static ALCenum ca_open_capture(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *deviceName) { AudioStreamBasicDescription requestedFormat; // The application requested format AudioStreamBasicDescription hardwareFormat; // The hardware format AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFormat; // The AudioUnit output format AURenderCallbackStruct input; ComponentDescription desc; AudioDeviceID inputDevice; UInt32 outputFrameCount; UInt32 propertySize; UInt32 enableIO; Component comp; ca_data *data; OSStatus err; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output; desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput; desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; // Search for component with given description comp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc); if(comp == NULL) { ERR("FindNextComponent failed\n"); return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data)); device->ExtraData = data; // Open the component err = OpenAComponent(comp, &data->audioUnit); if(err != noErr) { ERR("OpenAComponent failed\n"); goto error; } // Turn off AudioUnit output enableIO = 0; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &enableIO, sizeof(ALuint)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // Turn on AudioUnit input enableIO = 1; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, &enableIO, sizeof(ALuint)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // Get the default input device propertySize = sizeof(AudioDeviceID); err = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice, &propertySize, &inputDevice); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioHardwareGetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } if(inputDevice == kAudioDeviceUnknown) { ERR("No input device found\n"); goto error; } // Track the input device err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &inputDevice, sizeof(AudioDeviceID)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // set capture callback input.inputProc = ca_capture_callback; input.inputProcRefCon = device; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &input, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // Initialize the device err = AudioUnitInitialize(data->audioUnit); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitInitialize failed\n"); goto error; } // Get the hardware format propertySize = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); err = AudioUnitGetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, &hardwareFormat, &propertySize); if(err != noErr || propertySize != sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)) { ERR("AudioUnitGetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // Set up the requested format description switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtUByte: requestedFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 8; requestedFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; break; case DevFmtShort: requestedFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16; requestedFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; break; case DevFmtFloat: requestedFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32; requestedFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; break; case DevFmtByte: case DevFmtUShort: ERR("%s samples not supported\n", DevFmtTypeString(device->FmtType)); goto error; } switch(device->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: requestedFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1; break; case DevFmtStereo: requestedFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2; break; case DevFmtQuad: case DevFmtX51: case DevFmtX51Side: case DevFmtX61: case DevFmtX71: ERR("%s not supported\n", DevFmtChannelsString(device->FmtChans)); goto error; } requestedFormat.mBytesPerFrame = requestedFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * requestedFormat.mBitsPerChannel / 8; requestedFormat.mBytesPerPacket = requestedFormat.mBytesPerFrame; requestedFormat.mSampleRate = device->Frequency; requestedFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; requestedFormat.mReserved = 0; requestedFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; // save requested format description for later use data->format = requestedFormat; data->frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); // Use intermediate format for sample rate conversion (outputFormat) // Set sample rate to the same as hardware for resampling later outputFormat = requestedFormat; outputFormat.mSampleRate = hardwareFormat.mSampleRate; // Determine sample rate ratio for resampling data->sampleRateRatio = outputFormat.mSampleRate / device->Frequency; // The output format should be the requested format, but using the hardware sample rate // This is because the AudioUnit will automatically scale other properties, except for sample rate err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, (void *)&outputFormat, sizeof(outputFormat)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); goto error; } // Set the AudioUnit output format frame count outputFrameCount = device->UpdateSize * data->sampleRateRatio; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &outputFrameCount, sizeof(outputFrameCount)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed: %d\n", err); goto error; } // Set up sample converter err = AudioConverterNew(&outputFormat, &requestedFormat, &data->audioConverter); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioConverterNew failed: %d\n", err); goto error; } // Create a buffer for use in the resample callback data->resampleBuffer = malloc(device->UpdateSize * data->frameSize * data->sampleRateRatio); // Allocate buffer for the AudioUnit output data->bufferList = allocate_buffer_list(outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame, device->UpdateSize * data->frameSize * data->sampleRateRatio); if(data->bufferList == NULL) goto error; data->ring = CreateRingBuffer(data->frameSize, (device->UpdateSize * data->sampleRateRatio) * device->NumUpdates); if(data->ring == NULL) goto error; return ALC_NO_ERROR; error: DestroyRingBuffer(data->ring); free(data->resampleBuffer); destroy_buffer_list(data->bufferList); if(data->audioConverter) AudioConverterDispose(data->audioConverter); if(data->audioUnit) CloseComponent(data->audioUnit); free(data); device->ExtraData = NULL; return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; }
