int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> analysis.cpp::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } // Parse the config file parseConfigFile (argv[1]) ; std::string treeName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::treeName"); std::string inputFileList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFileList"); // Open old tree TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); if(!FillChain(*chain, inputFileList.c_str())) return 1; treeReader reader((TTree*)(chain)); // Open output root file for clone tree std::string outputRootFileName = "clone.root"; TFile outputRootFile(outputRootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");; TTree* cloneTree = chain -> CloneTree(0); std::cout << ">>>>> cloneNtple.cpp::Read " << chain -> GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; for(int entry = 0 ; entry < chain -> GetEntries() ; ++entry) { reader.GetEntry(entry); if((entry%1000) == 0) std::cout << ">>>>> analysis::GetEntry " << entry << std::endl; if( (reader.Get4V("jets")->size()) >= 4 ) cloneTree -> Fill(); } // loop over the events cloneTree -> AutoSave(); outputRootFile.Close(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { std::cout<<"--------> DUMPER: READ RECO DATA AND PRODUCE PROFILE PLOTS <--------"<<std::endl; //--------Read Options-------------------------------- std::string inputFileList(argv[1]); std::string outputLabel = argv[2]; int entriesMax = atoi(argv[3]); std::cout << "--------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "inputFileList: " << argv[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "outputLabel: " << argv[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "entriesMax: " << argv[3] << std::endl; std::cout << "--------------------------------" << std::endl; //-------start to read the input file list-------- TChain* treeReco = new TChain("ntu"); RecoTreeVars recoTV; InitRecoTree(treeReco,recoTV); FillChain(treeReco,inputFileList); //---------output histograms---------------- TFile* outputFile = TFile::Open(Form("plots/plots_studyProfiles_%s.root",outputLabel.c_str()),"RECREATE"); TH2F* h2_beamPosition_TDC = new TH2F("h2_beamPosition_TDC","",100,-240,-140.,100,-146,-46.); TH2F* h2_beamPosition_hodo11 = new TH2F("h2_beamPosition_hodo11","",160,-210.,-130.,160,-155.,-75.); TH2F* h2_beamPosition_hodo22 = new TH2F("h2_beamPosition_hodo22","",160,-210.,-130.,160,-155.,-75.); TH2F* h2_beamPosition_hodo12 = new TH2F("h2_beamPosition_hodo12","",160,-210.,-130.,160,-155.,-75.); TH2F* h2_beamPosition_hodo21 = new TH2F("h2_beamPosition_hodo21","",160,-210.,-130.,160,-155.,-75.); std::map<int,TProfile*> p_cellProfileX_TDC; std::map<int,TProfile*> p_cellProfileX_hodo12; std::map<int,TProfile*> p_cellProfileY_TDC; std::map<int,TProfile*> p_cellProfileY_hodo12; std::map<int,TH1F*> h_cell_charge; for(int iCh = 0; iCh < 32; ++iCh) { p_cellProfileX_TDC[iCh] = new TProfile(Form("p_cell%02dProfileX_TDC",iCh),"", 100,-240.,-140.); p_cellProfileX_hodo12[iCh] = new TProfile(Form("p_cell%02dProfileX_hodo12",iCh),"",160,-210.,-130.); p_cellProfileY_TDC[iCh] = new TProfile(Form("p_cell%02dProfileY_TDC",iCh),"", 100,-146., -46.); p_cellProfileY_hodo12[iCh] = new TProfile(Form("p_cell%02dProfileY_hodo12",iCh),"",160,-155., -75.); h_cell_charge[iCh] = new TH1F(Form("h_cell%02d_charge",iCh),"",100000,0., 10000000.); } TH1F* h_total_charge = new TH1F("h_total_charge","",100000,0., 10000000.); TProfile2D* p2_cellPosition_TDC = new TProfile2D("p2_cellPosition_TDC", "",100,-240.,-140.,100,-152.,-52.); TProfile2D* p2_cellPosition_hodo12 = new TProfile2D("p2_cellPosition_hodo12","",160,-210.,-130.,160,-155.,-75.); //-----Data loop-------------------------------------------------------- int nEntries = treeReco -> GetEntries(); if( entriesMax < 0 ) entriesMax = nEntries; for(int iEntry = 0; iEntry < entriesMax; ++iEntry) { if( iEntry%1 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>> reading entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nEntries << "\r" << std::flush; //---Read the entry ClearRecoTreeVars(recoTV); treeReco->GetEntry(iEntry); //---Reconstruct beam position float beamX_TDC = -recoTV.tableX + recoTV.tdcX; float beamY_TDC = -recoTV.tableY + recoTV.tdcY; float hodoX1 = GetHodoWire(recoTV.nHodoX1,recoTV.hodoX1); float hodoY1 = GetHodoWire(recoTV.nHodoY1,recoTV.hodoY1); float hodoX2 = GetHodoWire(recoTV.nHodoX2,recoTV.hodoX2); float hodoY2 = GetHodoWire(recoTV.nHodoY2,recoTV.hodoY2); float beamX_hodo1 = hodoX1 >= 0 ? -recoTV.tableX + 0.5*hodoX1 : -999; float beamY_hodo1 = hodoY1 >= 0 ? -recoTV.tableY - 0.5*hodoY1 : -999; float beamX_hodo2 = hodoX2 >= 0 ? -recoTV.tableX + 0.5*hodoX2 : -999; float beamY_hodo2 = hodoY2 >= 0 ? -recoTV.tableY - 0.5*hodoY2 : -999; //---Fill histograms h2_beamPosition_TDC -> Fill(beamX_TDC,beamY_TDC); if( beamX_hodo1 != -999 && beamY_hodo1 != -999 ) h2_beamPosition_hodo11 -> Fill(beamX_hodo1,beamY_hodo1); if( beamX_hodo2 != -999 && beamY_hodo2 != -999 ) h2_beamPosition_hodo22 -> Fill(beamX_hodo2,beamY_hodo2); if( beamX_hodo1 != -999 && beamY_hodo2 != -999 ) h2_beamPosition_hodo12 -> Fill(beamX_hodo1,beamY_hodo2); if( beamX_hodo2 != -999 && beamY_hodo1 != -999 ) h2_beamPosition_hodo21 -> Fill(beamX_hodo2,beamY_hodo1); float total_charge = 0.; for(int iCh = 0; iCh < 32; ++iCh) { if( recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh] > 500 ) p2_cellPosition_TDC -> Fill(beamX_TDC, beamY_TDC, 32*(iCh%2)+pow(-1,iCh)*iCh); if( recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh] > 500 ) p2_cellPosition_hodo12 -> Fill(beamX_hodo1,beamY_hodo2,32*(iCh%2)+pow(-1,iCh)*iCh); if( recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh] > 0. && recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh] < 999999. ) { p_cellProfileX_TDC[iCh] -> Fill(beamX_TDC, recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh]); p_cellProfileX_hodo12[iCh] -> Fill(beamX_hodo1,recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh]); p_cellProfileY_TDC[iCh] -> Fill(beamY_TDC, recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh]); p_cellProfileY_hodo12[iCh] -> Fill(beamY_hodo2,recoTV.amp_DQM[iCh]); h_cell_charge[iCh] -> Fill(recoTV.charge_DQM[iCh]); if(iCh==12 || iCh==13 || iCh==18 || iCh==19) total_charge += recoTV.charge_DQM[iCh]; } } if( (fabs(beamX_hodo1+180.) < 5.) && (fabs(beamY_hodo2+117.) < 5.) ) h_total_charge -> Fill(total_charge); } std::cout << std::endl; // //-----close everything----------------------------------------------------- outputFile -> Write(); outputFile -> Close(); //---------Done----------------------------------------------------------------- }
void trisCheckStability(Char_t* EBEE = 0, Int_t evtsPerPoint = 0, std::string dayMin = "", std::string dayMax = "", float absEtaMin = -1., float absEtaMax = -1.) { // Set style options gROOT->Reset(); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); // Check qualifiers if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")!=0 && strcmp(EBEE,"EE")!=0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: unknown partition " << EBEE << std::endl; std::cout << "CHK-STB Select either EB or EE ! " << std::endl; return; } // Get trees std::cout << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_DA,"inputDATA.txt"); std::cout << " DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_MC,"inputMC.txt"); std::cout << "REFERENCE: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if (ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: At least one file is empty" << std::endl; return; } // Set branch addresses int runId; int timeStampHigh; int isW; float scLaserCorr, EoP, scEta, scPhi, scE, ES; int seedIeta, seedIphi, seedIx, seedIy, seedZside; ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("runId", &runId); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh", &timeStampHigh); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scLaserCorr", &scLaserCorr); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scPhi", &scPhi); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE", &scE); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_es", &ES); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &seedIeta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &seedIphi); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx", &seedIx); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy", &seedIy); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside", &seedZside); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); if( (dayMax != "") && (dayMin != "") ) { int day,month,year; std::stringstream ssMin(dayMin); ssMin >> day >> month >> year; tm tmMin; tmMin.tm_sec = 0; tmMin.tm_min = 0; tmMin.tm_hour = 0; tmMin.tm_mday = day; tmMin.tm_mon = month-1; tmMin.tm_year = year-1900; t1 = timegm(&tmMin); std::stringstream ssMax(dayMax); ssMax >> day >> month >> year; tm tmMax; tmMax.tm_sec = 0; tmMax.tm_min = 0; tmMax.tm_hour = 0; tmMax.tm_mday = day; tmMax.tm_mon = month-1; tmMax.tm_year = year-1900; t2 = timegm(&tmMax); }
int main(int argc, char**argv){ // open files and fill the tree chain std::string inputFileList = argv[1]; std::string outFileName = argv[2]; std::string inputVariable = argv[3]; std::string varRange = argv[4]; std::string varType = argv[5]; if(argc !=6) {std::cerr<<" Errors in parsing the parameters "<<std::endl; return 1; } TChain* chain = new TChain("simpleNtupleRecHits/SimpleNtupleEoverP"); FillChain(*chain,inputFileList); // EE geometry TEndcapRings* eRings = new TEndcapRings(); // define outfile TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"RECREATE"); // define histograms TH1F* h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB","",nBins_nVtx,nVtxMin,nVtxMax); TH1F* h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE","",nBins_nVtx,nVtxMin,nVtxMax); h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> Sumw2(); h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> Sumw2(); TH1F* h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB","",nBins_nAvgPU,nAvgPUMin,nAvgPUMax); TH1F* h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE","",nBins_nAvgPU,nAvgPUMin,nAvgPUMax); h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> Sumw2(); h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> Sumw2(); TH1F* h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB","",nBins_iEta,iEtaMin,iEtaMax); h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> Sumw2(); TH1F* h_occupancy_vsIring_EE = new TH1F("h_occupancy_vsIring_EE","",nBins_iRing,iRingMin,iRingMax); h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> Sumw2(); std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EB; // for each vertex or PU number --> associated distribution std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EE; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EB; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EE; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EB; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EE; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EB; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EE; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EB; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EE; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EB; std::map<float,TH1F*> map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EE; std::map<float,std::map<float,TH1F*> > map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIeta_EB; std::map<float,std::map<float,TH1F*> > map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIring_EE; // EB for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nVtx; ++bin){ char histoName[50]; float binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); float binLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(bin); float binHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(bin) + h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nAvgPU10_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nAvgPU20_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); } for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nAvgPU; ++bin){ char histoName[50]; float binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); float binLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(bin); float binHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(bin) + h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nVtx10_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nVtx20_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); for(int iEtaBin = 1; iEtaBin <= nBins_iEta; ++iEtaBin) { float iEtaBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> GetBinCenter(iEtaBin); float iEtaBinLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(iEtaBin); float iEtaBinHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> GetBinLowEdge(iEtaBin) + h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEB_recHitE_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f_iEta%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge,iEtaBinLowEdge,iEtaBinHigEdge); (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIeta_EB[binCenter])[iEtaBinCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-2.,2.); } } // EE for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nVtx; ++bin){ char histoName[50]; float binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); float binLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(bin); float binHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(bin) + h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nAvgPU10_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nAvgPU20_nVtx%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); } for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nAvgPU; ++bin){ char histoName[50]; float binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); float binLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(bin); float binHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(bin) + h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nVtx10_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nVtx20_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge); map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-4.,4.); for(int iRingBin = 1; iRingBin <= nBins_iRing; ++iRingBin) { float iRingBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> GetBinCenter(iRingBin); float iRingBinLowEdge = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(iRingBin); float iRingBinHigEdge = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> GetBinLowEdge(iRingBin) + h_occupancy_vsIring_EE->GetBinWidth(bin); sprintf(histoName,"hEE_recHitE_nAvgPU%02.1f-%02.1f_iRing%02.1f-%02.1f",binLowEdge,binHigEdge,iRingBinLowEdge,iRingBinHigEdge); (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIring_EE[binCenter])[iRingBinCenter] = new TH1F(histoName,"",2000,-2.,2.); } } // define variables; int runId, lumiId; int timeStampHigh; int PV_n; float PUit_TrueNumInteractions; std::vector<float>* EBrecHit_E = new std::vector<float>; std::vector<float>* EErecHit_E = new std::vector<float>; std::vector<int>* EBrecHit_ietaORix = new std::vector<int>; std::vector<int>* EBrecHit_iphiORiy = new std::vector<int>; std::vector<int>* EErecHit_ietaORix = new std::vector<int>; std::vector<int>* EErecHit_iphiORiy = new std::vector<int>; std::vector<int>* EErecHit_zside = new std::vector<int>; chain -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); chain -> SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh", &timeStampHigh); chain -> SetBranchStatus("runId",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("runId", &runId); chain -> SetBranchStatus("lumiId",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("lumiId", &lumiId); chain -> SetBranchStatus("PV_n",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("PV_n", &PV_n); chain -> SetBranchStatus("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",&PUit_TrueNumInteractions); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EBRecHit_E",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EBRecHit_E", &EBrecHit_E); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EERecHit_E",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EERecHit_E", &EErecHit_E); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EBRecHit_ietaORix",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EBRecHit_ietaORix", &EBrecHit_ietaORix); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EBRecHit_iphiORiy",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EBRecHit_iphiORiy", &EBrecHit_iphiORiy); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EERecHit_ietaORix",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EERecHit_ietaORix", &EErecHit_ietaORix); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EERecHit_iphiORiy",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EERecHit_iphiORiy", &EErecHit_iphiORiy); chain -> SetBranchStatus("EERecHit_zside",1); chain -> SetBranchAddress("EERecHit_zside", &EErecHit_zside); int Var0; double Var1; if(varType == "int") { chain -> SetBranchStatus(inputVariable.c_str(),1); chain -> SetBranchAddress(inputVariable.c_str(),&Var0);} if(varType == "double") { chain -> SetBranchStatus(inputVariable.c_str(),1); chain -> SetBranchAddress(inputVariable.c_str(),&Var1);} // loop over events int nSelectedEvents = 0; std::vector<TString> mlist = TMVA::gTools().SplitString(varRange, '-' ); // min and max in the range for( int entry = 0; entry <chain->GetEntries() ; entry++ ) { if( entry%100 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>> reading entry " << entry << " / " << chain->GetEntries() << "\r" << std::flush; chain->GetEntry(entry); if( varType == "int"){ if( Var0 <= atoi( ) continue; if( Var0 >= atoi( break;} // ntuples should be ordered on the inputVariabe if( varType == "double"){ if( Var1 <= atof( ) continue; if( Var1 >= atof( break;} // ntuples should be ordered on the inputVariab // if( entry%100 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>> reading entry " << entry << " / " << chain->GetEntries() << "\r" << std::flush; ++nSelectedEvents; // fill ele1 int bin = -1; int iEtaBin = -1; int iRingBin = -1; float iEtaBinCenter = -1.; float iRingBinCenter = -1.; float binCenter = -1.; TH1F* histo; for(unsigned int iEle = 0; iEle<EBrecHit_E->size(); iEle++){ bin = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> Fill(PV_n); binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); histo = map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax ) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax && PUit_TrueNumInteractions >= 9. && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < 11.) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax && PUit_TrueNumInteractions >= 19. && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < 21.) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); bin = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> Fill(PUit_TrueNumInteractions); binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); histo = map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax ) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax && PV_n >= 9. && PV_n < 11.) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax && PV_n >= 19. && PV_n < 21.) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); iEtaBin = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> Fill(fabs(EBrecHit_ietaORix->at(iEle))); iEtaBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> GetBinCenter(iEtaBin); // std::cout<<"binCenter "<<binCenter<<" EtaBin "<<iEtaBinCenter<<" EBrecHit_ietaORix "<<EBrecHit_ietaORix->at(iEle)<<std::endl; histo = (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIeta_EB[binCenter])[iEtaBinCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax ) histo->Fill(EBrecHit_E->at(iEle)); } for(unsigned int iEle = 0; iEle<EErecHit_E->size(); iEle++){ int Iring = eRings -> GetEndcapRing(EErecHit_ietaORix->at(iEle),EErecHit_iphiORiy->at(iEle),EErecHit_zside->at(iEle)); bin = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> Fill(PV_n); binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); histo = map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax ) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax && PUit_TrueNumInteractions >= 9. && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < 11.) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter]; if( PV_n > nVtxMin && PV_n < nVtxMax && PUit_TrueNumInteractions >= 19. && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < 21.) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); bin = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> Fill(PUit_TrueNumInteractions); binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); histo = map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax ) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax && PV_n >= 9. && PV_n < 11.) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); histo = map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax && PV_n >= 19. && PV_n < 21.) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); iRingBin = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> Fill(fabs(Iring)); iRingBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> GetBinCenter(iRingBin); histo = (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIring_EE[binCenter])[iRingBinCenter]; if( PUit_TrueNumInteractions > nAvgPUMin && PUit_TrueNumInteractions < nAvgPUMax ) histo->Fill(EErecHit_E->at(iEle)); } } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> selected " << nSelectedEvents << " / " << chain->GetEntries() << " good events" << std::endl; outFile -> cd(); h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> Write(); h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> Write(); h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> Write(); h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> Write(); h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> Write(); h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> Write(); for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nVtx; ++bin) { float binCenter; binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNvtx_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); map_recHitE_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nAvgPU10_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nAvgPU20_vsNvtx_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); } for(int bin = 1; bin <= nBins_nAvgPU; ++bin) { float binCenter; binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EB -> GetBinCenter(bin); map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EB[binCenter] -> Write(); for(int iEtaBin = 1; iEtaBin <= nBins_iEta; ++iEtaBin) { float iEtaBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIeta_EB -> GetBinCenter(iEtaBin); (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIeta_EB[binCenter])[iEtaBinCenter] -> Write(); } binCenter = h_occupancy_vsNavgPU_EE -> GetBinCenter(bin); map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nVtx10_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); map_recHitE_nVtx20_vsNavgPU_EE[binCenter] -> Write(); for(int iRingBin = 1; iRingBin <= nBins_iRing; ++iRingBin) { float iRingBinCenter = h_occupancy_vsIring_EE -> GetBinCenter(iRingBin); (map_recHitE_vsNavgPU_vsIring_EE[binCenter])[iRingBinCenter] -> Write(); } } outFile -> Close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> WZAnalysis::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } std::string fileName(argv[1]); boost::shared_ptr<edm::ParameterSet> parameterSet = edm::readConfig(fileName); // "Input" edm::ParameterSet Input = parameterSet -> getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Input"); std::string inputFileList = Input.getParameter<std::string>("inputFileList"); std::string jsonFileName = Input.getParameter<std::string>("jsonFileName"); // "Output" edm::ParameterSet Output = parameterSet -> getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Output"); std::string outputRootFilePath = Output.getParameter<std::string>("outputRootFilePath"); std::string outputRootFileName = Output.getParameter<std::string>("outputRootFileName"); std::string outputRootFullFileName = outputRootFilePath + "/" + outputRootFileName + ".root"; // "Options" edm::ParameterSet Options = parameterSet -> getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Options"); int entryMIN = Options.getParameter<int>("entryMIN"); int entryMAX = Options.getParameter<int>("entryMAX"); int entryMODULO = Options.getParameter<int>("entryMODULO"); int jsonFlag = Options.getParameter<int>("jsonFlag"); int verbosity = Options.getParameter<int>("verbosity"); // Get total number of events std::cout << ">>> WZAnalysis::Get number of events" << std::endl; std::map<int, int> beginEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterBegin/passedEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); std::map<int, int> goodVertexEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterGoodVertexFilter/passedEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); std::map<int, int> noScrapingEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterNoScrapingFilter/passedEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); std::map<int, int> HBHENoiseEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterHBHENoiseFilter/passedEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); std::map<int, int> electronEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterElectronFilter/passedEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); // Get