int app::run(void) { loadProjectConfig(); AllocConsole(); freopen("CONOUT$", "wt", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "wt", stderr); // disable close console HWND hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow(); if (hwndConsole != NULL) { HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwndConsole, FALSE); if (hMenu != NULL) DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND); } do { m_exit = TRUE; if (m_project.isShowConsole()) { ShowWindow(hwndConsole, SW_SHOW); BringWindowToTop(hwndConsole); } else { ShowWindow(hwndConsole, SW_HIDE); } // create the application instance m_app = new AppDelegate(); m_app->setStartupScriptFilename(m_project.getScriptFilePath()); // set environments SetCurrentDirectoryA(m_project.getProjectDir().c_str()); CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setSearchRootPath(m_project.getProjectDir().c_str()); // create opengl view CCEGLView* eglView = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView(); eglView->setMenuResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_LUAHOSTWIN32)); eglView->setWndProc(WindowProc); eglView->setFrameSize(m_project.getFrameSize().width, m_project.getFrameSize().height); eglView->setFrameZoomFactor(m_project.getFrameScale()); // make window actived m_hwnd = eglView->getHWnd(); BringWindowToTop(m_hwnd); // restore window position const CCPoint windowOffset = m_project.getWindowOffset(); if (windowOffset.x >= 0 || windowOffset.y >= 0) { eglView->moveWindow(windowOffset.x, windowOffset.y); } // set icon HICON icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LUAHOSTWIN32)); SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon); SendMessage(hwndConsole, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon); // run game CCLuaStack *stack = CCLuaEngine::defaultEngine()->getLuaStack(); const vector<string> arr = m_project.getPackagePathArray(); for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); ++it) { stack->addSearchPath(it->c_str()); } m_app->run(); // cleanup CCScriptEngineManager::sharedManager()->removeScriptEngine(); CCScriptEngineManager::purgeSharedManager(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::end(); delete m_app; m_app = NULL; } while (!m_exit); FreeConsole(); return 0; }
void CloseConsole(){//关闭控制台 #ifdef _OUT // fclose(g_stdOut); FreeConsole(); #endif }
/** * Detach from terminal. * * @param sctx service context * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_SYSERR on error */ static int detach_terminal (struct GNUNET_SERVICE_Context *sctx) { #ifndef MINGW pid_t pid; int nullfd; int filedes[2]; if (0 != PIPE (filedes)) { LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "pipe"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } pid = fork (); if (pid < 0) { LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "fork"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (0 != pid) { /* Parent */ char c; GNUNET_break (0 == CLOSE (filedes[1])); c = 'X'; if (1 != READ (filedes[0], &c, sizeof (char))) LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "read"); fflush (stdout); switch (c) { case '.': exit (0); case 'I': LOG (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Service process failed to initialize\n")); break; case 'S': LOG (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Service process could not initialize server function\n")); break; case 'X': LOG (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Service process failed to report status\n")); break; } exit (1); /* child reported error */ } GNUNET_break (0 == CLOSE (0)); GNUNET_break (0 == CLOSE (1)); GNUNET_break (0 == CLOSE (filedes[0])); nullfd = OPEN ("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_APPEND); if (nullfd < 0) return GNUNET_SYSERR; /* set stdin/stdout to /dev/null */ if ((dup2 (nullfd, 0) < 0) || (dup2 (nullfd, 1) < 0)) { LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "dup2"); (void) CLOSE (nullfd); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } (void) CLOSE (nullfd); /* Detach from controlling terminal */ pid = setsid (); if (-1 == pid) LOG_STRERROR (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "setsid"); sctx->ready_confirm_fd = filedes[1]; #else /* FIXME: we probably need to do something else * elsewhere in order to fork the process itself... */ FreeConsole (); #endif return GNUNET_OK; }