static ALCenum pa_open_capture(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *deviceName) { ALuint frame_size; pa_data *data; PaError err; if(!deviceName) deviceName = pa_device; else if(strcmp(deviceName, pa_device) != 0) return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; data = (pa_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(pa_data)); if(data == NULL) return ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; frame_size = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); data->ring = CreateRingBuffer(frame_size, device->UpdateSize*device->NumUpdates); if(data->ring == NULL) goto error; data->params.device = -1; if(!ConfigValueInt("port", "capture", &data->params.device) || data->params.device < 0) data->params.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); data->params.suggestedLatency = 0.0f; data->params.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: data->params.sampleFormat = paInt8; break; case DevFmtUByte: data->params.sampleFormat = paUInt8; break; case DevFmtShort: data->params.sampleFormat = paInt16; break; case DevFmtInt: data->params.sampleFormat = paInt32; break; case DevFmtFloat: data->params.sampleFormat = paFloat32; break; case DevFmtUInt: case DevFmtUShort: ERR("%s samples not supported\n", DevFmtTypeString(device->FmtType)); goto error; } data->params.channelCount = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans); err = Pa_OpenStream(&data->stream, &data->params, NULL, device->Frequency, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, pa_capture_cb, device); if(err != paNoError) { ERR("Pa_OpenStream() returned an error: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); goto error; } device->DeviceName = strdup(deviceName); device->ExtraData = data; return ALC_NO_ERROR; error: DestroyRingBuffer(data->ring); free(data); return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; }
static ALCboolean ca_reset_playback(ALCdevice *device) { ca_data *data = (ca_data*)device->ExtraData; AudioStreamBasicDescription streamFormat; AURenderCallbackStruct input; OSStatus err; UInt32 size; /* init and start the default audio unit... */ err = AudioUnitInitialize(data->audioUnit); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitInitialize failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } err = AudioOutputUnitStart(data->audioUnit); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioOutputUnitStart failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } /* retrieve default output unit's properties (output side) */ size = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); err = AudioUnitGetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &streamFormat, &size); if(err != noErr || size != sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)) { ERR("AudioUnitGetProperty failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } #if 0 TRACE("Output streamFormat of default output unit -\n"); TRACE(" streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket = %d\n", streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket); TRACE(" streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = %d\n", streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame); TRACE(" streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = %d\n", streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel); TRACE(" streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = %d\n", streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket); TRACE(" streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = %d\n", streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame); TRACE(" streamFormat.mSampleRate = %5.0f\n", streamFormat.mSampleRate); #endif /* set default output unit's input side to match output side */ err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &streamFormat, size); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } if(device->Frequency != streamFormat.mSampleRate) { device->UpdateSize = (ALuint)((ALuint64)device->UpdateSize * streamFormat.mSampleRate / device->Frequency); device->Frequency = streamFormat.mSampleRate; } /* FIXME: How to tell what channels are what in the output device, and how * to specify what we're giving? eg, 6.0 vs 5.1 */ switch(streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame) { case 1: device->FmtChans = DevFmtMono; break; case 2: device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; break; case 4: device->FmtChans = DevFmtQuad; break; case 6: device->FmtChans = DevFmtX51; break; case 7: device->FmtChans = DevFmtX61; break; case 8: device->FmtChans = DevFmtX71; break; default: ERR("Unhandled channel count (%d), using Stereo\n", streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame); device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2; break; } SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device); /* use channel count and sample rate from the default output unit's current * parameters, but reset everything else */ streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtUByte: device->FmtType = DevFmtByte; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtByte: streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 8; streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; break; case DevFmtUShort: case DevFmtFloat: device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtShort: streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16; streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame; break; } streamFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; streamFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &streamFormat, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } /* setup callback */ data->frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); input.inputProc = ca_callback; input.inputProcRefCon = device; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(data->audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &input, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct)); if(err != noErr) { ERR("AudioUnitSetProperty failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } return ALC_TRUE; }
