Esempio n. 1
 * Run the FDC emulation during NbCycles cycles (relative to the 8MHz FDC's clock)
void	IPF_Emulate ( void )

	int	NbCycles;
	int	Drive;

	NbCycles = CyclesGlobalClockCounter - IPF_State.FdcClock;	/* Number of cycles since last emulation */
	if ( NbCycles < 0 )
		NbCycles = 0;						/* We should call CAPSFdcEmulate even when NbCycles=0 */

//	LOG_TRACE(TRACE_FDC, "fdc ipf emulate cycles=%d VBL=%d HBL=%d clock=%lld\n" , NbCycles , nVBLs , nHBL , CyclesGlobalClockCounter );

	/* Update Write Protect status for each drive */
	for ( Drive=0 ; Drive < MAX_FLOPPYDRIVES ; Drive++ )
		if ( Floppy_IsWriteProtected ( Drive ) )
			IPF_State.Drive[ Drive ].diskattr |= CAPSDRIVE_DA_WP;		/* Disk write protected */
			IPF_State.Drive[ Drive ].diskattr &= ~CAPSDRIVE_DA_WP;		/* Disk is not write protected */

	CAPSFdcEmulate ( &IPF_State.Fdc , NbCycles );			/* Process at max NbCycles */
	IPF_State.FdcClock += IPF_State.Fdc.clockact;			/* clockact can be < NbCycle in some cases */

	/* Update UI's LEDs depending on Status Register */
	FDC_Drive_Set_BusyLed ( (IPF_State.Fdc.r_st0 & ~IPF_State.Fdc.r_stm) | (IPF_State.Fdc.r_st1 & IPF_State.Fdc.r_stm) );
Esempio n. 2
 * Eject disk from floppy drive, save contents back to PCs hard-drive if
 * they have been changed.
 * Return true if there was something to eject.
bool Floppy_EjectDiskFromDrive(int Drive)
	bool bEjected = false;

	/* Does our drive have a disk in? */
	if (EmulationDrives[Drive].bDiskInserted)
		bool bSaved = false;
		char *psFileName = EmulationDrives[Drive].sFileName;

		/* OK, has contents changed? If so, need to save */
		if (EmulationDrives[Drive].bContentsChanged)
			/* Is OK to save image (if boot-sector is bad, don't allow a save) */
			if (EmulationDrives[Drive].bOKToSave && !Floppy_IsWriteProtected(Drive))
				/* Save as .MSA or .ST image? */
				if (MSA_FileNameIsMSA(psFileName, true))
					bSaved = MSA_WriteDisk(psFileName, EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer, EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes);
				else if (ST_FileNameIsST(psFileName, true))
					bSaved = ST_WriteDisk(psFileName, EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer, EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes);
				else if (DIM_FileNameIsDIM(psFileName, true))
					bSaved = DIM_WriteDisk(psFileName, EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer, EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes);
				else if (ZIP_FileNameIsZIP(psFileName))
					bSaved = ZIP_WriteDisk(psFileName, EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer, EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes);
				if (bSaved)
					Log_Printf(LOG_INFO, "Updated the contents of floppy image '%s'.", psFileName);
					Log_Printf(LOG_INFO, "Writing of this format failed or not supported, discarded the contents\n of floppy image '%s'.", psFileName);
			} else
				Log_Printf(LOG_INFO, "Writing not possible, discarded the contents of floppy image\n '%s'.", psFileName);

		/* Inform user that disk has been ejected! */
		Log_Printf(LOG_INFO, "Floppy %c: has been removed from drive.",

		Floppy_DriveTransitionSetState ( Drive , FLOPPY_DRIVE_TRANSITION_STATE_EJECT );
		bEjected = true;

	/* Drive is now empty */
	if (EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer != NULL)
		EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer = NULL;

	EmulationDrives[Drive].sFileName[0] = '\0';
	EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes = 0;
	EmulationDrives[Drive].bDiskInserted = false;
	EmulationDrives[Drive].bContentsChanged = false;
	EmulationDrives[Drive].bOKToSave = false;

	return bEjected;
Esempio n. 3
 * Write sectors from floppy disk image, return TRUE if all OK
 * NOTE Pass -ve as Count to write whole track
bool Floppy_WriteSectors(int Drive, Uint8 *pBuffer, Uint16 Sector,
                         Uint16 Track, Uint16 Side, short Count,
                         int *pnSectorsPerTrack, int *pSectorSize)
	Uint8 *pDiskBuffer;
	Uint16 nSectorsPerTrack, nSides, nBytesPerTrack;
	long Offset;
	int nImageTracks;

	/* Do we have a writable disk in our drive? */
	if (EmulationDrives[Drive].bDiskInserted && !Floppy_IsWriteProtected(Drive))
		/* Looks good */
		pDiskBuffer = EmulationDrives[Drive].pBuffer;

		/* Find #sides and #sectors per track */
		nImageTracks = ((EmulationDrives[Drive].nImageBytes / NUMBYTESPERSECTOR) / nSectorsPerTrack) / nSides;

		/* Need to write whole track? */
		if (Count<0)
			Count = nSectorsPerTrack;
		/* Write back number of sector per track */
		if (pnSectorsPerTrack)
			*pnSectorsPerTrack = nSectorsPerTrack;

		if (pSectorSize)
			*pSectorSize = NUMBYTESPERSECTOR;			/* Size is 512 bytes for ST/MSA */

		/* Debug check as if we write over the end of a track we write into side 2! */
		if (Count > nSectorsPerTrack)
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Floppy_WriteSectors: writing over single track\n");

		/* Check that the side number (0 or 1) does not exceed the amount of sides (1 or 2). */
		if (Side >= nSides)
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Floppy_WriteSectors: Program tries to write to side %i "
			           "of a disk image with %i sides!\n", Side+1, nSides);
			return false;

		/* Check if track number is in range */
		if (Track >= nImageTracks)
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Floppy_WriteSectors: Program tries to write to track %i "
			           "of a disk image with only %i tracks!\n", Track, nImageTracks);
			return false;

		/* Check if sector number is in range */
		if (Sector <= 0 || Sector > nSectorsPerTrack)
			Log_Printf(LOG_DEBUG, "Floppy_WriteSectors: Program tries to write to sector %i "
			           "of a disk image with %i sectors per track!\n", Sector, nSectorsPerTrack);
			return false;

		/* Seek to sector */
		nBytesPerTrack = NUMBYTESPERSECTOR*nSectorsPerTrack;
		Offset = nBytesPerTrack*Side;               /* First seek to side */
		Offset += (nBytesPerTrack*nSides)*Track;    /* Then seek to track */
		Offset += (NUMBYTESPERSECTOR*(Sector-1));   /* And finally to sector */

		/* Write sectors (usually 512 bytes per sector) */
		memcpy(pDiskBuffer+Offset, pBuffer, (int)Count*NUMBYTESPERSECTOR);
		/* And set 'changed' flag */
		EmulationDrives[Drive].bContentsChanged = true;

		return true;

	return false;