run/LS map from JSON file std::cout << ">>> WZPreselection::Get run/LS map from JSON file" << std::endl; std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > > jsonMap; jsonMap = readJSONFile(jsonFileName); // define HLT paths std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > > WHLTPathNames; std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges1(160404,161176); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName1("HLT_Ele27_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v1",WRunRanges1); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges2(161216,163261); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName2("HLT_Ele27_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v2",WRunRanges2); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges3(163269,163869); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName3("HLT_Ele27_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v3",WRunRanges3); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges4(165088,165633); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName4("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v3",WRunRanges4); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges5(165970,166967); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName5("HLT_Ele25_WP80_PFMT40_v1",WRunRanges5); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges6(167039,167913); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName6("HLT_Ele27_WP80_PFMT50_v1",WRunRanges6); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges7(170249,173198); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName7("HLT_Ele32_WP70_PFMT50_v3",WRunRanges7); std::pair<int,int> WRunRanges8(173236,999999); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > WHLTPathName8("HLT_Ele32_WP70_PFMT50_v4",WRunRanges8); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName1); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName2); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName3); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName4); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName5); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName6); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName7); WHLTPathNames.push_back(WHLTPathName8); std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > > ZHLTPathNames; std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges1(160404,161176); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName1("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v1",ZRunRanges1); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges2(161216,163261); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName2("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v2",ZRunRanges2); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges3(163269,163869); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName3("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v3",ZRunRanges3); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges4(165088,165633); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName4("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v4",ZRunRanges4); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges5(165970,166967); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName5("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v5",ZRunRanges5); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges6(167039,167913); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName6("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_v6",ZRunRanges6); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges7(170249,170759); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName7("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_v6",ZRunRanges7); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges8(170826,173198); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName8("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_v7",ZRunRanges8); std::pair<int,int> ZRunRanges9(173236,999999); std::pair<std::string,std::pair<int,int> > ZHLTPathName9("HLT_Ele17_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_v8",ZRunRanges9); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName1); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName2); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName3); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName4); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName5); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName6); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName7); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName8); ZHLTPathNames.push_back(ZHLTPathName9); // Open tree std::cout << ">>> WZAnalysis::Open old tree" << std::endl; std::string treeName = "simpleNtuple/SimpleNtuple"; TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); if(!FillChain(*chain, inputFileList.c_str())) return 1; treeReader reader((TTree*)(chain), false); // Open output root file outputRootFileName += ".root"; // define histograms std::cout << ">>> WZAnalysis::Define histograms" << std::endl; int nStep = 10; TH1F* events = new TH1F("events", "events", nStep, 0., 1.*nStep); std::map<int, int> stepEvents; std::map<int, std::string> stepNames; // define the reduced ntuple WZAnalysisVariablesSingleXtal vars; InitializeWZAnalysisTree(vars,outputRootFullFileName); //********************** // STEP 1 - Begin events int step = 1; SetStepNames(stepNames, "All events", step, verbosity); stepEvents[step] = beginEvents[1]; //**************************** // STEP 2 - Good Vertex events step = 2; SetStepNames(stepNames, "Good vertex", step, verbosity); stepEvents[step] = goodVertexEvents[1]; //********************* // STEP 3 - No Scraping step = 3; SetStepNames(stepNames, "No scraping", step, verbosity); stepEvents[step] = noScrapingEvents[1]; //********************* // STEP 4 - HBHE Noise step = 4; SetStepNames(stepNames, "HBHE Noise", step, verbosity); stepEvents[step] = HBHENoiseEvents[1]; //****************** // STEP 5 - Electron step = 5; SetStepNames(stepNames, "Electron", step, verbosity); stepEvents[step] = electronEvents[1]; //********************* // LOOP OVER THE EVENTS std::cout << ">>>>> WZAnalysis::Read " << chain -> GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; for(int entry = entryMIN ; entry < chain -> GetEntries() ; ++entry) { reader.GetEntry(entry); if((entry%entryMODULO) == 0) std::cout << ">>>>> WZAnalysis::GetEntry " << entry << std::endl; if(entry == entryMAX) break; // clear variables ClearWZAnalysisVariables(vars); // event variables vars.runId = reader.GetInt("runId")->at(0); vars.lumiId = reader.GetInt("lumiId")->at(0); //************************** // STEP 6 - run/LS selection step = 6; SetStepNames(stepNames, "run/LS", step, verbosity); bool skipEvent = false; if(AcceptEventByRunAndLumiSection(vars.runId,vars.lumiId,jsonMap) == false) skipEvent = true; if( (jsonFlag == 1) && (skipEvent == true) ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //*********************** // STEP 7 - HLT selection step += 1; SetStepNames(stepNames, "HLT", step, verbosity); skipEvent = true; bool isWHLT = false; bool isZHLT = false; if( verbosity == 1 ) { std::vector<std::string> HLT_names = *(reader.GetString("HLT_Names")); for(unsigned int HLTIt = 0; HLTIt < HLT_names.size(); ++HLTIt) std::cout << "HLT bit " << HLTIt << ": " << << std::endl; } // W triggers for(unsigned int HLTIt = 0; HLTIt < WHLTPathNames.size(); ++HLTIt) { if( AcceptHLTPath(reader, == true ) skipEvent = false; isWHLT = true; } // Z triggers for(unsigned int HLTIt = 0; HLTIt < ZHLTPathNames.size(); ++HLTIt) { if( AcceptHLTPath(reader, == true ) skipEvent = false; isZHLT = true; } if( skipEvent == true ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //************************** // STEP 8 - cut on electrons step += 1; SetStepNames(stepNames, "1/2 ele", step, verbosity); int nTightEle = 0; int nMediumEle = 0; int nLooseEle = 0; std::map<float,int> eleIts; // loop on electrons for(unsigned int eleIt = 0; eleIt < (reader.Get4V("electrons")->size()); ++eleIt) { ROOT::Math::XYZTVector ele = reader.Get4V("electrons")->at(eleIt); float pt =; float eta = ele.eta(); float tkIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_tkIso03")->at(eleIt); float emIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_emIso03")->at(eleIt); float hadIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_hadIso03_1")->at(eleIt) + reader.GetFloat("electrons_hadIso03_2")->at(eleIt); float combIso = tkIso + emIso + hadIso; int isEB = reader.GetInt("electrons_isEB")->at(eleIt); float sigmaIetaIeta = reader.GetFloat("electrons_sigmaIetaIeta")->at(eleIt); float DetaIn = reader.GetFloat("electrons_deltaEtaIn")->at(eleIt); float DphiIn = reader.GetFloat("electrons_deltaPhiIn")->at(eleIt); float HOverE = reader.GetFloat("electrons_hOverE")->at(eleIt); int mishits = reader.GetInt("electrons_mishits")->at(eleIt); int nAmbiguousGsfTracks = reader.GetInt("electrons_nAmbiguousGsfTracks")->at(eleIt); float dist = reader.GetFloat("electrons_dist")->at(eleIt); float dcot = reader.GetFloat("electrons_dcot")->at(eleIt); // tight electrons bool isTightElectron = false; if( (pt > 20.) && (fabs(eta) < 2.5) && // EleID WP80 - 2010 ( ( (isEB == 1) && (combIso/pt < 0.070) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (combIso/pt < 0.060) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.010) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.030) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.060) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.030) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.004) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.007) ) ) && //( ( (isEB == 1) && (HOverE < 0.040) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (HOverE < 0.025) ) ) && ( mishits == 0 ) && ( nAmbiguousGsfTracks == 0 ) && ( ( fabs(dist) > 0.02 ) || ( fabs(dcot) > 0.02 ) ) ) { isTightElectron = true; ++nTightEle; eleIts[1./pt] = eleIt; } // semi-tight electrons if( isTightElectron == true ) continue; // bool isMediumElectron = false; if( (pt > 12.) && (fabs(eta) < 2.5) && // EleID WP80 - 2010 ( ( (isEB == 1) && (combIso/pt < 0.070) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (combIso/pt < 0.060) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.010) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.030) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.060) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.030) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.004) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.007) ) ) && //( ( (isEB == 1) && (HOverE < 0.040) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (HOverE < 0.025) ) ) && ( mishits == 0 ) && ( nAmbiguousGsfTracks == 0 ) && ( ( fabs(dist) > 0.02 ) || ( fabs(dcot) > 0.02 ) ) ) { // isMediumElectron = true; ++nMediumEle; eleIts[1./pt] = eleIt; } // loose electrons if( isTightElectron == true ) continue; if( (pt > 10.) && (fabs(eta) < 2.5) && // EleID WP95 - 2010 ( ( (isEB == 1) && (combIso/pt < 0.150) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (combIso/pt < 0.100) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.010) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (sigmaIetaIeta < 0.030) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.800) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DphiIn) < 0.700) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.007) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (fabs(DetaIn) < 0.010) ) ) && ( ( (isEB == 1) && (HOverE < 0.150) ) || ( (isEB == 0) && (HOverE < 0.070) ) ) ) { ++nLooseEle; } } // loop on electrons int nLooseMu = 0; // loop on muons for(unsigned int muIt = 0; muIt < (reader.Get4V("muons")->size()); ++muIt) { ROOT::Math::XYZTVector mu = reader.Get4V("muons")->at(muIt); float pt =; float eta = mu.eta(); float tkIso = reader.GetFloat("muons_tkIso03")->at(muIt); float emIso = reader.GetFloat("muons_emIso03")->at(muIt); float hadIso = reader.GetFloat("muons_hadIso03")->at(muIt); float combIso = tkIso + emIso + hadIso; int global = reader.GetInt("muons_global")->at(muIt); if( (pt > 10.) && (fabs(eta) < 2.5) && (combIso/pt < 0.20) && (global == 1) ) { ++nLooseMu; } } // cuts if( verbosity == 1 ) std::cout << " nTightEle = " << nTightEle << " nMediumEle = " << nMediumEle << " nLooseEle = " << nLooseEle << " nLooseMu = " << nLooseMu << std::endl; if( nTightEle < 1 ) continue; if( nTightEle > 2 ) continue; if( nMediumEle > 1 ) continue; if( nLooseEle > 0 ) continue; if( nLooseMu > 0 ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; // set electron variables std::map<float,int>::const_iterator mapIt = eleIts.begin(); //PhotonFix::initialise("4_2"); if( (nTightEle == 1) && (nMediumEle == 0) ) { SetElectron1Variables(vars,reader,mapIt->second); //PhotonFix Correction1 (vars.ele1_scE,vars.ele1_scEta,vars.ele1_scPhi,vars.ele1_e3x3/vars.ele1_scE); //vars.ele1_scLocalContCorr_DK = Correction1.fixedEnergy()/vars.ele1_scE; } mapIt = eleIts.begin(); if( (nTightEle == 2) || (nTightEle == 1 && nMediumEle == 1) ) { SetElectron1Variables(vars,reader,mapIt->second); //PhotonFix Correction1 (vars.ele1_scE,vars.ele1_scEta,vars.ele1_scPhi,vars.ele1_e3x3/vars.ele1_scE); //vars.ele1_scLocalContCorr_DK = Correction1.fixedEnergy()/vars.ele1_scE; ++mapIt; SetElectron2Variables(vars,reader,mapIt->second); //PhotonFix Correction2 (vars.ele2_scE,vars.ele2_scEta,vars.ele2_scPhi,vars.ele2_e3x3/vars.ele2_scE); //vars.ele2_scLocalContCorr_DK = Correction2.fixedEnergy()/vars.ele2_scE; } // set met variables SetMetVariables(vars,reader); // set di-electron variables if( (nTightEle == 2) || (nTightEle == 1 && nMediumEle == 1) ) { SetDiElectronVariables(vars,reader); } //*********************** // STEP 9 - W selection step += 1; SetStepNames(stepNames, "W selection", step, verbosity); if( (nTightEle == 1) && (nMediumEle == 0) ) { if( isWHLT == false ) continue; if( vars.ele1_pt < 30. ) continue; // EleID WP70 - 2010 if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 1 ) && ( (vars.ele1_tkIso+vars.ele1_emIso+vars.ele1_hadIso)/vars.ele1_pt > 0.04 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 1 ) && ( fabs(vars.ele1_DphiIn) > 0.030 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 1 ) && ( fabs(vars.ele1_DetaIn) > 0.004 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 1 ) && ( vars.ele1_HOverE > 0.025 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 0 ) && ( (vars.ele1_tkIso+vars.ele1_emIso+vars.ele1_hadIso)/vars.ele1_pt > 0.03 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 0 ) && ( fabs(vars.ele1_DphiIn) > 0.020 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 0 ) && ( fabs(vars.ele1_DetaIn) > 0.005 ) ) continue; if( ( vars.ele1_isEB == 0 ) && ( vars.ele1_HOverE > 0.025 ) ) continue; if( vars.met_et < 25.00 ) continue; if( vars.ele1Met_mt < 50.00 ) continue; if( vars.ele1Met_Dphi < 1.57 ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; vars.isW = 1; vars.isZ = 0; // fill the reduced tree FillWZAnalysisTree(vars); } //*********************** // STEP 10 - Z selection step += 1; SetStepNames(stepNames, "Z selection", step, verbosity); if( (nTightEle == 2) || (nTightEle == 1 && nMediumEle == 1) ) { if( isZHLT == false ) continue; if( vars.met_et > 40. ) continue; if( vars.ele1ele2_m < 70. ) continue; if( vars.ele1ele2_m > 110. ) continue; if( (vars.ele1_charge * vars.ele2_charge) != -1. ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; vars.isW = 0; vars.isZ = 1; // fill the reduced tree FillWZAnalysisTree(vars); } } // loop over the events // save the reduced tree DeleteWZAnalysisVariables(vars); // save the histograms TFile* outputRootFile = new TFile((outputRootFullFileName).c_str(), "UPDATE"); outputRootFile -> cd(); for(step = 1; step <= nStep; ++step) { events -> SetBinContent(step, stepEvents[step]); events -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(step, stepNames[step].c_str()); } events -> Write(); outputRootFile -> Close(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { ///Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> FastCalibrator::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } std::string configFileName = argv[1]; boost::shared_ptr<edm::ParameterSet> parameterSet = edm::readConfig(configFileName); edm::ParameterSet Options = parameterSet -> getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Options"); parameterSet.reset(); std::string inputList = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("inputList")) inputList = Options.getParameter<std::string>("inputList"); else { std::cout << " Exit from code, no input list found" << std::endl; std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::string inputFileDeadXtal = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("inputFileDeadXtal")) inputFileDeadXtal = Options.getParameter<std::string>("inputFileDeadXtal"); else { std::cout << " No input File Dead Xtal found! " << std::endl; } std::string inputTree = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("inputTree")) inputTree = Options.getParameter<std::string>("inputTree"); else { std::cout << " Exit from code, no input tree found" << std::endl; std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::string jsonFileName = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("jsonFileName")) jsonFileName = Options.getParameter<std::string>("jsonFileName"); else { std::cout << " Exit from code, no jsonFile found" << std::endl; std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > > jsonMap; jsonMap = readJSONFile(jsonFileName); std::string miscalibMap = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("miscalibMap")) miscalibMap = Options.getParameter<std::string>("miscalibMap"); else { std::cout << " no miscalib map found" << std::endl; } bool isMiscalib = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isMiscalib")) isMiscalib = Options.getParameter<bool>("isMiscalib"); bool isSaveEPDistribution = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isSaveEPDistribution")) isSaveEPDistribution = Options.getParameter<bool>("isSaveEPDistribution"); bool isMCTruth = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isMCTruth")) isMCTruth = Options.getParameter<bool>("isMCTruth"); bool isEPselection = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isEPselection")) isEPselection = Options.getParameter<bool>("isEPselection"); bool isPtCut = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isPtCut")) isPtCut = Options.getParameter<bool>("isPtCut"); double PtMin = 0.; if(Options.existsAs<double>("PtMin")) PtMin = Options.getParameter<double>("PtMin"); bool isfbrem = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isfbrem")) isfbrem = Options.getParameter<bool>("isfbrem"); double fbremMax = 100.; if(Options.existsAs<double>("fbremMax")) fbremMax = Options.getParameter<double>("fbremMax"); bool isR9selection = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isR9selection")) isR9selection = Options.getParameter<bool>("isR9selection"); double R9Min = -1.; if(Options.existsAs<double>("R9Min")) R9Min = Options.getParameter<double>("R9Min"); int miscalibMethod = 1; if(Options.existsAs<double>("miscalibMethod")) miscalibMethod = Options.getParameter<double>("miscalibMethod"); std::string inputMomentumScale = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("inputMomentumScale")) inputMomentumScale = Options.getParameter<std::string>("inputMomentumScale"); std::string typeEB = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("typeEB")) typeEB = Options.getParameter<std::string>("typeEB"); std::string typeEE = "NULL"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("typeEE")) typeEE = Options.getParameter<std::string>("typeEE"); int nRegionsEE = GetNRegionsEE(typeEE); std::string outputPath = "output/Oct22_Run2012ABC_Cal_Dic2012/"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("outputPath")) outputPath = Options.getParameter<std::string>("outputPath"); system(("mkdir -p " + outputPath).c_str()); std::string outputFile = "FastCalibrator_Oct22_Run2012ABC_Cal_Dic2012"; if(Options.existsAs<std::string>("outputFile")) outputFile = Options.getParameter<std::string>("outputFile"); int numberOfEvents = -1; if(Options.existsAs<int>("numberOfEvents")) numberOfEvents = Options.getParameter<int>("numberOfEvents"); int useZ = 1; if(Options.existsAs<int>("useZ")) useZ = Options.getParameter<int>("useZ"); int useW = 1; if(Options.existsAs<int>("useW")) useW = Options.getParameter<int>("useW"); int splitStat = 0; if(Options.existsAs<int>("splitStat")) splitStat = Options.getParameter<int>("splitStat"); int nLoops = 20; if(Options.existsAs<int>("nLoops")) nLoops = Options.getParameter<int>("nLoops"); bool isDeadTriggerTower = false; if(Options.existsAs<bool>("isDeadTriggerTower")) isDeadTriggerTower = Options.getParameter<bool>("isDeadTriggerTower"); /// Acquistion input ntuples TChain * tree = new TChain (inputTree.c_str()); FillChain(*tree, inputList); /// open calibration momentum graph TFile* f4 = new TFile((inputMomentumScale + "_" + typeEB + "_" + typeEE + ".root").c_str()); std::vector<TGraphErrors*> g_EoC_EE; for(int i = 0; i < nRegionsEE; ++i) { TString Name = Form("g_EoC_EE_%d", i); g_EoC_EE.push_back( (TGraphErrors*)(f4->Get(Name)) ); } ///Use the whole sample statistics if numberOfEvents < 0 if ( numberOfEvents < 0 ) numberOfEvents = tree->GetEntries(); /// run in normal mode: full statistics if ( splitStat == 0 ) { TString name ; TString name_tmp; if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isEPselection == false && isR9selection == false && isPtCut == false && isfbrem == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isEPselection == false && isR9selection == false && isPtCut == false && isfbrem == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_R9_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_PT_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_EP_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isEPselection == false && isR9selection == false && isPtCut == false && isfbrem == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_noEP_miscalib_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_PT_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_EP_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isEPselection == false && isR9selection == false && isPtCut == false && isfbrem == false ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_W_noEP_EE", outputFile.c_str()); else { std::cout << " Option not considered --> exit " << std::endl; return -1 ; } name = Form("%s%s.root", outputPath.c_str(), name_tmp.Data()); TFile *f1 = new TFile(name, "RECREATE"); TString outEPDistribution = "Weight_" + name; TString DeadXtal = Form("%s", inputFileDeadXtal.c_str()); if(isSaveEPDistribution == true) { FastCalibratorEE analyzer(tree, g_EoC_EE, typeEE, outEPDistribution); analyzer.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal, isDeadTriggerTower); analyzer.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops, isMiscalib, isSaveEPDistribution, isEPselection, isR9selection, R9Min, isfbrem, fbremMax, isPtCut, PtMin, isMCTruth, jsonMap, miscalibMethod, miscalibMap); analyzer.saveHistos(f1); } else { FastCalibratorEE analyzer(tree, g_EoC_EE, typeEE); analyzer.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal, isDeadTriggerTower); analyzer.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops, isMiscalib, isSaveEPDistribution, isEPselection, isR9selection, R9Min, isfbrem, fbremMax, isPtCut, PtMin, isMCTruth, jsonMap, miscalibMethod, miscalibMap); analyzer.saveHistos(f1); } } /// run in even-odd mode: half statistics else if ( splitStat == 1 ) { /// Prepare the outputs TString name; TString name2; if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_R9_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_EP_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_Fbrem_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_PT_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_WZ_noEP_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_R9_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_R9_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_EP_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_EP_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true) { name = Form ("%s_W_PT_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_PT_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_noEP_miscalib_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_noEP_miscalib_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_R9_EE_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_R9_EE_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_EP_EB_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_EP_EB_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == true && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_EP_EB_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_EP_EB_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == true && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_EB_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_Fbrem_EB_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == false && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == true) { name = Form ("%s_W_PT_EB_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_PT_EB_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection == true && isEPselection == false && isfbrem == false && isPtCut == false) { name = Form ("%s_W_noEP_EB_even.root", outputFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_W_noEP_EB_odd.root", outputFile.c_str()); } else { std::cout << " Option not considered --> exit " << std::endl; return -1 ; } TFile *outputName1 = new TFile(outputPath + name, "RECREATE"); TFile *outputName2 = new TFile(outputPath + name2, "RECREATE"); TString DeadXtal = Form("%s", inputFileDeadXtal.c_str()); /// Run on odd FastCalibratorEE analyzer_even(tree, g_EoC_EE, typeEE); analyzer_even.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer_even.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal, isDeadTriggerTower); analyzer_even.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops, isMiscalib, isSaveEPDistribution, isEPselection, isR9selection, R9Min, isfbrem, fbremMax, isPtCut, PtMin, isMCTruth, jsonMap, miscalibMethod, miscalibMap); analyzer_even.saveHistos(outputName1); /// Run on even FastCalibratorEE analyzer_odd(tree, g_EoC_EE, typeEE); analyzer_odd.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer_odd.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal, isDeadTriggerTower); analyzer_odd.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat * (-1), nLoops, isMiscalib, isSaveEPDistribution, isEPselection, isR9selection, R9Min, isfbrem, fbremMax, isPtCut, PtMin, isMCTruth, jsonMap, miscalibMethod, miscalibMap); analyzer_odd.saveHistos(outputName2); } delete tree; return 0; }
