Esempio n. 1
// Documented in the base class
int CPSMLReader::GetSummary(char **SummaryPtr)
char **SummaryData;

	if (m_NetPDLDecodingEngine)
		// If our source is the Decoding Engine, we can access to some internal structures of the PSMLMaker
		SummaryData= ((CNetPDLDecoder *) m_NetPDLDecodingEngine)->m_PSMLMaker->m_summaryStructData;

		// Convert PSMLMaker internal data to a '\0' delimited ascii buffer
		return FormatItem(SummaryData, SummaryPtr);
		// If our source is a file, we have to list the '<section>' contained in the summary node

		// Convert XML data to a '\0' delimited ascii buffer
		return FormatItem(m_summarySection, (int) strlen(m_summarySection), SummaryPtr);
Esempio n. 2
// Documented in the base class
int CPSMLReader::GetPacket(unsigned long PacketNumber, char **PacketPtr)
unsigned int AsciiBufferLen;
int RetVal;

	RetVal= GetXMLPacketFromDump(PacketNumber, m_asciiBuffer.GetStartBufferPtr(), m_asciiBuffer.GetBufferTotSize(), AsciiBufferLen);
	if ((RetVal == nbWARNING) || (RetVal == nbFAILURE))
		return RetVal;

	// Convert XML data to a '\0' delimited ascii buffer
	return FormatItem(m_asciiBuffer.GetStartBufferPtr(), AsciiBufferLen, PacketPtr);
Esempio n. 3
void  NU_printf(CHAR *f, ...) /* variable arguments */
	CHAR  *argP;

	vaStart(argP, f);       /* point at the end of the format string */
	while (*f)
	{                       /* this works because args are all ints */
		if (*f == '%')
			f = FormatItem(f + 1, vaArg(argP, INT));
Esempio n. 4
// Documented in the base class
int CPSMLReader::GetCurrentPacket(char **PacketPtr)
char **ItemData;

	if (m_NetPDLDecodingEngine)
		// If our source is the Decoding Engine, we can access to some internal structures of the PSMLMaker
		ItemData= ((CNetPDLDecoder *) m_NetPDLDecodingEngine)->m_PSMLMaker->m_summaryItemsData;

		// Convert PSMLMaker internal data to a '\0' delimited ascii buffer
		return FormatItem(ItemData, PacketPtr);

	errorsnprintf(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, m_errbuf, sizeof(m_errbuf), "The current PSML item cannot be returned when the PSML source is a file.");
	return nbFAILURE;
Esempio n. 5
void CBCGPKeyMapDlg::CopyKeyMap ()
	int i = m_KeymapList.GetSelectedCount();
	if (i <= 0)
		MessageBeep ((UINT)-1);

	CString strText;
	int nItem = -1;
	int nFlag = (m_KeymapList.GetSelectedCount () > 0)  ?  LVNI_SELECTED : LVNI_ALL;

	while ((nItem = m_KeymapList.GetNextItem (nItem, nFlag)) >= 0)
		strText += FormatItem (nItem) + _T("\r\n");

	if (OpenClipboard ())
		EmptyClipboard ();

		HGLOBAL hClipbuffer = ::GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, (strText.GetLength () + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
		if (hClipbuffer != NULL)
			LPTSTR lpszBuffer = (LPTSTR) GlobalLock (hClipbuffer);

			lstrcpy (lpszBuffer, (LPCTSTR) strText);

			::GlobalUnlock (hClipbuffer);
			::SetClipboardData (_TCF_TEXT, hClipbuffer);

BOOL CCxNDArrayDimItem::OnEdit (LPPOINT)
	ASSERT_VALID (m_pGridRow);

	if (!m_bAllowEdit)
		return FALSE;

	CCxNDArrayDimGrid* pWndList = (CCxNDArrayDimGrid*)((CCxNDArrayDimRow*)m_pGridRow)->m_pWndList;

	m_pWndInPlace = NULL;

	OnBeginInplaceEdit ();

	CRect rectEdit;
	CRect rectSpin;

	AdjustInPlaceEditRect (rectEdit, rectSpin);

	BOOL bDefaultFormat = FALSE;
	m_pWndInPlace = CreateInPlaceEdit (rectEdit, bDefaultFormat);

	pWndList->OnAfterInplaceEditCreated (this, m_pWndInPlace);

	if (m_pWndInPlace != NULL)
		if ( m_nIdColumn == CCxNDArrayDimGrid::COL_DIM_TYPE )

		if (bDefaultFormat)
			m_pWndInPlace->SetWindowText (FormatItem ());

		if (m_dwFlags & BCGP_GRID_ITEM_HAS_LIST)
			CRect rectCombo = m_Rect;
			rectCombo.left = rectEdit.left - 4;

			m_pWndCombo = CreateCombo (pWndList, rectCombo);
			ASSERT_VALID (m_pWndCombo);

			SetComboFont ();

			// Synchronize bottom edge of the combobox with the item bottom edge:
			m_pWndCombo->GetWindowRect (rectCombo);
			pWndList->ScreenToClient (&rectCombo);

			int dy = rectCombo.Height () - m_Rect.Height ();

			m_pWndCombo->SetWindowPos (NULL, rectCombo.left, - dy + 1, -1, -1, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

			if (m_varValue.vt == VT_BOOL)
				m_lstOptions.AddTail (pWndList->m_strTrue);
				m_lstOptions.AddTail (pWndList->m_strFalse);

			for (POSITION pos = m_lstOptions.GetHeadPosition (); pos != NULL;)
				m_pWndCombo->AddString (m_lstOptions.GetNext (pos));

		if (m_dwFlags & BCGP_GRID_ITEM_HAS_SPIN)
			m_pWndSpin = CreateSpinControl (rectSpin);

		SetInPlaceEditFont ();
		m_pWndInPlace->SetFocus ();

		if ( !m_bAllowEdit )
			m_pWndInPlace->HideCaret ();

		m_bInPlaceEdit = TRUE;
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;