Esempio n. 1
void UGameInstance::DebugRemovePlayer(int32 ControllerId)
	ULocalPlayer* const ExistingPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(ControllerId);
	if (ExistingPlayer != NULL)
void UAmethystGameInstance::HandleControllerConnectionChange(bool bIsConnection, int32 Unused, int32 GameUserIndex)
	if (!bIsConnection)
		// Controller was disconnected

		// Find the local player associated with this user index
		ULocalPlayer * LocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(GameUserIndex);

		if (LocalPlayer == NULL)
			return;		// We don't care about players we aren't tracking

		// Invalidate this local player's controller id.
Esempio n. 3
ULocalPlayer* UGameInstance::CreateLocalPlayer(int32 ControllerId, FString& OutError, bool bSpawnActor)
	checkf(GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass != NULL);

	ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer = NULL;
	int32 InsertIndex = INDEX_NONE;

	const int32 MaxSplitscreenPlayers = (GetGameViewportClient() != NULL) ? GetGameViewportClient()->MaxSplitscreenPlayers : 1;

	if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) != NULL)
		OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("A local player already exists for controller ID %d,"), ControllerId);
	else if (LocalPlayers.Num() < MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
		// If the controller ID is not specified then find the first available
		if (ControllerId < 0)
			for (ControllerId = 0; ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers; ++ControllerId)
				if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) == NULL)
			check(ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers);
		else if (ControllerId >= MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
			UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Warning, TEXT("Controller ID (%d) is unlikely to map to any physical device, so this player will not receive input"), ControllerId);

		NewPlayer = NewObject<ULocalPlayer>(GetEngine(), GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass);
		InsertIndex = AddLocalPlayer(NewPlayer, ControllerId);
		if (bSpawnActor && InsertIndex != INDEX_NONE && GetWorld() != NULL)
			if (GetWorld()->GetNetMode() != NM_Client)
				// server; spawn a new PlayerController immediately
				if (!NewPlayer->SpawnPlayActor("", OutError, GetWorld()))
					NewPlayer = NULL;
				// client; ask the server to let the new player join
		OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT( "Maximum number of players (%d) already created.  Unable to create more."), MaxSplitscreenPlayers);

	if (OutError != TEXT(""))
		UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Log, TEXT("UPlayer* creation failed with error: %s"), *OutError);

	return NewPlayer;
void UAmethystGameInstance::HandleControllerPairingChanged(int GameUserIndex, const FUniqueNetId& PreviousUser, const FUniqueNetId& NewUser)
	if (CurrentState == AmethystGameInstanceState::WelcomeScreen)
		// Don't care about pairing changes at welcome screen

	if (IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId != -1 && GameUserIndex == IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId)
		// We were told to ignores
		IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId = -1;	// Reset now so there there is no chance this remains in a bad state

	if (PreviousUser.IsValid() && !NewUser.IsValid())
		// Treat this as a disconnect or signout, which is handled somewhere else

	if (!PreviousUser.IsValid() && NewUser.IsValid())
		// Treat this as a signin
		ULocalPlayer * ControlledLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(GameUserIndex);

		if (ControlledLocalPlayer != NULL && !ControlledLocalPlayer->GetCachedUniqueNetId().IsValid())
			// If a player that previously selected "continue without saving" signs into this controller, move them back to welcome screen


	// Find the local player currently being controlled by this controller
	ULocalPlayer * ControlledLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(GameUserIndex);

	// See if the newly assigned profile is in our local player list
	ULocalPlayer * NewLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromUniqueNetId(NewUser);

	// If the local player being controlled is not the target of the pairing change, then give them a chance 
	// to continue controlling the old player with this controller
	if (ControlledLocalPlayer != nullptr && ControlledLocalPlayer != NewLocalPlayer)
		UAmethystGameViewportClient * AmethystViewport = Cast<UAmethystGameViewportClient>(GetGameViewportClient());

		if (AmethystViewport != nullptr)
				NSLOCTEXT("ProfileMessages", "PairingChanged", "Your controller has been paired to another profile, would you like to switch to this new profile now? Selecting YES will sign out of the previous profile."),
				NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "YES", "A - YES"),
				NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "NO", "B - NO"),
				FOnClicked::CreateUObject(this, &UAmethystGameInstance::OnPairingUseNewProfile),
				FOnClicked::CreateUObject(this, &UAmethystGameInstance::OnPairingUsePreviousProfile)