Esempio n. 1
 * Draw or erase the coordinate string of the current pointer position.
 * Both of these are the same operation because of the XOR operation.
static void
showcoords(GR_BOOL show)
	long	curlong;
	long	curlat;
	FLOAT	ptrlat;
	FLOAT	ptrlong;

	if (((show == 0) == (coordvisible == 0)) || !coordenabled)

	if (show) {
		ptrlat = FIDIV(FIMUL(viewlat, ptry), mapheight - 1);
		ptrlong = FIDIV(FIMUL(viewlong, ptrx), mapwidth - 1);

		curlat = FTOI(Latitude + latradius - ptrlat);
		curlong = FTOI(Longitude - longradius + ptrlong);

		if (curlong > 180*60)
			curlong -= 360*60;
		if (curlong < -180*60)
			curlong += 360*60;

		mintostr(coordstring, curlong);
		strcat(coordstring, "  ");
		mintostr(coordstring + strlen(coordstring), curlat);

	GrText(mapwid, xorgc, coordx, coordy, coordstring, -1, GR_TFBOTTOM);
	coordvisible = show;
Esempio n. 2
 * Draw current frame scaled.
 * @param x X-coordinate at which to draw
 * @param y Y-coordinate at which to draw
 * @param scale Scaling factor
void Anim::drawScaled (fixed x, fixed y, fixed scale) {

	// Used to draw bonus level player, so no offset
	sprites[frame]->drawScaled(FTOI(x), FTOI(y), scale);


Esempio n. 3
 * Draw the layer.
 * @param tileSet The tile set to use for non-flipped tiles
 * @param flippedTileSet The tile set to use for flipped tiles
void JJ2Layer::draw (SDL_Surface* tileSet, SDL_Surface* flippedTileSet) {

	SDL_Rect src, dst;
	int vX, vY;
	int x, y;

	// Set tile drawing dimensions
	src.w = TTOI(1);
	src.h = TTOI(1);
	src.x = 0;

	// Calculate the layer view
	vX = FTOI(FTOI(viewX) * xSpeed);
	vY = FTOI(FTOI(viewY) * ySpeed);

	if (limit) {

		if (!tileX) {

			if (vX + canvasW > TTOI(width)) vX = TTOI(width) - canvasW;


		if (!tileY) {

			vY -= canvasH - SH;
			if (vY + canvasH > TTOI(height)) vY = TTOI(height) - canvasH;



	for (y = 0; y <= ITOT(canvasH - 1) + 1; y++) {

		for (x = 0; x <= ITOT(canvasW - 1) + 1; x++) {

			dst.x = TTOI(x) - (vX & 31);
			dst.y = TTOI(y) - (vY & 31);
			src.y = TTOI(getTile(x + ITOT(vX), y + ITOT(vY)));
			if (src.y) SDL_BlitSurface(getFlipped(x + ITOT(vX), y + ITOT(vY))? flippedTileSet: tileSet, &src, canvas, &dst);




Esempio n. 4
 * Draw placeholder event.
 * @param ticks Time
 * @param change Time since last iteration
void OtherJJ2Event::draw (unsigned int ticks, int change) {

	Anim* an;
	int drawX, drawY;

	if (prepareDraw(ticks, change)) return;

	drawX = getDrawX(change);
	drawY = getDrawY(change);

	switch (type) {


			if ((type <= 221) && pickupAnims[type]) {

				an = jj2Level->getAnim(animSet, pickupAnims[type], flipped);
				an->setFrame((int)ticks / 60, true);
				an->draw(drawX + F16, drawY + F16 + F32);

			} else if (!endTime) {

				drawRect(FTOI(drawX) + 8, FTOI(drawY) + 8, 16, 16, type);


			panelBigFont->showNumber(type, FTOI(drawX) + 24, FTOI(drawY) + 12);



	an->draw(drawX + F16, drawY + F16);


Esempio n. 5
 * Draw current frame.
 * @param x X-coordinate at which to draw
 * @param y Y-coordinate at which to draw
void Anim::draw (fixed x, fixed y, int accessories) {

