i < model->_numMaterials; ++i) {
				if (_filename.compareToIgnoreCase(model->_materials[i]->getFilename()) == 0) {
					_mat = model->_materials[i];
	} else {
		warning("Parent of a MaterialComponent not a ModelComponent. %s %s", _filename.c_str(), _cost->getFilename().c_str());
Esempio n. 5
static GFFVersion identifyGFF(Common::SeekableReadStream &input, bool allowNWNPremium) {
	uint32 id = 0xFFFFFFFF, version = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	try {
		size_t pos = input.pos();

		id      = input.readUint32BE();
		version = input.readUint32BE();;

	} catch (...) {

	GFFVersion gffVersion;
	if        ((version == kVersion32) || (version == kVersion33)) {
		gffVersion      = kGFFVersion3;
		allowNWNPremium = false;
	} else if ((version == kVersion40) || (version == kVersion41)) {
		gffVersion      = kGFFVersion4;
		allowNWNPremium = false;
	} else if (allowNWNPremium && (FROM_BE_32(id) >= 0x30) && (FROM_BE_32(id) <= 0x12F)) {
		gffVersion      = kGFFVersion3;
	} else
		throw Common::Exception("Invalid GFF %s, %s",
		                        Common::debugTag(id).c_str(), Common::debugTag(version).c_str());

	size_t foundType = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(kGFFTypes); i++) {
		if (kGFFTypes[i] == id) {
			foundType = i;

	if ((foundType == 0xFFFFFFFF) && !allowNWNPremium)
		warning("Unknown GFF type %s", Common::debugTag(id).c_str());

	return gffVersion;
Esempio n. 6
Component *Costume::loadComponentEMI(Component *parent, int parentID, const char *name, Component *prevComponent) {
    // some have an exclimation mark, this could mean something.
    // for now, return 0 otherwise it will just crash in some other part.
    //return 0;

    assert(name[0] == '!');

    char type[5];
    tag32 tag = 0;
    memcpy(&tag, name, 4);
    memcpy(&type, name, 4);
    type[4] = 0;

    name += 4;

    if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('m','e','s','h')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement MESH-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new MainModelComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('s','k','e','l')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement SKEL-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new ModelComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('t','e','x','i')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement TEXI-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new MaterialComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('a','n','i','m')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement ANIM-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new KeyframeComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('l','u','a','c')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement LUAC-handling: %s" , name);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('l','u','a','v')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement LUAV-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new LuaVarComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    } else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('s','p','r','t')) {
        Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement SPRT-handling: %s" , name);
        //return new SpriteComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    } else {
        error("Actor::loadComponentEMI missing tag: %s for %s", name, type);
    char t[4];
    memcpy(t, &tag, sizeof(tag32));
    warning("loadComponent: Unknown tag '%c%c%c%c', name '%s'", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], name);*/
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
Component *EMICostume::loadEMIComponent(Component *parent, int parentID, const char *name, Component *prevComponent) {
	assert(name[0] == '!');

	char type[5];
	tag32 tag = 0;
	memcpy(&tag, name, 4);
	memcpy(&type, name, 4);
	type[4] = 0;
	tag = FROM_BE_32(tag);

	name += 4;

	if (tag == MKTAG('m', 'e', 's', 'h')) {
		return new EMIMeshComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag, this);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('s', 'k', 'e', 'l')) {
		return new EMISkelComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('t', 'e', 'x', 'i')) {
		return new EMITexiComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('a', 'n', 'i', 'm')) {
		return new EMIAnimComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('l', 'u', 'a', 'c')) {
		return new EMILuaCodeComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('l', 'u', 'a', 'v')) {
		return new EMILuaVarComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('s', 'p', 'r', 't')) {
		return new EMISpriteComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('s', 'h', 'a', 'd')) {
		Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement SHAD-handling: %s" , name);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('a', 'w', 'g', 't')) {
		Debug::warning(Debug::Costumes, "Actor::loadComponentEMI Implement AWGT-handling: %s" , name);
	} else if (tag == MKTAG('s', 'n', 'd', '2')) {
		// ignore, this is a leftover from an earlier engine.
	} else {
		error("Actor::loadComponentEMI missing tag: %s for %s", name, type);

