Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Generate an allocated geometry string for shapefile object obj using the state parameters
 * This function basically deals with the polygon case. It sorts the polys in order of outer,
 * inner,inner, so that inners always come after outers they are within.
GeneratePolygonGeometry(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, SHPObject *obj, char **geometry)
	Ring **Outer;
	int polygon_total, ring_total;
	int pi, vi; /* part index and vertex index */

	LWGEOM **lwpolygons;
	LWGEOM *lwgeom;

	POINT4D point4d;

	int dims = 0;

	char *mem;
	size_t mem_length;

	FLAGS_SET_Z(dims, state->has_z);
	FLAGS_SET_M(dims, state->has_m);

	polygon_total = FindPolygons(obj, &Outer);

	if (state->config->simple_geometries == 1 && polygon_total != 1) /* We write Non-MULTI geometries, but have several parts: */
		snprintf(state->message, SHPLOADERMSGLEN, _("We have a Multipolygon with %d parts, can't use -S switch!"), polygon_total);


	/* Allocate memory for our array of LWPOLYs */
	lwpolygons = malloc(sizeof(LWPOLY *) * polygon_total);

	/* Cycle through each individual polygon */
	for (pi = 0; pi < polygon_total; pi++)
		LWPOLY *lwpoly = lwpoly_construct_empty(state->from_srid, state->has_z, state->has_m);
		Ring *polyring;
		int ring_index = 0;

		/* Firstly count through the total number of rings in this polygon */
		ring_total = 0;
		polyring = Outer[pi];
		while (polyring)
			polyring = polyring->next;

		/* Cycle through each ring within the polygon, starting with the outer */
		polyring = Outer[pi];

		while (polyring)
			/* Create a POINTARRAY containing the points making up the ring */
			POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct_empty(state->has_z, state->has_m, polyring->n);

			for (vi = 0; vi < polyring->n; vi++)
				/* Build up a point array of all the points in this ring */
				point4d.x = polyring->list[vi].x;
				point4d.y = polyring->list[vi].y;

				if (state->has_z)
					point4d.z = polyring->list[vi].z;
				if (state->has_m)
					point4d.m = polyring->list[vi].m;

				ptarray_append_point(pa, &point4d, LW_TRUE);

			/* Copy the POINTARRAY pointer so we can use the LWPOLY constructor */
			lwpoly_add_ring(lwpoly, pa);

			polyring = polyring->next;

		/* Generate the LWGEOM */
		lwpolygons[pi] = lwpoly_as_lwgeom(lwpoly);

	/* If using MULTIPOLYGONS then generate the serialized collection, otherwise just a single POLYGON */
	if (state->config->simple_geometries == 0)
		lwgeom = lwcollection_as_lwgeom(lwcollection_construct(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, state->from_srid, NULL, polygon_total, lwpolygons));
		lwgeom = lwpolygons[0];

	if (!state->config->use_wkt)
		mem = lwgeom_to_hexwkb(lwgeom, WKB_EXTENDED, &mem_length);
		mem = lwgeom_to_wkt(lwgeom, WKT_EXTENDED, WKT_PRECISION, &mem_length);

	if ( !mem )
		snprintf(state->message, SHPLOADERMSGLEN, "unable to write geometry");

	/* Free all of the allocated items */

	/* Free the linked list of rings */
	ReleasePolygons(Outer, polygon_total);

	/* Return the string - everything ok */
	*geometry = mem;

Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Generate an allocated geometry string for shapefile object obj using the state parameters
 * This function basically deals with the polygon case. It sorts the polys in order of outer,
 * inner,inner, so that inners always come after outers they are within.
GeneratePolygonGeometry(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, SHPObject *obj, char **geometry)
	Ring **Outer;
	int polygon_total, ring_total;
	int pi, vi; /* part index and vertex index */
	int u;

	LWCOLLECTION *lwcollection = NULL;

	LWGEOM **lwpolygons;
	uchar *serialized_lwgeom;
	LWGEOM_UNPARSER_RESULT lwg_unparser_result;

	LWPOLY *lwpoly;
	POINT4D point4d;

	int dims = 0, hasz = 0, hasm = 0;
	int result;

	char *mem;

	/* Determine the correct dimensions: note that in hwgeom-compatible mode we cannot use
	   the M coordinate */
	if (state->wkbtype & WKBZOFFSET)
		hasz = 1;

	if (!state->config->hwgeom)
		if (state->wkbtype & WKBMOFFSET)
			hasm = 1;