void trisCheckCorrection_unbinnedfit(Char_t* EBEE = 0, Int_t evtsPerPoint = 0, float laserCorrMin = -1., float laserCorrMax = -1.) { // Set style options gROOT->Reset(); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); // Check qualifiers if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")!=0 && strcmp(EBEE,"EE")!=0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: unknown partition " << EBEE << std::endl; std::cout << "CHK-STB Select either EB or EE ! " << std::endl; return; } if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) { lcMin = 0.99; lcMax = 1.05; } else { lcMin = 0.99; lcMax = 1.11; } if( (laserCorrMin != -1.) && (laserCorrMax != -1.) ) { lcMin = laserCorrMin; lcMax = laserCorrMax; } // Get trees std::cout << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_DA,"inputDATA.txt"); std::cout << " DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_MC,"inputMC.txt"); std::cout << "REFERENCE: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if (ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: At least one file is empty" << std::endl; return; } // Set branch addresses int runId; int isW, isZ; int timeStampHigh; float seedLaserAlpha; float avgLaserCorrection, scCrackCorrection; float EoP; float scE, scERaw, scEta, scEtaWidth, scPhiWidth; int seedIeta,seedIphi; int seedIx,seedIy,seedZside; float esE; float seedLaserCorrection; int iPhi,iEta; ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("runId", &runId); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); //ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("isZ", &isZ); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh", &timeStampHigh); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scCrackCorr", &scCrackCorrection); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scLaserCorr", &avgLaserCorrection); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedLaserCorr", &seedLaserCorrection); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedLaserAlpha", &seedLaserAlpha); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_es", &esE); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE", &scE); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scERaw", &scERaw); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEtaWidth", &scEtaWidth); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scPhiWidth", &scPhiWidth); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &iPhi); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &iEta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &seedIeta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &seedIphi); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx", &seedIx); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy", &seedIy); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside", &seedZside); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("isZ", &isZ); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); float params[42]; InitializeParams(params); // Build the reference from 'infile2' std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Build reference for " << EBEE << " *****" << std::endl; templateHisto = new TH1F("templateHisto", "", 1200, 0., 5.); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < ntu_MC->GetEntries(); ++ientry) { if( (ientry%100000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading MC entry " << ientry << std::endl; ntu_MC->GetEntry(ientry); if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 && fabs(scEta) > 1.4442) continue; // barrel if (strcmp(EBEE,"EE")==0 && (fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.5 )) continue; // endcap //if( seedLaserAlpha > 1.5 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.44 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.44 || fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.10 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.10 || fabs(scEta) > 1.56 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.00 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 2.00 ) continue; templateHisto -> Fill(EoP); } int rebin = 4; if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0) rebin = 2; templateHisto -> Rebin(rebin); FitTemplate(); std::cout << "Reference built for " << EBEE << " - " << templateHisto->GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl; // Loop and sort events std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Sort events and define bins *****" << std::endl; int nEntries = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast(); int nSavePts = 0; std::vector<bool> isSavedEntries(nEntries); std::vector<SorterLC> sortedEntries; for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) { ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry); = false; // save only what is needed for the analysis!!! if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 && fabs(scEta) > 1.4442) continue; // barrel if (strcmp(EBEE,"EE")==0 && (fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.5 )) continue; // endcap //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.44 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.44 || fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.10 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.10 || fabs(scEta) > 1.56 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.00 ) continue; //if( fabs(scEta) < 2.00 ) continue; if( seedLaserCorrection <= 1.) continue; if( seedLaserAlpha < 1.5 ) continue; //if( timeStampHigh > 1303862400 ) continue; if( seedZside < 0 ) if( (seedIx > 20 ) && (seedIx < 50) && (seedIy > 85) && (seedIy < 92) ) continue; if( seedZside == -1 ) if( (seedIx > 35 ) && (seedIx < 55) && (seedIy > 80) && (seedIy < 87) ) continue; if( seedZside > 0 ) if( (seedIx > 65 ) && (seedIx < 77) && (seedIy > 33) && (seedIy < 57) ) continue; if( seedZside > 0 ) if( (seedIx > 75 ) && (seedIx < 93) && (seedIy > 18) && (seedIy < 37) ) continue; //if ( runId < 163045 ) continue; //if ( runId >= 163232 ) continue; //if ( runId < 163232 ) continue; //*********************** CLUSTER CORR ***************************** //if( (ientry%1 == 0) ) std::cout << "\n\n\nreading entry " << ientry << std::endl; //Ediff -> Fill( ( (scCrackCorrection*fClusterCorrections(scERaw+esE,scEta,scPhiWidth/scEtaWidth,params))-scE)/scE ); //Ediff_vsEta -> Fill( scEta, ( (esE+scCrackCorrection*fClusterCorrections(scERaw,scEta,scPhiWidth/scEtaWidth,params))-scE)/scE ); //if( fabs(fClusterCorrections(scERaw,scEta,scPhiWidth/scEtaWidth,params)-scE) > 0.001 ) //{ // std::cout << "\n\n" << std::endl; // std::cout << "scEta = " << scEta << " scE = " << scE << " scERaw = " << scERaw << std::endl; // std::cout << "scERaw_corr = " << fClusterCorrections(scERaw,scEta,scPhiWidth/scEtaWidth,params) << std::endl; //} //*********************** CLUSTER CORR ***************************** = true; SorterLC dummy; dummy.laserCorr = avgLaserCorrection; dummy.entry = ientry; sortedEntries.push_back(dummy); nSavePts++; } std::sort(sortedEntries.begin(),sortedEntries.end(),SorterLC()); std::cout << "Data sorted in " << EBEE << " - " << nSavePts << " events" << std::endl; //TCanvas* c_diff = new TCanvas("c_diff","c_diff"); //c_diff -> cd(); //Ediff -> Draw(); // //TCanvas* c_diff_vsEta = new TCanvas("c_diff_vsEta","c_diff"); //c_diff_vsEta -> cd(); //Ediff_vsEta -> Draw("colz"); // bins with evtsPerPoint events per bin int nBins = std::max(1,int(nSavePts/evtsPerPoint)); int nBinPts = int( nSavePts/nBins ); int nBinTempPts = 0; std::vector<int> binEntryMax; binEntryMax.push_back(0); for(int iSaved = 0; iSaved < nSavePts; ++iSaved) { ++nBinTempPts; if( nBinTempPts == nBinPts ) { binEntryMax.push_back( iSaved ); nBinTempPts = 0; } } = nSavePts; std::cout << "nBins = " << nBins << std::endl; for(int bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) std::cout << "bin: " << bin << " entry min: " << setw(6) << << " entry max: " << setw(6) << << " events: " << setw(6) << << std::endl; TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Fumili2"); // histogram definition TH1F* h_EoP_spread; TH1F* h_EoC_spread; TH2F* h_LC_map = new TH2F("h_LC_map","",360,0.,360,170,-85,85); if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 ) { h_EoP_spread = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread","",100,0.95,1.01); h_EoC_spread = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread","",100,0.95,1.01); } else { h_EoP_spread = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread","",100,0.91,1.03); h_EoC_spread = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread","",100,0.91,1.03); } h_EoP_spread -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); h_EoP_spread -> SetLineWidth(2); h_EoP_spread -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); h_EoC_spread -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC_spread -> SetLineWidth(2); h_EoC_spread -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); TH1F** h_EoP = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_EoC = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_Las = new TH1F*[nBins]; for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { char histoName[80]; sprintf(histoName, "EoP_%d", i); h_EoP[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 1200, 0., 3.); h_EoP[i] -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); h_EoP[i] -> SetFillStyle(3004); h_EoP[i] -> SetMarkerStyle(7); h_EoP[i] -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); h_EoP[i] -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); sprintf(histoName, "EoC_%d", i); h_EoC[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 1200, 0., 3.); h_EoC[i] -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC[i] -> SetFillStyle(3004); h_EoC[i] -> SetMarkerStyle(7); h_EoC[i] -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC[i] -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); sprintf(histoName, "Las_%d", i); h_Las[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 100, 0.5, 1.5); } // data definition std::vector< std::vector<double>* > dataEoP; std::vector< std::vector<double>* > dataEoC; for (int jbin = 0; jbin< nBins; jbin++){ dataEoP.push_back(new std::vector<double>); dataEoC.push_back(new std::vector<double>); } // function definition TF1** f_EoP = new TF1*[nBins]; TF1** f_EoC = new TF1*[nBins]; // loop on the saved and sorted events std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Fill and fit histograms *****" << std::endl; for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) { if( (ientry%10000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading entry " << ientry << std::endl; if( == false ) continue; int iSaved = -1; for(iSaved = 0; iSaved < nSavePts; ++iSaved) if( ientry == sortedEntries[iSaved].entry ) break; int bin = -1; for(bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) if( iSaved >= && iSaved < ) break; //std::cout << "ientry = " << ientry << " iSaved: " << iSaved << " bin: " << bin << std::endl; ntu_DA->GetEntry(ientry); float scale = 1.; //scale = sqrt( pow(avgLaserCorrection,((1.52-0.7843)/1.52)-1.) ); //scale = 1. / (0.1811 + 0.7843*avgLaserCorrection); //// fill the bins (h_Las[bin]) -> Fill(avgLaserCorrection); (h_EoP[bin]) -> Fill(EoP/avgLaserCorrection); (h_EoC[bin]) -> Fill(EoP * scale); h_LC_map->Fill(iPhi,iEta,seedLaserCorrection); // fill te vectors data E/p dataEoP[bin]->push_back(EoP/avgLaserCorrection); dataEoC[bin]->push_back(EoP); } // Define graph and histograms TGraphAsymmErrors* g_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors* g_c_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); // define the fitting function // N.B. [0] * ( [1] * f( [1]*(x-[2]) ) ) histoFunc* templateHistoFunc = new histoFunc(templateHisto); //templateFunc = new TF1("templateFunc", templateHistoFunc, 0., 5., 3, "histoFunc"); //templateFunc -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); //templateFunc -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); //templateFunc -> SetLineWidth(1); //templateFunc -> SetNpx(10000); //templateFunc -> SetParameter(0, 1 ); //templateFunc -> SetParameter(1, 1); //templateFunc -> FixParameter(2, 0.); //templateFunc -> FixParameter(0, 1./templateFunc ->Integral(0.,5.) ); // normalized to 1. BUT will be renormalized to 1 at each iteration! TFitterMinuit* myfit = new TFitterMinuit(1); myfit->SetFCN(mylike); myfit->SetPrintLevel(-1); for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { h_EoP[i] -> Rebin(rebin*4); h_EoC[i] -> Rebin(rebin*4); //------------------------------------ // Fill the graph for uncorrected data // fit uncorrected data mydata =; myfit->Clear(); myfit->SetParameter(0, "scale", 1.,0.0005,0.50,1.50); double arglist[2]; arglist[0] = 10000; // Max number of function calls arglist[1] = 1e-5; // Tolerance on likelihood ????????? int fStatus = myfit->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2); double amin,edm,errdef; int nvpar,nparx; myfit->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx); double bestScale = myfit->GetParameter(0); double eee = myfit->GetParError(0); char funcName[50]; sprintf(funcName,"f_EoP_%d",i); f_EoP[i] = (TF1*)(templateFunc->Clone()); f_EoP[i] -> SetParameter(0,h_EoP[i]->GetEntries()); f_EoP[i] -> SetParameter(7,1.5); f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); f_EoP[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); f_EoP[i] -> SetNpx(10000); double xNorm = h_EoP[i]->GetEntries()/templateHisto->GetEntries() * h_EoP[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/templateHisto->GetBinWidth(1); //f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(0, xNorm); //f_EoP[i] -> SetParameter(1, bestScale); //f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); f_EoP[i] -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); // Fill the graph if( fStatus == 0 && eee > 0. ) { g_fit -> SetPoint(i, h_Las[i]->GetMean() , 1./bestScale); g_fit -> SetPointError(i, h_Las[i]->GetRMS(), h_Las[i]->GetRMS(), eee, eee); h_EoP_spread -> Fill(1./bestScale); } else std::cout << "Fitting uncorrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << endl; //---------------------------------- // Fill the graph for corrected data // fit uncorrected data mydata =; myfit->Clear(); myfit->SetParameter(0, "scale", 1.,0.0005,0.50,1.50); arglist[0] = 10000; // Max number of function calls arglist[1] = 1e-5; // Tolerance on likelihood ????????? fStatus = myfit->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2); myfit->GetStats(amin, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx); bestScale = myfit->GetParameter(0); eee = myfit->GetParError(0); sprintf(funcName,"f_EoC_%d",i); f_EoC[i] = (TF1*)(templateFunc->Clone()); f_EoC[i] -> SetParameter(0,h_EoC[i]->GetEntries()); f_EoC[i] -> SetParameter(7,bestScale); f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); f_EoC[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); f_EoC[i] -> SetNpx(10000); xNorm = h_EoC[i]->GetEntries()/templateHisto->GetEntries() * h_EoC[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/templateHisto->GetBinWidth(1); // //f_EoC[i] -> SetParameter(1, bestScale); //f_EoC[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); f_EoC[i] -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); // fill the graph if( fStatus == 0 && eee > 0. ) { g_c_fit -> SetPoint(i, h_Las[i]->GetMean() , 1./bestScale); g_c_fit -> SetPointError(i, h_Las[i]->GetRMS() , h_Las[i]->GetRMS() , eee, eee); h_EoC_spread -> Fill(1./bestScale); } else std::cout << "Fitting corrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << endl; } TF1* pol0 = new TF1("pol0","pol0"); pol0 -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); pol0 -> SetLineWidth(3); pol0 -> SetLineStyle(2); g_c_fit -> Fit("pol0","Q+"); // Drawings TPaveStats** s_EoP = new TPaveStats*[nBins]; TPaveStats** s_EoC = new TPaveStats*[nBins]; TCanvas *c1[100]; for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { char canvasName[50]; if (i%2==0) { sprintf(canvasName, "Fits-%0d", i/2); c1[i/2] = new TCanvas(canvasName, canvasName); c1[i/2] -> Divide(2,1); } c1[i/2] -> cd (i%2+1); h_EoP[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("E/p"); h_EoP[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5,1.5); h_EoP[i] -> Draw("e"); gPad->Update(); s_EoP[i]= (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoP[i]->SetTextColor(kRed+2); h_EoC[i] -> Draw("esames"); gPad->Update(); s_EoC[i]= (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoC[i]->SetY1NDC(0.59); //new x start position s_EoC[i]->SetY2NDC(0.79); //new x end position s_EoC[i]->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); s_EoC[i]->Draw(); f_EoP[i]->Draw("same"); f_EoC[i]->Draw("same"); } /* TCanvas *c2[100]; for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { char canvasName[50]; if (i%6==0) { sprintf(canvasName, "LaserCorr-%0d", i/6); c2[i/6] = new TCanvas(canvasName, canvasName); c2[i/6] -> Divide(3,2); } c2[i/6] -> cd (i%6+1); h_Las[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("laser correction"); h_Las[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5,1.5); h_Las[i] -> Draw(""); gPad->Update(); s_Las[i]= (TPaveStats*)(h_Las[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_Las[i]->SetTextColor(kBlack); } */ /* TCanvas *cmap = new TCanvas("cmap","cmap"); cmap->cd(); gStyle->SetPalette(1); h_LC_map->Draw("colz"); */ // Final plots TCanvas* cplot = new TCanvas("gplot", "gplot",100,100,725,500); cplot->cd(); TPad *cLeft = new TPad("pad_0","pad_0",0.00,0.00,0.64,1.00); TPad *cRight = new TPad("pad_1","pad_1",0.64,0.00,1.00,1.00); cLeft->SetLeftMargin(0.15); cLeft->SetRightMargin(0.025); cRight->SetLeftMargin(0.025); cLeft->Draw(); cRight->Draw(); float tYoffset = 1.5; float labSize = 0.04; float labSize2 = 0.07; cLeft->cd(); cLeft->SetGridx(); cLeft->SetGridy(); // pad settings TH1F *hPad = (TH1F*)gPad->DrawFrame(lcMin,0.9,lcMax,1.05); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Laser correction"); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(tYoffset); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 ) { hPad -> SetMinimum(0.950); hPad -> SetMaximum(1.010); } else { hPad -> SetMinimum(0.910); hPad -> SetMaximum(1.030); } // draw trend plot g_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(20); g_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.75); g_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); g_fit -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); g_fit -> Draw("P"); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(20); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.75); g_c_fit -> Draw("P,same"); cRight -> cd(); TPaveStats* s_EoP_spread = new TPaveStats(); TPaveStats* s_EoC_spread = new TPaveStats(); h_EoC_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoC_spread -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize2); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize2); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.02); h_EoC_spread->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(1000); h_EoC_spread -> Draw("hbar"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoC_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); s_EoC_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position s_EoC_spread->SetY1NDC(0.875); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetY2NDC(0.990); //new x end position s_EoC_spread -> SetOptStat(1100); s_EoC_spread -> Draw("sames"); h_EoP_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoP_spread -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); h_EoP_spread -> Draw("hbarsames"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoP_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoP_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position s_EoP_spread->SetY1NDC(0.750); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetY2NDC(0.875); //new x end position s_EoP_spread ->SetOptStat(1100); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextColor(kRed+2); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); s_EoP_spread -> Draw("sames"); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>> drawNVtx::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl; return -1; } //---------------------- // Parse the config file parseConfigFile(argv[1]); std::string inputFilesDA = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesDA"); std::string inputFilesMC = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesMC"); extension = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::extension"); int maxEntries = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::maxEntries"); std::string dataLabel = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::dataLabel"); std::string outFilePath = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outFilePath"); //------------------ // Set style options setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.17); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.04,"XYZ"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05,"XYZ"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); //---------- // Get trees std::cout << std::endl; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain("selected"); FillChain(ntu_MC,inputFilesMC); std::cout << ">>> MC: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain("selected"); FillChain(ntu_DA,inputFilesDA); std::cout << ">>> DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if( ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << ">>> drawNVtx::Error: at least one file is empty" << std::endl; return -1; } //--------------------- // Set branch addresses int runId; int nPV; int nPU; bool HLTfire; int* eleID = new int[2]; ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("nPV", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("nPV", &nPV); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire", &HLTfire); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("eleID", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("eleID", eleID); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("nPV", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("nPV", &nPV); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("nPU", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("nPU", &nPU); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire", &HLTfire); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("eleID", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("eleID", eleID); // Define histograms std::vector<std::string> categories; categories.push_back("all"); categories.push_back("all_HLTfire"); categories.push_back("all_HLTfire_eleID"); categories.push_back("all_noPUWeight"); categories.push_back("Run2012AB"); categories.push_back("Run2012AB_HLTfire"); categories.push_back("Run2012AB_HLTfire_eleID"); categories.push_back("Run2012AB_noPUWeight"); categories.push_back("Run2012C"); categories.push_back("Run2012C_HLTfire"); categories.push_back("Run2012C_HLTfire_eleID"); categories.push_back("Run2012C_noPUWeight"); categories.push_back("Run2012D"); categories.push_back("Run2012D_HLTfire"); categories.push_back("Run2012D_HLTfire_eleID"); categories.push_back("Run2012D_noPUWeight"); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < categories.size(); ++i) { std::string category =; std::string histoName = "h_nPV_MC_"+category; h_nPV_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",50,0.5,50.5); h_nPV_MC[category] -> Sumw2(); histoName = "h_nPV_DA_"+category; h_nPV_DA[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",50,0.5,50.5); h_nPV_DA[category] -> Sumw2(); } // define arrays for KS test std::map<std::string,std::vector<double> > masses; std::map<std::string,std::map<double,std::vector<double> > > masses_c; // pileup reweighting for MC std::map<std::string, std::map<float,float> > PUWeights; std::string PUDir(getenv("COMMONUTILS")); if( dataLabel == "Winter2013" ) { PUWeights["Run2012AB"] = *(ComputePUWeights((PUDir+"/data/pileup/PUWeights_DYToEE_M20_powheg-Summer12-START53-ZSkim-runDependent_Run2012AB.root").c_str(),"h_PUweights",false)); PUWeights["Run2012C"] = *(ComputePUWeights((PUDir+"/data/pileup/PUWeights_DYToEE_M20_powheg-Summer12-START53-ZSkim-runDependent_Run2012C.root").c_str(), "h_PUweights",false)); PUWeights["Run2012D"] = *(ComputePUWeights((PUDir+"/data/pileup/PUWeights_DYToEE_M20_powheg-Summer12-START53-ZSkim-runDependent_Run2012D.root").c_str(), "h_PUweights",false)); } // Loop over entries std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Read data from MC sample" << std::endl; int nEntries_MC = ntu_MC -> GetEntriesFast(); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_MC; ++ientry) { if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break; if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading MC entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_MC << "\r"<< std::flush; ntu_MC -> GetEntry(ientry); // variables std::string runLabel = GetRunLabel(runId); float ww = (PUWeights[runLabel])[int(nPU+0.5)]; bool passEleID = false; if( ((eleID[0] & 6) == 6) && ((eleID[1] & 6) == 6) ) passEleID = true; // selections //if( isZ != 1 ) continue; // fill histograms h_nPV_MC["all"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_MC["all_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_MC["all_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_MC["all_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); if( runLabel == "Run2012AB" ) { h_nPV_MC["Run2012AB"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012AB_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012AB_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_MC["Run2012AB_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } if( runLabel == "Run2012C" ) { h_nPV_MC["Run2012C"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012C_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012C_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_MC["Run2012C_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } if( runLabel == "Run2012D" ) { h_nPV_MC["Run2012D"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012D_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_MC["Run2012D_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_MC["Run2012D_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } } std::cout << std::endl; int nEntries_DA = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast(); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_DA; ++ientry) { if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break; if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading DA entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_DA << "\r"<< std::flush; ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry); // variables std::string runLabel = GetRunLabel(runId); float ww = 1.; bool passEleID = false; if( ((eleID[0] & 6) == 6) && ((eleID[1] & 6) == 6) ) passEleID = true; // selections //if( isZ != 1 ) continue; // fill histograms h_nPV_DA["all"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_DA["all_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_DA["all_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_DA["all_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); if( runLabel == "Run2012AB" ) { h_nPV_DA["Run2012AB"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012AB_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012AB_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_DA["Run2012AB_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } if( runLabel == "Run2012C" ) { h_nPV_DA["Run2012C"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012C_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012C_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_DA["Run2012C_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } if( runLabel == "Run2012D" ) { h_nPV_DA["Run2012D"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012D_HLTfire"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); if( HLTfire && passEleID ) h_nPV_DA["Run2012D_HLTfire_eleID"] -> Fill( nPV,ww ); h_nPV_DA["Run2012D_noPUWeight"] -> Fill( nPV,1. ); } } std::cout << std::endl; // Drawings std::string folderName = outFilePath + "/" + dataLabel + "/"; gSystem -> mkdir(folderName.c_str()); std::string outFileName = folderName + "/drawNVtx"; outFile = new TFile((outFileName+".root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); TCanvas* dummy = new TCanvas("dummy","",0,0,700,600); dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"[").c_str(),extension.c_str()); DrawNVtx("all", "[Run2012ABCD]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("all_HLTfire", "[Run2012ABCD - with HLT]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("all_HLTfire_eleID","[Run2012ABCD - with HLT+eleID]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("all_noPUWeight", "[Run2012ABCD - no PU reweigh.]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012AB", "[Run2012AB]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012AB_HLTfire", "[Run2012AB - with HLT]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012AB_HLTfire_eleID","[Run2012AB - with HLT+eleID]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012AB_noPUWeight", "[Run2012AB - no PU reweigh.]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012C", "[Run2012C]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012C_HLTfire", "[Run2012C - with HLT]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012C_HLTfire_eleID","[Run2012C - with HLT+eleID]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012C_noPUWeight", "[Run2012C - no PU reweigh.]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012D", "[Run2012D]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012D_HLTfire", "[Run2012D - with HLT]", 1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012D_HLTfire_eleID","[Run2012D - with HLT+eleID]",1,outFileName); DrawNVtx("Run2012D_noPUWeight", "[Run2012D - no PU reweigh.]",1,outFileName); outFile -> Close(); dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"]").c_str(),extension.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>> compareZPeaks::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl; return -1; } //---------------------- // Parse the config file parseConfigFile(argv[1]); std::string inputFilesDA = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesDA"); std::string inputFilesMC = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFilesMC"); std::string dataLabel = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::dataLabel"); bool useShervinNtuple = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::useShervinNtuple"); int maxEntries = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::maxEntries"); std::string MCGen = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::MCGen"); bool runDepFlag = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::runDepFlag"); int runMin = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::runMin"); int runMax = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::runMax"); bool diagonalCatOnly = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::diagonalCatOnly"); std::string eleIDSelection = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::eleIDSelection"); int eleIDBit = 1; if( eleIDSelection == "loose" ) eleIDBit = 2; if( eleIDSelection == "medium" ) eleIDBit = 6; if( eleIDSelection == "tight" ) eleIDBit = 14; if( eleIDSelection == "WP90PU" ) eleIDBit = 16; if( eleIDSelection == "WP80PU" ) eleIDBit = 48; bool applyPUWeight = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyPUWeight"); bool applyEnergyScaleCorr = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyEnergyScaleCorr"); bool applyEnergySmearing = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::applyEnergySmearing"); std::string enCorrType = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::enCorrType"); std::string energyScaleCorrType = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::energyScaleCorrType"); std::string energySmearingType = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::energySmearingType"); std::string runRangeFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::runRangeFile"); std::string ShervinScaleFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::ShervinScaleFile"); std::string ShervinSmearingFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::ShervinSmearingFile"); std::string IJazZGlobalFolder = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::IJazZGlobalFolder"); std::string IJazZRunDepFolder = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Options::IJazZRunDepFolder"); bool doVoigtianFit = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doVoigtianFit"); bool doCrystalBallFit = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doCrystalBallFit"); bool doEffectiveSigma = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Options::doEffectiveSigma"); std::string outFilePath = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outFilePath"); //------------------ // Set style options setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.17); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.04,"XYZ"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05,"XYZ"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); //---------- // Get trees std::cout << ">>> Get trees" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::string treeName; if( !useShervinNtuple ) treeName = "simpleNtupleEoverP/SimpleNtupleEoverP"; else treeName = "selected"; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); FillChain(ntu_MC,inputFilesMC); std::cout << ">>> MC: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); FillChain(ntu_DA,inputFilesDA); std::cout << ">>> DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if( ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << ">>> compareZPeaks::Error: at least one file is empty" << std::endl; return -1; } //------------------------ // Define branch addresses std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Define branch addresses" << std::endl; float scEta[2]; float scE[2]; float scERaw[2]; float scEReg[2]; float scETrue[2]; float R9[2]; int eleID[2]; int runId; int isZ; bool HLTfire; int timeStampHigh; float mZ, mZTrue; int isEB1,isEB2; float scEta1,scEta2; float scERaw1,scERaw2; float scE1,scE2; float scEReg1,scEReg2; float scETrue1,scETrue2; float E3x31,E3x32; float R91,R92; int seedIeta1,seedIeta2; int seedIphi1,seedIphi2; int seedIx1,seedIx2; int seedIy1,seedIy2; int seedIz1,seedIz2; int eleID1, eleID2; int nPU; if( !useShervinNtuple ) { HLTfire = true; ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("runId", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("runId",&runId); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("isZ", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("isZ",&isZ); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh",&timeStampHigh); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1ele2_scM", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1ele2_scM",&mZ); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_isEB", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_isEB",&isEB1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_isEB", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_isEB",&isEB2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta",&scEta1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scEta", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scEta",&scEta2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scERaw", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scERaw",&scERaw1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scERaw", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scERaw",&scERaw2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scE1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scE2); if( enCorrType == "stdSC" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scEReg1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scEReg2); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedReg" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression",&scEReg1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression",&scEReg2); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedReg" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg2); } ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_e3x3", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_e3x3",&E3x31); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_e3x3", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_e3x3",&E3x32); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta",&seedIeta1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIeta", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIeta",&seedIeta2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi",&seedIphi1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIphi", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIphi",&seedIphi2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx",&seedIx1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIx", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIx",&seedIx2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy",&seedIy1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIy", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIy",&seedIy2); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside",&seedIz1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedZside", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedZside",&seedIz2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("isZ", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("isZ",&isZ); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh",&timeStampHigh); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1ele2_scM", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1ele2_scM",&mZ); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_isEB", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_isEB",&isEB1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_isEB", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_isEB",&isEB2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta",&scEta1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scEta", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scEta",&scEta2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scERaw", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scERaw",&scERaw1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scERaw", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scERaw",&scERaw2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scE1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scE2); if( enCorrType == "stdSC" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE",&scEReg1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE",&scEReg2); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedReg" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression",&scEReg1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression",&scEReg2); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedReg" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_scE_regression_PhotonTuned",&scEReg2); } ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_e3x3", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_e3x3",&E3x31); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_e3x3", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_e3x3",&E3x32); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta",&seedIeta1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIeta", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIeta",&seedIeta2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi",&seedIphi1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIphi", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIphi",&seedIphi2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx",&seedIx1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIx", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIx",&seedIx2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy",&seedIy1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedIy", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedIy",&seedIy2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside",&seedIz1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("ele2_seedZside", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("ele2_seedZside",&seedIz2); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("PUit_TrueNumInteractions",&nPU); } else { isZ = 1; ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire",&HLTfire); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("nPU", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("nPU",&nPU); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("R9Ele", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("R9Ele",R9); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("etaSCEle", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("etaSCEle",scEta); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("rawEnergySCEle",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("rawEnergySCEle",scERaw); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energyMCEle", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energyMCEle",scETrue); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scE); if( enCorrType == "stdSC" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV3" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV3" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV4" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV4" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV5" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV5" ) { ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",scEReg); } ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("invMass_SC",1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("invMass_SC",&mZ); ntu_MC -> SetBranchStatus("eleID", 1); ntu_MC -> SetBranchAddress("eleID",eleID); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("HLTfire", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("HLTfire",&HLTfire); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("runNumber", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("runNumber",&runId); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("R9Ele", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("R9Ele",R9); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("etaSCEle", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("etaSCEle",scEta); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("rawEnergySCEle",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("rawEnergySCEle",scERaw); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scE); if( enCorrType == "stdSC" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV3" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV3" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorr_pho",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV4" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV4" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV4_pho",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "eleTunedRegV5" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_ele",scEReg); } if( enCorrType == "phoTunedRegV5" ) { ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("energySCEle_regrCorrSemiParV5_pho",scEReg); } ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("invMass_SC",1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("invMass_SC", &mZ); ntu_DA -> SetBranchStatus("eleID", 1); ntu_DA -> SetBranchAddress("eleID",eleID); } //------------------ // Define categories std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Define categories" << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> categories; std::vector<std::string> categoryLabels; categories.push_back("EB-EB"); categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB"); categories.push_back("EB-EB_hR9"); categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB R9>0.94"); categories.push_back("EB-EB_lR9"); categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB R9<0.94"); categories.push_back("EB-EB_eta>1"); categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB |#eta|>1"); categories.push_back("EB-EB_eta<1"); categoryLabels.push_back("EB-EB |#eta|<1"); categories.push_back("EE-EE"); categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE"); categories.push_back("EE-EE_hR9"); categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE R9>0.94"); categories.push_back("EE-EE_lR9"); categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE R9<0.94"); categories.push_back("EE-EE_eta>2"); categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE |#eta|>2"); categories.push_back("EE-EE_eta<2"); categoryLabels.push_back("EE-EE |#eta|<2"); std::vector<float> etaBins; etaBins.push_back(0.0); etaBins.push_back(1.0); etaBins.push_back(1.5); etaBins.push_back(2.0); etaBins.push_back(2.5); int nEtaBins = int(etaBins.size()) - 1; std::vector<float> R9Bins; R9Bins.push_back(0.00); R9Bins.push_back(0.94); R9Bins.push_back(1.00); int nR9Bins = int(R9Bins.size()) - 1; std::vector<std::string> singleCats; std::vector<std::string> singleCatLabels; for(int etaBin = 0; etaBin < nEtaBins; ++etaBin) for(int R9Bin = 0; R9Bin < nR9Bins; ++R9Bin) { singleCats.push_back(Form("eta%1.1f-%1.1f_R9%1.2f-%1.2f",,,,; singleCatLabels.push_back(Form("%1.1f<|#eta|<%1.1f %1.2f<R9<%1.2f",,,,; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < singleCats.size(); ++i) for(unsigned int j = i; j < singleCats.size(); ++j) { if( diagonalCatOnly && (j != i ) ) continue; categories.push_back( + "__" +; categoryLabels.push_back(Form("%s %s",,; std::cout << ">>>>>> " << + "__" + << std::endl; } //------------------ // Define histograms std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Define histograms" << std::endl; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < categories.size(); ++i) { std::string category =; std::string histoName = "h_mZ_MC_"+category; h_mZ_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",100,meeMin,meeMax); h_mZ_MC[category] -> Sumw2(); histoName = "h_mZFine_MC_"+category; h_mZFine_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",int((meeFineMax-meeFineMin)/precision),meeFineMin,meeFineMax); h_mZFine_MC[category] -> Sumw2(); histoName = "h_mZRes_MC_"+category; h_mZRes_MC[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",10000,0.,2.); h_mZRes_MC[category] -> Sumw2(); histoName = "h_mZ_DA_"+category; h_mZ_DA[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",100,meeMin,meeMax); h_mZ_DA[category] -> Sumw2(); histoName = "h_mZFine_DA_"+category; h_mZFine_DA[category] = new TH1F(histoName.c_str(),"",int((meeFineMax-meeFineMin)/precision),meeFineMin,meeFineMax); h_mZFine_DA[category] -> Sumw2(); } //----------------------------- // Setup data scale corrections std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Setup data scale corrections" << std::endl; ScaleCorrector* myScaleCorrector = new ScaleCorrector(runRangeFile); if( applyEnergyScaleCorr ) { if( energyScaleCorrType == "shervin" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetShervinRunDepScaleMap(ShervinScaleFile); if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetIJazZGlobalScaleHisto(IJazZGlobalFolder); if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) myScaleCorrector -> SetIJazZRunDepScaleHistoMap(IJazZRunDepFolder); } //----------------------- // Setup MC extrasmearing std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Setup MC extrasmearing" << std::endl; Smearer* mySmearer = new Smearer(); if( applyEnergySmearing ) { if( energyScaleCorrType == "shervin" ) mySmearer -> SetShervinExtraSmearingMap(ShervinSmearingFile); if( energyScaleCorrType == "fabrice" ) mySmearer -> SetIJazZExtraSmearingHisto(IJazZGlobalFolder); } //-------------------------- // pileup reweighting for MC std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Setup MC pileup reweighting" << std::endl; std::map<std::string, TH1F*>* PUWeights = ReadPUWeights(MCGen,runDepFlag,runMin,runMax); //------------------ // Loop over entries std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Read data from MC sample" << std::endl; int nEntries_MC = ntu_MC -> GetEntriesFast(); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_MC; ++ientry) { if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break; if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading MC entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_MC << "\r"<< std::flush; ntu_MC -> GetEntry(ientry); // variables R91 = E3x31/scERaw1; R92 = E3x32/scERaw2; if( useShervinNtuple ) { R91 = R9[0]; R92 = R9[1]; scEta1 = scEta[0]; scEta2 = scEta[1]; scEReg1 = scEReg[0]; scEReg2 = scEReg[1]; scE1 = scE[0]; scE2 = scE[1]; eleID1 = eleID[0]; eleID2 = eleID[1]; scETrue1 = scETrue[0]; scETrue2 = scETrue[1]; } else { eleID1 = 7; eleID2 = 7; } // selections if( isZ != 1 ) continue; if( !HLTfire ) continue; if( fabs(scEta1) >= 2.5000 || fabs(scEta2) >= 2.5000 ) continue; if( fabs(scEta1) > 1.4442 && fabs(scEta1) < 1.5660 ) continue; if( fabs(scEta2) > 1.4442 && fabs(scEta2) < 1.5660 ) continue; if( R91 < 0.0 || R91 >= 1.0 ) continue; if( R92 < 0.0 || R92 >= 1.0 ) continue; if( ((eleID1 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) || ((eleID2 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) ) continue; if( applyEnergySmearing ) { float energySmearing1 = gRandom->Gaus(1.,mySmearer->GetExtraSmearing(scEta1,R91,dataLabel,energySmearingType)); float