Esempio n. 1
int GetAnnexbNALU (sp<ABuffer> nalu)
	int pos = 0;
	int StartCodeFound, rewind;
//	unsigned char *Buf;
	int info2,info3,startcodeprefix_len,len;

	static unsigned char Buf[50000];


	if (3 != fread (Buf, 1, 3, bits))//从码流中读3个字节
		return 0;
	info2 = FindStartCode2 (Buf);//判断是否为0x000001 
	if(info2 != 1) 
		if(1 != fread(Buf+3, 1, 1, bits))//读一个字节
			return 0;
		info3 = FindStartCode3 (Buf);//判断是否为0x00000001
		if (info3 != 1)//如果不是,返回-1
			return -1;
			pos = 4;
			startcodeprefix_len = 4;
		startcodeprefix_len = 3;
		pos = 3;
	StartCodeFound = 0;
	info2 = 0;
	info3 = 0;

	while (!StartCodeFound)
		if (feof (bits))//判断是否到了文件尾
			//return 0;
			len = (pos-1)- startcodeprefix_len;
			memcpy (nalu->data(), &Buf[startcodeprefix_len], len);     
			printf("lcy 1991 len %d\n",len);
			return pos-1;
		Buf[pos++] = fgetc (bits);//读一个字节到BUF中
		info3 = FindStartCode3(&Buf[pos-4]);//判断是否为0x00000001
		if(info3 != 1)
			info2 = FindStartCode2(&Buf[pos-3]);//判断是否为0x000001
		StartCodeFound = (info2 == 1 || info3 == 1);

	// Here, we have found another start code (and read length of startcode bytes more than we should
	// have.  Hence, go back in the file
	rewind = (info3 == 1)? -4 : -3;

	if (0 != fseek (bits, rewind, SEEK_CUR))//把文件指针指向前一个NALU的末尾
		printf("GetAnnexbNALU: Cannot fseek in the bit stream file");

	// Here the Start code, the complete NALU, and the next start code is in the Buf.  
	// The size of Buf is pos, pos+rewind are the number of bytes excluding the next
	// start code, and (pos+rewind)-startcodeprefix_len is the size of the NALU excluding the start code

	len = (pos+rewind)-startcodeprefix_len;
	memcpy (nalu->data(), &Buf[startcodeprefix_len], len);//拷贝一个完整NALU,不拷贝起始前缀0x000001或0x00000001

	return (pos+rewind);//返回两个开始字符之间间隔的字节数,即包含有前缀的NALU的长度
Esempio n. 2
int GetAnnexbNALU (NALU_t *nalu)
  int pos = 0;
  int StartCodeFound, rewind;
  unsigned char *Buf;
  if ((Buf = (unsigned char*)calloc (nalu->max_size , sizeof(char))) == NULL) 
	  printf ("GetAnnexbNALU: Could not allocate Buf memory\n");

   if (3 != fread (Buf, 1, 3, bits))//从码流中读3个字节
		return 0;
   info2 = FindStartCode2 (Buf);//判断是否为0x000001
   if(info2 != 1) 
    if(1 != fread(Buf+3, 1, 1, bits))//读一个字节
		 return 0;
    info3 = FindStartCode3 (Buf);//判断是否为0x00000001
    if (info3 != 1)//如果不是,返回-1
		 return -1;
		 pos = 4;
		 nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 4;
		nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 3;
		pos = 3;
   StartCodeFound = 0;
   info2 = 0;
   info3 = 0;
  while (!StartCodeFound)
    if (feof (bits))//判断是否到了文件尾
      nalu->len = (pos-1)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;
      memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);     
      nalu->forbidden_bit = nalu->buf[0] & 0x80; //1 bit
	  nalu->nal_reference_idc = nalu->buf[0] & 0x60; // 2 bit
	  nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;// 5 bit
      return pos-1;
    Buf[pos++] = fgetc (bits);//读一个字节到BUF中
    info3 = FindStartCode3(&Buf[pos-4]);//判断是否为0x00000001
    if(info3 != 1)
      info2 = FindStartCode2(&Buf[pos-3]);//判断是否为0x000001
    StartCodeFound = (info2 == 1 || info3 == 1);

  // Here, we have found another start code (and read length of startcode bytes more than we should
  // have.  Hence, go back in the file
  rewind = (info3 == 1)? -4 : -3;

  if (0 != fseek (bits, rewind, SEEK_CUR))//把文件指针指向前一个NALU的末尾
	printf("GetAnnexbNALU: Cannot fseek in the bit stream file");

  // Here the Start code, the complete NALU, and the next start code is in the Buf.  
  // The size of Buf is pos, pos+rewind are the number of bytes excluding the next
  // start code, and (pos+rewind)-startcodeprefix_len is the size of the NALU excluding the start code

  nalu->len = (pos+rewind)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;
  memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);//拷贝一个完整NALU,不拷贝起始前缀0x000001或0x00000001
  nalu->forbidden_bit = nalu->buf[0] & 0x80; //1 bit
  nalu->nal_reference_idc = nalu->buf[0] & 0x60; // 2 bit
  nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;// 5 bit
  return (pos+rewind);//返回两个开始字符之间间隔的字节数,即包含有前缀的NALU的长度