Esempio n. 1
DTC::ChannelInfoList* Channel::GetChannelInfoList( uint nSourceID,
                                                   uint nStartIndex,
                                                   uint nCount,
                                                   bool bOnlyVisible,
                                                   bool bDetails )
    ChannelInfoList chanList;

    uint nTotalAvailable = 0;
    chanList = ChannelUtil::LoadChannels( 0, 0, nTotalAvailable, bOnlyVisible,
                                          nSourceID ); //, nChanGroupID

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ChannelInfoList *pChannelInfos = new DTC::ChannelInfoList();

    //uint nTotalAvailable = static_cast<uint>(chanList.size());
    nStartIndex   = (nStartIndex > 0) ? min( nStartIndex, nTotalAvailable ) : 0;
    nCount        = (nCount > 0) ? min( nCount, nTotalAvailable ) : nTotalAvailable;
    int nEndIndex = min((nStartIndex + nCount), nTotalAvailable );

    ChannelInfoList::iterator chanIt;
    for( chanIt = chanList.begin(); chanIt != chanList.end(); ++chanIt)
        DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannelInfo = pChannelInfos->AddNewChannelInfo();

        ChannelInfo channelInfo = (*chanIt);

        if (!FillChannelInfo(pChannelInfo, channelInfo, bDetails))
            throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    int nCurPage = 0, nTotalPages = 0;
    if (nCount == 0)
        nTotalPages = 1;
        nTotalPages = (int)ceil((float)nTotalAvailable / nCount);

    if (nTotalPages == 1)
        nCurPage = 1;
        nCurPage = (int)ceil((float)nStartIndex / nCount) + 1;

    pChannelInfos->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pChannelInfos->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pChannelInfos->setCurrentPage   ( nCurPage        );
    pChannelInfos->setTotalPages    ( nTotalPages     );
    pChannelInfos->setTotalAvailable( nTotalAvailable );
    pChannelInfos->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pChannelInfos->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pChannelInfos->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pChannelInfos;
Esempio n. 2
DTC::ChannelInfo* Channel::GetChannelInfo( uint nChanID )
    if (nChanID <= 0)
        throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannelInfo = new DTC::ChannelInfo();

    if (!FillChannelInfo(pChannelInfo, nChanID, true))
        throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    return pChannelInfo;
Esempio n. 3
bool FillChannelInfo( DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel,
                      uint              nChanID,
                      bool              bDetails  /* = true */ )
    ChannelInfo channel;
    if (channel.Load(nChanID))
        return FillChannelInfo(pChannel, channel, bDetails);

    return false;
Esempio n. 4
DTC::ChannelInfoList* Channel::GetChannelInfoList( uint nSourceID,
                                                   uint nStartIndex,
                                                   uint nCount )
    vector<uint> chanList;

    chanList = ChannelUtil::GetChanIDs(nSourceID);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ChannelInfoList *pChannelInfos = new DTC::ChannelInfoList();

    nStartIndex   = min( nStartIndex, (uint)chanList.size() );
    nCount        = (nCount > 0) ? min( nCount, (uint)chanList.size() ) : chanList.size();
    int nEndIndex = min((nStartIndex + nCount), (uint)chanList.size() );

    for( int n = nStartIndex; n < nEndIndex; n++)
        DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannelInfo = pChannelInfos->AddNewChannelInfo();

        uint chanid =;

        if (!FillChannelInfo(pChannelInfo, chanid, true))
            throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    int curPage = 0, totalPages = 0;
    if (nCount == 0)
        totalPages = 1;
        totalPages = (int)ceil((float)chanList.size() / nCount);

    if (totalPages == 1)
        curPage = 1;
        curPage = (int)ceil((float)nStartIndex / nCount) + 1;

    pChannelInfos->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pChannelInfos->setCount         ( nCount          );
    pChannelInfos->setCurrentPage   ( curPage         );
    pChannelInfos->setTotalPages    ( totalPages      );
    pChannelInfos->setTotalAvailable( chanList.size() );
    pChannelInfos->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pChannelInfos->setVersion       ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pChannelInfos->setProtoVer      ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );

    return pChannelInfos;
Esempio n. 5
DTC::ChannelInfo* Channel::GetChannelInfo( uint nChanID )
    if (nChanID <= 0)
        throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannelInfo = new DTC::ChannelInfo();

    if (!FillChannelInfo(pChannelInfo, nChanID, true))
        // throw causes a crash on linux and we can't know in advance
        // that a channel id from an old recording rule is invalid
        //throw( QString("Channel ID appears invalid."));

    return pChannelInfo;
Esempio n. 6
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &dtStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &dtEndTime   ,
                                           int              nStartChanId,
                                           int              nNumChannels,
                                           bool             bDetails      )

    if (!dtStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!dtEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nNumChannels == 0)
        nNumChannels = 1;

    if (nNumChannels == -1)
        nNumChannels = SHRT_MAX;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Find the ending channel Id
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    int nEndChanId = nStartChanId;

