Esempio n. 1
unsigned        DIGENTRY DIPImpModName( imp_image_handle *ii,
                        imp_mod_handle im, char *buff, unsigned buff_size )
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;
    cv_sst_module       *mp;
    const char          *name;
    const char          *start;
    const char          *end;
    unsigned            len;

    if( im == IMH_GBL ) {
        return( NameCopy( buff, GBL_NAME, buff_size, sizeof( GBL_NAME ) - 1 ) );
    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstModule );

    mp = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, cde->cb );
    if( mp == NULL ) return( 0 );
    name = (char *)&mp->SegInfo[mp->cSeg];
    len = *(unsigned_8 *)name;
    start = name;
    end = name + len;
    for( ; len != 0; ) {
        if( IS_PATH_CHAR( *name ) ) {
            start = name + 1;
            end = name + len;
        if( *name == EXT_CHAR )
            end = name;
    return( NameCopy( buff, start, buff_size, end - start ) );
Esempio n. 2
search_result   DIPENTRY DIPImpAddrCue( imp_image_handle *ii,
                imp_mod_handle im, address addr, imp_cue_handle *ic )
    cv_directory_entry                  *cde;
    cv_sst_src_module_header            *hdr;
    unsigned_32                         *files;
    virt_mem                            file_base;
    unsigned                            num_files;
    unsigned                            file_idx;
    addr_off                            best_offset;
    unsigned                            file_tab_size;
    search_result                       rc;

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstSrcModule );
    if( cde == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
    hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) );
    if( hdr == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
    ic->im = im;
    num_files = hdr->cFile;
    file_tab_size = num_files * sizeof( unsigned_32 );
    hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) + file_tab_size );
    files = __alloca( file_tab_size );
    memcpy( files, &hdr->baseSrcFile[0], file_tab_size );
    best_offset = (addr_off)-1UL;
    for( file_idx = 0; file_idx < num_files; ++file_idx ) {
        file_base = files[file_idx] + cde->lfo;
        rc = SearchFile( ii, addr, ic, file_base, cde, &best_offset );
        if( rc != SR_FAIL ) return( rc );   /* see comment in SearchFile above */
    if( best_offset == (addr_off)-1UL ) return( SR_NONE );
    return( SR_CLOSEST );
Esempio n. 3
search_result   DIPENTRY DIPImpLineCue( imp_image_handle *ii,
                imp_mod_handle im, cue_file_id file, unsigned long line,
                unsigned column, imp_cue_handle *ic )
    cv_directory_entry                  *cde;
    cv_sst_src_module_header            *hdr;
    cv_sst_src_module_file_table        *fp;
    cv_sst_src_module_line_number       *lp;
    unsigned_32                         *line_off;
    unsigned                            num_segs;
    unsigned                            seg_idx;
    unsigned long                       best_line;
    virt_mem                            line_base;
    virt_mem                            num_base;
    unsigned                            num_pairs;
    unsigned                            pair;
    unsigned_16                         *line_number;

    column = column;
    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstSrcModule );
    if( cde == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
    if( file == 0 ) {
        hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) );
        if( hdr == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
        file = hdr->baseSrcFile[0] + cde->lfo;
    ic->im = im;
    ic->file = file;
    fp = VMBlock( ii, file, sizeof( *fp ) );
    if( fp == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
    num_segs = fp->cSeg;
    fp = VMBlock( ii, file, sizeof( *fp ) + num_segs * sizeof( unsigned_32 ) );
    if( fp == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
    /* make a copy of the line/offset table so that we don't have to worry
       about the VM system throwing it out */
    line_off = __alloca( num_segs * sizeof( unsigned_32 ) );
    memcpy( line_off, &fp->baseSrcLn[0], num_segs * sizeof( unsigned_32 ) );
    best_line = -1UL;
    for( seg_idx = 0; seg_idx < num_segs; ++seg_idx ) {
        line_base = line_off[seg_idx] + cde->lfo;
        lp = VMBlock( ii, line_base, sizeof( *lp ) );
        if( lp == NULL ) return( SR_NONE );
        num_pairs = lp->cPair;
        num_base = line_base
                + offsetof( cv_sst_src_module_line_number, offset )
                + (unsigned long)num_pairs * sizeof( unsigned_32 );
        for( pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; ++pair ) {
            line_number = VMBlock( ii, num_base, sizeof( *line_number ) );
            if( *line_number >= line && *line_number < best_line ) {
                best_line = *line_number;
                ic->line = line_base;
                ic->pair = pair;
                if( best_line == line ) return( SR_EXACT );
            num_base += sizeof( *line_number );
    if( best_line == -1UL ) return( SR_NONE );
    return( SR_CLOSEST );
Esempio n. 4
dip_status      DIPENTRY DIPImpCueAdjust( imp_image_handle *ii,
                imp_cue_handle *ic, int adj, imp_cue_handle *aic )
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;
    dip_status          status;
    dip_status          ok;