	Anim* anim;

		FTOI(x) + (xOffsets[frame] << 2),
		FTOI(y) + yOffsets[frame] - yOffset);

	if (accessories && accessory) {

		anim = level->getAnim(accessory);
		anim->setFrame(frame, true);
			x + ITOF(accessoryX << 2),
			y + ITOF(accessoryY - yOffset) - anim->getOffset(),
			accessories - 1);



Esempio n. 6
 * Functionality required by all event types on each iteration
 * @param ticks Time
 * @param msps Ticks per step
 * @return Animation
EventType* Event::prepareStep (unsigned int ticks, int msps) {

	// Process the next event
	if (next) next = next->step(ticks, msps);

	// Get the event properties
	set = level->getEvent(gridX, gridY);

	// If the event has been removed from the grid, destroy it
	if (!set) return NULL;

	// If the event and its origin are off-screen, the event is not in the
	// process of self-destruction, remove it
	if (((animType & ~1) != E_LFINISHANIM) &&
		((x < viewX - F192) || (x > viewX + ITOF(viewW) + F192) ||
		(y < viewY - F160) || (y > viewY + ITOF(viewH) + F160)) &&
		((gridX < FTOT(viewX) - 1) ||
		(gridX > ITOT(FTOI(viewX) + viewW) + 1) ||
		(gridY < FTOT(viewY) - 1) ||
		(gridY > ITOT(FTOI(viewY) + viewH) + 1))) return NULL;

	return set;

Esempio n. 7
 * Draw the JJ2 level.
void JJ2Level::draw () {

	int width, height;
	int x, y;
	unsigned int change;

	width = layer->getWidth();
	height = layer->getHeight();

	// Calculate change since last step
	change = getTimeChange();

	// Calculate viewport
	if (game && (stage == LS_END)) game->view(paused? 0: ((ticks - prevTicks) * 160));
	else localPlayer->getJJ2LevelPlayer()->view(ticks, paused? 0: (ticks - prevTicks), change);

	// Ensure the new viewport is within the level
	if (FTOI(viewX) + canvasW >= TTOI(width)) viewX = ITOF(TTOI(width) - canvasW);
	if (viewX < 0) viewX = 0;
	if (FTOI(viewY) + canvasH >= TTOI(height)) viewY = ITOF(TTOI(height) - canvasH);
	if (viewY < 0) viewY = 0;

	// Show background layers
	for (x = 7; x >= 3; x--) layers[x]->draw(tileSet, flippedTileSet);

	// Show the events
	if (events) events->draw(ticks, change);

	// Show the players
	for (x = 0; x < nPlayers; x++) players[x].getJJ2LevelPlayer()->draw(ticks, change);

	// Show foreground layers
	for (x = 2; x >= 0; x--) layers[x]->draw(tileSet, flippedTileSet);

	// Temporary lines showing the water level
	drawRect(0, FTOI(waterLevel - viewY), canvasW, 2, 72);
	drawRect(0, FTOI(waterLevel - viewY) + 3, canvasW, 1, 72);
	drawRect(0, FTOI(waterLevel - viewY) + 6, canvasW, 1, 72);
	drawRect(0, FTOI(waterLevel - viewY) + 10, canvasW, 1, 72);

	// Black-out areas outside the level (for high resolutions)

	if (TTOI(layers[3]->getWidth()) - FTOI(viewX) < canvasW)
		drawRect(TTOI(layers[3]->getWidth()) - FTOI(viewX), 0,
			canvasW, canvasH, JJ2_BLACK);

	if (TTOI(layers[3]->getHeight()) - FTOI(viewY) < canvasH)
		drawRect(0, TTOI(layers[3]->getHeight()) - FTOI(viewY),
			TTOI(layers[3]->getWidth()) - FTOI(viewX), canvasH, JJ2_BLACK);

