Esempio n. 1
void MpView::DefaultViewForScene (MpViewGraphData *G)
    if (!G) return;

    Scene& S = G->DS().S;

    // calculate bounding box
    float x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2;

    // view box ratios x:y:z
    const float f = 0.5;  // scale factor
    G->vby = f*(x2-x1);   // note ordering (y-z-x) - the internal coordinate system
    G->vbz = f*(y2-y1);
    G->vbx = f*(z2-z1);

    // choose an initial viewpoint depending on extent of scene
    // look to the center of the scene
    float cx = (x1+x2)/2,
          cy = (y1+y2)/2,
          cz = (z1+z2)/2,
          r = 1.7 * hypot(x1-x2,y1-y2,z1-z2);

    S.Look(Vector3D(cx+r,cy+r,cz+r),	// define camera position
           Vector3D(-r,-r,-r),		// the look direction
           FieldOfView(23));	 	// and the view angle fov

    // set transformation matrix and fov angle
    G->viewtrafo = S.GetMatrix();
    G->fov = S.GetFieldOfView();
Esempio n. 2
Level::Level(Table<PSquare> s, Model* m, vector<Location*> l, const string& message, const string& n,
    Table<CoverInfo> covers) 
    : squares(std::move(s)), locations(l), model(m), entryMessage(message), name(n), coverInfo(std::move(covers)),
      bucketMap(squares.getBounds().getW(), squares.getBounds().getH(), FieldOfView::sightRange),
      lightAmount(squares.getBounds(), 0) {
  for (Vec2 pos : squares.getBounds()) {
    Optional<pair<StairDirection, StairKey>> link = squares[pos]->getLandingLink();
    if (link)
  for (Location *l : locations)
  for (Vision* vision : Vision::getAll())
    fieldOfView.emplace(vision, FieldOfView(squares, vision));
  for (Vec2 pos : squares.getBounds())
    addLightSource(pos, squares[pos]->getLightEmission(), 1);
Esempio n. 3
Level::Level(Table<PSquare> s, Model* m, vector<Location*> l, const string& message, const string& n,
    Table<CoverInfo> covers, int id) 
    : squares(std::move(s)), oldSquares(squares.getBounds()), locations(l), model(m), entryMessage(message),
      name(n), coverInfo(std::move(covers)), bucketMap(squares.getBounds().getW(), squares.getBounds().getH(),
      FieldOfView::sightRange), lightAmount(squares.getBounds(), 0), lightCapAmount(squares.getBounds(), 1),
      levelId(id) {
  for (Vec2 pos : squares.getBounds()) {
    optional<StairKey> link = squares[pos]->getLandingLink();
    if (link)
      landingSquares[*link].push_back(Position(pos, this));
  for (Location *l : locations)
  for (VisionId vision : ENUM_ALL(VisionId))
    fieldOfView[vision] = FieldOfView(squares, vision);
  for (Vec2 pos : squares.getBounds())
    addLightSource(pos, squares[pos]->getLightEmission(), 1);
Esempio n. 4
void FieldPlot (Scene& scene, int n, Vertex* field, float len, int mode,
                const char* title, const char* xtitle, const char* ytitle,
                const char* ztitle, MpAxis* A)
// Draw a 3-component vector field given in 3D space. The field is expected
// in an array field[1..n] with n components Vertex(x,y,z,nx,ny,nz) giving
// the space point (x,y,z) and the vector field components (nx,ny,nz).
    int i;
    float x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,nx1,nx2,ny1,ny2,nz1,nz2,
    Vector3D camera,look;
    Vertex *v;
    int axis,scale;

    if (! scene.IsOpen()) Matpack.Error(Mat::UnspecifiedError,"FieldPlot: scene is not open");

    // defines the arrow
    float headlength = 0.4,
          headthick = 0.4,
          thick = 0.2;    

    // evaluate flags
    axis  = ! (mode & NoAxis);
    scale = ! (mode & NoAutoScale);

    // find extremal coordinates x1..x2, y1..y2, z1..z2
    // and vector field values nx1..nx2, ny1..ny2, nz1..nz2
    v = &field[1];      
    x1 = x2 = v->x;
    y1 = y2 = v->y;
    z1 = z2 = v->z;
    nx1 = nx2 = v->nx;
    ny1 = ny2 = v->ny;
    nz1 = nz2 = v->nz;
    for (i = 2, v++; i <= n; i++, v++) {
        if (v->x < x1) x1 = v->x; else if (v->x > x2) x2 = v->x;
        if (v->y < y1) y1 = v->y; else if (v->y > y2) y2 = v->y;
        if (v->z < z1) z1 = v->z; else if (v->z > z2) z2 = v->z;
        if (v->nx < nx1) nx1 = v->nx; else if (v->nx > nx2) nx2 = v->nx;
        if (v->ny < ny1) ny1 = v->ny; else if (v->ny > ny2) ny2 = v->ny;
        if (v->nz < nz1) nz1 = v->nz; else if (v->nz > nz2) nz2 = v->nz;        
    // compute automatic scale 
    if (scale) {
        dist = 1;
        d = x2-x1; camera.x = x1 - dist * d;
        d = y2-y1; camera.y = y1 - 1.3 * dist * d;      // BAD ORDER ????!!!
        d = z2-z1; camera.z = z2 + 1.8 * dist * d;
        look.x = 0.5*(x2+x1)-camera.x;
        look.y = 0.5*(z2+z1)-camera.z;                  // BAD ORDER ????!!!
        look.z = 0.5*(y2+y1)-camera.y;

    // draw field
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        v = &field[i];
        x = v->x;
        y = v->y;
        z = v->z;
        dx = 0.5 * v->nx * len;
        dy = 0.5 * v->ny * len;
        dz = 0.5 * v->nz * len;

    // draw axisframe and titles
    if (axis) {
        // not yet