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, ic->im, sstSrcModule );
    if( cde == NULL ) {
        DCStatus( DS_ERR|DS_INFO_INVALID );
        return( DS_ERR|DS_INFO_INVALID );
    *aic = *ic;
    ok = DS_OK;
    while( adj > 0 ) {
        status = AdjForward( ii, cde->lfo, aic );
        if( status & DS_ERR ) return( status );
        if( status != DS_OK ) ok = status;
    while( adj < 0 ) {
        status = AdjBackward( ii, cde->lfo, aic );
        if( status & DS_ERR ) return( status );
        if( status != DS_OK ) ok = status;
    return( ok );
Esempio n. 5
// FindDirEntry
Tree::FindDirEntry(uint32 dirID, uint32 objectID, const char *name,
				   DirItem *foundItem, int32 *entryIndex)
	status_t error = (name && foundItem && entryIndex ? InitCheck()
													  : B_BAD_VALUE);
	if (error == B_OK) {
		error = FindDirEntry(dirID, objectID, name, strlen(name), foundItem,
	return error;
Esempio n. 6
dip_status DIPIMPENTRY( LoadInfo )( dig_fhandle fid, imp_image_handle *ii )
    dip_status                  ds;
    unsigned long               off;
    unsigned long               size;
    cv_directory_entry          *cde;
    cv_sst_global_types_header  *hdr;

    memset( ii, 0, sizeof( *ii ) );
    ds = FindCV( fid, &off, &size );
    if( ds != DS_OK )
        return( ds );
    ii->sym_fid = fid;
    ii->bias = off;
    ds = VMInit( ii, size );
    if( ds != DS_OK )
        return( ds );
    ii->next_image = ImageList;
    ImageList = ii;
    ds = LoadDirectory( ii, off + CV_SIG_SIZE );
    if( ds != DS_OK ) {
        DCStatus( ds );
        Cleanup( ii );
        return( ds );
    ds = LoadMapping( ii );
    if( ds != DS_OK ) {
        DCStatus( ds );
        Cleanup( ii );
        return( ds );
    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, IMH_GBL, sstGlobalTypes );
    if( cde != NULL ) {
        hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) );
        if( hdr == NULL ) {
            Cleanup( ii );
            return( DS_ERR|DS_FAIL );
        ii->types_base = cde->lfo
                         + offsetof(cv_sst_global_types_header, offType )
                         + hdr->cType * sizeof( hdr->offType[0] );
    ds = SetMADType( ii );
    if( ds != DS_OK ) {
        DCStatus( ds );
        Cleanup( ii );
        return( ds );
    return( DS_OK );
Esempio n. 7
void fsaFile::SetAnalysisDateTime(fsaDate *pD, fsaTime *pT)
  fsaDirEntry *pDir;
  INT32 n = 1;
  size_t nCopy = 0;  // number of bytes to copy, 4 for date, 3 for time, 7 for both
  size_t nOffset = 4; // offset into fsaDirEntry raw data to copy bytes, 4 for date, 7 for time w/o date
  size_t nRawOffset = 0; // offset into pDateTimeRaw to copy time, 4 if date is used, 0 otherwise
  UINT8 pDateTimeRaw[7];
  UINT8 *pRawData;

  if(pD != NULL)
    // set up date
    INT16 nYear = pD->year;
    pDateTimeRaw[2] = pD->month;
    pDateTimeRaw[3] = pD->day;
    nRawOffset = 4;
    nCopy = 4;
    nOffset = 7;

  if(pT != NULL)
    // set up time
    nCopy += 3;
    pDateTimeRaw[nRawOffset++] = pT->hour;
    pDateTimeRaw[nRawOffset++] = pT->minute;
    pDateTimeRaw[nRawOffset++] = pT->second;

  if (nCopy)
    while (pDir = FindDirEntry("STAT",n))
      pRawData = (UINT8 *)pDir->GetDataRaw();
Esempio n. 8
address         DIGENTRY DIPImpModAddr( imp_image_handle *ii,
                                imp_mod_handle im )
    cv_sst_module       *mp;
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;
    address             addr;

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstModule );
    if( cde == NULL ) return( NilAddr );
    mp = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, cde->cb );
    if( mp == NULL ) return( NilAddr );
    if( mp->cSeg == 0 ) return( NilAddr );
    addr.mach.segment = mp->SegInfo[0].Seg;
    addr.mach.offset  = mp->SegInfo[0].offset;
    MapLogical( ii, &addr );
    return( addr );
Esempio n. 9
dip_status      DIGENTRY DIPImpModInfo( imp_image_handle *ii,
                                imp_mod_handle im, handle_kind hk )
    static const unsigned DmndType[] = {
        0, //sstGlobalTypes,
        sstAlignSym };
    unsigned            type;
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;

    type = DmndType[hk];
    if( type == 0 ) return( DS_FAIL );
    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, type );
    if( cde == NULL ) return( DS_FAIL );
    if( cde->cb == 0 ) return( DS_FAIL );
    return( DS_OK );
Esempio n. 10
cs_compile *GetCompInfo( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_mod_handle im )
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;
    virt_mem            vm;
    s_compile           *rec;
    long                left;

