Esempio n. 1
template <typename PointInT, typename IntensityT> void
pcl::tracking::PyramidalKLTTracker<PointInT, IntensityT>::derivatives (const FloatImage& src, FloatImage& grad_x, FloatImage& grad_y) const
  // std::cout << ">>> derivatives" << std::endl;
  // Use Shcarr operator to compute derivatives.        //
  // Vertical kernel +3 +10 +3 = [1 0 -1]T * [3 10 3]   //
  //                  0   0  0                          //
  //                 -3 -10 -3                          //
  // Horizontal kernel  +3 0  -3 = [3 10 3]T * [1 0 -1] //
  //                   +10 0 -10                        //
  //                    +3 0  -3                        //
  if (grad_x.size () != src.size () || grad_x.width != src.width || grad_x.height != src.height)
    grad_x = FloatImage (src.width, src.height);
  if (grad_y.size () != src.size () || grad_y.width != src.width || grad_y.height != src.height)
  grad_y = FloatImage (src.width, src.height);

  int height = src.height, width = src.width;
  float *row0 = new float [src.width + 2];
  float *row1 = new float [src.width + 2];
  float *trow0 = row0; ++trow0;
  float *trow1 = row1; ++trow1;
  const float* src_ptr = &(src.points[0]);

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
    const float* srow0 = src_ptr + (y > 0 ? y-1 : height > 1 ? 1 : 0) * width;
    const float* srow1 = src_ptr + y * width;
    const float* srow2 = src_ptr + (y < height-1 ? y+1 : height > 1 ? height-2 : 0) * width;
    float* grad_x_row = &(grad_x.points[y * width]);
    float* grad_y_row = &(grad_y.points[y * width]);

    // do vertical convolution
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
      trow0[x] = (srow0[x] + srow2[x])*3 + srow1[x]*10;
      trow1[x] = srow2[x] - srow0[x];

    // make border
    int x0 = width > 1 ? 1 : 0, x1 = width > 1 ? width-2 : 0;
    trow0[-1] = trow0[x0]; trow0[width] = trow0[x1];
    trow1[-1] = trow1[x0]; trow1[width] = trow1[x1];

    // do horizontal convolution and store results
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
      grad_x_row[x] = trow0[x+1] - trow0[x-1];
      grad_y_row[x] = (trow1[x+1] + trow1[x-1])*3 + trow1[x]*10;
Esempio n. 2
    static FloatImage CreateCPU(const Dim &dim)
        FloatImageImpl *impl = new FloatImageImpl;

        return FloatImage(impl);
Esempio n. 3
template <typename PointInT, typename IntensityT> void
pcl::tracking::PyramidalKLTTracker<PointInT, IntensityT>::convolveCols (const FloatImageConstPtr& input, FloatImage& output) const
  output = FloatImage (input->width, input->height);

  int width = input->width;
  int height = input->height;
  int last = input->height - kernel_size_2_;
  int h = last -1;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for shared (output) num_threads (threads_)
  for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
    for (int j = kernel_size_2_; j < last; ++j)
      double result = 0;
      for (int k = kernel_last_, l = j - kernel_size_2_; k > -1; --k, ++l)
        result += kernel_[k] * (*input) (i,l);
      output (i,j) = static_cast<float> (result);

    for (int j = last; j < height; ++j)
      output (i,j) = output (i,h);

    for (int j = 0; j < kernel_size_2_; ++j)
      output (i,j) = output (i, kernel_size_2_);
Esempio n. 4
NiblackBinaryImage::NiblackBinaryImage(const GreyLevelImage& anImg,
				       const int aLowThres,
				       const int aHighThres,
				       const int aMaskSize,
				       const float aK,
				       const float aPostThres)

  : BinaryImage(anImg.width(), anImg.height())

  // Pointer to mean image
  FloatImage* pMeanImg = 0;

  // Compute standard deviation and mean
  StandardDeviationImage stdImg(FloatImage(anImg), pMeanImg, aMaskSize);

  // Rows to exchange data
  GreyLevelImage::pointer bRow = new GreyLevelImage::value_type [_width];
  GreyLevelImage::pointer gRow = new GreyLevelImage::value_type [_width];

  float* mRow = new float [_width];
  float* sRow = new float [_width];
  // Binarize
  for (int i = 0 ; i < _height ; ++i)
      // Read means
      pMeanImg->row(i, mRow);
      // Read deviations
      stdImg.row(i, sRow);
      // Read original
      anImg.row(i, gRow);