energySmearing2 = gRandom->Gaus(1.,mySmearer->GetExtraSmearing(scEta2,R92,dataLabel,energySmearingType)); scEReg1 *= energySmearing1; scEReg2 *= energySmearing2; } float ww = 1.; if( applyPUWeight ) { std::string periodLabel = getPeriodLabel(runId,runDepFlag,runMin,runMax); int ibin = (*PUWeights)[periodLabel] -> FindBin( nPU ); if( ibin <= 1 ) ibin = 1; if( ibin >= (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetNbinsX() ) ibin = (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetNbinsX(); ww *= (*PUWeights)[periodLabel]->GetBinContent(ibin); } // use regression energy mZTrue = mZ * sqrt( scETrue1/scE1 * scETrue2/scE2 ); mZ *= sqrt( scEReg1/scE1 * scEReg2/scE2 ); // fill EB histograms if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.5) ) { h_mZ_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) ) { h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) ) { h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.) ) { h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.) ) { h_mZ_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } } // fill EE histograms if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.5) ) { h_mZ_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) ) { h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) ) { h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) > 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 2.) ) { h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) < 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 2.) ) { h_mZ_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } } // fill all independent categories std::string catLabel = GetEtaR9CatLabel(fabs(scEta1),R91,fabs(scEta2),R92,etaBins,R9Bins,categories); if( catLabel != "undefined__undefined" ) { h_mZ_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZFine_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ,ww ); h_mZRes_MC[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ/mZTrue,ww ); } } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << ">>> Read data from DATA sample" << std::endl; int nEntries_DA = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast(); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries_DA; ++ientry) { if( maxEntries != -1 && ientry == maxEntries ) break; if( ientry%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << ">>>>>> reading DATA entry " << ientry << " / " << nEntries_DA << "\r" << std::flush; ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry); // variables R91 = E3x31/scERaw1; R92 = E3x32/scERaw2; if( useShervinNtuple ) { R91 = R9[0]; R92 = R9[1]; scEta1 = scEta[0]; scEta2 = scEta[1]; scEReg1 = scEReg[0]; scEReg2 = scEReg[1]; scE1 = scE[0]; scE2 = scE[1]; eleID1 = eleID[0]; eleID2 = eleID[1]; } else { eleID1 = 7; eleID2 = 7; } // selections if( isZ != 1 ) continue; if( !HLTfire ) continue; if( fabs(scEta1) >= 2.5000 || fabs(scEta2) >= 2.5000 ) continue; if( fabs(scEta1) > 1.4442 && fabs(scEta1) < 1.5660 ) continue; if( fabs(scEta2) > 1.4442 && fabs(scEta2) < 1.5660 ) continue; if( R91 < 0.0 || R91 >= 1.0 ) continue; if( R92 < 0.0 || R92 >= 1.0 ) continue; if( ((eleID1 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) || ((eleID2 & eleIDBit) != eleIDBit) ) continue; if( applyEnergyScaleCorr ) { scEReg1 *= myScaleCorrector->GetScaleCorrection(scEta1,R91,runId,dataLabel,energyScaleCorrType); scEReg2 *= myScaleCorrector->GetScaleCorrection(scEta2,R92,runId,dataLabel,energyScaleCorrType); } // use regression energy mZ *= sqrt( scEReg1/scE1 * scEReg2/scE2 ); // fill EB histograms if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.5) ) { h_mZ_DA["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB"] -> Fill( mZ ); if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) ) { h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) ) { h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.) ) { h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_eta>1"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) < 1.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 1.) ) { h_mZ_DA["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EB-EB_eta<1"] -> Fill( mZ ); } } // fill EE histograms if( (fabs(scEta1) > 1.5) && (fabs(scEta2) > 1.5) ) { h_mZ_DA["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE"] -> Fill( mZ ); if( (R91 > 0.94) && (R92 > 0.94) ) { h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_hR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (R91 < 0.94) && (R92 < 0.94) ) { h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_lR9"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) > 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) > 2.) ) { h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_eta>2"] -> Fill( mZ ); } if( (fabs(scEta1) < 2.) && (fabs(scEta2) < 2.) ) { h_mZ_DA["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA["EE-EE_eta<2"] -> Fill( mZ ); } } // fill all independent categories std::string catLabel = GetEtaR9CatLabel(fabs(scEta1),R91,fabs(scEta2),R92,etaBins,R9Bins,categories); if( catLabel != "undefined__undefined" ) { h_mZ_DA[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ ); h_mZFine_DA[catLabel] -> Fill( mZ ); } } std::cout << std::endl; //--------- // Drawings std::cout << ">>> Drawings" << std::endl; std::string folderName = outFilePath + "/" + dataLabel + "/"; gSystem -> mkdir(folderName.c_str()); if( energySmearingType == "fabrice" ) folderName += IJazZGlobalFolder + "/"; gSystem -> mkdir(folderName.c_str()); std::string outFileName = folderName + "/compareZPeaks"; outFileName += "__" + enCorrType; outFileName += "__MC_" + MCGen; if( applyPUWeight ) outFileName += "__MC_PUweight"; if( applyEnergySmearing ) outFileName += "__MC_energySmearing_" + energySmearingType; if( applyEnergyScaleCorr ) outFileName += "__DA_energyScaleCorr_" + energyScaleCorrType; outFile = new TFile((outFileName+".root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); TCanvas* dummy = new TCanvas("dummy","",0,0,800,600); dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"[").c_str(),extension.c_str()); for(unsigned int cat = 0; cat < categories.size(); ++cat) { std::string category =; DrawZPeak(,,1,doVoigtianFit,doCrystalBallFit,doEffectiveSigma,"EBEE",outFileName); } outFile -> Close(); dummy -> Print((outFileName+"."+extension+"]").c_str(),extension.c_str());}
void trisCheckRegion(Char_t* EBEE = 0) { // Set style options gROOT->Reset(); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); // Check qualifiers if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")!=0 && strcmp(EBEE,"EE")!=0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: unknown partition " << EBEE << std::endl; std::cout << "CHK-STB Select either EB or EE ! " << std::endl; return; } // Define region EBregionBuilder* region = BuildEBRegion("inputREGION.txt"); TH2F* h_EBRegion = region->DrawEBRegion(); TCanvas* c_EBRegion = new TCanvas("c_EBRegion","EBRegion"); c_EBRegion -> cd(); h_EBRegion -> Draw("COLZ"); // Get trees std::cout << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_DA,"inputDATA.txt"); std::cout << " DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain("ntu"); FillChain(ntu_MC,"inputMC.txt"); std::cout << "REFERENCE: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if (ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << "CHK-STB Error: At least one file is empty" << std::endl; return; } ///// // Set branch addresses ///// int isW, isZ; ///// float EoP, scEta; ///// int seedIeta, seedIphi, seedIx, seedIy, seedZside; ///// ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("isZ", &isZ); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &seedIeta); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &seedIphi); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx", &seedIx); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy", &seedIy); ///// ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside", &seedZside); ///// ///// ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("isW", &isW); ///// ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("isZ", &isZ); ///// ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ///// ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); ///// ///// ///// ///// // Build the reference from 'infile2' ///// std::cout << std::endl; ///// std::cout << "***** Build reference *****" << std::endl; ///// ///// TH1F* h_template = new TH1F("template", "", 1200, 0., 3.); ///// ///// for(int ientry = 0; ientry < ntu_MC->GetEntries(); ++ientry) ///// { ///// if( (ientry%100000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading MC entry " << ientry << std::endl; ///// ntu_MC->GetEntry(ientry); ///// if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 && fabs(scEta) > 1.45) continue; // barrel ///// if (strcmp(EBEE,"EE")==0 && (fabs(scEta) < 1.47 || fabs(scEta)>2.7 )) continue; // endcap ///// ///// //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.44 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.44 || fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.10 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.10 || fabs(scEta) > 1.56 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.00 ) continue; ///// ///// //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.4442 ) continue; ///// ///// h_template -> Fill(EoP); ///// } ///// ///// std::cout << "Reference built for " << EBEE << " - " << h_template->GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl; ///// TCanvas* c_reference = new TCanvas("c_reference","reference"); ///// c_reference -> cd(); ///// h_template -> Draw(); ///// ///// ///// ///// // Loop and sort events ///// std::cout << std::endl; ///// std::cout << "***** Sort events and define bins *****" << std::endl; ///// ///// int nEntries = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast(); ///// int nSavePts = 0; ///// std::vector<bool> isSavedEntries(nEntries); ///// std::vector<Sorter> sortedEntries; ///// std::vector<int> timeStampFirst; ///// ///// for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) { ///// ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry); ///// = false; ///// ///// // save only what is needed for the analysis!!! ///// if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 && fabs(scEta) > 1.45) continue; // barrel ///// if (strcmp(EBEE,"EE")==0 && (fabs(scEta) < 1.47 || fabs(scEta)>2.7 )) continue; // endcap ///// if( timeStampHigh < t1 ) continue; ///// if( timeStampHigh > t2 ) continue; ///// ///// //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.44 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.44 || fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.10 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.10 || fabs(scEta) > 1.56 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 1.56 || fabs(scEta) > 2.00 ) continue; ///// ///// //if( fabs(scEta) > 0.77 ) continue; ///// //if( fabs(scEta) < 0.77 || fabs(scEta) > 1.4442 ) continue; ///// ///// //if( (seedIeta > 0 && (seedIphi >= 100 && seedIphi < 121) ) || ///// // (seedIeta < 0 && (seedIphi >= 160 && seedIphi < 180) ) || ///// // (seedIeta < 0 && (seedIphi >= 300 && seedIphi < 320) ) ) ///// ///// = true; ///// ///// Sorter dummy; ///// dummy.time = timeStampHigh; ///// dummy.entry = ientry; ///// sortedEntries.push_back(dummy); ///// ///// nSavePts++; ///// } ///// std::sort(sortedEntries.begin(),sortedEntries.end(),Sorter()); ///// std::cout << "Data sorted in " << EBEE << " - " << nSavePts << " events" << std::endl; ///// ///// ///// // Loop and define bins ///// ///// // "wide" bins - find events with time separation bigger than 1 day ///// int nWideBins = 1; ///// std::vector<int> wideBinEntryMax; ///// int timeStampOld = -1; ///// ///// wideBinEntryMax.push_back(0); ///// for(int iSaved = 0; iSaved < nSavePts; ++iSaved) ///// { ///// if( iSaved%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << "reading saved entry " << iSaved << std::endl; ///// ntu_DA->GetEntry(sortedEntries[iSaved].entry); ///// ///// if( iSaved == 0 ) ///// { ///// timeStampOld = timeStampHigh; ///// continue; ///// } ///// ///// if( (timeStampHigh-timeStampOld)/3600. > timeLapse ) ///// { ///// ++nWideBins; ///// wideBinEntryMax.push_back(iSaved-1); ///// } ///// ///// timeStampOld = timeStampHigh; ///// } ///// wideBinEntryMax.push_back(nSavePts); ///// ///// // bins with approximatively evtsPerPoint events per bin ///// int nBins = 0; ///// std::vector<int> binEntryMax; ///// ///// binEntryMax.push_back(0); ///// for(int wideBin = 0; wideBin < nWideBins; ++wideBin) ///// { ///// int nTempBins = std::max(1,int( ( )); ///// int nTempBinEntries = int( ( ); ///// ///// for(int tempBin = 0; tempBin < nTempBins; ++tempBin) ///// { ///// ++nBins; ///// if( tempBin < nTempBins - 1 ) ///// binEntryMax.push_back( + (tempBin+1)*nTempBinEntries ); ///// else ///// binEntryMax.push_back( ); ///// } ///// } ///// ///// std::cout << "nBins = " << nBins << std::endl; ///// //for(int bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) ///// // std::cout << "bin: " << bin ///// // << " entry min: " << setw(6) << ///// // << " entry max: " << setw(6) << ///// // << " events: " << setw(6) << ///// // << std::endl; ///// TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Fumili2"); ///// ///// ///// ///// // histogram definition ///// TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EB = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EB","", 171, -85., 86., 361, 0.,361.); ///// TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EEp = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EEp","", 101, 0.,101., 100, 0.,101.); ///// TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EEm = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EEm","", 101, 0.,101., 100, 0.,101.); ///// ///// TH1F* h_EoP_spread; ///// TH1F* h_EoC_spread; ///// ///// if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 ) ///// { ///// h_EoP_spread = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread","",100,0.965,1.010); ///// h_EoC_spread = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread","",100,0.965,1.010); ///// } ///// else ///// { ///// h_EoP_spread = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread","",100,0.880,1.030); ///// h_EoC_spread = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread","",100,0.880,1.030); ///// } ///// ///// h_EoP_spread -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); ///// h_EoP_spread -> SetLineWidth(2); ///// h_EoP_spread -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); ///// ///// h_EoC_spread -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); ///// h_EoC_spread -> SetLineWidth(2); ///// h_EoC_spread -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); ///// ///// ///// TH1F** h_EoP = new TH1F*[nBins]; ///// TH1F** h_EoC = new TH1F*[nBins]; ///// TH1F** h_Las = new TH1F*[nBins]; ///// ///// for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) ///// { ///// char histoName[80]; ///// ///// sprintf(histoName, "EoP_%d", i); ///// h_EoP[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 1200, 0., 3.); ///// h_EoP[i] -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); ///// h_EoP[i] -> SetFillStyle(3004); ///// h_EoP[i] -> SetMarkerStyle(7); ///// h_EoP[i] -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); ///// h_EoP[i] -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); ///// ///// sprintf(histoName, "EoC_%d", i); ///// h_EoC[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 1200, 0., 3.); ///// h_EoC[i] -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); ///// h_EoC[i] -> SetFillStyle(3004); ///// h_EoC[i] -> SetMarkerStyle(7); ///// h_EoC[i] -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); ///// h_EoC[i] -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); ///// ///// sprintf(histoName, "Las_%d", i); ///// h_Las[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 100, 0.5, 1.5); ///// } ///// ///// ///// ///// // function definition ///// TF1** f_EoP = new TF1*[nBins]; ///// TF1** f_EoC = new TF1*[nBins]; ///// ///// ///// ///// // loop on the saved and sorted events ///// std::cout << std::endl; ///// std::cout << "***** Fill and fit histograms *****" << std::endl; ///// ///// vector<double> AveTime(nBins); ///// vector<int> MinTime(nBins); ///// vector<int> MaxTime(nBins); ///// ///// for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) ///// { ///// if( (ientry%100000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading entry " << ientry << std::endl; ///// ///// if( == false ) continue; ///// ///// int iSaved = -1; ///// for(iSaved = 0; iSaved < nSavePts; ++iSaved) ///// if( ientry == sortedEntries[iSaved].entry ) break; ///// ///// int bin = -1; ///// for(bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) ///// if( iSaved >= && iSaved < ) ///// break; ///// ///// //std::cout << "bin = " << bin << " iSaved = "<< iSaved << std::endl; ///// ///// ntu_DA->GetEntry(ientry); ///// ///// ///// ///// if( iSaved == ) MinTime[bin] = timeStampHigh; ///// if( iSaved == ) MaxTime[bin] = timeStampHigh; ///// AveTime[bin] += timeStampHigh; ///// ///// ///// ///// // fill the bins ///// (h_EoP[bin]) -> Fill(EoP/scLaserCorr); ///// (h_EoC[bin]) -> Fill(EoP); ///// ///// (h_Las[bin]) -> Fill(scLaserCorr); ///// ///// if(seedZside == 0) ///// h_seedOccupancy_EB -> Fill(seedIeta,seedIphi); ///// if(seedZside > 0) ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> Fill(seedIx,seedIy); ///// if(seedZside < 0) ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> Fill(seedIx,seedIy); ///// } ///// ///// for(int bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) ///// { ///// AveTime[bin] = 1. * AveTime[bin] / (; ///// //std::cout << date << " " << AveTime[i] << " " << MinTime[i] << " " << MaxTime[i] << std::endl; ///// } ///// ///// ///// // Define grpah and histograms ///// TGraphAsymmErrors* g_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); ///// TGraphAsymmErrors* g_c_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); ///// g_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); ///// g_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); ///// g_c_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); ///// g_c_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); ///// ///// ///// int rebin = 4; ///// if (strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0) rebin = 2; ///// ///// h_template -> Rebin(rebin*4); ///// ///// ///// for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) ///// { ///// h_EoP[i] -> Rebin(rebin*4); ///// h_EoC[i] -> Rebin(rebin*4); ///// ///// ///// ///// //------------------------------------ ///// // Fill the graph for uncorrected data ///// ///// // define the fitting function ///// // N.B. [0] * ( [1] * f( [1]*(x-[2]) ) ) ///// ///// histoFunc* templateHistoFunc = new histoFunc(h_template); ///// char funcName[50]; ///// sprintf(funcName,"f_EoP_%d",i); ///// f_EoP[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateHistoFunc, 0.7, 1.3, 3, "histoFunc"); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetNpx(10000); ///// ///// double xNorm = h_EoP[i]->GetEntries()/h_template->GetEntries() * ///// h_EoP[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/h_template->GetBinWidth(1); ///// ///// f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(0, xNorm); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetParameter(1, 0.99); ///// f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); ///// f_EoP[i] -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); ///// ///// ///// TFitResultPtr rp = h_EoP[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QNERLS+"); ///// int fStatus = rp; ///// ///// // fill the graph ///// double eee = f_EoP[i]->GetParError(1); ///// if (fStatus!=4 && eee>0.1*h_template->GetRMS()/sqrt(evtsPerPoint)) ///// { ///// float date = (float)AveTime[i]; ///// float dLow = (float)(AveTime[i]-MinTime[i]); ///// float dHig = (float)(MaxTime[i]-AveTime[i]); ///// ///// g_fit -> SetPoint(i, date , 1./f_EoP[i]->GetParameter(1)); ///// g_fit -> SetPointError(i, dLow , dHig, eee, eee); ///// if ( (date > t1) && (date < t2) ) ///// h_EoP_spread -> Fill(1./f_EoP[i]->GetParameter(1)); ///// } ///// else ///// std::cout << "Fitting uncorrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << endl; ///// ///// ///// ///// //---------------------------------- ///// // Fill the graph for corrected data ///// ///// // define the fitting function ///// // N.B. [0] * ( [1] * f( [1]*(x-[2]) ) ) ///// ///// sprintf(funcName,"f_EoC_%d",i); ///// f_EoC[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateHistoFunc, 0.7, 1.3, 3, "histoFunc"); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetNpx(10000); ///// ///// xNorm = h_EoC[i]->GetEntries()/h_template->GetEntries() * ///// h_EoC[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/h_template->GetBinWidth(1); ///// ///// f_EoC[i] -> FixParameter(0, xNorm); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetParameter(1, 0.99); ///// f_EoC[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); ///// f_EoC[i] -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); ///// ///// ///// TFitResultPtr rc = h_EoC[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QNERLS+"); ///// fStatus = rc; ///// ///// // fill the graph ///// eee = f_EoC[i]->GetParError(1); ///// if (fStatus!=4 && eee>0.1*h_template->GetRMS()/sqrt(evtsPerPoint)) ///// { ///// float date = (float)AveTime[i]; ///// float dLow = (float)(AveTime[i]-MinTime[i]); ///// float dHig = (float)(MaxTime[i]-AveTime[i]); ///// ///// g_c_fit -> SetPoint(i, date , 1./f_EoC[i]->GetParameter(1)); ///// g_c_fit -> SetPointError(i, dLow , dHig , eee, eee); ///// if ( (date > t1) && (date < t2) ) ///// h_EoC_spread -> Fill(1./f_EoC[i]->GetParameter(1)); ///// } ///// else ///// std::cout << "Fitting corrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << endl; ///// ///// ///// ///// } ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// // Drawings ///// TCanvas* c_seedOccupancy = new TCanvas("c_seedOccupancy","",100,100,900,500); ///// c_seedOccupancy -> Divide(3,1); ///// ///// c_seedOccupancy -> cd(1); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EB -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("i#eta"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EB -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("i#phi"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EB -> Draw("COLZ"); ///// ///// c_seedOccupancy -> cd(2); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("ix"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("iy"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> Draw("COLZ"); ///// ///// c_seedOccupancy -> cd(3); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("ix"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("iy"); ///// h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> Draw("COLZ"); ///// ///// ///// ///// //TPaveStats** s_EoP = new TPaveStats*[nBins]; ///// //TPaveStats** s_EoC = new TPaveStats*[nBins]; ///// // ///// //TCanvas *c1[100]; ///// //for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) ///// //{ ///// // char canvasName[50]; ///// // if (i%6==0) ///// // { ///// // sprintf(canvasName, "Fits-%0d", i/6); ///// // c1[i/6] = new TCanvas(canvasName, canvasName); ///// // c1[i/6] -> Divide(3,2); ///// // } ///// // c1[i/6] -> cd (i%6+1); ///// // ///// // h_EoP[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("E/p"); ///// // h_EoP[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5,1.5); ///// // h_EoP[i] -> Draw("e"); ///// // gPad->Update(); ///// // s_EoP[i]= (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); ///// // s_EoP[i]->SetTextColor(kRed+2); ///// // ///// // h_EoC[i] -> Draw("esames"); ///// // gPad->Update(); ///// // s_EoC[i]= (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); ///// // s_EoC[i]->SetY1NDC(0.59); //new x start position ///// // s_EoC[i]->SetY2NDC(0.79); //new x end position ///// // s_EoC[i]->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); ///// // s_EoC[i]->Draw("sames"); ///// // ///// // f_EoP[i]->Draw("same"); ///// // f_EoC[i]->Draw("same"); ///// //} ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// TF1 pol0("pol0","pol0",t1,t2); ///// pol0.SetLineColor(kGreen+2); ///// pol0.SetLineWidth(2); ///// pol0.SetLineStyle(2); ///// ///// g_c_fit -> Fit("pol0","QNR"); ///// float emean = 0, eclean = 0 ; ///// ///// //float yscale = pol0.GetParameter(0); ///// float yscale = 1.; ///// ///// for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i){ ///// eclean += g_c_fit->GetErrorYlow(i); ///// emean += g_c_fit->GetErrorYlow(i)*sqrt(pol0.GetChisquare()/pol0.GetNDF()); ///// // rescale to mean ///// double x,y; ///// g_fit -> GetPoint(i,x,y); ///// g_fit -> SetPoint(i,x,y/yscale); ///// g_c_fit -> GetPoint(i,x,y); ///// g_c_fit -> SetPoint(i,x,y/yscale); ///// } ///// std::cout << "Mean Error: " << emean/(float)nBins << " " << eclean/(float)nBins << std::endl; ///// g_c_fit -> Fit("pol0","QR+"); ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// // Final plots ///// TCanvas* cplot = new TCanvas("cplot", "history plot",100,100,1000,500); ///// cplot->cd(); ///// ///// TPad *cLeft = new TPad("pad_0","pad_0",0.00,0.00,0.75,1.00); ///// TPad *cRight = new TPad("pad_1","pad_1",0.75,0.00,1.00,1.00); ///// ///// cLeft->SetLeftMargin(0.15); ///// cLeft->SetRightMargin(0.025); ///// cRight->SetLeftMargin(0.025); ///// ///// cLeft->Draw(); ///// cRight->Draw(); ///// ///// float