Esempio n. 1
	static PGPError
	PFLFileSpecRef		ref,
	PGPByte const *		data,
	PGPSize				dataSize )
	const ExportedFileSpec *	exportedData;
	MyData *					newData	= NULL;
	PGPError					err	= kPGPError_NoErr;

	(void) dataSize;
	exportedData	= (const ExportedFileSpec *)data;
	newData			= GetMyData( ref );
	err	= PGPReallocData( ref->memoryMgr,
			&newData, sizeof( *newData ), 0 );
	if ( IsntPGPError( err ) )
		MyData *		myData	= (MyData *)newData;
		ref->data		= (PGPByte *)newData;
		ref->dataSize	= sizeof( *newData );
		myData->specIsValid 	= FALSE;
		CopyPString( exportedData->name, myData-> );
		if( exportedData->aliasDataSize != 0 )
			AliasHandle	alias;
			if( PtrToHand( &exportedData->aliasData[0], (Handle *) &alias,
						exportedData->aliasDataSize ) == noErr )
				FSSpec	spec;
				short	aliasCount = 1;
				Boolean	needsUpdate;
				if( MatchAlias( NULL, kARMNoUI | kARMSearch,
						alias, &aliasCount, &spec, &needsUpdate, NULL, NULL ) == noErr )
					CInfoPBRec	cpb;
					if( FSpGetCatInfo( &spec, &cpb ) == noErr )
						myData->specIsValid = TRUE;
						myData->spec.vRefNum 	= spec.vRefNum;
						myData->spec.parID 		= cpb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID;
				DisposeHandle( (Handle) alias );
	return( err );
Esempio n. 2
	static PGPError
	PFLConstFileSpecRef	ref,
	FSSpec				*fileSpec,
	CInfoPBRec			*fileInfo)
	MyData 		*myData;
	PGPError	err = kPGPError_NoErr;
	PGPValidateParam( ref->type == kPFLFileSpecMacType );

	myData = GetMyData( ref );
	if( myData->specIsValid )
		*fileSpec = myData->spec;
		if( fileInfo != NULL )
			OSStatus	macErr;
			macErr = FSpGetCatInfo( fileSpec, fileInfo );
			if ( macErr == fnfErr )
				err	= kPGPError_FileNotFound;
			else if( macErr != noErr )
				err	= kPGPError_FileOpFailed;
		err = kPGPError_FileNotFound;
	return( err );
static OSStatus RunOneServer(InetHost ipAddr)
	// This routine is the main line of the thread that runs
	// an HTTP server.  ipAddr is the address on which the
	// server is listening.
	// The routine uses a directory whose name is the
	// dotted decimal string representation of ipAddr as the
	// root directory of the HTTP server.
	OSStatus 	err;
	OSStatus 	junk;
	Str255 		ipAddrString;
	FSSpec 		dirSpec;
	CInfoPBRec 	cpb;
	ServerContext *context;
	MPTaskID    junkServerThread;
	// Allocate a context for the preemptive thread.
	err = noErr;
	context = (ServerContext *) MPAllocateAligned(sizeof(*context), kMPAllocateDefaultAligned, kNilOptions);
	if (context == NULL) {
		err = memFullErr;
	// Fill out the context.  We do this here because it needs 
	// to use services that aren't MP-safe.
	if (err == noErr) {
		context->ipAddr = ipAddr;
		// Get ipAddr as a dotted decimal Pascal string.
		OTInetHostToString(ipAddr, ((char *) ipAddrString) + 1);
		ipAddrString[0] = OTStrLength(((char *) ipAddrString) + 1);
		// Find the associated dirID, creating the directory
		// if necessary.

		junk = MoreProcGetCurrentProcessFSSpec(&dirSpec);
		assert(junk == noErr);
		(void) FSMakeFSSpec(dirSpec.vRefNum, dirSpec.parID, ipAddrString, &dirSpec);
		context->rootVRefNum = dirSpec.vRefNum;
		err = FSpGetCatInfo(&dirSpec, 0, &cpb);
		if (err == noErr && ( (cpb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & (1 << 4)) != 0) ) {
			context->rootDirID = cpb.hFileInfo.ioDirID;
		} else {
			err = FSpDirCreate(&dirSpec, 0, (SInt32 *) &context->rootDirID);
	// Start a preemptive thread to run an HTTP server on the IP address.
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = MPCreateTask(HTTPServerProc, context, 65536, kInvalidID, NULL, NULL, kNilOptions, &junkServerThread);
		if (err == noErr) {
			context = NULL;				// it's now the task's responsibility
	if (context != NULL) {
	return err;