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstAlignSym );
    if( cde == NULL )
        return( NULL );
    vm = cde->lfo + sizeof( unsigned_32 );
    left = cde->cb - sizeof( unsigned_32 );
    for( ;; ) {
        if( left <= 0 ) return( NULL );
        rec = VMRecord( ii, vm );
        if( rec->common.code == S_COMPILE ) return( &rec->f );
        vm += rec->common.length + sizeof( rec->common.length );
        left -= rec->common.length + sizeof( rec->common.length );
Esempio n. 11
static dip_status LoadMapping( imp_image_handle *ii )
    cv_directory_entry  *cde;
    cv_sst_seg_map      *map;
    size_t              size;

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, IMH_GBL, sstSegMap );
    if( cde == NULL )
        return( DS_ERR|DS_INFO_INVALID );
    map = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, cde->cb );
    if( map == NULL )
        return( DS_ERR|DS_FAIL );
    size = map->cSegLog * sizeof( map->segdesc[0] );
    ii->mapping = DCAlloc( size );
    if( ii->mapping == NULL )
        return( DS_ERR|DS_NO_MEM );
    map = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, cde->cb ); /* malloc might have unloaded */
    memcpy( ii->mapping, &map->segdesc[0], size );
    ii->map_count = map->cSegLog;
    return( DS_OK );
Esempio n. 12
walk_result     DIPENTRY DIPImpWalkFileList( imp_image_handle *ii,
                    imp_mod_handle im, IMP_CUE_WKR *wk, imp_cue_handle *ic,
                    void *d )
    cv_directory_entry                  *cde;
    cv_sst_src_module_header            *hdr;
    cv_sst_src_module_file_table        *fp;
    unsigned_32                         *file_off;
    unsigned                            file_tab_size;
    unsigned                            file_tab_count;
    unsigned                            i;
    walk_result                         wr;

    if( im == MH_GBL ) return( WR_CONTINUE );

    cde = FindDirEntry( ii, im, sstSrcModule );
    if( cde == NULL ) return(  WR_CONTINUE );
    hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) );
    if( hdr == NULL ) return( WR_FAIL );
    file_tab_count = hdr->cFile;
    file_tab_size = file_tab_count * sizeof( unsigned_32 );
    hdr = VMBlock( ii, cde->lfo, sizeof( *hdr ) + file_tab_size );
        Make a copy of the file table offset so that we don't have to worry
        about the VM system throwing it out.
    file_off = __alloca( file_tab_size );
    memcpy( file_off, &hdr->baseSrcFile[0], file_tab_size );
    ic->im = im;
    for( i = 0; i < file_tab_count; ++i ) {
        ic->pair = 0;
        ic->file = cde->lfo + file_off[i];
        fp = VMBlock( ii, ic->file, sizeof( *fp ) );
        if( fp == NULL ) return( WR_FAIL );
        ic->line = cde->lfo + fp->baseSrcLn[0];
        wr = wk( ii, ic, d );
        if( wr != WR_CONTINUE ) return( wr );
    return( WR_CONTINUE );
Esempio n. 13
// FindEntry
Volume::FindEntry(const VNode *rootDir, const char *path, VNode *foundNode)
// Note: does not resolve links.
PRINT(("Volume::FindEntry(`%s')\n", path));
	status_t error = (rootDir && path && foundNode ? B_OK : B_BAD_VALUE);
	if (error == B_OK && (path[0] == '\0' || path[0] == '/'))
		error = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
	// start at the given root dir
	if (error == B_OK)
		*foundNode = *rootDir;
	// resolve until we hit the end of the string
	while (error == B_OK && path[0] != '\0') {
PRINT(("  remaining path: `%s'\n", path));
		int32 len = strlen(path);
		// find the first `/'
		const char *componentNameEnd = strchr(path, '/');
		if (!componentNameEnd)
			componentNameEnd = path + len;
		// get the name of the first component
		int32 componentLen = componentNameEnd - path;
		if (componentLen >= B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH)
			return B_NAME_TOO_LONG;
		char component[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
		strncpy(component, path, componentLen);
		component[componentLen] = '\0';
		// get the component
PRINT(("  looking for dir entry: `%s'\n", component));
		error = FindDirEntry(foundNode, component, foundNode);
		// skip trailing `/'s
		if (error == B_OK) {
			path = componentNameEnd;
			while (*path == '/')
PRINT(("Volume::FindEntry(`%s') done: %s\n", path, strerror(error)));
	return error;