static ALCboolean pulse_reset_playback(ALCdevice *device) //{{{ { pulse_data *data = device->ExtraData; pa_stream_flags_t flags = 0; pa_channel_map chanmap; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(data->loop); if(!(device->Flags&DEVICE_CHANNELS_REQUEST)) { pa_operation *o; o = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name(data->context, data->device_name, sink_info_callback, device); while(pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(data->loop); pa_operation_unref(o); } if(!(device->Flags&DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST)) flags |= PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE; data->frame_size = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); data->attr.prebuf = -1; data->attr.fragsize = -1; data->attr.minreq = device->UpdateSize * data->frame_size; data->attr.tlength = data->attr.minreq * maxu(device->NumUpdates, 2); data->attr.maxlength = -1; flags |= PA_STREAM_EARLY_REQUESTS; flags |= PA_STREAM_INTERPOLATE_TIMING | PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE; switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: device->FmtType = DevFmtUByte; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtUByte: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_U8; break; case DevFmtUShort: device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtShort: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE; break; case DevFmtFloat: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE; break; } data->spec.rate = device->Frequency; data->spec.channels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans); if(pa_sample_spec_valid(&data->spec) == 0) { ERR("Invalid sample format\n"); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_FALSE; } if(!pa_channel_map_init_auto(&chanmap, data->spec.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_WAVEEX)) { ERR("Couldn't build map for channel count (%d)!\n", data->spec.channels); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_FALSE; } SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device); data->stream = connect_playback_stream(device, flags, &data->attr, &data->spec, &chanmap); if(!data->stream) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_FALSE; } pa_stream_set_state_callback(data->stream, stream_state_callback2, device); data->spec = *(pa_stream_get_sample_spec(data->stream)); if(device->Frequency != data->spec.rate) { pa_operation *o; if((device->Flags&DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST)) ERR("Failed to set frequency %dhz, got %dhz instead\n", device->Frequency, data->spec.rate); device->Flags &= ~DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST; /* Server updated our playback rate, so modify the buffer attribs * accordingly. */ data->attr.minreq = (ALuint64)(data->attr.minreq/data->frame_size) * data->spec.rate / device->Frequency * data->frame_size; data->attr.tlength = data->attr.minreq * maxu(device->NumUpdates, 2); o = pa_stream_set_buffer_attr(data->stream, &data->attr, stream_success_callback, device); while(pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(data->loop); pa_operation_unref(o); device->Frequency = data->spec.rate; } stream_buffer_attr_callback(data->stream, device); if(device->NumUpdates < 2) { pa_operation *o; /* Server gave a comparatively large minreq, so modify the tlength. */ device->NumUpdates = 2; data->attr.tlength = data->attr.minreq * device->NumUpdates; o = pa_stream_set_buffer_attr(data->stream, &data->attr, stream_success_callback, device); while(pa_operation_get_state(o) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(data->loop); pa_operation_unref(o); } #if PA_CHECK_VERSION(0,9,15) if(pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback) pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback(data->stream, stream_buffer_attr_callback, device); #endif pa_stream_set_moved_callback(data->stream, stream_device_callback, device); pa_stream_set_write_callback(data->stream, stream_write_callback, device); pa_stream_set_underflow_callback(data->stream, stream_signal_callback, device); data->thread = StartThread(PulseProc, device); if(!data->thread) { #if PA_CHECK_VERSION(0,9,15) if(pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback) pa_stream_set_buffer_attr_callback(data->stream, NULL, NULL); #endif pa_stream_set_moved_callback(data->stream, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_set_write_callback(data->stream, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_set_underflow_callback(data->stream, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_disconnect(data->stream); pa_stream_unref(data->stream); data->stream = NULL; pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_FALSE; } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_TRUE; } //}}}
static ALuint DSoundPlaybackProc(ALvoid *ptr) { ALCdevice *pDevice = (ALCdevice*)ptr; DSoundPlaybackData *pData = (DSoundPlaybackData*)pDevice->ExtraData; DSBCAPS DSBCaps; DWORD LastCursor = 0; DWORD PlayCursor; VOID *WritePtr1, *WritePtr2; DWORD WriteCnt1, WriteCnt2; BOOL Playing = FALSE; DWORD FrameSize; DWORD FragSize; DWORD avail; HRESULT err; SetRTPriority(); memset(&DSBCaps, 0, sizeof(DSBCaps)); DSBCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSBCaps); err = IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCaps(pData->DSsbuffer, &DSBCaps); if(FAILED(err)) { ERR("Failed to get buffer caps: 0x%lx\n", err); aluHandleDisconnect(pDevice); return 1; } FrameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(pDevice->FmtChans, pDevice->FmtType); FragSize = pDevice->UpdateSize * FrameSize; IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition(pData->DSsbuffer, &LastCursor, NULL); while(!pData->killNow) { // Get current play cursor IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition(pData->DSsbuffer, &PlayCursor, NULL); avail = (PlayCursor-LastCursor+DSBCaps.dwBufferBytes) % DSBCaps.dwBufferBytes; if(avail < FragSize) { if(!Playing) { err = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(pData->DSsbuffer, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING); if(FAILED(err)) { ERR("Failed to play buffer: 0x%lx\n", err); aluHandleDisconnect(pDevice); return 1; } Playing = TRUE; } avail = WaitForSingleObjectEx(pData->hNotifyEvent, 2000, FALSE); if(avail != WAIT_OBJECT_0) ERR("WaitForSingleObjectEx error: 0x%lx\n", avail); continue; } avail -= avail%FragSize; // Lock output buffer WriteCnt1 = 0; WriteCnt2 = 0; err = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock(pData->DSsbuffer, LastCursor, avail, &WritePtr1, &WriteCnt1, &WritePtr2, &WriteCnt2, 0); // If the buffer is lost, restore it and lock if(err == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { WARN("Buffer lost, restoring...