tYoffset = 1.5; ///// float labSize = 0.04; ///// float labSize2 = 0.07; ///// ///// cLeft->cd(); ///// ///// cLeft->SetGridx(); ///// cLeft->SetGridy(); ///// ///// TH1F *hPad = (TH1F*)gPad->DrawFrame(t1,0.9,t2,1.05); ///// hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); ///// hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); ///// hPad->GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(MinTime[0]-43200,MaxTime[nBins-1]+43200); ///// hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("date"); ///// hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); ///// hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(tYoffset); ///// hPad->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); ///// hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); ///// hPad->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); ///// hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); ///// ///// if ( strcmp(EBEE,"EB")==0 ) ///// { ///// hPad -> SetMinimum(0.965); ///// hPad -> SetMaximum(1.010); ///// } ///// else ///// { ///// hPad -> SetMinimum(0.880); ///// hPad -> SetMaximum(1.030); ///// } ///// ///// // draw history plot ///// g_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(20); ///// g_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.75); ///// g_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); ///// g_fit -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); ///// g_fit -> Draw("P"); ///// g_c_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(20); ///// g_c_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); ///// g_c_fit -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); ///// g_c_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.75); ///// g_c_fit -> Draw("P,same"); ///// ///// ///// ///// cRight -> cd(); ///// ///// TPaveStats* s_EoP_spread = new TPaveStats(); ///// TPaveStats* s_EoC_spread = new TPaveStats(); ///// ///// ///// h_EoC_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); ///// h_EoC_spread -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); ///// h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize2); ///// h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize2); ///// h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); ///// h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.02); ///// h_EoC_spread->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(1000); ///// ///// h_EoC_spread -> Draw("hbar"); ///// gPad -> Update(); ///// ///// s_EoC_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); ///// s_EoC_spread ->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); ///// s_EoC_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); ///// s_EoC_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position ///// s_EoC_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position ///// s_EoC_spread->SetY1NDC(0.875); //new x start position ///// s_EoC_spread->SetY2NDC(0.990); //new x end position ///// s_EoC_spread -> SetOptStat(1100); ///// s_EoC_spread -> Draw("sames"); ///// ///// h_EoP_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); ///// h_EoP_spread -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); ///// h_EoP_spread -> Draw("hbarsames"); ///// gPad -> Update(); ///// s_EoP_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); ///// s_EoP_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position ///// s_EoP_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position ///// s_EoP_spread->SetY1NDC(0.750); //new x start position ///// s_EoP_spread->SetY2NDC(0.875); //new x end position ///// s_EoP_spread ->SetOptStat(1100); ///// s_EoP_spread ->SetTextColor(kRed+2); ///// s_EoP_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); ///// s_EoP_spread -> Draw("sames"); ///// ///// ///// //TFile* o = new TFile("trisCheckStabilityHistos.root","RECREATE"); ///// //o -> cd(); ///// // ///// //g_fit -> Write("g_fit"); ///// //g_c_fit -> Write("g_c_fit"); ///// // ///// //o -> Close(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Set style options setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadTickX(1); gStyle->SetPadTickY(1); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); // Set fitting options TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Fumili2"); //----------------- // Input parameters std::cout << "\n***************************************************************************************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << "arcg: " << argc << std::endl; char* EBEE = argv[1]; int evtsPerPoint = atoi(argv[2]); int useRegression = atoi(argv[3]); std::string dayMin = ""; std::string dayMax = ""; std::string dayMinLabel = ""; std::string dayMaxLabel = ""; float absEtaMin = -1.; float absEtaMax = -1.; int IetaMin = -1; int IetaMax = -1; int IphiMin = -1; int IphiMax = -1; if(argc >= 5) { dayMin = std::string(argv[4])+" "+std::string(argv[5])+" "+std::string(argv[6]); dayMax = std::string(argv[7])+" "+std::string(argv[8])+" "+std::string(argv[9]); dayMinLabel = std::string(argv[4])+"_"+std::string(argv[5])+"_"+std::string(argv[6]); dayMaxLabel = std::string(argv[7])+"_"+std::string(argv[8])+"_"+std::string(argv[9]); t1 = dateToInt(dayMin); t2 = dateToInt(dayMax); } if(argc >= 11) { yMIN = atof(argv[10]); yMAX = atof(argv[11]); } if(argc >= 13) { absEtaMin = atof(argv[12]); absEtaMax = atof(argv[13]); } if(argc >= 15) { IetaMin = atoi(argv[14]); IetaMax = atoi(argv[15]); IphiMin = atoi(argv[16]); IphiMax = atoi(argv[17]); } std::cout << "EBEE: " << EBEE << std::endl; std::cout << "evtsPerPoint: " << evtsPerPoint << std::endl; std::cout << "useRegression: " << useRegression << std::endl; std::cout << "dayMin: " << dayMin << std::endl; std::cout << "dayMax: " << dayMax << std::endl; std::cout << "yMin: " << yMIN << std::endl; std::cout << "yMax: " << yMAX << std::endl; std::cout << "absEtaMin: " << absEtaMin << std::endl; std::cout << "absEtaMax: " << absEtaMax << std::endl; std::cout << "IetaMin: " << IetaMin << std::endl; std::cout << "IetaMax: " << IetaMax << std::endl; std::cout << "IphiMin: " << IphiMin << std::endl; std::cout << "IphiMax: " << IphiMax << std::endl; //------------------- // Define in/outfiles std::string folderName = std::string(EBEE) + "_" + dayMinLabel + "_" + dayMaxLabel; if( (absEtaMin != -1.) && (absEtaMax != -1.) ) { char absEtaBuffer[50]; sprintf(absEtaBuffer,"_%.2f-%.2f",absEtaMin,absEtaMax); folderName += std::string(absEtaBuffer); } if( (IetaMin != -1.) && (IetaMax != -1.) && (IphiMin != -1.) && (IphiMax != -1.) ) { char absEtaBuffer[50]; sprintf(absEtaBuffer,"_Ieta_%d-%d_Iphi_%d-%d",IetaMin,IetaMax,IphiMin,IphiMax); folderName += std::string(absEtaBuffer); } gSystem->mkdir(folderName.c_str()); TFile* o = new TFile((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_histos.root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); // Get trees std::cout << std::endl; TChain* ntu_DA = new TChain("simpleNtupleEoverP/SimpleNtupleEoverP"); FillChain(ntu_DA,"inputDATA.txt"); std::cout << " DATA: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_DA->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; TChain* ntu_MC = new TChain("simpleNtupleEoverP/SimpleNtupleEoverP"); FillChain(ntu_MC,"inputMC.txt"); std::cout << "REFERENCE: " << std::setw(8) << ntu_MC->GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; if (ntu_DA->GetEntries() == 0 || ntu_MC->GetEntries() == 0 ) { std::cout << "Error: At least one file is empty" << std::endl; return -1; } // Set branch addresses int runId; int timeStampHigh; int PV_n; float scLaserCorr, seedLaserAlpha, EoP, scEta, scPhi, scE, ES, P; int seedIeta, seedIphi, seedIx, seedIy, seedZside; ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("runId",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("timeStampHigh",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("PV_n",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scLaserCorr",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedLaserAlpha",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_EOverP",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scPhi",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_es",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_tkP",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside",1); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("runId", &runId); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("timeStampHigh", &timeStampHigh); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("PV_n", &PV_n); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scLaserCorr", &scLaserCorr); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedLaserAlpha", &seedLaserAlpha); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scPhi", &scPhi); if( useRegression < 1 ) ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE", &scE); else ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression", &scE); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE", &scE); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_es", &ES); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_tkP", &P); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &seedIeta); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &seedIphi); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx", &seedIx); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy", &seedIy); ntu_DA->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside", &seedZside); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("*",0); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("runId",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("PV_n",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scEta",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_EOverP",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_scE_regression",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_es",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_tkP",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIeta",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIphi",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIx",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedIy",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchStatus("ele1_seedZside",1); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("runId", &runId); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("PV_n", &PV_n); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scEta", &scEta); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_EOverP", &EoP); if( useRegression < 1 ) ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE", &scE); else ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_scE_regression", &scE); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_es", &ES); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_tkP", &P); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIeta", &seedIeta); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIphi", &seedIphi); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIx", &seedIx); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedIy", &seedIy); ntu_MC->SetBranchAddress("ele1_seedZside", &seedZside); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Define PU correction (to be used if useRegression == 0) // corr = p0 + p1 * PV_n float p0_EB; float p1_EB; float p0_EE; float p1_EE; if( useRegression == 0 ) { //2012 EB p0_EB = 0.9991; p1_EB = 0.0001635; //2012 EE p0_EE = 0.9968; p1_EE = 0.001046; } else { //2012 EB p0_EB = 1.001; p1_EB = -0.000143; //2012 EE p0_EE = 1.00327; p1_EE = -0.000432; } float p0 = -1.; float p1 = -1.; if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) { p0 = p0_EB; p1 = p1_EB; } else { p0 = p0_EE; p1 = p1_EE; } //--------------------------------- // Build the reference distribution std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Build reference for " << EBEE << " *****" << std::endl; TH1F* h_template = new TH1F("template", "", 2000, 0., 5.); for(int ientry = 0; ientry < ntu_MC->GetEntries(); ++ientry) { if( (ientry%100000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading MC entry " << ientry << "\r" << std::flush; ntu_MC->GetEntry(ientry); // selections if( (strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0) && (fabs(scEta) > 1.45) ) continue; // barrel if( (strcmp(EBEE,"EE") == 0) && (fabs(scEta) < 1.47 || fabs(scEta)>2.7) ) continue; // endcap if( (absEtaMin != -1.) && (absEtaMax != -1.) ) { if( (fabs(scEta) < absEtaMin) || (fabs(scEta) > absEtaMax) ) continue; } if( (IetaMin != -1.) && (IetaMax != -1.) && (IphiMin != -1.) && (IphiMax != -1.) ) { if( (seedIeta < IetaMin) || (seedIeta > IetaMax) ) continue; if( (seedIphi < IphiMin) || (seedIphi > IphiMax) ) continue; } // PU correction float PUCorr = (p0 + p1*PV_n); //std::cout << "p0: " << p0 << " p1: " << p1 << " PV_n: " << PV_n << std::endl; // fill the template histogram h_template -> Fill( (scE-ES)/(P-ES) / PUCorr ); } std::cout << "Reference built for " << EBEE << " - " << h_template->GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl; //--------------------- // Loop and sort events std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Sort events and define bins *****" << std::endl; int nEntries = ntu_DA -> GetEntriesFast(); int nSavePts = 0; std::vector<bool> isSavedEntries(nEntries); std::vector<Sorter> sortedEntries; std::vector<int> timeStampFirst; for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) { ntu_DA -> GetEntry(ientry); = false; // selections if( (strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0) && (fabs(scEta) > 1.45) ) continue; // barrel if( (strcmp(EBEE,"EE") == 0) && (fabs(scEta) < 1.47 || fabs(scEta)>2.7) ) continue; // endcap if( (absEtaMin != -1.) && (absEtaMax != -1.) ) { if( (fabs(scEta) < absEtaMin) || (fabs(scEta) > absEtaMax) ) continue; } if( (IetaMin != -1.) && (IetaMax != -1.) && (IphiMin != -1.) && (IphiMax != -1.) ) { if( (seedIeta < IetaMin) || (seedIeta > IetaMax) ) continue; if( (seedIphi < IphiMin) || (seedIphi > IphiMax) ) continue; } if( timeStampHigh < t1 ) continue; if( timeStampHigh > t2 ) continue; if( scLaserCorr <= 0. ) continue; = true; // fill sorter Sorter dummy; dummy.time = timeStampHigh; dummy.entry = ientry; sortedEntries.push_back(dummy); ++nSavePts; } // sort events std::sort(sortedEntries.begin(),sortedEntries.end(),Sorter()); std::cout << "Data sorted in " << EBEE << " - " << nSavePts << " events" << std::endl; std::map<int,int> antiMap; for(unsigned int iSaved = 0; iSaved < sortedEntries.size(); ++iSaved) antiMap[] = iSaved; //--------------------- // Loop and define bins // "wide" bins - find events with time separation bigger than 1 day int nWideBins = 1; std::vector<int> wideBinEntryMax; int timeStampOld = -1; wideBinEntryMax.push_back(0); for(int iSaved = 0; iSaved < nSavePts; ++iSaved) { if( iSaved%100000 == 0 ) std::cout << "reading saved entry " << iSaved << "\r" << std::flush; ntu_DA->GetEntry(sortedEntries[iSaved].entry); if( iSaved == 0 ) { timeStampOld = timeStampHigh; continue; } if( (timeStampHigh-timeStampOld)/3600. > timeLapse ) { ++nWideBins; wideBinEntryMax.push_back(iSaved-1); } timeStampOld = timeStampHigh; } std::cout << std::endl; wideBinEntryMax.push_back(nSavePts); // bins with approximatively evtsPerPoint events per bin int nBins = 0; std::vector<int> binEntryMax; binEntryMax.push_back(0); for(int wideBin = 0; wideBin < nWideBins; ++wideBin) { int nTempBins = std::max(1,int( ( )); int nTempBinEntries = int( ( ); for(int tempBin = 0; tempBin < nTempBins; ++tempBin) { ++nBins; if( tempBin < nTempBins - 1 ) binEntryMax.push_back( + (tempBin+1)*nTempBinEntries ); else binEntryMax.push_back( ); } } std::cout << "nBins = " << nBins << std::endl; //for(int bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) // std::cout << "bin: " << bin // << " entry min: " << setw(6) << // << " entry max: " << setw(6) << // << " events: " << setw(6) << // << std::endl; //--------------------- // histogram definition TH1F* h_scOccupancy_eta = new TH1F("h_scOccupancy_eta","", 298, -2.6, 2.6); TH1F* h_scOccupancy_phi = new TH1F("h_scOccupancy_phi","", 363, -3.1765, 3.159); SetHistoStyle(h_scOccupancy_eta); SetHistoStyle(h_scOccupancy_phi); TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EB = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EB","", 171, -85., 86., 361, 0.,361.); TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EEp = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EEp","", 101, 0.,101., 100, 0.,101.); TH2F* h_seedOccupancy_EEm = new TH2F("h_seedOccupancy_EEm","", 101, 0.,101., 100, 0.,101.); SetHistoStyle(h_seedOccupancy_EB); SetHistoStyle(h_seedOccupancy_EEp); SetHistoStyle(h_seedOccupancy_EEm); TH1F* h_EoP_spread = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread","",100,yMIN,yMAX); TH1F* h_EoC_spread = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread","",100,yMIN,yMAX); TH1F* h_EoP_spread_run = new TH1F("h_EoP_spread_run","",100,yMIN,yMAX); TH1F* h_EoC_spread_run = new TH1F("h_EoC_spread_run","",100,yMIN,yMAX); SetHistoStyle(h_EoP_spread,"EoP"); SetHistoStyle(h_EoC_spread,"EoC"); SetHistoStyle(h_EoP_spread_run,"EoP"); SetHistoStyle(h_EoC_spread_run,"EoC"); TH1F* h_EoP_chi2 = new TH1F("h_EoP_chi2","",50,0.,5.); TH1F* h_EoC_chi2 = new TH1F("h_EoC_chi2","",50,0.,5.); SetHistoStyle(h_EoP_chi2,"EoP"); SetHistoStyle(h_EoC_chi2,"EoC"); TH1F** h_EoP = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_EoC = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_Las = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_Tsp = new TH1F*[nBins]; TH1F** h_Cvl = new TH1F*[nBins]; for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { char histoName[80]; sprintf(histoName, "EoP_%d", i); h_EoP[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 2000, 0., 5.); SetHistoStyle(h_EoP[i],"EoP"); sprintf(histoName, "EoC_%d", i); h_EoC[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 2000, 0., 5.); SetHistoStyle(h_EoC[i],"EoC"); sprintf(histoName, "Las_%d", i); h_Las[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 500, 0.5, 1.5); sprintf(histoName, "Tsp_%d", i); h_Tsp[i] = new TH1F(histoName, histoName, 500, 0.5, 1.5); } // function definition TF1** f_EoP = new TF1*[nBins]; TF1** f_EoC = new TF1*[nBins]; // graphs definition TGraphAsymmErrors* g_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors* g_c_fit = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors* g_fit_run = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors* g_c_fit_run = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraph* g_las = new TGraph(); TGraphErrors* g_LT = new TGraphErrors(); g_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); g_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); g_c_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); g_c_fit->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); g_las->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); g_las->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); g_LT->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); g_LT->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); //------------------------------------ // loop on the saved and sorted events std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Fill and fit histograms *****" << std::endl; std::vector<int> Entries(nBins); std::vector<double> AveTime(nBins); std::vector<int> MinTime(nBins); std::vector<int> MaxTime(nBins); std::vector<double> AveRun(nBins); std::vector<int> MinRun(nBins); std::vector<int> MaxRun(nBins); std::vector<double> AveLT(nBins); std::vector<double> AveLT2(nBins); int iSaved = -1; for(int ientry = 0; ientry < nEntries; ++ientry) { if( (ientry%100000 == 0) ) std::cout << "reading entry " << ientry << "\r" << std::flush; if( == false ) continue; ++iSaved; int iSaved = antiMap[ientry]; int bin = -1; for(bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) if( iSaved >= && iSaved < ) break; //std::cout << "bin = " << bin << " iSaved = "<< iSaved << std::endl; ntu_DA->GetEntry(ientry); Entries[bin] += 1; if( iSaved == ) MinTime[bin] = timeStampHigh; if( iSaved == ) MaxTime[bin] = timeStampHigh; AveTime[bin] += timeStampHigh; if( iSaved == ) MinRun[bin] = runId; if( iSaved == ) MaxRun[bin] = runId; AveRun[bin] += runId; float LT = (-1. / seedLaserAlpha * log(scLaserCorr)); AveLT[bin] += LT; AveLT2[bin] += LT*LT; // PU correction float PUCorr = (p0 + p1*PV_n); // fill the histograms (h_EoP[bin]) -> Fill( (scE-ES)/(P-ES) / scLaserCorr / PUCorr); (h_EoC[bin]) -> Fill( (scE-ES)/(P-ES) / PUCorr ); (h_Las[bin]) -> Fill(scLaserCorr); (h_Tsp[bin]) -> Fill(1./scLaserCorr); h_scOccupancy_eta -> Fill(scEta); h_scOccupancy_phi -> Fill(scPhi); if(seedZside == 0) h_seedOccupancy_EB -> Fill(seedIeta,seedIphi); if(seedZside > 0) h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> Fill(seedIx,seedIy); if(seedZside < 0) h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> Fill(seedIx,seedIy); } for(int bin = 0; bin < nBins; ++bin) { AveTime[bin] = 1. * AveTime[bin] / (; AveRun[bin] = 1. * AveRun[bin] / (; AveLT[bin] = 1. * AveLT[bin] / (; AveLT2[bin] = 1. * AveLT2[bin] / (; //std::cout << date << " " << AveTime[i] << " " << MinTime[i] << " " << MaxTime[i] << std::endl; } int rebin = 2; if( strcmp(EBEE,"EE") == 0 ) rebin *= 2; h_template -> Rebin(rebin); float EoP_scale = 0.; float EoP_err = 0.; int EoP_nActiveBins = 0; float EoC_scale = 0.; float EoC_err = 0.; int EoC_nActiveBins = 0; float LCInv_scale = 0; std::vector<int> validBins; for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) { bool isValid = true; h_EoP[i] -> Rebin(rebin); h_EoC[i] -> Rebin(rebin); //------------------------------------ // Fill the graph for uncorrected data // define the fitting function // N.B. [0] * ( [1] * f( [1]*(x-[2]) ) ) //o -> cd(); char convolutionName[50]; sprintf(convolutionName,"h_convolution_%d",i); //h_Cvl[i] = ConvoluteTemplate(std::string(convolutionName),h_template,h_Las[i],32768,-5.,5.); h_Cvl[i] = MellinConvolution(std::string(convolutionName),h_template,h_Tsp[i]); histoFunc* templateHistoFunc = new histoFunc(h_template); histoFunc* templateConvolutedHistoFunc = new histoFunc(h_Cvl[i]); char funcName[50]; sprintf(funcName,"f_EoP_%d",i); if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) f_EoP[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateConvolutedHistoFunc, 0.8*(h_Tsp[i]->GetMean()), 1.4*(h_Tsp[i]->GetMean()), 3, "histoFunc"); else f_EoP[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateConvolutedHistoFunc, 0.75*(h_Tsp[i]->GetMean()), 1.5*(h_Tsp[i]->GetMean()), 3, "histoFunc"); f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); f_EoP[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); f_EoP[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); f_EoP[i] -> SetNpx(10000); double xNorm = h_EoP[i]->GetEntries()/h_template->GetEntries() * h_EoP[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/h_template->GetBinWidth(1); f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(0, xNorm); f_EoP[i] -> SetParameter(1, 1.); f_EoP[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); f_EoP[i] -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); int fStatus = 0; int nTrials = 0; TFitResultPtr rp; rp = h_EoP[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QERLS+"); while( (fStatus != 0) && (nTrials < 10) ) { rp = h_EoP[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QERLS+"); fStatus = rp; if(fStatus == 0) break; ++nTrials; } // fill the graph double eee = f_EoP[i]->GetParError(1); //float k = f_EoP[i]->GetParameter(1); float k = f_EoP[i]->GetParameter(1) / h_Tsp[i]->GetMean(); //needed when using mellin's convolution if( (h_EoP[i]->GetEntries() > 3) && (fStatus == 0) && (eee > 0.05*h_template->GetRMS()/sqrt(evtsPerPoint)) ) { float date = (float)AveTime[i]; float dLow = (float)(AveTime[i]-MinTime[i]); float dHig = (float)(MaxTime[i]-AveTime[i]); float run = (float)AveRun[i]; float rLow = (float)(AveRun[i]-MinRun[i]); float rHig = (float)(MaxRun[i]-AveRun[i]); g_fit -> SetPoint(i, date , 1./k); g_fit -> SetPointError(i, dLow , dHig, eee/k/k, eee/k/k); g_fit_run -> SetPoint(i, run , 1./k); g_fit_run -> SetPointError(i, rLow , rHig, eee/k/k, eee/k/k); h_EoP_chi2 -> Fill(f_EoP[i]->GetChisquare()/f_EoP[i]->GetNDF()); EoP_scale += 1./k; EoP_err += eee/k/k; ++EoP_nActiveBins; } else { std::cout << "Fitting uncorrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << std::endl; isValid = false; } //---------------------------------- // Fill the graph for corrected data // define the fitting function // N.B. [0] * ( [1] * f( [1]*(x-[2]) ) ) sprintf(funcName,"f_EoC_%d",i); if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) f_EoC[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateHistoFunc, 0.8, 1.4, 3, "histoFunc"); else f_EoC[i] = new TF1(funcName, templateHistoFunc, 0.75, 1.5, 3, "histoFunc"); f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(0,"Norm"); f_EoC[i] -> SetParName(1,"Scale factor"); f_EoC[i] -> SetLineWidth(1); f_EoC[i] -> SetNpx(10000); xNorm = h_EoC[i]->GetEntries()/h_template->GetEntries() * h_EoC[i]->GetBinWidth(1)/h_template->GetBinWidth(1); f_EoC[i] -> FixParameter(0, xNorm); f_EoC[i] -> SetParameter(1, 0.99); f_EoC[i] -> FixParameter(2, 0.); f_EoC[i] -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); rp = h_EoC[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QERLS+"); fStatus = rp; nTrials = 0; while( (fStatus != 0) && (nTrials < 10) ) { rp = h_EoC[i] -> Fit(funcName, "QERLS+"); fStatus = rp; if(fStatus == 0) break; ++nTrials; } // fill the graph k = f_EoC[i]->GetParameter(1); eee = f_EoC[i]->GetParError(1); if( (h_EoC[i]->GetEntries() > 10) && (fStatus == 0) && (eee > 0.05*h_template->GetRMS()/sqrt(evtsPerPoint)) ) { float date = (float)AveTime[i]; float dLow = (float)(AveTime[i]-MinTime[i]); float dHig = (float)(MaxTime[i]-AveTime[i]); float run = (float)AveRun[i]; float rLow = (float)(AveRun[i]-MinRun[i]); float rHig = (float)(MaxRun[i]-AveRun[i]); g_c_fit -> SetPoint(i, date , 1./k); g_c_fit -> SetPointError(i, dLow , dHig , eee/k/k, eee/k/k); g_c_fit_run -> SetPoint(i, run , 1./k); g_c_fit_run -> SetPointError(i, rLow , rHig, eee/k/k, eee/k/k); h_EoC_chi2 -> Fill(f_EoC[i]->GetChisquare()/f_EoP[i]->GetNDF()); EoC_scale += 1./k; EoC_err += eee/k/k; ++EoC_nActiveBins; } else { std::cout << "Fitting corrected time bin: " << i << " Fail status: " << fStatus << " sigma: " << eee << std::endl; isValid = false; } if( isValid == true ) validBins.push_back(i); } EoP_scale /= EoP_nActiveBins; EoP_err /= EoP_nActiveBins; EoC_scale /= EoC_nActiveBins; EoC_err /= EoC_nActiveBins; //---------------------------------------- // Fill the graph for avg laser correction //fede for(unsigned int itr = 0; itr < validBins.size(); ++itr) { int i =; g_las -> SetPoint(itr, (float)AveTime[i], h_Tsp[i]->GetMean() ); g_LT -> SetPoint(itr, (float)AveTime[i], AveLT[i] ); g_LT -> SetPointError(itr, 0., sqrt(AveLT2[i]-AveLT[i]*AveLT[i]) / sqrt(Entries[i]) ); LCInv_scale += h_Tsp[i]->GetMean(); } LCInv_scale /= validBins.size(); //--------------- // Rescale graphs float yscale = 1.; //float yscale = 1./EoC_scale; for(unsigned int itr = 0; itr < validBins.size(); ++itr) { double x,y; g_fit -> GetPoint(itr,x,y); g_fit -> SetPoint(itr,x,y*yscale); if ( (x > t1) && (x < t2) ) h_EoP_spread -> Fill(y*yscale); g_c_fit -> GetPoint(itr,x,y); g_c_fit -> SetPoint(itr,x,y*yscale); if ( (x > t1) && (x < t2) ) h_EoC_spread -> Fill(y*yscale); g_fit_run -> GetPoint(itr,x,y); g_fit_run -> SetPoint(itr,x,y*yscale); if ( (x > t1) && (x < t2) ) h_EoP_spread_run -> Fill(y*yscale); g_c_fit_run -> GetPoint(itr,x,y); g_c_fit_run -> SetPoint(itr,x,y*yscale); if ( (x > t1) && (x < t2) ) h_EoC_spread_run -> Fill(y*yscale); g_las -> GetPoint(itr,x,y); g_las -> SetPoint(itr,x,y*yscale*EoP_scale/LCInv_scale); } TF1 EoC_pol0("EoC_pol0","pol0",t1,t2); EoC_pol0.SetLineColor(kGreen+2); EoC_pol0.SetLineWidth(2); EoC_pol0.SetLineStyle(2); g_c_fit -> Fit("EoC_pol0","QNR"); //---------------------------- // Print out global quantities std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***** Mean scales and errors *****" << std::endl; std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision(4); std::cout << "Mean EoP scale: " << std::setw(6) << EoP_scale << " mean EoP error: " << std::setw(8) << EoP_err << std::endl; std::cout << "Mean EoC scale: " << std::setw(6) << EoC_scale << " mean EoC error: " << std::setw(8) << EoC_err << std::endl; std::cout << "Mean 1/LC scale: " << std::setw(6) << LCInv_scale << std::endl; //----------------- // Occupancy plots //----------------- TCanvas* c_scOccupancy = new TCanvas("c_scOccupancy","SC occupancy",0,0,1000,500); c_scOccupancy -> Divide(2,1); c_scOccupancy -> cd(1); h_scOccupancy_eta -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("sc #eta"); h_scOccupancy_eta -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("events"); h_scOccupancy_eta -> Draw(); c_scOccupancy -> cd(2); h_scOccupancy_phi -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("sc #phi"); h_scOccupancy_phi -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("events"); h_scOccupancy_phi -> Draw(); TCanvas* c_seedOccupancy = new TCanvas("c_seedOccupancy","seed occupancy",0,0,1500,500); c_seedOccupancy -> Divide(3,1); c_seedOccupancy -> cd(1); h_seedOccupancy_EB -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("seed i#eta"); h_seedOccupancy_EB -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("seed i#phi"); h_seedOccupancy_EB -> Draw("COLZ"); c_seedOccupancy -> cd(2); h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("seed ix"); h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("seed iy"); h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> Draw("COLZ"); c_seedOccupancy -> cd(3); h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("seed ix"); h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("seed iy"); h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> Draw("COLZ"); //----------- // Chi2 plots //----------- TCanvas* c_chi2 = new TCanvas("c_chi2","fit chi2",0,0,500,500); c_chi2 -> cd(); h_EoC_chi2 -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("#chi^{2}/N_{dof}"); h_EoC_chi2 -> Draw(""); gPad -> Update(); TPaveStats* s_EoC = new TPaveStats; s_EoC = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC_chi2->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoC -> SetStatFormat("1.4g"); s_EoC -> SetTextColor(kGreen+2); s_EoC->SetY1NDC(0.59); s_EoC->SetY2NDC(0.79); s_EoC -> Draw("sames"); gPad -> Update(); h_EoP_chi2 -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("#chi^{2}/N_{dof}"); h_EoP_chi2 -> Draw("sames"); gPad -> Update(); TPaveStats* s_EoP = new TPaveStats; s_EoP = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP_chi2->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoP -> SetStatFormat("1.4g"); s_EoP -> SetTextColor(kRed+2); s_EoP->SetY1NDC(0.79); s_EoP->SetY2NDC(0.99); s_EoP -> Draw("sames"); gPad -> Update(); //------------------- // Final plot vs date //------------------- TCanvas* cplot = new TCanvas("cplot", "history plot vs date",100,100,1000,500); cplot->cd(); TPad *cLeft = new TPad("pad_0","pad_0",0.00,0.00,0.75,1.00); TPad *cRight = new TPad("pad_1","pad_1",0.75,0.00,1.00,1.00); cLeft->SetLeftMargin(0.15); cLeft->SetRightMargin(0.025); cRight->SetLeftMargin(0.025); cLeft->Draw(); cRight->Draw(); float tYoffset = 1.0; float labSize = 0.05; float labSize2 = 0.06; cLeft->cd(); cLeft->SetGridx(); cLeft->SetGridy(); TH1F *hPad = (TH1F*)gPad->DrawFrame(t1,0.9,t2,1.05); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d/%m%F1970-01-01 00:00:00"); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); hPad->GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(MinTime[0]-43200,MaxTime[nBins-1]+43200); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("date (day/month)"); if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); else hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(tYoffset); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize2); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize2); hPad -> SetMinimum(yMIN); hPad -> SetMaximum(yMAX); // draw history plot g_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(24); g_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.7); g_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); g_fit -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); g_fit -> Draw("P"); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerStyle(20); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit -> SetMarkerSize(0.7); g_c_fit -> Draw("P,same"); g_las -> SetLineColor(kAzure-2); g_las -> SetLineWidth(2); g_las -> Draw("L,same"); TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.60,0.78,0.90,0.94); legend -> SetLineColor(kWhite); legend -> SetLineWidth(0); legend -> SetFillColor(kWhite); legend -> SetFillStyle(0); legend -> SetTextFont(42); legend -> SetTextSize(0.04); legend -> AddEntry(g_c_fit,"with LM correction","PL"); legend -> AddEntry(g_fit, "without LM correction","PL"); legend -> AddEntry(g_las, "1 / LM correction","L"); legend -> Draw("same"); char latexBuffer[250]; sprintf(latexBuffer,"CMS 2012 Preliminary"); TLatex* latex = new TLatex(0.18,0.89,latexBuffer); latex -> SetNDC(); latex -> SetTextFont(62); latex -> SetTextSize(0.05); latex -> Draw("same"); //sprintf(latexBuffer,"#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV L = 3.95 fb^{-1}"); sprintf(latexBuffer,"#sqrt{s} = 8 TeV"); TLatex* latex2 = new TLatex(0.18,0.84,latexBuffer); latex2 -> SetNDC(); latex2 -> SetTextFont(42); latex2 -> SetTextSize(0.05); latex2 -> Draw("same"); if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) sprintf(latexBuffer,"ECAL Barrel"); else sprintf(latexBuffer,"ECAL Endcap"); TLatex* latex3 = new TLatex(0.18,0.19,latexBuffer); latex3 -> SetNDC(); latex3 -> SetTextFont(42); latex3 -> SetTextSize(0.05); latex3 -> Draw("same"); //sprintf(latexBuffer,"%.2E events",1.*nSavePts); //TLatex* latex4 = new TLatex(0.18,0.24,latexBuffer); //latex4 -> SetNDC(); //latex4 -> SetTextFont(42); //latex4 -> SetTextSize(0.04); //latex4 -> Draw("same"); // //sprintf(latexBuffer,"%d events/bin - %d bins",evtsPerPoint,nBins); //TLatex* latex5 = new TLatex(0.18,0.19,latexBuffer); //latex5 -> SetNDC(); //latex5 -> SetTextFont(42); //latex5 -> SetTextSize(0.04); //latex5 -> Draw("same"); cRight -> cd(); TPaveStats* s_EoP_spread = new TPaveStats(); TPaveStats* s_EoC_spread = new TPaveStats(); h_EoC_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoC_spread -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.09); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.03); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.08); h_EoC_spread->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); h_EoC_spread->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(1000); h_EoC_spread -> Draw("hbar"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoC_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoC_spread -> SetStatFormat("1.4g"); s_EoC_spread->SetX1NDC(0.06); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetX2NDC(0.71); //new x end position s_EoC_spread->SetY1NDC(0.93); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetY2NDC(0.84); //new x end position s_EoC_spread -> SetOptStat(1100); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextSize(0.08); s_EoC_spread -> Draw("sames"); h_EoP_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoP_spread -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); h_EoP_spread -> Draw("hbarsames"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoP_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP_spread->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoP_spread -> SetStatFormat("1.4g"); s_EoP_spread->SetX1NDC(0.06); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetX2NDC(0.71); //new x end position s_EoP_spread->SetY1NDC(0.83); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetY2NDC(0.74); //new x end position s_EoP_spread ->SetOptStat(1100); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextColor(kRed+2); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextSize(0.08); s_EoP_spread -> Draw("sames"); /* h_EoP_spread -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoP_spread -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); h_EoP_spread -> Draw("hbarsame"); gPad -> Update(); */ //------------------ // Final plot vs run //------------------ TCanvas* cplot_run = new TCanvas("cplot_run", "history plot vs run",100,100,1000,500); cplot_run->cd(); cLeft = new TPad("pad_0_run","pad_0_run",0.00,0.00,0.75,1.00); cRight = new TPad("pad_1_run","pad_1_run",0.75,0.00,1.00,1.00); cLeft->SetLeftMargin(0.15); cLeft->SetRightMargin(0.025); cRight->SetLeftMargin(0.025); cLeft->Draw(); cRight->Draw(); tYoffset = 1.5; labSize = 0.04; labSize2 = 0.07; cLeft->cd(); cLeft->SetGridx(); cLeft->SetGridy(); hPad = (TH1F*)gPad->DrawFrame(MinRun[0]-1000,0.9,MaxRun[nBins-1]+1000,1.05); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("run"); if( strcmp(EBEE,"EB") == 0 ) hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); else hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Relative E/p scale"); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(tYoffset); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize); hPad->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize); hPad -> SetMinimum(yMIN); hPad -> SetMaximum(yMAX); // draw history plot g_fit_run -> SetMarkerStyle(20); g_fit_run -> SetMarkerSize(0.7); g_fit_run -> SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); g_fit_run -> SetLineColor(kRed+2); g_fit_run -> Draw("P"); g_c_fit_run -> SetMarkerStyle(20); g_c_fit_run -> SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit_run -> SetLineColor(kGreen+2); g_c_fit_run -> SetMarkerSize(0.7); g_c_fit_run -> Draw("P,same"); cRight -> cd(); s_EoP_spread = new TPaveStats(); s_EoC_spread = new TPaveStats(); h_EoC_spread_run -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoC_spread_run -> SetFillColor(kGreen+2); h_EoC_spread_run->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labSize2); h_EoC_spread_run->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(labSize2); h_EoC_spread_run->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); h_EoC_spread_run->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(-0.02); h_EoC_spread_run->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(1000); h_EoC_spread_run -> Draw("hbar"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoC_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoC_spread_run->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); s_EoC_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); s_EoC_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position s_EoC_spread->SetY1NDC(0.875); //new x start position s_EoC_spread->SetY2NDC(0.990); //new x end position s_EoC_spread -> SetOptStat(1100); s_EoC_spread -> Draw("sames"); h_EoP_spread_run -> SetFillStyle(3001); h_EoP_spread_run -> SetFillColor(kRed+2); h_EoP_spread_run -> Draw("hbarsames"); gPad -> Update(); s_EoP_spread = (TPaveStats*)(h_EoP_spread_run->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); s_EoP_spread->SetX1NDC(0.49); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetX2NDC(0.99); //new x end position s_EoP_spread->SetY1NDC(0.750); //new x start position s_EoP_spread->SetY2NDC(0.875); //new x end position s_EoP_spread ->SetOptStat(1100); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextColor(kRed+2); s_EoP_spread ->SetTextSize(0.06); s_EoP_spread -> Draw("sames"); c_chi2 -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_fitChi2.png").c_str(),"png"); c_scOccupancy -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_scOccupancy.png").c_str(),"png"); c_seedOccupancy -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_seedOccupancy.png").c_str(),"png"); cplot -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsTime.png").c_str(),"png"); cplot_run -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsRun.png").c_str(),"png"); c_chi2 -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_fitChi2.pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); c_scOccupancy -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_scOccupancy.pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); c_seedOccupancy -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_seedOccupancy.pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); cplot -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsTime.pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); cplot_run -> Print((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsRun.pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); cplot -> SaveAs((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsTime.C").c_str()); cplot_run -> SaveAs((folderName+"/"+folderName+"_history_vsRun.C").c_str()); o -> cd(); h_template -> Write(); h_scOccupancy_eta -> Write(); h_scOccupancy_phi -> Write(); h_seedOccupancy_EB -> Write(); h_seedOccupancy_EEp -> Write(); h_seedOccupancy_EEm -> Write(); g_fit -> Write("g_fit"); g_c_fit -> Write("g_c_fit"); g_fit_run -> Write("g_fit_run"); g_c_fit_run -> Write("g_c_fit_run"); g_las -> Write("g_las"); g_LT -> Write("g_LT"); h_EoP_chi2 -> Write(); h_EoC_chi2 -> Write(); //for(int i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) //{ // h_EoP[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("E/p"); // h_EoP[i] -> Write(); // // h_EoC[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("E/p"); // h_EoC[i] -> Write(); // // h_Tsp[i] -> Write(); // // h_Cvl[i] -> Write(); //} o -> Close(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> SimpleNtplePreselection::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } // Parse the config file parseConfigFile (argv[1]) ; std::string inputFileList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFileList"); std::string jsonFileName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::jsonFileName"); std::string outputRootFilePath = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outputRootFilePath"); std::string outputRootFileName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outputRootFileName"); int entryMAX = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::entryMAX"); int entryMODULO = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::entryMODULO"); int dataFlag = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::dataFlag"); int nEleMIN = gConfigParser -> readIntOption ("Cuts::nEleMIN"); float scEtMIN = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::scEtMIN"); float eleCombIsoOverPtEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleCombIsoOverPtEBMAX"); float eleTkIsoOverPtEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleTkIsoOverPtEBMAX"); float eleEmIsoOverPtEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleEmIsoOverPtEBMAX"); float eleHadIsoOverPtEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleHadIsoOverPtEBMAX"); float eleSigmaIetaIetaEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleSigmaIetaIetaEBMAX"); float eleDphiInEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleDphiInEBMAX"); float eleDetaInEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleDetaInEBMAX"); float eleHOverEEBMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleHOverEEBMAX"); float eleCombIsoOverPtEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleCombIsoOverPtEEMAX"); float eleTkIsoOverPtEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleTkIsoOverPtEEMAX"); float eleEmIsoOverPtEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleEmIsoOverPtEEMAX"); float eleHadIsoOverPtEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleHadIsoOverPtEEMAX"); float eleSigmaIetaIetaEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleSigmaIetaIetaEEMAX"); float eleDphiInEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleDphiInEEMAX"); float eleDetaInEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleDetaInEEMAX"); float eleHOverEEEMAX = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::eleHOverEEEMAX"); float metEtMIN = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Cuts::metEtMIN"); // Get number of events std::cout << ">>> SimpleNtplePreselection::Get number of events" << std::endl; std::map<int,int> totalEvents = GetTotalEvents("AllPassFilterBegin/totalEvents", inputFileList.c_str()); std::string L1FilterName = "AllPassFilterL1Filter/totalEvents"; std::map<int,int> L1FilterEvents = GetTotalEvents(L1FilterName.c_str(), inputFileList.c_str()); std::string GoodVertexFilterName = "AllPassFilterGoodVertexFilter/totalEvents"; std::map<int,int> GoodVertexFilterEvents = GetTotalEvents(GoodVertexFilterName.c_str(), inputFileList.c_str()); std::string NoScrapingFilterName = "AllPassFilterNoScrapingFilter/totalEvents"; std::map<int,int> NoScrapingFilterEvents = GetTotalEvents(NoScrapingFilterName.c_str(), inputFileList.c_str()); std::string ElectronFilterName = "AllPassFilterElectronFilter/totalEvents"; std::map<int,int> ElectronFilterEvents = GetTotalEvents(ElectronFilterName.c_str(), inputFileList.c_str()); // Get run/LS map from JSON file std::cout << ">>> SimpleNtplePreselection::Get run/LS map from JSON file " << jsonFileName << std::endl; std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > > jsonMap; if(dataFlag == 1) jsonMap = readJSONFile(jsonFileName); // Open old tree std::cout << ">>> SimpleNtplePreselection::Open old tree" << std::endl; std::string treeName = "simpleNtple/SimpleNtple"; TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); if(!FillChain(*chain, inputFileList.c_str())) return 1; treeReader reader((TTree*)(chain), false); // Open output root file for clone tree TFile outputRootFile((outputRootFilePath+outputRootFileName).c_str(), "RECREATE");; TTree* cloneTree = chain -> CloneTree(0); // define histograms std::cout << ">>> SimpleNtplePreselection::Define histograms" << std::endl; int nStep = 9; TH1F* events = new TH1F("events", "events", nStep, 0., 1.*nStep); std::map<int, int> stepEvents; std::map<int, std::string> stepName; int step = 1; stepEvents[step] = totalEvents[1]; stepName[step] = "total events"; step = 2; stepEvents[step] = L1FilterEvents[1]; stepName[step] = "L1Filter"; step = 3; stepEvents[step] = GoodVertexFilterEvents[1]; stepName[step] = "GoodVertexFilter"; step = 4; stepEvents[step] = NoScrapingFilterEvents[1]; stepName[step] = "NoScrapingFilter"; step = 5; stepEvents[step] = ElectronFilterEvents[1]; stepName[step] = "ElectronFilter"; // Loop over events std::cout << ">>>>> SimpleNtplePreselection::Read " << chain -> GetEntries() << " entries" << std::endl; for(int entry = 0 ; entry < chain -> GetEntries() ; ++entry) { reader.GetEntry(entry); if((entry%entryMODULO) == 0) std::cout << ">>>>> SimpleNtplePreselection::GetEntry " << entry << std::endl; if(entry == entryMAX) break; //*********************** // STEP 6 - HLT selection step = 6; //std::cout << ">>> step: " << step << std::endl; stepName[step] = "HLT"; bool skipEvent = true; std::vector<std::string> HLT_names = *(reader.GetString("HLT_Names")); for(unsigned int HLTIt = 0; HLTIt < HLT_names.size(); ++HLTIt) { if( (reader.GetString("HLT_Names")->at(HLTIt) == "HLT_Photon15_L1R") && (reader.GetFloat("HLT_Accept")->at(HLTIt) == 1) ) skipEvent = false; if( (reader.GetString("HLT_Names")->at(HLTIt) == "HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R") && (reader.GetFloat("HLT_Accept")->at(HLTIt) == 1) ) skipEvent = false; if( (reader.GetString("HLT_Names")->at(HLTIt) == "HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R") && (reader.GetFloat("HLT_Accept")->at(HLTIt) == 1) ) skipEvent = false; if( (reader.GetString("HLT_Names")->at(HLTIt) == "HLT_Ele15_SW_CaloEleId_L1R") && (reader.GetFloat("HLT_Accept")->at(HLTIt) == 1) ) skipEvent = false; } if( skipEvent == true ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //************************** // STEP 7 - run/LS selection step = step+1; //std::cout << ">>> step: " << step << std::endl; stepName[step] = "run/LS"; skipEvent = false; if(dataFlag == 1) { int runId = reader.GetInt("runId")->at(0); int lumiId = reader.GetInt("lumiId")->at(0); if(AcceptEventByRunAndLumiSection(runId, lumiId, jsonMap) == false) skipEvent = true; } if( skipEvent == true ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //************************* // STEP 8 - cut on electron step = step+1; //std::cout << ">>> step: " << step << std::endl; stepName[step] = "electron selection"; int nEle = 0; for(unsigned int eleIt = 0; eleIt < (reader.Get4V("electrons")->size()); ++eleIt) { // SC Et if( reader.GetFloat("electrons_scEt")->at(eleIt) < scEtMIN ) continue; // isolation + eleId float pt = reader.Get4V("electrons")->at(eleIt).pt(); float tkIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_tkIso03")->at(eleIt); float emIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_emIso03")->at(eleIt); float hadIso = reader.GetFloat("electrons_hadIso03_1")->at(eleIt) + reader.GetFloat("electrons_hadIso03_2")->at(eleIt); float sigmaIetaIeta = reader.GetFloat("electrons_sigmaIetaIeta")->at(eleIt); float dPhiIn = reader.GetFloat("electrons_deltaPhiIn")->at(eleIt); float dEtaIn = reader.GetFloat("electrons_deltaEtaIn")->at(eleIt); float hOverE = reader.GetFloat("electrons_hOverE")->at(eleIt); if( (reader.GetInt("electrons_isEB")->at(eleIt)) == 1 ) { if( ((tkIso + std::max(0., emIso-1.) + hadIso) / pt) > eleCombIsoOverPtEBMAX ) continue; if( (tkIso / pt) > eleTkIsoOverPtEBMAX ) continue; if( (emIso / pt) > eleEmIsoOverPtEBMAX ) continue; if( (hadIso / pt) > eleHadIsoOverPtEBMAX ) continue; if( sigmaIetaIeta > eleSigmaIetaIetaEBMAX ) continue; if( fabs(dPhiIn) > eleDphiInEBMAX ) continue; if( fabs(dEtaIn) > eleDetaInEBMAX ) continue; if( hOverE > eleHOverEEBMAX ) continue; } else { if( ((tkIso + emIso + hadIso) / pt) > eleCombIsoOverPtEEMAX ) continue; if( (tkIso / pt) > eleTkIsoOverPtEEMAX ) continue; if( (emIso / pt) > eleEmIsoOverPtEEMAX ) continue; if( (hadIso / pt) > eleHadIsoOverPtEEMAX ) continue; if( sigmaIetaIeta > eleSigmaIetaIetaEEMAX ) continue; if( fabs(dPhiIn) > eleDphiInEEMAX ) continue; if( fabs(dEtaIn) > eleDetaInEEMAX ) continue; if( hOverE > eleHOverEEEMAX ) continue; } // conversion rejection if( reader.GetInt("electrons_mishits")->at(eleIt) > 0 ) continue; if( reader.GetInt("electrons_nAmbiguousGsfTracks")->at(eleIt) > 0 ) continue; if( ( fabs(reader.GetFloat("electrons_dist")->at(eleIt)) < 0.02 ) && ( fabs(reader.GetFloat("electrons_dcot")->at(eleIt)) < 0.02 ) ) continue; // spike removal if( reader.GetInt("electrons_seedSeverityLevel")->at(eleIt) != 0 ) continue; if( reader.GetInt("electrons_seedFlag")->at(eleIt) != 0 ) continue; ++nEle; } if( nEle < nEleMIN ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //******************** // STEP 9 - cut on met step = step+1; //std::cout << ">>> step: " << step << std::endl; stepName[step] = "met selection"; if( (reader.Get4V("PFMet")->at(0)).Et() < metEtMIN ) continue; stepEvents[step] += 