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    query.prepare( "SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE (chanid >= :STARTCHANID )"
                   " ORDER BY chanid LIMIT :NUMCHAN" );

    query.bindValue(":STARTCHANID", nStartChanId );
    query.bindValue(":NUMCHAN"    , nNumChannels );

    if (!query.exec())
        MythDB::DBError("Select ChanId", query);

    query.first();  nStartChanId = query.value(0).toInt();
    query.last();   nEndChanId   = query.value(0).toInt();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString      sSQL = "WHERE program.chanid >= :StartChanId "
                         "AND program.chanid <= :EndChanId "
                         "AND program.endtime >= :StartDate "
                         "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate "
                        "GROUP BY program.starttime, channel.channum, "
                         "channel.callsign, program.title "
                        "ORDER BY program.chanid ";

    bindings[":StartChanId"] = nStartChanId;
    bindings[":EndChanId"  ] = nEndChanId;
    bindings[":StartDate"  ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":EndDate"    ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList, false );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    int               nChanCount = 0;
    uint              nCurChanId = 0;
    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;

    for( uint n = 0; n < progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        if ( nCurChanId != pInfo->GetChanID() )

            nCurChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();

            FillChannelInfo( pChannel, pInfo, bDetails );

        DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, false, bDetails );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setStartChanId  ( nStartChanId  );
    pGuide->setEndChanId    ( nEndChanId    );
    pGuide->setNumOfChannels( nChanCount    );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setCount        ( progList.size());
    pGuide->setAsOf         ( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Esempio n. 7
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &rawStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &rawEndTime   ,
                                           int              nStartChanId,
                                           int              nNumChannels,
                                           bool             bDetails,
                                           int              nChannelGroupId )
    if (!rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime.toUTC();
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime.toUTC();

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nNumChannels == 0)
        nNumChannels = SHRT_MAX;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Find the ending channel Id
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    int nEndChanId = nStartChanId;

    MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

    query.prepare( "SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE (chanid >= :STARTCHANID )"
                   " ORDER BY chanid LIMIT :NUMCHAN" );

    query.bindValue(":STARTCHANID", nStartChanId );
    query.bindValue(":NUMCHAN"    , nNumChannels );

    if (!query.exec())
        MythDB::DBError("Select ChanId", query);

    query.first();  nStartChanId = query.value(0).toInt();
    query.last();   nEndChanId   = query.value(0).toInt();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  progList;
    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    // lpad is to allow natural sorting of numbers
    QString      sSQL;

    if (nChannelGroupId > 0)
        sSQL = "LEFT JOIN channelgroup ON program.chanid = channelgroup.chanid "
                         "WHERE channelgroup.grpid = :CHANGRPID AND ";
        bindings[":CHANGRPID"  ] = nChannelGroupId;
        sSQL = "WHERE ";

    sSQL +=     "visible != 0 "
                "AND program.chanid >= :StartChanId "
                "AND program.chanid <= :EndChanId "
                "AND program.endtime >= :StartDate "
                "AND program.starttime <= :EndDate "
                "AND program.manualid = 0 " // Exclude programmes created purely for 'manual' recording schedules
                "ORDER BY LPAD(CAST(channum AS UNSIGNED), 10, 0), "
                "         LPAD(channum,  10, 0),             "
                "         callsign,                          "
                "         LPAD(program.chanid, 10, 0),       "
                "         program.starttime ";

    bindings[":StartChanId"] = nStartChanId;
    bindings[":EndChanId"  ] = nEndChanId;
    bindings[":StartDate"  ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":EndDate"    ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    bool hasConflicts;
    LoadFromScheduler(schedList, hasConflicts);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    LoadFromProgram( progList, sSQL, bindings, schedList );

