Esempio n. 1
void WriteFlashBytesCommand(void) {
  u8 buf[16];
  int addr;
  int len;
  ParseWriteParameters("Flash write", &addr, FlashSize(), buf, &len);
  if (len) {WriteFlash(addr, buf, len);}
Esempio n. 2
// Communicates with a 16-bit flash device to verify that it is there. Fills
// the Flash data struct with the size, block size, block address mask, and
// base address.
// Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if no device is detected.
BOOL QueryDevice16(uint8 *addr, Flash *pFlash)
	volatile uint8 *ptr;
	int numBlocks;
	char QRY[3];

	ptr = addr;

	// Enter read query mode
	QRY[0] = READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x10);
	QRY[1] = READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x11);
	QRY[2] = READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x12);
	if(!(QRY[0] == 'Q' && QRY[1] == 'R' && QRY[2] == 'Y')) return FALSE;

	pFlash->addr = addr;
	// Query flash size
	pFlash->size = FlashSize(READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x27));

	// Query number of blocks
	numBlocks = ((READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x2E) << 8) | READ_FLASH16(ptr, 0x2D)) + 1;
	pFlash->blockSize = pFlash->size / numBlocks;

	// Create block mask for generating block addresses
	pFlash->blockMask = ~(pFlash->blockSize - 1);

	// Restore read array mode

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
void DumpFlashWordsCommand(void) {
  int length = 128; // Default byte count to display
  ParseDumpParameters("dump flash words", FlashSize(), &FWaddr, &length);

  u8 buf[length];
  DwReadFlash(FWaddr, length, buf);

  DumpWords(FWaddr, length, buf);
  FWaddr += length;
Esempio n. 4
void WriteFlash(u16 addr, const u8 *buf, int length) {

  Assert(addr + length <= FlashSize());
  Assert(length >= 0);
  if (length == 0) return;

  DwGetRegs(0, R, 2); // Cache R0 and R1

  int pageOffsetMask = PageSize()-1;
  int pageBaseMask   = ~ pageOffsetMask;

  if (addr & pageOffsetMask) {

    // buf starts in the middle of a page

    int partBase   = addr & pageBaseMask;
    int partOffset = addr & pageOffsetMask;
    int partLength = min(PageSize()-partOffset, length);

    DwReadFlash(partBase, PageSize(), pageBuffer);
    memcpy(pageBuffer+partOffset, buf, partLength);
    WriteFlashPage(partBase, pageBuffer);

    addr   += partLength;
    buf    += partLength;
    length -= partLength;

  Assert(length == 0  ||  ((addr & pageOffsetMask) == 0));

  // Write whole pages

  while (length >= PageSize()) {
    WriteFlashPage(addr, buf);
    addr   += PageSize();
    buf    += PageSize();
    length -= PageSize();

  // Write any remaining partial page

  if (length) {
    Assert(length > 0);
    Assert(length < PageSize());
    Assert((addr & pageOffsetMask) == 0);
    DwReadFlash(addr, PageSize(), pageBuffer);
    memcpy(pageBuffer, buf, length);
    WriteFlashPage(addr, pageBuffer);

  Ws("                                       \r");

  // Restore cached registers R0 and R1
  DwSetRegs(0, R, 2);
Esempio n. 5
void UnassembleCommand(void) {
  int count = 8; // Default instruction count to display
  Sb(); if (IsDwDebugNumeric(NextCh())) {Uaddr = ReadInstructionAddress("U"); Wl();}
  Sb(); if (IsDwDebugNumeric(NextCh())) {count = ReadNumber(0);}
  Sb(); if (!DwEoln()) {Wsl("Unrecognised parameters on unassemble command.");}

  int firstByte = Uaddr;
  int limitByte = min(firstByte + count*4, FlashSize()); // Allow for up to 2 words per instruction
  int length    = limitByte - firstByte;

  if (length <= 0) {Fail("Nothing to disassemble.");}

  u8 buf[length+2];
  DwReadFlash(firstByte, length, buf);
  buf[length] = 0; buf[length+1] = 0;