	// Show "panel" data

	// Show score
	if (multiplayer) game->getMode()->drawScore(font);
	else panelSmallFont->showNumber(localPlayer->getScore(), 64, 8);

	// Draw hearts

	x = localPlayer->getJJ2LevelPlayer()->getEnergy();

	for (y = 1; y <= x; y++) {

		drawRect(canvasW - (y * 12), 4, 8, 8, 48);


	// Show lives
	panelSmallFont->showNumber(localPlayer->getLives(), 16, canvasH - 16);

	// Show ammo
	if (localPlayer->getAmmoType() == -1) {

		panelSmallFont->showString(":", canvasW - 24, canvasH - 16);
		panelSmallFont->showString(";", canvasW - 16, canvasH - 16);

	} else panelSmallFont->showNumber(localPlayer->getAmmo(), canvasW - 8, canvasH - 16);


Esempio n. 8
 * Read the database file and draw the world.
static void
load(char *fn)
	register DBPOINT	*pp;
	DBPOINT		*pend;
	FLOAT		x, y, LonPrv, LatPrv;
	long		oldlong = 0L;
	GR_COORD	xnew, ynew;
	GR_COORD	xold = 0, yold = 0;
	GR_BOOL		is_out;
	GR_BOOL		was_out;
	GR_BOOL		newseg = GR_FALSE;
	GR_COLOR	oldcolor;
	GR_COLOR	newcolor;
	int		n;
	int		fh;
	DBPOINT		p[PCount];

	LonPrv = ITOF(0);
	LatPrv = ITOF(0);
	oldcolor = -1;
	is_out = GR_FALSE;
	was_out = GR_FALSE;

	fh = open(fn, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY);
	if (fh < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", fn);

	while ((n = read(fh, p, PCount * POINTSize)) > 0) {
		for (pp = p,pend = p + n/POINTSize; pp < pend; pp++)
			/* do displacement */
			x = ITOF(pp->Lon) - Longitude;
			y = ITOF(pp->Lat) - Latitude;

			/* wrap around for East-West */
			if (x < -HSPAN)
				x += WSPAN;
			if (x > HSPAN)
				x -= WSPAN;

			if (pp->Code > 5) {
				newcolor = code_colors[pp->Code / 1000];
				if (newcolor != oldcolor) {
					oldcolor = newcolor;
					GrSetGCForeground(mapgc, oldcolor);
				newseg = GR_TRUE;

			if (oldcolor == BLACK)
				goto go_on;

			/* ignore points outside magnified area */
			if ((x < -longradius || x > longradius ||
				y < -latradius || y > latradius))
				is_out = 1;
				if (was_out) {		/* out to out */
					LonPrv = x;
					LatPrv = y;
					goto go_on;

				/* in to out */
				xold = mapxorig + FTOI(FFMUL(LonPrv, X_Scale)) / 60;
				yold = mapyorig - FTOI(FFMUL(LatPrv, Y_Scale)) / 60;
			} else {			/* out to in */
				is_out = 0;
				if (was_out) {
					xold = mapxorig +
						FTOI(FFMUL(LonPrv, X_Scale)) / 60;
					yold = mapyorig -
						FTOI(FFMUL(LatPrv, Y_Scale)) / 60;
				/* in to in */
			LonPrv = x;
			LatPrv = y;

			/* scale points w/in area to interlace screen */
			xnew = mapxorig + FTOI(FFMUL(x, X_Scale)) / 60;
			ynew = mapyorig - FTOI(FFMUL(y, Y_Scale)) / 60;

			/* if new segment, move to place */
			if (newseg || ABS(oldlong - pp->Lon) > 180*60) {
				xold = xnew;
				yold = ynew;
			oldlong = pp->Lon;