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    int               nChanCount = 0;
    uint              nCurChanId = 0;
    DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;
    QString           sCurCallsign;
    uint              nSkipChanId = 0;

    for( uint n = 0; n < progList.size(); n++)
        ProgramInfo *pInfo = progList[ n ];

        if ( nSkipChanId == pInfo->GetChanID())

        if ( nCurChanId != pInfo->GetChanID() )

            nCurChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            // Filter out channels with the same callsign, keeping just the
            // first seen
            if (sCurCallsign == pInfo->GetChannelSchedulingID())
                nSkipChanId = pInfo->GetChanID();

            pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();

            FillChannelInfo( pChannel, pInfo->GetChanID(), bDetails );

            sCurCallsign = pChannel->CallSign();
        DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();

        FillProgramInfo( pProgram, pInfo, false, bDetails, false ); // No cast info

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setStartChanId  ( nStartChanId  );
    pGuide->setEndChanId    ( nEndChanId    );
    pGuide->setNumOfChannels( nChanCount    );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setCount        ( progList.size());
    pGuide->setAsOf         ( MythDate::current() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Esempio n. 8
DTC::ProgramGuide *Guide::GetProgramGuide( const QDateTime &rawStartTime ,
                                           const QDateTime &rawEndTime   ,
                                           bool             bDetails,
                                           int              nChannelGroupId,
                                           int              nStartIndex,
                                           int              nCount)
    if (!rawStartTime.isValid())
        throw( "StartTime is invalid" );

    if (!rawEndTime.isValid())
        throw( "EndTime is invalid" );

    QDateTime dtStartTime = rawStartTime.toUTC();
    QDateTime dtEndTime = rawEndTime.toUTC();

    if (dtEndTime < dtStartTime)
        throw( "EndTime is before StartTime");

    if (nStartIndex <= 0)
        nStartIndex = 0;

    if (nCount <= 0)
        nCount = 20000;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Load the channel list
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    uint nTotalAvailable = 0;
    ChannelInfoList chanList = ChannelUtil::LoadChannels(nStartIndex, nCount,
                                                         nTotalAvailable, true,

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build SQL statement for Program Listing
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    ProgramList  schedList;
    MSqlBindings bindings;

    QString sWhere   = "program.chanid = :CHANID "
                       "AND program.endtime >= :STARTDATE "
                       "AND program.starttime < :ENDDATE "
                       "AND program.starttime >= :STARTDATELIMIT "
                       "AND program.manualid = 0"; // Omit 'manual' recordings scheds

    QString sGroupBy = "program.starttime, channel.channum,"
                       "channel.callsign, program.title";

    QString sOrderBy = "program.starttime";

    bindings[":STARTDATE"     ] = dtStartTime;
    bindings[":STARTDATELIMIT"] = dtStartTime.addDays(-1);
    bindings[":ENDDATE"       ] = dtEndTime;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get all Pending Scheduled Programs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // NOTE: Fetching this information directly from the schedule is
    //       significantly faster than using ProgramInfo::LoadFromScheduler()
    Scheduler *scheduler = dynamic_cast<Scheduler*>(gCoreContext->GetScheduler());
    if (scheduler)

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Build Response
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    DTC::ProgramGuide *pGuide = new DTC::ProgramGuide();

    ChannelInfoList::iterator chan_it;
    for (chan_it = chanList.begin(); chan_it != chanList.end(); ++chan_it)
        // Create ChannelInfo Object
        DTC::ChannelInfo *pChannel   = NULL;
        pChannel = pGuide->AddNewChannel();
        FillChannelInfo( pChannel, (*chan_it), bDetails );

        // Load the list of programmes for this channel
        ProgramList  progList;
        bindings[":CHANID"] = (*chan_it).chanid;
        LoadFromProgram( progList, sWhere, sOrderBy, sOrderBy, bindings,
                         schedList );

        // Create Program objects and add them to the channel object
        ProgramList::iterator progIt;
        for( progIt = progList.begin(); progIt != progList.end(); ++progIt)
            DTC::Program *pProgram = pChannel->AddNewProgram();
            FillProgramInfo( pProgram, *progIt, false, bDetails, false ); // No cast info