  while (1) {
    Uaddr += DisassembleInstruction(Uaddr, &buf[Uaddr-firstByte]);
    if (count <= 0  ||  Uaddr >= FlashSize()) {return;}
Esempio n. 6
void DwReadFlash(int addr, int len, u8 *buf) {
  int limit = addr + len;
  if (limit > FlashSize()) {Fail("Attempt to read beyond end of flash.");}
  while (addr < limit) {
    int length = min(limit-addr, 64);      // Read no more than 64 bytes at a time so PC remains in valid address space.
    DwSetZ(addr);                          // Z := First address to read
    DwSetPC(BootSect());                   // Set PC that allows access to all of flash
    DwSetBP(BootSect()+2*length);          // Set BP to load length bytes
    DwSend(Bytes(0x66, 0xC2, 0x02, 0x20)); // Set flash read mode and start reading
    DwReceive(buf, length);
    addr += length;
    buf  += length;
Esempio n. 7
void DumpConfig(void) {
  u8 cb;
  u8 hfuse;
  u8 efuse;

  // Show Known device info
  Ws(Name()); Wsl(".");
  Ws("IO regs:   ");     Wx(32,2); Ws(".."); Wx(IoregSize()+31,2); Ws("   ("); Wd(IoregSize(),1); Wsl(" bytes).");
  Ws("SRAM:     ");      Wx(IoregSize()+32,3); Ws(".."); Wx(31 + IoregSize() + SramSize(), 3); Ws("  ("); Wd(SramSize(),1); Wsl(" bytes).");
  Ws("Flash:   0000.."); Wx(FlashSize()-1, 4); Ws(" ("); Wd(FlashSize(),1); Wsl(" bytes).");
  Ws("EEPROM:   000.."); Wx(EepromSize()-1, 3); Ws("  ("); Wd(EepromSize(),1); Wsl(" bytes).");

  // Dump uninterpreted fuse and lock bit values
  ReadConfigBits(0, &cb);    Ws("Fuses: low ");  Wx(cb,2);     Wflush();
  ReadConfigBits(3, &hfuse); Ws(", high ");      Wx(hfuse,2);  Wflush();
  ReadConfigBits(2, &efuse); Ws(", extended ");  Wx(efuse,2);  Wflush();
  ReadConfigBits(1, &cb);    Ws(", lock bits "); Wx(cb,2);     Wsl(".");

  // Interpret boot sector information
  if (BootFlags()) {
    int bootsize = 0;
    int bootvec  = 0;
    switch (BootFlags()) {
      case 1:  bootsize = 128 << (3 - ((efuse/2) & 3));  bootvec = efuse & 1; break; // atmega88 & 168
      case 2:  bootsize = 256 << (3 - ((hfuse/2) & 3));  bootvec = hfuse & 1; break; // atmega328
      default: Fail("Invalid BootFlags global data setting.");

    bootsize *= 2;  // Bootsize is in words but we report in bytes.

    Ws("  Boot space: ");
    Wx(FlashSize()-bootsize, 4); Ws(".."); Wx(FlashSize()-1, 4);
    Ws(" ("); Wd(bootsize,1); Wsl(" bytes).");
    Ws("  Vectors:   ");
    if (bootvec) Wsl("0."); else {Wx(FlashSize()-bootsize, 4); Wsl(".");}
Esempio n. 8
void WBL_info()

    uprintf("Running on a %s Evaluation Board\n", "W90P710");
    uprintf("Board Revision %s, %s Processor\n", "1.0", "ARM7TDMI");
    uprintf("Memory Size is 0x%x Bytes, Flash Size is 0x%x Bytes\n",memory_size, FlashSize());
    uprintf("Board designed by %s\n", "Winbond");
    uprintf("Hardware support provided at %s\n", "Winbond");
    uprintf("Copyright (c) Winbond Limited 2001 - 2003. All rights reserved.\n");
    uprintf("\n\nFor help on the available commands type 'h'\n\n");

Esempio n. 9
void DwReconnect(void) {
  DwSend(Bytes(0xF0));  // Request current PC
  PC = (2 * (DwReadWord() - 1) % FlashSize());
  DwGetRegs(28, R+28, 4); // Cache r28 through r31