Esempio n. 1
FlowField_sV* Project_sV::requestFlow(int leftFrame, int rightFrame, const FrameSize frameSize) throw(FlowBuildingError)
    Q_ASSERT(leftFrame < m_frameSource->framesCount());
    Q_ASSERT(rightFrame < m_frameSource->framesCount());
    if (dynamic_cast<EmptyFrameSource_sV*>(m_frameSource) == NULL) {

        FlowSourceV3D_sV *v3d;
        if ((v3d = dynamic_cast<FlowSourceV3D_sV*>(m_flowSource)) != NULL) {
            try {
                return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
            } catch (FlowBuildingError err) {
                qDebug() << "Failed creating optical flow, falling back to OpenCV ...";
                qDebug() << "Failed attempts so far: " << m_v3dFailCounter;
                delete m_flowSource;
                m_flowSource = new FlowSourceOpenCV_sV (this);
                return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
        return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
    } else {
        throw FlowBuildingError(tr("Empty frame source; Cannot build flow."));
Esempio n. 2
FlowField_sV* Project_sV::requestFlow(int leftFrame, int rightFrame, const FrameSize frameSize) throw(FlowBuildingError)
    Q_ASSERT(leftFrame < m_frameSource->framesCount());
    Q_ASSERT(rightFrame < m_frameSource->framesCount());
    if (dynamic_cast<EmptyFrameSource_sV*>(m_frameSource) == NULL) {

        FlowSourceV3D_sV *v3d;
        if ((v3d = dynamic_cast<FlowSourceV3D_sV*>(m_flowSource)) != NULL) {
            try {
                return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
            } catch (FlowBuildingError err) {
                qDebug() << "Failed creating optical flow, falling back to OpenCV ...";
                qDebug() << "Failed attempts so far: " << m_v3dFailCounter;
                delete m_flowSource;
                QSettings m_settings;
                int algo = m_settings.value("preferences/preferredOpenCVAlgo", 0).toInt();
                int dev_index = m_settings.value("preferences/oclDriver", -1).toInt();
                QString method = m_settings.value("preferences/flowMethod", "OpenCV-CPU").toString();
                if (method == "OpenCV-CPU") {
                    dev_index = -1;
                m_flowSource = new FlowSourceOpenCV_sV(this, algo, dev_index);
                return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
        return m_flowSource->buildFlow(leftFrame, rightFrame, frameSize);
    } else {
        throw FlowBuildingError(tr("Empty frame source; Cannot build flow."));