			GrLine(mapwid, mapgc, xold, yold, xnew, ynew);
			xold = xnew;
			yold = ynew;
			was_out = is_out;
			newseg = GR_FALSE;
Esempio n. 9
 * Episode 1 guardian iteration.
 * @param ticks Time
 * @return Remaining event
JJ1Event* MedGuardian::step(unsigned int ticks) {

	fixed sin = fSin(ticks / 2);
	fixed cos = fCos(ticks / 2);

	set = prepareStep(ticks);

	if (!set) return remove(false);

	if (level->getEventHits(gridX, gridY) >= set->strength / 2)
 		stage = 1;
	if (level->getEventHits(gridX, gridY) >= set->strength)
		stage = 2;

	// Stage 0: Move in an eight shape and fire the occasional shot

	if (stage == 0) {

		if (direction == 1) {

			// Lower right part of the eight

			dx = TTOF(gridX) + (sin * 96) - x + ITOF(96);
			dy = TTOF(gridY) - (cos * 64) - y;

			if (cos > 0) direction = 2;


		if (direction == 2) {

			// Upper left part of the eight

			dx = TTOF(gridX) - (sin * 96) - x - ITOF(96);
			dy = TTOF(gridY) - (cos * 64) - y;

			if (cos < 0) direction = 3;


		if (direction == 3) {

			// Lower left part of the eight

			dx = TTOF(gridX) - (sin * 96) - x - ITOF(96);
			dy = TTOF(gridY) - (cos * 64) - y;

			if (cos > 0) direction = 4;


		if (direction == 4) {

			// Upper right part of the eight

			dx = TTOF(gridX) + (sin * 96) - x + ITOF(96);
			dy = TTOF(gridY) - (cos * 64) - y;

			if (cos < 0) direction = 1;


		// Decide if there should be a shot
		if ((ticks % (set->bulletPeriod * 25) >
				(unsigned int)(set->bulletPeriod * 25) - 300)) {

			level->setEventTime(gridX, gridY, ticks + 300);
			shoot = true;


		// Shoot if there is a shot
		if (level->getEventTime(gridX, gridY) &&
				(ticks > level->getEventTime(gridX, gridY)) &&
				shoot) {

			if (set->bullet < 32)
					x + anim->getAccessoryShootX(),
					y + anim->getAccessoryShootY(),
					(animType != E_LEFTANIM),

			shoot = false;



	// Stage 1: Hop back and forth destroying the bottom row of tiles

	if (stage == 1) {

		fixed startPos = TTOF(gridY) + ITOF(40);

		if (direction < 5) {

			// Move up or down towards the starting position for hopping
			direction = (y > startPos) ? 5 : 6;


		// Move up to the correct height
		if (direction == 5) {

			if (y > startPos) {

				dx = 0;
				dy = ITOF(-2);

			else direction = 7;


		// Move down to the correct height
		if (direction == 6) {

			if (y < startPos) {

				dx = 0;
				dy = ITOF(2);

			} else direction = 7;


		// Cosinus should be near zero before we start hopping.
		if (direction == 7) {

			dx = 0;
			dy = 0;

			if (cos > -100 && cos < 100) direction = 8;


		// Start hopping
		if (direction == 8) {

			if (level->checkMaskUp(x, y) ||
					level->checkMaskUp(x + width, y))
				setAnimType((animType == E_LEFTANIM) ? E_RIGHTANIM : E_LEFTANIM);

			dy = startPos - abs(cos * 96) - y;
			dx = abs(cos * 6);

			if (animType == E_LEFTANIM)
				dx *= -1;

			if (cos < 0 &&
					level->checkMaskDown(x + ITOF(anim->getWidth() / 2), y + TTOF(1)))
				direction = 9;


		// Destroy the block underneath
		if (direction == 9) {

			// Shake a bit
			dx = (FTOI(x) % 2) ? ITOF(1) : ITOF(-1);
			dy = 0;

			// Remove the tile
			if (cos > 0 && cos < 100) {

						FTOT(x + ITOF((anim->getWidth() / 2))),
						FTOT(y) + 1,

				direction = 8;




	// Stage 2: End of behavior

	if (stage == 2) {

		dx = 0;
		dy = ITOF(4);


	x += dx;
	y += dy;
	dx = dx << 6;
	dy = dy << 6;

	return this;