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    pGuide->setStartTime    ( dtStartTime   );
    pGuide->setEndTime      ( dtEndTime     );
    pGuide->setDetails      ( bDetails      );
    pGuide->setStartIndex    ( nStartIndex     );
    pGuide->setCount         ( chanList.size() );
    pGuide->setTotalAvailable( nTotalAvailable );
    pGuide->setAsOf          ( MythDate::current() );
    pGuide->setVersion      ( MYTH_BINARY_VERSION );
    pGuide->setProtoVer     ( MYTH_PROTO_VERSION  );
    return pGuide;
Esempio n. 9
void FillProgramInfo( DTC::Program *pProgram,
                      ProgramInfo  *pInfo,
                      bool          bIncChannel /* = true */,
                      bool          bDetails    /* = true */)
    if ((pProgram == NULL) || (pInfo == NULL))

    pProgram->setStartTime (  pInfo->GetScheduledStartTime());
    pProgram->setEndTime   (  pInfo->GetScheduledEndTime  ());
    pProgram->setTitle     (  pInfo->GetTitle()             );
    pProgram->setSubTitle  (  pInfo->GetSubtitle()          );
    pProgram->setCategory  (  pInfo->GetCategory()          );
    pProgram->setCatType   (  pInfo->GetCategoryType()      );
    pProgram->setRepeat    (  pInfo->IsRepeat()             );
    pProgram->setVideoProps(  pInfo->GetVideoProperties()   );
    pProgram->setAudioProps(  pInfo->GetAudioProperties()   );
    pProgram->setSubProps  (  pInfo->GetSubtitleType()      );

    pProgram->setSerializeDetails( bDetails );

    if (bDetails)
        pProgram->setSeriesId    ( pInfo->GetSeriesID()         );
        pProgram->setProgramId   ( pInfo->GetProgramID()        );
        pProgram->setStars       ( pInfo->GetStars()            );
        pProgram->setFileSize    ( pInfo->GetFilesize()         );
        pProgram->setLastModified( pInfo->GetLastModifiedTime() );
        pProgram->setProgramFlags( pInfo->GetProgramFlags()     );
        pProgram->setHostname    ( pInfo->GetHostname()         );

        if (pInfo->GetOriginalAirDate().isValid())
            pProgram->setAirdate( pInfo->GetOriginalAirDate() );

        pProgram->setDescription( pInfo->GetDescription() );
        pProgram->setInetref    ( pInfo->GetInetRef()     );
        pProgram->setSeason     ( pInfo->GetSeason()      );
        pProgram->setEpisode    ( pInfo->GetEpisode()     );

    pProgram->setSerializeChannel( bIncChannel );

    if ( bIncChannel )
        // Build Channel Child Element

        FillChannelInfo( pProgram->Channel(), pInfo, bDetails );

    // Build Recording Child Element

    if ( pInfo->GetRecordingStatus() != rsUnknown )
        pProgram->setSerializeRecording( true );

        DTC::RecordingInfo *pRecording = pProgram->Recording();

        pRecording->setStatus  ( pInfo->GetRecordingStatus()    );
        pRecording->setPriority( pInfo->GetRecordingPriority()  );
        pRecording->setStartTs ( pInfo->GetRecordingStartTime() );
        pRecording->setEndTs   ( pInfo->GetRecordingEndTime()   );

        pRecording->setSerializeDetails( bDetails );

        if (bDetails)
            pRecording->setRecordId ( pInfo->GetRecordingRuleID()       );
            pRecording->setRecGroup ( pInfo->GetRecordingGroup()        );
            pRecording->setPlayGroup( pInfo->GetPlaybackGroup()         );
            pRecording->setRecType  ( pInfo->GetRecordingRuleType()     );
            pRecording->setDupInType( pInfo->GetDuplicateCheckSource()  );
            pRecording->setDupMethod( pInfo->GetDuplicateCheckMethod()  );
            pRecording->setEncoderId( pInfo->GetCardID()                );

            const RecordingInfo ri(*pInfo);
            pRecording->setProfile( ri.GetProgramRecordingProfile() );
Esempio n. 10
void FillProgramInfo( DTC::Program *pProgram,
                      ProgramInfo  *pInfo,
                      bool          bIncChannel /* = true */,
                      bool          bDetails    /* = true */,
                      bool          bIncCast    /* = true */)
    if ((pProgram == NULL) || (pInfo == NULL))