\n"); err = IDirectSoundBuffer_Restore(pData->DSsbuffer); if(SUCCEEDED(err)) { Playing = FALSE; LastCursor = 0; err = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock(pData->DSsbuffer, 0, DSBCaps.dwBufferBytes, &WritePtr1, &WriteCnt1, &WritePtr2, &WriteCnt2, 0); } } // Successfully locked the output buffer if(SUCCEEDED(err)) { // If we have an active context, mix data directly into output buffer otherwise fill with silence aluMixData(pDevice, WritePtr1, WriteCnt1/FrameSize); aluMixData(pDevice, WritePtr2, WriteCnt2/FrameSize); // Unlock output buffer only when successfully locked IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock(pData->DSsbuffer, WritePtr1, WriteCnt1, WritePtr2, WriteCnt2); } else { ERR("Buffer lock error: %#lx\n", err); aluHandleDisconnect(pDevice); return 1; } // Update old write cursor location LastCursor += WriteCnt1+WriteCnt2; LastCursor %= DSBCaps.dwBufferBytes; } return 0; }
#endif } if(sampleRate != device->Frequency) { device->NumUpdates = (device->NumUpdates*sampleRate + (device->Frequency>>1)) / device->Frequency; device->NumUpdates = maxu(device->NumUpdates, 2); device->Frequency = sampleRate; } device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device); self->mFrameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType, device->AmbiOrder); loc_bufq.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE; loc_bufq.numBuffers = device->NumUpdates; #ifdef SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM_EX SLDataFormat_PCM_EX format_pcm; format_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM_EX; format_pcm.numChannels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->AmbiOrder); format_pcm.sampleRate = device->Frequency * 1000; format_pcm.bitsPerSample = BytesFromDevFmt(device->FmtType) * 8; format_pcm.containerSize = format_pcm.bitsPerSample; format_pcm.channelMask = GetChannelMask(device->FmtChans); format_pcm.endianness = IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? SL_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN : SL_BYTEORDER_BIGENDIAN;
static ALCenum pulse_open_capture(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *device_name) //{{{ { char *pulse_name = NULL; pulse_data *data; pa_stream_flags_t flags = 0; pa_stream_state_t state; pa_channel_map chanmap; if(!allCaptureDevNameMap) probe_devices(AL_TRUE); if(!device_name) device_name = pulse_device; else if(strcmp(device_name, pulse_device) != 0) { ALuint i; for(i = 0;i < numCaptureDevNames;i++) { if(strcmp(device_name, allCaptureDevNameMap[i].name) == 0) { pulse_name = allCaptureDevNameMap[i].device_name; break; } } if(i == numCaptureDevNames) return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } if(pulse_open(device, device_name) == ALC_FALSE) return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; data = device->ExtraData; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(data->loop); data->samples = device->UpdateSize * device->NumUpdates; data->frame_size = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); data->samples = maxu(data->samples, 100 * device->Frequency / 1000); if(!(data->ring = CreateRingBuffer(data->frame_size, data->samples))) { pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } data->attr.minreq = -1; data->attr.prebuf = -1; data->attr.maxlength = data->samples * data->frame_size; data->attr.tlength = -1; data->attr.fragsize = minu(data->samples, 50*device->Frequency/1000) * data->frame_size; data->spec.rate = device->Frequency; data->spec.channels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans); switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtUByte: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_U8; break; case DevFmtShort: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16NE; break; case DevFmtFloat: data->spec.format = PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE; break; case DevFmtByte: case DevFmtUShort: ERR("Capture format type %#x capture not supported on PulseAudio\n", device->FmtType); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } if(pa_sample_spec_valid(&data->spec) == 0) { ERR("Invalid sample format\n"); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } if(!pa_channel_map_init_auto(&chanmap, data->spec.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_WAVEEX)) { ERR("Couldn't build map for channel count (%d)!\n", data->spec.channels); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } data->stream = pa_stream_new(data->context, "Capture Stream", &data->spec, &chanmap); if(!data->stream) { ERR("pa_stream_new() failed: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(data->context))); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } pa_stream_set_state_callback(data->stream, stream_state_callback, data->loop); flags |= PA_STREAM_START_CORKED|PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY; if(pa_stream_connect_record(data->stream, pulse_name, &data->attr, flags) < 0) { ERR("Stream did not connect: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(data->context))); pa_stream_unref(data->stream); data->stream = NULL; pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } while((state=pa_stream_get_state(data->stream)) != PA_STREAM_READY) { if(!PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(state)) { ERR("Stream did not get ready: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(data->context))); pa_stream_unref(data->stream); data->stream = NULL; pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); goto fail; } pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(data->loop); } pa_stream_set_state_callback(data->stream, stream_state_callback2, device); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(data->loop); return ALC_NO_ERROR; fail: pulse_close(device); return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } //}}}