1; //*********** // CLONE TREE cloneTree -> Fill(); } // loop over the events // save histograms for(step = 1; step <= nStep; ++step) { events -> SetBinContent(step, stepEvents[step]); events -> GetXaxis() -> SetBinLabel(step, stepName[step].c_str()); } events -> Write(); cloneTree -> AutoSave(); outputRootFile.Close(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { ///Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> FastCalibrator::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } /// Parse the config file parseConfigFile (argv[1]) ; // std::string inputFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFile"); std::string inputList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputList"); std::string inputTree = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputTree"); std::string inputFileDeadXtal ="NULL" ; try { inputFileDeadXtal = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFileDeadXtal"); } catch ( char const* exceptionString ){ std::cerr << " exception = " << exceptionString << std::endl; } bool isMiscalib = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Input::isMiscalib"); bool isSaveEPDistribution = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Input::isSaveEPDistribution"); bool isEPselection = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Input::isEPselection"); bool isR9selection = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Input::isR9selection"); bool isMCTruth = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Input::isMCTruth"); std::string outputFile = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outputFile"); int numberOfEvents = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::numberOfEvents"); int useZ = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::useZ"); int useW = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::useW"); int splitStat = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::splitStat"); int nLoops = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Options::nLoops"); /// open ntupla of data or MC TChain * albero = new TChain (inputTree.c_str()); FillChain(*albero,inputList); ///Use the whole sample statistics if numberOfEvents < 0 if ( numberOfEvents < 0 ) numberOfEvents = albero->GetEntries(); /// run in normal mode: full statistics if ( splitStat == 0 ) { TString name ; TString name_tmp; if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_Z_R9_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isEPselection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_Z_EP_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isEPselection ==false && isR9selection==false ) name_tmp =Form ("%s_Z_noEP_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_Z_R9",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isEPselection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_Z_EP",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isEPselection ==false && isR9selection==false ) name_tmp =Form ("%s_Z_noEP",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_R9_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isEPselection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_EP_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isEPselection ==false && isR9selection==false ) name_tmp =Form ("%s_noEP_miscalib",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_R9",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isEPselection ==true ) name_tmp = Form ("%s_EP",outputFile.c_str()); if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isEPselection ==false && isR9selection==false ) name_tmp =Form ("%s_noEP",outputFile.c_str()); name = Form("%s.root",name_tmp.Data()); TFile *f1 = new TFile(name,"RECREATE"); TString outEPDistribution = "Weight_"+name; TString DeadXtal = Form("%s",inputFileDeadXtal.c_str()); if(isSaveEPDistribution == true) { FastCalibratorEB_MVA analyzer(albero,outEPDistribution); analyzer.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal); analyzer.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops, isMiscalib,isSaveEPDistribution,isEPselection,isR9selection,isMCTruth); analyzer.saveHistos(f1); } else { FastCalibratorEB_MVA analyzer(albero); analyzer.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal); analyzer.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops, isMiscalib,isSaveEPDistribution,isEPselection,isR9selection,isMCTruth); analyzer.saveHistos(f1); } } /// run in even-odd mode: half statistics else if ( splitStat == 1 ) { /// Prepare the outputs std::string evenFile = "Even_" + outputFile; std::string oddFile = "Odd_" + outputFile; TString name; TString name2; if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection==true) { name = Form ("%s_Z_R9_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_R9_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isEPselection==true) { name = Form ("%s_Z_EP_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_EP_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 1 && isR9selection==false && isEPselection==false) { name = Form ("%s_Z_noEP_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_noEP_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection==true) { name = Form ("%s_Z_R9.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_R9.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isEPselection==true) { name = Form ("%s_Z_EP.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_EP.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 1 && isR9selection==false && isEPselection==false) { name = Form ("%s_Z_noEP.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_Z_noEP.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection==true) { name = Form ("%s_R9_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_R9_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isEPselection==true) { name = Form ("%s_EP_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_EP_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == true && useZ == 0 && isR9selection==false && isEPselection==false) { name = Form ("%s_noEP_miscalib.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_noEP_miscalib.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection==true) { name = Form ("%s_R9.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_R9.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isEPselection==true) { name = Form ("%s_EP.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_EP.root",oddFile.c_str()); } if(isMiscalib == false && useZ == 0 && isR9selection==false && isEPselection==false) { name = Form ("%s_noEP.root",evenFile.c_str()); name2 = Form ("%s_noEP.root",oddFile.c_str()); } TFile *f1 = new TFile(name,"RECREATE"); TFile *f2 = new TFile(name2,"RECREATE"); TString DeadXtal = Form("%s",inputFileDeadXtal.c_str()); /// Run on odd FastCalibratorEB_MVA analyzer_even(albero); analyzer_even.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer_even.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal); analyzer_even.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat, nLoops,isMiscalib,isSaveEPDistribution,isEPselection,isR9selection,isMCTruth); analyzer_even.saveHistos(f1); /// Run on even FastCalibratorEB_MVA analyzer_odd(albero); analyzer_odd.bookHistos(nLoops); analyzer_odd.AcquireDeadXtal(DeadXtal); analyzer_odd.Loop(numberOfEvents, useZ, useW, splitStat*(-1), nLoops,isMiscalib,isSaveEPDistribution,isEPselection,isR9selection,isMCTruth); analyzer_odd.saveHistos(f2); } delete albero; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Check if all nedeed arguments to parse are there if(argc != 2) { std::cerr << ">>>>> analysis.cpp::usage: " << argv[0] << " configFileName" << std::endl ; return 1; } // Parse the config file parseConfigFile (argv[1]) ; std::string treeName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::treeName"); std::string inputFileList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::inputFileList"); int entryMAX = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Input::entryMAX"); int entryMIN = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Input::entryMIN"); int entryMOD = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Input::entryMOD"); std::cout << ">>>>> input::entryMAX " << entryMAX << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> input::entryMOD " << entryMOD << std::endl; std::string outputFileName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::fileName"); std::cout << ">>>>> output::fileName " << outputFileName << std::endl; // Open ntple TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName.c_str()); if(!FillChain(*chain, inputFileList.c_str())) return 1; treeReader reader((TTree*)(chain)); double MassW = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::MassW"); double dPt = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::dPt"); double dEta = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::dEta"); double minPt = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::minPt"); double maxPt = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::maxPt"); double maxEta = gConfigParser -> readDoubleOption("Input::maxEta"); std::cout << ">>>>> data::MassW " << MassW << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::dPt " << dPt << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::dEta " << dEta << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::minPt " << minPt << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::maxPt " << maxPt << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::maxEta " << maxEta << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> data::MassW " << MassW << std::endl; ///============================================================== JetCalibrator myJetCalibrator(MassW,minPt,maxPt,maxEta,dPt,dEta); ///============================================================== std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::PtMin " << myJetCalibrator.getPtMin() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::PtMax " << myJetCalibrator.getPtMax() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::EtaMax " << myJetCalibrator.getEtaMax() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::DPt " << myJetCalibrator.getDPt() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::DEta " << myJetCalibrator.getDEta() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::IntPt " << myJetCalibrator.getIntPt() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::IntEta " << myJetCalibrator.getIntEta() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::NParameter " << myJetCalibrator.getNParameter() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>> JetCalibrator::MResonance " << myJetCalibrator.getMResonance() << std::endl; TFile outFile(outputFileName.c_str(),"RECREATE"); TTree outTree("outTree","outTree"); double t_M_Reco; std::vector<double>* t_pT_Reco = new std::vector<double>; std::vector<double>* t_pT_MC = new std::vector<double>; std::vector<double>* t_Eta_Reco = new std::vector<double>; int t_Cycle_num; //---- 0 = Before, 1 = After int t_Indip; //---- 0 = No Indip, 1 = Indip outTree.Branch("t_pT_Reco","std::vector<double>",&t_pT_Reco); outTree.Branch("t_pT_MC","std::vector<double>",&t_pT_MC); outTree.Branch("t_Eta_Reco","std::vector<double>",&t_Eta_Reco); outTree.Branch("t_M_Reco",&t_M_Reco,"t_M_Reco/D"); outTree.Branch("t_Cycle_num",&t_Cycle_num,"t_Cycle_num/I"); outTree.Branch("t_Indip",&t_Indip,"t_Indip/I"); TH2F hKK_num("hKK_num","hKK_num",myJetCalibrator.getIntPt(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMin(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMax(),myJetCalibrator.getIntEta(),0,myJetCalibrator.getEtaMax()); //---- correction function K(eta) x K(pT) ---- std::vector<TH2F> hKK_vect; std::vector<TH2F> hKK_err_vect; std::cout << ">>>>> tree::entries " << chain -> GetEntries() << std::endl; entryMAX = std::min (static_cast<int>(entryMAX),static_cast<int>(chain -> GetEntries())); double start, end; ///=============================== ///==== Filling JetCalibrator ==== std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF_fromV1 = new std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF_fromV2 = new std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>; start = clock(); for(int iEvent = entryMIN ; iEvent < entryMAX ; ++iEvent) { reader.GetEntry(iEvent); if((iEvent%entryMOD) == 0) std::cout << ">>>>> analysis::GetEntry " << iEvent << std::endl; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV1 = reader.Get4V("mcV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV2 = reader.Get4V("mcV2"); std::vector<float>* mcV1_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV1_charge"); std::vector<float>* mcV2_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV2_charge"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV2"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV2"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* jets = reader.Get4V("jets"); mcF_fromV1->clear(); mcF_fromV2->clear(); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF1_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF2_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF1_fromV2->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF2_fromV2->at(0)); std::vector<int> matchIt; int matched = 0; std::pair<int,int> decayMC = GetMCDecayChannel(mcF1_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF1_fromV2_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV2_pdgId->at(0)); if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 1){ ///==== emu - quark ======== < 2 , 1 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV2,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 2){ ///==== quark - emu ======== < 2 , 2 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV1,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (matched > 0){ if (matched == 2){ std::pair<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector> InputJetPair(jets->at(,jets->at(; ///-------------------------------------- bool okJet = myJetCalibrator.AddJetPair(InputJetPair); ///-------------------------------------- if (okJet){ hKK_num.Fill(jets->at(,jets->at(; hKK_num.Fill(jets->at(,jets->at(; } } } } //loop over the events ///==== end Filling JetCalibrator ==== ///=================================== ///====================== ///==== minimization ==== int nCycle = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Calibration::nCycle"); int Algorithm = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Calibration::Algorithm"); std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::nCycle " << nCycle << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 0) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateMatrixInversion" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 1) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateRUL3" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 2) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateL3 ----------> Be Careful!" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 3) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateKUpdate ----------> Be Careful!" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 4) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateRUFit" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 5) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateSFit" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 6) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateMIB" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 7) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateSRooFit" << std::endl; if (Algorithm == 8) std::cout << ">>>>> Calibration::Algorithm UpdateSL3" << std::endl; for (int iCycle=0; iCycle< nCycle; iCycle++) { std::cerr << "Cycle = " << iCycle << std::endl; std::cerr << "chi2 = " << myJetCalibrator.getChi2() << std::endl; ///------------------------------------------------------------ if (Algorithm == 0) myJetCalibrator.UpdateMatrixInversion(); if (Algorithm == 1) myJetCalibrator.UpdateRUL3(); if (Algorithm == 2) myJetCalibrator.UpdateL3(); if (Algorithm == 3) myJetCalibrator.UpdateKUpdate(); if (Algorithm == 4) myJetCalibrator.UpdateRUFit(); if (Algorithm == 5) myJetCalibrator.UpdateSFit(); if (Algorithm == 6) myJetCalibrator.UpdateMIB(); if (Algorithm == 7) myJetCalibrator.UpdateSRooFit(); if (Algorithm == 8) myJetCalibrator.UpdateSL3(); ///------------------------------------------------------------ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "hKK_" << iCycle; std::string nameHisto(oss.str()); TH2F hKK_tmp(nameHisto.c_str(),nameHisto.c_str(),myJetCalibrator.getIntPt(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMin(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMax(),myJetCalibrator.getIntEta(),0,myJetCalibrator.getEtaMax()); //---- correction function K(eta) x K(pT) ---- oss << "_err"; std::string nameHistoErr(oss.str()); TH2F hKK_err_tmp(nameHistoErr.c_str(),nameHistoErr.c_str(),myJetCalibrator.getIntPt(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMin(),myJetCalibrator.getPtMax(),myJetCalibrator.getIntEta(),0,myJetCalibrator.getEtaMax()); //---- error on correction function K(eta) x K(pT) ---- for (int iEta=0; iEta<myJetCalibrator.getIntEta(); iEta++){ for (int iPt=0; iPt<myJetCalibrator.getIntPt(); iPt++){ hKK_tmp.SetBinContent(iPt+1,iEta+1,myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt,iEta))); hKK_err_tmp.SetBinContent(iPt+1,iEta+1,myJetCalibrator.getKKErr(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt,iEta))); // std::cerr << "KK[" << iPt << "][" << iEta << "] = " << myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt,iEta)) << std::endl; } } std::cerr << "JetCalibrator::chi2 = " << myJetCalibrator.getChi2() << std::endl; hKK_vect.push_back(hKK_tmp); hKK_err_vect.push_back(hKK_err_tmp); } ///==== end minimization ==== ///========================== ///============== ///==== test ==== ///---- same sample as before ---- for(int iEvent = entryMIN ; iEvent < entryMAX ; ++iEvent) { reader.GetEntry (iEvent) ; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV1 = reader.Get4V("mcV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV2 = reader.Get4V("mcV2"); std::vector<float>* mcV1_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV1_charge"); std::vector<float>* mcV2_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV2_charge"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV2"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV2"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* jets = reader.Get4V("jets"); mcF_fromV1->clear(); mcF_fromV2->clear(); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF1_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF2_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF1_fromV2->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF2_fromV2->at(0)); std::vector<int> matchIt; int matched = 0; std::pair<int,int> decayMC = GetMCDecayChannel(mcF1_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF1_fromV2_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV2_pdgId->at(0)); if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 1){ ///==== emu - quark ======== < 2 , 1 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV2,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 2){ ///==== quark - emu ======== < 2 , 2 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV1,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (matched > 0){ if (matched == 2){ int iPt1 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntPt(jets->at(; int iEta1 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntEta(jets->at(; int iPt2 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntPt(jets->at(; int iEta2 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntEta(jets->at(; double M_temp = (jets->at( + jets->at(; //---- data not used, out of range for KK! if ((iPt1 != -1) && (iPt2 != -1) && (iEta1 != -1.) && (iEta2 != -1)) { M_temp = M_temp * sqrt(myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt1,iEta1)) * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt2,iEta2))); t_M_Reco = M_temp; t_Eta_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_Eta_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at( * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt1,iEta1))); t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at( * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt2,iEta2))); if (decayMC.second == 2){ ///==== quark - emu ======== < 2 , 2 > t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV1->at(0).Pt()); t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV1->at(1).Pt()); } else {///==== emu - quark ======== < 2 , 1 > t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV2->at(0).Pt()); t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV2->at(1).Pt()); } t_Cycle_num = 1; //---- after t_Indip = 0; //---- No Indip outTree.Fill(); t_pT_Reco->clear(); t_Cycle_num = 0; //---- before t_Indip = 0; //---- No Indip M_temp = (jets->at( + jets->at(; t_M_Reco = M_temp; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; outTree.Fill(); t_pT_Reco->clear(); t_pT_MC->clear(); t_Eta_Reco->clear(); } } } } ///---- independent sample ---- int entryMAXTest = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Test::entryMAX"); int entryMINTest = gConfigParser -> readIntOption("Test::entryMIN"); entryMAXTest = std::min (static_cast<int>(entryMAXTest),static_cast<int>(chain -> GetEntries())); for(int iEvent = entryMINTest ; iEvent < entryMAXTest ; ++iEvent) { reader.GetEntry (iEvent) ; std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV1 = reader.Get4V("mcV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcV2 = reader.Get4V("mcV2"); std::vector<float>* mcV1_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV1_charge"); std::vector<float>* mcV2_charge = reader.GetFloat("mcV2_charge"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF1_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF1_fromV2"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV1 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV1"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* mcF2_fromV2 = reader.Get4V("mcF2_fromV2"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF1_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF1_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV1_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV1_pdgId"); std::vector<float>* mcF2_fromV2_pdgId = reader.GetFloat("mcF2_fromV2_pdgId"); std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>* jets = reader.Get4V("jets"); mcF_fromV1->clear(); mcF_fromV2->clear(); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF1_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV1->push_back(mcF2_fromV1->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF1_fromV2->at(0)); mcF_fromV2->push_back(mcF2_fromV2->at(0)); std::vector<int> matchIt; int matched = 0; std::pair<int,int> decayMC = GetMCDecayChannel(mcF1_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV1_pdgId->at(0),mcF1_fromV2_pdgId->at(0),mcF2_fromV2_pdgId->at(0)); if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 1){ ///==== emu - quark ======== < 2 , 1 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV2,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (decayMC.first == 2 && decayMC.second == 2){ ///==== quark - emu ======== < 2 , 2 > matched = GetMatching<ROOT::Math::XYZTVector,ROOT::Math::XYZTVector>(*jets,*mcF_fromV1,0.3,0.1,2.0,&matchIt); } if (matched > 0){ if (matched == 2){ int iPt1 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntPt(jets->at(; int iEta1 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntEta(jets->at(; int iPt2 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntPt(jets->at(; int iEta2 = myJetCalibrator.GetIntEta(jets->at(; double M_temp = (jets->at( + jets->at(; //---- data not used, out of range for KK! if ((iPt1 != -1) && (iPt2 != -1) && (iEta1 != -1.) && (iEta2 != -1)) { M_temp = M_temp * sqrt(myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt1,iEta1)) * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt2,iEta2))); t_M_Reco = M_temp; t_Eta_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_Eta_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at( * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt1,iEta1))); t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at( * myJetCalibrator.getKK(myJetCalibrator.GetInt(iPt2,iEta2))); if (decayMC.second == 2){ ///==== quark - emu ======== < 2 , 2 > t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV1->at(0).Pt()); t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV1->at(1).Pt()); } else {///==== emu - quark ======== < 2 , 1 > t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV2->at(0).Pt()); t_pT_MC->push_back(mcF_fromV2->at(1).Pt()); } t_Cycle_num = 1; //---- after t_Indip = 1; //---- Yes Indip outTree.Fill(); t_pT_Reco->clear(); t_Cycle_num = 0; //---- before t_Indip = 1; //---- Yes Indip M_temp = (jets->at( + jets->at(; t_M_Reco = M_temp; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; t_pT_Reco->push_back(jets->at(; outTree.Fill(); t_pT_Reco->clear(); t_pT_MC->clear(); t_Eta_Reco->clear(); } } } } ///==== end test ==== ///================== delete mcF_fromV1; delete mcF_fromV2; for (int iHisto=0; iHisto<hKK_vect.size(); iHisto++){;; } outFile.Write(); end = clock(); std::cout <<"Time = " << ((double) (end - start)) << " (a.u.)" << std::endl; delete t_pT_Reco; delete t_pT_MC; delete t_Eta_Reco; return 0; }