	TYPE_SETZM(dims, hasz, hasm);

	polygon_total = FindPolygons(obj, &Outer);

	if (state->config->simple_geometries == 1 && polygon_total != 1) /* We write Non-MULTI geometries, but have several parts: */
		snprintf(state->message, SHPLOADERMSGLEN, "We have a Multipolygon with %d parts, can't use -S switch!", polygon_total);


	/* Allocate memory for our array of LWPOLYs */
	lwpolygons = malloc(sizeof(LWPOLY *) * polygon_total);

	/* Allocate memory for our POINTARRAY pointers for each polygon */
	pas = malloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY **) * polygon_total);

	/* Cycle through each individual polygon */
	for (pi = 0; pi < polygon_total; pi++)
		Ring *polyring;
		int ring_index = 0;

		/* Firstly count through the total number of rings in this polygon */
		ring_total = 0;
		polyring = Outer[pi];
		while (polyring)
			polyring = polyring->next;

		/* Reserve memory for the POINTARRAYs representing each ring */
		pas[pi] = malloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY *) * ring_total);

		/* Cycle through each ring within the polygon, starting with the outer */
		polyring = Outer[pi];

		while (polyring)
			/* Create a DYNPTARRAY containing the points making up the ring */
			dpas = dynptarray_create(polyring->n, dims);

			for (vi = 0; vi < polyring->n; vi++)
				/* Build up a point array of all the points in this ring */
				point4d.x = polyring->list[vi].x;
				point4d.y = polyring->list[vi].y;

				if (state->wkbtype & WKBZOFFSET)
					point4d.z = polyring->list[vi].z;
				if (state->wkbtype & WKBMOFFSET)
					point4d.m = polyring->list[vi].m;

				dynptarray_addPoint4d(dpas, &point4d, 0);

			/* Copy the POINTARRAY pointer from the DYNPTARRAY structure so we can
			 use the LWPOLY constructor */
			pas[pi][ring_index] = dpas->pa;

			/* Free the DYNPTARRAY structure (we don't need this part anymore as we
			have the reference to the internal POINTARRAY) */

			polyring = polyring->next;

		/* Generate the LWGEOM */
		lwpoly = lwpoly_construct(state->config->sr_id, NULL, ring_total, pas[pi]);
		lwpolygons[pi] = lwpoly_as_lwgeom(lwpoly);

	/* If using MULTIPOLYGONS then generate the serialized collection, otherwise just a single POLYGON */
	if (state->config->simple_geometries == 0)
		lwcollection = lwcollection_construct(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, state->config->sr_id, NULL, polygon_total, lwpolygons);

		/* When outputting wkt rather than wkb, we need to remove the SRID from the inner geometries */
		if (state->config->hwgeom)
			for (u = 0; u < pi; u++)
				lwpolygons[u]->SRID = -1;

		serialized_lwgeom = lwgeom_serialize(lwcollection_as_lwgeom(lwcollection));
		serialized_lwgeom = lwgeom_serialize(lwpolygons[0]);

	/* Note: lwpoly_free() currently doesn't free its serialized pointlist, so do it manually */
	for (pi = 0; pi < polygon_total; pi++)
		Ring *polyring = Outer[pi];
		int ring_index = 0;
		while (polyring)
			if (pas[pi][ring_index]->serialized_pointlist)

			polyring = polyring->next;

	ReleasePolygons(Outer, polygon_total);

	if (!state->config->hwgeom)
		result = serialized_lwgeom_to_hexwkb(&lwg_unparser_result, serialized_lwgeom, PARSER_CHECK_NONE, -1);
		result = serialized_lwgeom_to_ewkt(&lwg_unparser_result, serialized_lwgeom, PARSER_CHECK_NONE);

	if (result)
		snprintf(state->message, SHPLOADERMSGLEN, "%s", lwg_unparser_result.message);


	/* Allocate a string containing the resulting geometry */
	mem = malloc(strlen(lwg_unparser_result.wkoutput) + 1);
	strcpy(mem, lwg_unparser_result.wkoutput);

	/* Free all of the allocated items */

	/* Cycle through each polygon, freeing everything we need... */
	for (u = 0; u < polygon_total; u++)

	/* Free the pointer arrays */
	if (lwcollection)

	/* Return the string - everything ok */
	*geometry = mem;