static ALCboolean ALCsolarisBackend_reset(ALCsolarisBackend *self) { ALCdevice *device = STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend,self)->mDevice; audio_info_t info; ALsizei frameSize; ALsizei numChannels; AUDIO_INITINFO(&info); = device->Frequency; if(device->FmtChans != DevFmtMono) device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; numChannels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->AmbiOrder); = numChannels; switch(device->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: = 8; = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR; break; case DevFmtUByte: = 8; = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR8; break; case DevFmtUShort: case DevFmtInt: case DevFmtUInt: case DevFmtFloat: device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtShort: = 16; = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR; break; } frameSize = numChannels * BytesFromDevFmt(device->FmtType); = device->UpdateSize*device->NumUpdates * frameSize; if(ioctl(self->fd, AUDIO_SETINFO, &info) < 0) { ERR("ioctl failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ALC_FALSE; } if(ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->AmbiOrder) != (ALsizei) { ERR("Failed to set %s, got %u channels instead\n", DevFmtChannelsString(device->FmtChans),; return ALC_FALSE; } if(!(( == 8 && == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR8 && device->FmtType == DevFmtUByte) || ( == 8 && == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtByte) || ( == 16 && == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtShort) || ( == 32 && == AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR && device->FmtType == DevFmtInt))) { ERR("Could not set %s samples, got %d (0x%x)\n", DevFmtTypeString(device->FmtType),,; return ALC_FALSE; } device->Frequency =; device->UpdateSize = (>NumUpdates) + 1; SetDefaultChannelOrder(device); free(self->mix_data); self->data_size = device->UpdateSize * FrameSizeFromDevFmt( device->FmtChans, device->FmtType, device->AmbiOrder ); self->mix_data = calloc(1, self->data_size); return ALC_TRUE; }
static ALuint WaveProc(ALvoid *ptr) { ALCdevice *Device = (ALCdevice*)ptr; wave_data *data = (wave_data*)Device->ExtraData; ALuint frameSize; ALuint now, start; ALuint64 avail, done; size_t fs; const ALuint restTime = (ALuint64)Device->UpdateSize * 1000 / Device->Frequency / 2; frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(Device->FmtChans, Device->FmtType); done = 0; start = timeGetTime(); while(!data->killNow && Device->Connected) { now = timeGetTime(); avail = (ALuint64)(now-start) * Device->Frequency / 1000; if(avail < done) { /* Timer wrapped (50 days???). Add the remainder of the cycle to * the available count and reset the number of samples done */ avail += ((ALuint64)1<<32)*Device->Frequency/1000 - done; done = 0; } if(avail-done < Device->UpdateSize) { Sleep(restTime); continue; } while(avail-done >= Device->UpdateSize) { aluMixData(Device, data->buffer, Device->UpdateSize); done += Device->UpdateSize; if(!IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { ALuint bytesize = BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType); ALubyte *bytes = data->buffer; ALuint i; if(bytesize == 1) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i], data->f); } else if(bytesize == 2) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i^1], data->f); } else if(bytesize == 4) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i^3], data->f); } } else { fs = fwrite(data->buffer, frameSize, Device->UpdateSize, data->f); fs = fs; } if(ferror(data->f)) { ERR("Error writing to file\n"); ALCdevice_Lock(Device); aluHandleDisconnect(Device); ALCdevice_Unlock(Device); break; } } } return 0; }
static ALCboolean opensl_start_playback(ALCdevice *Device) { osl_data *data = Device->ExtraData; SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue; SLPlayItf player; SLresult result; ALuint i; result = VCALL(data->bufferQueueObject,GetInterface)(SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE, &bufferQueue); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface"); if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = VCALL(bufferQueue,RegisterCallback)(opensl_callback, Device); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->RegisterCallback"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { data->frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(Device->FmtChans, Device->FmtType); data->bufferSize = Device->UpdateSize * data->frameSize; data->buffer = calloc(Device->NumUpdates, data->bufferSize); if(!data->buffer) { result = SL_RESULT_MEMORY_FAILURE; PRINTERR(result, "calloc"); } } /* enqueue the first buffer to kick off the callbacks */ for(i = 0;i < Device->NumUpdates;i++) { if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { ALvoid *buf = (ALbyte*)data->buffer + i*data->bufferSize; result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(buf, data->bufferSize); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue"); } } data->curBuffer = 0; if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = VCALL(data->bufferQueueObject,GetInterface)(SL_IID_PLAY, &player); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = VCALL(player,SetPlayState)(SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); PRINTERR(result, "player->SetPlayState"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) { if(data->bufferQueueObject != NULL) VCALL0(data->bufferQueueObject,Destroy)(); data->bufferQueueObject = NULL; free(data->buffer); data->buffer = NULL; data->bufferSize = 0; return ALC_FALSE; } return ALC_TRUE; }