    pProgram->setStartTime (  pInfo->GetScheduledStartTime());
    pProgram->setEndTime   (  pInfo->GetScheduledEndTime  ());
    pProgram->setTitle     (  pInfo->GetTitle()             );
    pProgram->setSubTitle  (  pInfo->GetSubtitle()          );
    pProgram->setCategory  (  pInfo->GetCategory()          );
    pProgram->setCatType   (  pInfo->GetCategoryTypeString());
    pProgram->setRepeat    (  pInfo->IsRepeat()             );
    pProgram->setVideoProps(  pInfo->GetVideoProperties()   );
    pProgram->setAudioProps(  pInfo->GetAudioProperties()   );
    pProgram->setSubProps  (  pInfo->GetSubtitleType()      );

    pProgram->setSerializeDetails( bDetails );

    if (bDetails)
        pProgram->setSeriesId    ( pInfo->GetSeriesID()         );
        pProgram->setProgramId   ( pInfo->GetProgramID()        );
        pProgram->setStars       ( pInfo->GetStars()            );
        pProgram->setLastModified( pInfo->GetLastModifiedTime() );
        pProgram->setProgramFlags( pInfo->GetProgramFlags()     );

        // ----
        // DEPRECATED - See RecordingInfo instead
        pProgram->setFileName    ( pInfo->GetPathname()         );
        pProgram->setFileSize    ( pInfo->GetFilesize()         );
        pProgram->setHostName    ( pInfo->GetHostname()         );
        // ----

        if (pInfo->GetOriginalAirDate().isValid())
            pProgram->setAirdate( pInfo->GetOriginalAirDate() );
        else if (pInfo->GetYearOfInitialRelease() > 0)
            QDate year;
            year.setDate(pInfo->GetYearOfInitialRelease(), 1, 1);
            pProgram->setAirdate( year );

        pProgram->setDescription( pInfo->GetDescription() );
        pProgram->setInetref    ( pInfo->GetInetRef()     );
        pProgram->setSeason     ( pInfo->GetSeason()      );
        pProgram->setEpisode    ( pInfo->GetEpisode()     );
        pProgram->setTotalEpisodes( pInfo->GetEpisodeTotal() );

    if (bIncCast)
        FillCastMemberList( pProgram->Cast(), pInfo );

    pProgram->setSerializeChannel( bIncChannel );

    if ( bIncChannel )
        // Build Channel Child Element
        if (!FillChannelInfo( pProgram->Channel(), pInfo->GetChanID(), bDetails ))
            // The channel associated with a given recording may no longer exist
            // however the ChanID is one half of the unique identifier for the
            // recording and therefore MUST be included in the return data

    // Build Recording Child Element

    if ( pInfo->GetRecordingStatus() != RecStatus::Unknown )
        pProgram->setSerializeRecording( true );

        DTC::RecordingInfo *pRecording = pProgram->Recording();

        const RecordingInfo pRecInfo(*pInfo);

        pRecording->setRecordedId ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingID()     );
        pRecording->setStatus  ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingStatus()    );
        pRecording->setPriority( pRecInfo.GetRecordingPriority()  );
        pRecording->setStartTs ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingStartTime() );
        pRecording->setEndTs   ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingEndTime()   );

        pRecording->setSerializeDetails( bDetails );

        if (bDetails)
            pRecording->setFileName    ( pRecInfo.GetPathname() );
            pRecording->setFileSize    ( pRecInfo.GetFilesize() );
            pRecording->setHostName    ( pRecInfo.GetHostname() );
            pRecording->setLastModified( pRecInfo.GetLastModifiedTime() );

            pRecording->setRecordId    ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()      );
            pRecording->setRecGroup    ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingGroup()       );
            pRecording->setPlayGroup   ( pRecInfo.GetPlaybackGroup()        );
            pRecording->setStorageGroup( pRecInfo.GetStorageGroup()         );
            pRecording->setRecType     ( pRecInfo.GetRecordingRuleType()    );
            pRecording->setDupInType   ( pRecInfo.GetDuplicateCheckSource() );
            pRecording->setDupMethod   ( pRecInfo.GetDuplicateCheckMethod() );
            pRecording->setEncoderId   ( pRecInfo.GetInputID()              );
            if (pProgram->Channel())
                QString encoderName = CardUtil::GetDisplayName(pRecInfo.GetInputID());
                pRecording->setEncoderName( encoderName );

            pRecording->setProfile( pRecInfo.GetProgramRecordingProfile() );

    if (!pInfo->GetInetRef().isEmpty() )
        pProgram->setSerializeArtwork( true );

        FillArtworkInfoList( pProgram->Artwork(), pInfo->GetInetRef(),