	return nullptr;
Esempio n. 8
Component *Costume::loadComponent (tag32 tag, Component *parent, int parentID, const char *name, Component *prevComponent) {
    if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('M','M','D','L'))
        return new MainModelComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('M','O','D','L'))
        return new ModelComponent(parent, parentID, name, prevComponent, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('C','M','A','P'))
        return new ColormapComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('K','E','Y','F'))
        return new KeyframeComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('M','E','S','H'))
        return new MeshComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('L','U','A','V'))
        return new LuaVarComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('I','M','L','S'))
        return new SoundComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('B','K','N','D'))
        return new BitmapComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('M','A','T',' '))
        return new MaterialComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('S','P','R','T'))
        return new SpriteComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);
    else if (FROM_BE_32(tag) == MKTAG('A','N','I','M')) //Used  in the demo
        return new BitmapComponent(parent, parentID, name, tag);

    char t[4];
    memcpy(t, &tag, sizeof(tag32));
    warning("loadComponent: Unknown tag '%c%c%c%c', name '%s'", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], name);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 9
void Costume::load(Common::SeekableReadStream *data) {
	TextSplitter ts(_fname, data);
	ts.expectString("costume v0.1");
	ts.expectString("section tags");
	int numTags;
	ts.scanString(" numtags %d", 1, &numTags);
	tag32 *tags = new tag32[numTags];
	for (int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
		unsigned char t[4];
		int which;

		// Obtain a tag ID from the file
		ts.scanString(" %d '%c%c%c%c'", 5, &which, &t[0], &t[1], &t[2], &t[3]);
		// Force characters to upper case
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			t[j] = toupper(t[j]);
		memcpy(&tags[which], t, sizeof(tag32));
		tags[which] = FROM_BE_32(tags[which]);

	ts.expectString("section components");
	ts.scanString(" numcomponents %d", 1, &_numComponents);
	_components = new Component *[_numComponents];
	for (int i = 0; i < _numComponents; i++) {
		int id, tagID, hash, parentID, namePos;
		const char *line = ts.getCurrentLine();
		Component *prevComponent = NULL;

		if (sscanf(line, " %d %d %d %d %n", &id, &tagID, &hash, &parentID, &namePos) < 4)
			error("Bad component specification line: `%s'", line);

		// A Parent ID of "-1" indicates that the component should
		// use the properties of the previous costume as a base
		if (parentID == -1) {
			if (_prevCostume) {
				// However, only the first item can actually share the
				// node hierarchy with the previous costume, so flag
				// that component so it knows what to do
				if (i == 0)
					parentID = -2;
				prevComponent = _prevCostume->_components[0];
				// Make sure that the component is valid
				if (!prevComponent->isComponentType('M','M','D','L'))
					prevComponent = NULL;
			} else if (id > 0) {
				// Use the MainModelComponent of this costume as prevComponent,
				// so that the component can use its colormap.
				prevComponent = _components[0];
		// Actually load the appropriate component
		_components[id] = loadComponent(tags[tagID], parentID < 0 ? NULL : _components[parentID], parentID, line + namePos, prevComponent);

	delete[] tags;

	for (int i = 0; i < _numComponents; i++)
		if (_components[i]) {

	ts.expectString("section chores");
	ts.scanString(" numchores %d", 1, &_numChores);
	_chores = new Chore *[_numChores];
	for (int i = 0; i < _numChores; i++) {
		int id, length, tracks;
		char name[32];
		ts.scanString(" %d %d %d %32s", 4, &id, &length, &tracks, name);
		_chores[id] = new Chore(name, i, this, length, tracks);
		Debug::debug(Debug::Chores, "Loaded chore: %s\n", name);

	ts.expectString("section keys");
	for (int i = 0; i < _numChores; i++) {
		int which;
		ts.scanString("chore %d", 1, &which);