static int ALCsolarisBackend_mixerProc(void *ptr) { ALCsolarisBackend *self = ptr; ALCdevice *device = STATIC_CAST(ALCbackend, self)->mDevice; struct timeval timeout; ALubyte *write_ptr; ALint frame_size; ALint to_write; ssize_t wrote; fd_set wfds; int sret; SetRTPriority(); althrd_setname(althrd_current(), MIXER_THREAD_NAME); frame_size = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType, device->AmbiOrder); ALCsolarisBackend_lock(self); while(!ATOMIC_LOAD(&self->killNow, almemory_order_acquire) && ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->Connected, almemory_order_acquire) != DeviceConnect_Disconnected) { FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(self->fd, &wfds); timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; ALCsolarisBackend_unlock(self); sret = select(self->fd+1, NULL, &wfds, NULL, &timeout); ALCsolarisBackend_lock(self); if(sret < 0) { if(errno == EINTR) continue; ERR("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); aluHandleDisconnect(device, "Failed to wait for playback buffer: %s", strerror(errno)); break; } else if(sret == 0) { WARN("select timeout\n"); continue; } write_ptr = self->mix_data; to_write = self->data_size; aluMixData(device, write_ptr, to_write/frame_size); while(to_write > 0 && !ATOMIC_LOAD_SEQ(&self->killNow)) { wrote = write(self->fd, write_ptr, to_write); if(wrote < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) continue; ERR("write failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); aluHandleDisconnect(device, "Failed to write playback samples: %s", strerror(errno)); break; } to_write -= wrote; write_ptr += wrote; } } ALCsolarisBackend_unlock(self); return 0; }
static ALCboolean opensl_reset_playback(ALCdevice *Device) { osl_data *data = Device->ExtraData; SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq; SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue; SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix; SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm; SLDataSource audioSrc; SLDataSink audioSnk; SLPlayItf player; SLInterfaceID id; SLboolean req; SLresult result; ALuint i; Device->UpdateSize = (ALuint64)Device->UpdateSize * 44100 / Device->Frequency; Device->UpdateSize = Device->UpdateSize * Device->NumUpdates / 2; Device->NumUpdates = 2; Device->Frequency = 44100; Device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; Device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(Device); id = SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE; req = SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE; loc_bufq.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE; loc_bufq.numBuffers = Device->NumUpdates; format_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM; format_pcm.numChannels = ChannelsFromDevFmt(Device->FmtChans); format_pcm.samplesPerSec = Device->Frequency * 1000; format_pcm.bitsPerSample = BytesFromDevFmt(Device->FmtType) * 8; format_pcm.containerSize = format_pcm.bitsPerSample; format_pcm.channelMask = GetChannelMask(Device->FmtChans); format_pcm.endianness = SL_BYTEORDER_NATIVE; audioSrc.pLocator = &loc_bufq; audioSrc.pFormat = &format_pcm; loc_outmix.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX; loc_outmix.outputMix = data->outputMix; audioSnk.pLocator = &loc_outmix; audioSnk.pFormat = NULL; result = SLEngineItf_CreateAudioPlayer(data->engine, &data->bufferQueueObject, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, 1, &id, &req); PRINTERR(result, "engine->CreateAudioPlayer"); if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = SLObjectItf_Realize(data->bufferQueueObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Realize"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = SLObjectItf_GetInterface(data->bufferQueueObject, SL_IID_BUFFERQUEUE, &bufferQueue); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = (*bufferQueue)->RegisterCallback(bufferQueue, opensl_callback, Device); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->RegisterCallback"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { data->frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(Device->FmtChans, Device->FmtType); data->bufferSize = Device->UpdateSize * data->frameSize; data->buffer = calloc(1, data->bufferSize); if(!data->buffer) { result = SL_RESULT_MEMORY_FAILURE; PRINTERR(result, "calloc"); } } /* enqueue the first buffer to kick off the callbacks */ for(i = 0;i < Device->NumUpdates;i++) { if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = (*bufferQueue)->Enqueue(bufferQueue, data->buffer, data->bufferSize); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue"); } } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = SLObjectItf_GetInterface(data->bufferQueueObject, SL_IID_PLAY, &player); PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result) { result = SLPlayItf_SetPlayState(player, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); PRINTERR(result, "player->SetPlayState"); } if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result) { if(data->bufferQueueObject != NULL) SLObjectItf_Destroy(data->bufferQueueObject); data->bufferQueueObject = NULL; free(data->buffer); data->buffer = NULL; data->bufferSize = 0; return ALC_FALSE; } return ALC_TRUE; }
ALCboolean xaudio2_do_reset_playback(ALCdevice * device) { XAudio2Data* data = (XAudio2Data*)device->ExtraData; HRESULT hr; DWORD outputchannelMasks; XAUDIO2_VOICE_DETAILS outputDetails; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE SourceType; data->masterVoice->GetChannelMask(&outputchannelMasks); data->masterVoice->GetVoiceDetails(&outputDetails); if (!(device->Flags&DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST)) device->Frequency = outputDetails.InputSampleRate; if (!