      // Pointers
      float* m = mRow;
      float* s = sRow;
      GreyLevelImage::pointer g = gRow;
      GreyLevelImage::pointer b = bRow;

      // Dynamic thresholding
      for (int j = 0 ; j < _width ; ++j, ++b, ++g)
	  if (*g < aLowThres)
	      *b = 1;
	  else if (*g > aHighThres)
	      *b = 0;
	  else if (*g < (GreyLevelImage::value_type) (*m++ + aK * *s++))
	      *b = 1;
	      *b = 0;

      // Save line
      setRow(i, bRow);

  // Post-processing
  if (aPostThres > 0)
      // Copy reference image
      BinaryImage* contours = new BinaryImage(*this);

      // Extract connected components
      ConnectedComponents* compConnexes = new ConnectedComponents(*contours);

      // Prepare tables
      int labCnt = compConnexes->componentCnt();
      // Tables for the sums of the means of the gradient
      float* gsum = new float [labCnt];
      qgFill(gsum, labCnt, 0.f);
      // Tables for the numbers of points -- for the mean
      int* psum = new int [labCnt];
      qgFill(psum, labCnt, 0);

      // Table of labels
      Component::label_type* labRow = new Component::label_type[_width];
      // By construction, first and last pixels are always WHITE
      labRow[1] = 0;
      labRow[_width - 1] = 0;

      // Compute the module of Canny gradient
      CannyGradientImage* gradImg = new CannyGradientImage(anImg);
      GradientModuleImage gradModImg(*gradImg);
      delete gradImg;

      // Construct the image of the contours of the black components
      // which thus includes the interesting pixels
      ErodedBinaryImage* eroImg = new ErodedBinaryImage(*contours);
      (*contours) -= (*eroImg);
      delete eroImg;

      // Create a line of floats
      float* fRow = new float [_width];

      // Pointer to the pixel map of the component image
      Component::label_type* pMapCCImg =
	(compConnexes->accessComponentImage()).pPixMap() + _width;

      for (int i = 1 ; i < (_height - 1) ; ++i)
	  // Get a line of labels from the component image
	  // and set pixels from white components to 0
	  pMapCCImg += 2;
	  PRIVATEgetBlackLabels(pMapCCImg, labRow);

	  // Read the corresponding line in the contours
	  contours->row(i, bRow);

	  // Read the corresponding line in the module of the gradient
	  gradModImg.row(i, fRow);
	  Component::label_type* p = labRow;
	  GreyLevelImage::pointer q = bRow;
	  float* r = fRow;
	  for (int j = 0 ; j < _width ; ++j, ++p, ++q, ++r)
	      if (*q != 0)  // We are on a contour
		  gsum[(int)(*p)] += *r;
		  psum[(int)(*p)] += 1;
	    } // END for j
	} // END for i

      delete contours;
     // Compute the means
      for (int i = 0 ; i < labCnt ; ++i)
	  if (psum[i] != 0)
	      gsum[i] /= psum[i];
	} // END for
      // Pointer to the pixel map of the component image
      pMapCCImg = (compConnexes->accessComponentImage()).pPixMap() + _width;
      // Delete fake black components
      for (int i = 1 ; i < _height - 1 ; ++i)
	  // Read the current line of components
	  pMapCCImg += 2;
	  PRIVATEgetBlackLabels(pMapCCImg, labRow);

	  // Read the corresponding line in the binary image
	  row(i, bRow);

	  // Examine components and delete
	  Component::label_type* p = labRow;
	  GreyLevelImage::pointer pb = bRow;
	  for (int j = 0 ; j < _width ; ++j, ++p, ++pb)
	      if (((*pb) != 0) && (gsum[(int)(*p)] < aPostThres))
		  *pb = 0;

	  // Save this line
	  setRow(i, bRow);
	} // END for

      // Clean up
      delete [] fRow;
      delete [] psum;
      delete [] gsum;
      delete compConnexes;

  // And clean up
  delete [] bRow;
  delete [] gRow;
  delete [] mRow;
  delete [] sRow;