struct dirent * FS_ReadDir( FS_DIR *dirp) { _FS_PTR * dir = (_FS_PTR *) dirp; FILINFO FileInfo; static struct dirent ent; char *fn; #if _USE_LFN static WCHAR lfn[_MAX_LFN+1]; FileInfo.lfname = (TCHAR*)lfn; FileInfo.lfsize = sizeof(lfn); #endif ent.d_name[0]=0; if (dirp == 0) { return 0; /* Device not found */ } FS_X_OS_LockDirOp(); dir->error = f_readdir ( &dir->fs.dir, /* Pointer to the open directory object */ &FileInfo /* Pointer to the file information structure */ ); if(dir->error!=FR_OK) { FS_X_OS_UnlockDirOp(); ent.d_name[0]=0; ent.st_mode=0; = 0; ent.st_ctime = 0; return 0; } #if _USE_LFN fn = (char *)(*FileInfo.lfname ? FileInfo.lfname : FileInfo.fname); #else fn = (char *)FileInfo.fname; #endif if(FileInfo.fname[0] == 0) //end ent.d_name[0]=0; else strcpy(ent.d_name,fn); ent.st_mode = (FileInfo.fattrib & AM_DIR)?_IFDIR:0; = FileInfo.fsize; ent.st_ctime = FileInfo.ftime|(FileInfo.fdate<<16); FS_X_OS_UnlockDirOp(); return &ent; }
struct FS_DIRENT *FS_ReadDir(FS_DIR *pDir) { struct FS_DIRENT *entry; if (!pDir) { return 0; /* No pointer to a FS_DIR data structure */ } FS_X_OS_LockDirOp(pDir); entry = 0; if (pDir->dev_index >= 0) { if (FS__pDevInfo[pDir->dev_index].fs_ptr->fsl_readdir) { /* Execute FSL function */ entry = (FS__pDevInfo[pDir->dev_index].fs_ptr->fsl_readdir)(pDir); } } FS_X_OS_UnlockDirOp(pDir); return entry; }