(device->Flags&DEVICE_CHANNELS_REQUEST)) { if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 1 && outputchannelMasks == MONO) device->FmtChans = DevFmtMono; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 2 && outputchannelMasks == STEREO) device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 4 && outputchannelMasks == QUAD) device->FmtChans = DevFmtQuad; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 6 && outputchannelMasks == X5DOT1) device->FmtChans = DevFmtX51; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 6 && outputchannelMasks == X5DOT1SIDE) device->FmtChans = DevFmtX51Side; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 7 && outputchannelMasks == X6DOT1) device->FmtChans = DevFmtX61; else if (outputDetails.InputChannels == 8 && outputchannelMasks == X7DOT1) device->FmtChans = DevFmtX71; else ERR("Unhandled channel config: %d -- 0x%08lx\n", outputDetails.InputChannels, outputchannelMasks); } SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(device); switch (device->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 1; SourceType.dwChannelMask = MONO; break; case DevFmtStereo: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 2; SourceType.dwChannelMask = STEREO; break; case DevFmtQuad: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 4; SourceType.dwChannelMask = QUAD; break; case DevFmtX51: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 6; SourceType.dwChannelMask = X5DOT1; break; case DevFmtX51Side: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 6; SourceType.dwChannelMask = X5DOT1SIDE; break; case DevFmtX61: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 7; SourceType.dwChannelMask = X6DOT1; break; case DevFmtX71: SourceType.Format.nChannels = 8; SourceType.dwChannelMask = X7DOT1; break; } switch (device->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: device->FmtType = DevFmtUByte; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtUByte: SourceType.Format.wBitsPerSample = 8; SourceType.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 8; SourceType.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; break; case DevFmtUShort: device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; /* fall-through */ case DevFmtShort: SourceType.Format.wBitsPerSample = 16; SourceType.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 16; SourceType.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; break; case DevFmtFloat: SourceType.Format.wBitsPerSample = 32; SourceType.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 32; SourceType.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT; break; } SourceType.Format.cbSize = (sizeof(SourceType) - sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); SourceType.Format.nSamplesPerSec = device->Frequency; SourceType.Format.nBlockAlign = SourceType.Format.nChannels * SourceType.Format.wBitsPerSample / 8; SourceType.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = SourceType.Format.nSamplesPerSec * SourceType.Format.nBlockAlign; SourceType.Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; /*-----------create source voice-------------*/ data->sourceVoiceCallback = new (std::nothrow) XAudio2SourceVoiceCallback(device); if (data->sourceVoiceCallback == NULL) { ERR("create XAudio2SourceVoiceCallback() failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } data->sourceVoiceCallback->callbackEvent = CreateEventEx(NULL, NULL, 0, EVENT_ACCESS_MASK); if (data->sourceVoiceCallback->callbackEvent == NULL) { ERR("create callback event failed\n"); return ALC_FALSE; } hr = data->xAudioObj->CreateSourceVoice(&data->sourceVoice, &SourceType.Format, 0, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_FREQ_RATIO, data->sourceVoiceCallback); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR("CreateSourceVoice() failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr); return ALC_FALSE; } /*---------create buffer--------------*/ //calculate frame size data->frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); //start playing the audio engine data->sourceVoice->Start(); //wait for the buffer to be created WaitForSingleObjectEx(data->sourceVoiceCallback->callbackEvent, INFINITE, FALSE); device->UpdateSize = data->bufferSize / data->frameSize; device->NumUpdates = 1; //set the running flag InterlockedExchange(&data->running, TRUE); return ALC_TRUE; }
static ALCenum alsa_open_capture(ALCdevice *pDevice, const ALCchar *deviceName) { const char *driver = "default"; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *p; snd_pcm_uframes_t bufferSizeInFrames; snd_pcm_uframes_t periodSizeInFrames; snd_pcm_format_t format; ALuint frameSize; alsa_data *data; char str[128]; char *err; int i; ConfigValueStr("alsa", "capture", &driver); if(!allCaptureDevNameMap) allCaptureDevNameMap = probe_devices(SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, &numCaptureDevNames); if(!deviceName) deviceName = allCaptureDevNameMap[0].name; else { size_t idx; for(idx = 0;idx < numCaptureDevNames;idx++) { if(allCaptureDevNameMap[idx].name && strcmp(deviceName, allCaptureDevNameMap[idx].name) == 0) { if(idx > 0) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%sCARD=%s,DEV=%d", capture_prefix, allCaptureDevNameMap[idx].card, allCaptureDevNameMap[idx].dev); driver = str; } break; } } if(idx == numCaptureDevNames) return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } data = (alsa_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(alsa_data)); i = snd_pcm_open(&data->pcmHandle, driver, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, SND_PCM_NONBLOCK); if(i < 0) { ERR("Could not open capture device '%s': %s\n", driver, snd_strerror(i)); free(data); return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; } format = -1; switch(pDevice->FmtType) { case DevFmtByte: format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S8; break; case DevFmtUByte: format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8; break; case DevFmtShort: format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16; break; case DevFmtUShort: format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_U16; break; case DevFmtFloat: format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT; break; } err = NULL; bufferSizeInFrames = maxu(pDevice->UpdateSize*pDevice->NumUpdates, 100*pDevice->Frequency/1000); periodSizeInFrames = minu(bufferSizeInFrames, 50*pDevice->Frequency/1000); snd_pcm_hw_params_malloc(&p); if((i=snd_pcm_hw_params_any(data->pcmHandle, p)) < 0) err = "any"; /* set interleaved access */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(data->pcmHandle, p, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED)) < 0) err = "set access"; /* set format (implicitly sets sample bits) */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(data->pcmHandle, p, format)) < 0) err = "set format"; /* set channels (implicitly sets frame bits) */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(data->pcmHandle, p, ChannelsFromDevFmt(pDevice->FmtChans))) < 0) err = "set channels"; /* set rate (implicitly constrains period/buffer parameters) */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate(data->pcmHandle, p, pDevice->Frequency, 0)) < 0) err = "set rate near"; /* set buffer size in frame units (implicitly sets period size/bytes/time and buffer time/bytes) */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(data->pcmHandle, p, &bufferSizeInFrames)) < 0) err = "set buffer size near"; /* set buffer size in frame units (implicitly sets period size/bytes/time and buffer time/bytes) */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(data->pcmHandle, p, &periodSizeInFrames, NULL)) < 0) err = "set period size near"; /* install and prepare hardware configuration */ if(i >= 0 && (i=snd_pcm_hw_params(data->pcmHandle, p)) < 0) err = "set params"; if(i < 0) { ERR("%s failed: %s\n", err, snd_strerror(i)); snd_pcm_hw_params_free(p); goto error; } if((i=snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(p, &bufferSizeInFrames, NULL)) < 0) { ERR("get size failed: %s\n", snd_strerror(i)); snd_pcm_hw_params_free(p); goto error; } snd_pcm_hw_params_free(p); frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(pDevice->FmtChans, pDevice->FmtType); data->ring = CreateRingBuffer(frameSize, pDevice->UpdateSize*pDevice->NumUpdates); if(!data->ring) { ERR("ring buffer create failed\n"); goto error; } data->size = snd_pcm_frames_to_bytes(data->pcmHandle, bufferSizeInFrames); data->buffer = malloc(data->size); if(!data->buffer) { ERR("buffer malloc failed\n"); goto error; } pDevice->szDeviceName = strdup(deviceName); pDevice->ExtraData = data; return ALC_NO_ERROR; error: free(data->buffer); DestroyRingBuffer(data->ring); snd_pcm_close(data->pcmHandle); free(data); pDevice->ExtraData = NULL; return ALC_INVALID_VALUE; }
static ALuint WaveProc(ALvoid *ptr) { ALCdevice *pDevice = (ALCdevice*)ptr; wave_data *data = (wave_data*)pDevice->ExtraData; ALuint frameSize; ALuint now, start; ALuint64 avail, done; size_t fs; union { short s; char b[sizeof(short)]; } uSB; const ALuint restTime = (ALuint64)pDevice->UpdateSize * 1000 / pDevice->Frequency / 2; uSB.s = 1; frameSize = FrameSizeFromDevFmt(pDevice->FmtChans, pDevice->FmtType); done = 0; start = timeGetTime(); while(!data->killNow && pDevice->Connected) { now = timeGetTime(); avail = (ALuint64)(now-start) * pDevice->Frequency / 1000; if(avail < done) { /* Timer wrapped. Add the remainder of the cycle to the available * count and reset the number of samples done */ avail += (ALuint64)0xFFFFFFFFu*pDevice->Frequency/1000 - done; done = 0; } if(avail-done < pDevice->UpdateSize) { Sleep(restTime); continue; } while(avail-done >= pDevice->UpdateSize) { aluMixData(pDevice, data->buffer, pDevice->UpdateSize); done += pDevice->UpdateSize; if(uSB.b[0] != 1) { ALuint bytesize = BytesFromDevFmt(pDevice->FmtType); ALubyte *bytes = data->buffer; ALuint i; if(bytesize == 1) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i], data->f); } else if(bytesize == 2) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i^1], data->f); } else if(bytesize == 4) { for(i = 0;i < data->size;i++) fputc(bytes[i^3], data->f); } } else fs = fwrite(data->buffer, frameSize, pDevice->UpdateSize, data->f); if(ferror(data->f)) { AL_PRINT("Error writing to file\n"); aluHandleDisconnect(pDevice); break; } } } return 0; }
static void* thread_function(void* arg) { ALCdevice* device = (ALCdevice*)arg; AndroidData* data = (AndroidData*)device->ExtraData; JNIEnv* env; (*javaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(javaVM, &env, NULL); (*env)->PushLocalFrame(env, 2); int sampleRateInHz = device->Frequency; int channelConfig = ChannelsFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans) == 1 ? CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO : CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_STEREO; int audioFormat = BytesFromDevFmt(device->FmtType) == 1 ? ENCODING_PCM_8BIT : ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; int bufferSizeInBytes = (*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, cAudioTrack, mGetMinBufferSize, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat); int bufferSizeInSamples = bufferSizeInBytes / FrameSizeFromDevFmt(device->FmtChans, device->FmtType); jobject track = (*env)->NewObject(env, cAudioTrack, mAudioTrack, STREAM_MUSIC, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat, device->NumUpdates * bufferSizeInBytes, MODE_STREAM); #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_LOW_LATENCY int started = 0; size_t overallBytes = 0; #else (*env)->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mPlay); #endif jarray buffer = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, bufferSizeInBytes); while (data->running) { void* pBuffer = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buffer, NULL); if (pBuffer) { aluMixData(device, pBuffer, bufferSizeInSamples); (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, buffer, pBuffer, 0); #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_LOW_LATENCY if (bufferSizeInBytes >= 0) { if (started) { #endif (*env)->CallNonvirtualIntMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mWrite, buffer, 0, bufferSizeInBytes); #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_LOW_LATENCY } else { overallBytes += (*env)->CallNonvirtualIntMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mWrite, buffer, 0, bufferSizeInBytes); if (overallBytes >= (device->NumUpdates * bufferSizeInBytes)) { (*env)->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mPlay); started = 1; } } } #endif } else { AL_PRINT("Failed to get pointer to array bytes"); } } (*env)->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mStop); (*env)->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(env, track, cAudioTrack, mRelease); (*env)->PopLocalFrame(env, NULL); (*javaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(javaVM); return NULL; }