int App::run(void) { const char *QMM_ROOT = getenv("QMM_ROOT"); SimulatorConfig::sharedDefaults()->setQuickCocos2dxRootPath(QMM_ROOT); loadProjectConfig(); HWND hwndConsole = NULL; if (m_project.isShowConsole()) { AllocConsole(); freopen("CONOUT$", "wt", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "wt", stderr); // disable close console hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow(); if (hwndConsole != NULL) { HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwndConsole, FALSE); if (hMenu != NULL) DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND); ShowWindow(hwndConsole, SW_SHOW); BringWindowToTop(hwndConsole); } } m_project.dump(); if (m_project.isWriteDebugLogToFile()) { const string debugLogFilePath = m_project.getDebugLogFilePath(); m_writeDebugLogFile = fopen(debugLogFilePath.c_str(), "w"); if (!m_writeDebugLogFile) { CCLOG("Cannot create debug log file %s", debugLogFilePath.c_str()); } } do { m_exit = TRUE; // create the application instance m_app = new AppDelegate(); m_app->setProjectConfig(m_project); // set environments SetCurrentDirectoryA(m_project.getProjectDir().c_str()); CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setSearchRootPath(m_project.getProjectDir().c_str()); CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setWritablePath(m_project.getWritableRealPath().c_str()); // create opengl view CCEGLView* eglView = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView(); eglView->setMenuResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_LUAHOSTWIN32)); eglView->setWndProc(WindowProc); eglView->setFrameSize(m_project.getFrameSize().width, m_project.getFrameSize().height); eglView->setFrameZoomFactor(m_project.getFrameScale()); // make window actived m_hwnd = eglView->getHWnd(); BringWindowToTop(m_hwnd); SetWindowTextA(m_hwnd, "__PROJECT_PACKAGE_LAST_NAME_L__"); // restore window position const CCPoint windowOffset = m_project.getWindowOffset(); if (windowOffset.x != 0 || windowOffset.y != 0) { eglView->moveWindow(windowOffset.x, windowOffset.y); } // set icon HICON icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LUAHOSTWIN32)); SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon); if (hwndConsole) { SendMessage(hwndConsole, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon); } // update menu createViewMenu(); updateMenu(); // run game CCLuaStack *stack = CCLuaEngine::defaultEngine()->getLuaStack(); const vector<string> arr = m_project.getPackagePathArray(); for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); ++it) { stack->addSearchPath(it->c_str()); } m_app->run(); // cleanup CCScriptEngineManager::sharedManager()->removeScriptEngine(); CCScriptEngineManager::purgeSharedManager(); CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::end(); delete m_app; m_app = NULL; } while (!m_exit); FreeConsole(); if (m_writeDebugLogFile) fclose(m_writeDebugLogFile); return 0; }
// // KillConsole // void KillConsole(void) { FreeConsole( ); // Free Console Window } // end of the function
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow) { RECT rect; int cc; = CS_OWNDC | CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = 0; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = "raytracer"; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return FALSE; rect.left = = 0; rect.right = SCRWIDTH, rect.bottom = SCRHEIGHT; AdjustWindowRect( &rect, WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU|WS_CAPTION, 0 ); rect.right -= rect.left, rect.bottom -=; wnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, "raytracer", "raytracer", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX & ~WS_THICKFRAME, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rect.right, rect.bottom, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); ShowWindow(wnd,SW_NORMAL); for ( cc = 0; cc < sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + 16; cc++ ) bitmapbuffer[cc] = 0; bh = (BITMAPINFO *)&bitmapbuffer; bh->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); bh->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bh->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bh->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS; bh->bmiHeader.biWidth = SCRWIDTH, bh->bmiHeader.biHeight = -SCRHEIGHT; ((unsigned long*)bh->bmiColors)[0] = 255 << 16; ((unsigned long*)bh->bmiColors)[1] = 255 << 8; ((unsigned long*)bh->bmiColors)[2] = 255; window_hdc = GetDC(wnd); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, 0, 0, 0); initConf(config); // prepare output canvas surface = new Surface(SCRWIDTH,SCRHEIGHT); buffer = surface->GetBuffer(); surface->Clear(0); AllocConsole(); //Sortie Console freopen("CONOUT$","wb",stdout); clock_scene.begin(); // ---> start clock_scene // prepare renderer Scene* maScene = new Scene(); maScene->chargerScene(config.filename); maScene->afficherScene(); tracer = new Engine(config); tracer->SetScene(maScene); tracer->SetTarget(surface->GetBuffer(),SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT ); int tpos = 60; clock_scene.end(); // ---> end clock_scene system("Pause"); tracer->InitRender(); clock_render.begin(); // ---> start clock_render tracer->Render(); //calcul de l'image clock_render.end(); // ---> end clock_render SaveImage("test.ppm",tracer->GetImage()); SaveLogFile("Resultat.log",config); afficherClock(); while (1) { DrawWindow(); } FreeConsole(); // Close the console window return 1; }
/** * This function initializes libcaca vout method. */ static int Open(vlc_object_t *object) { vout_display_t *vd = (vout_display_t *)object; vout_display_sys_t *sys; #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32) # ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING if (!vlc_xlib_init(object)) return VLC_EGENERIC; # endif #endif #if defined(WIN32) CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; SMALL_RECT rect; COORD coord; HANDLE hstdout; if (!AllocConsole()) { msg_Err(vd, "cannot create console"); return VLC_EGENERIC; } hstdout = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL); if (!hstdout || hstdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { msg_Err(vd, "cannot create screen buffer"); FreeConsole(); return VLC_EGENERIC; } if (!SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hstdout)) { msg_Err(vd, "cannot set active screen buffer"); FreeConsole(); return VLC_EGENERIC; } coord = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hstdout); msg_Dbg(vd, "SetConsoleWindowInfo: %ix%i", coord.X, coord.Y); /* Force size for now */ coord.X = 100; coord.Y = 40; if (!SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hstdout, coord)) msg_Warn(vd, "SetConsoleScreenBufferSize %i %i", coord.X, coord.Y); /* Get the current screen buffer size and window position. */ if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hstdout, &csbiInfo)) { rect.Top = 0; rect.Left = 0; rect.Right = csbiInfo.dwMaximumWindowSize.X - 1; rect.Bottom = csbiInfo.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y - 1; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(hstdout, TRUE, &rect)) msg_Dbg(vd, "SetConsoleWindowInfo failed: %ix%i", rect.Right, rect.Bottom); } #endif /* Allocate structure */ vd->sys = sys = calloc(1, sizeof(*sys)); if (!sys) goto error; sys->cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0); if (!sys->cv) { msg_Err(vd, "cannot initialize libcucul"); goto error; } const char *driver = NULL; #ifdef __APPLE__ // Make sure we don't try to open a window. driver = "ncurses"; #endif sys->dp = caca_create_display_with_driver(sys->cv, driver); if (!sys->dp) { msg_Err(vd, "cannot initialize libcaca"); goto error; } vout_display_DeleteWindow(vd, NULL); if (vd->cfg->display.title) caca_set_display_title(sys->dp, vd->cfg->display.title); else caca_set_display_title(sys->dp, VOUT_TITLE "(Colour AsCii Art)"); /* Fix format */ video_format_t fmt = vd->fmt; if (fmt.i_chroma != VLC_CODEC_RGB32) { fmt.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_RGB32; fmt.i_rmask = 0x00ff0000; fmt.i_gmask = 0x0000ff00; fmt.i_bmask = 0x000000ff; } /* TODO */ vout_display_info_t info = vd->info; /* Setup vout_display now that everything is fine */ vd->fmt = fmt; vd->info = info; vd->pool = Pool; vd->prepare = Prepare; vd->display = PictureDisplay; vd->control = Control; vd->manage = Manage; /* Fix initial state */ vout_display_SendEventFullscreen(vd, false); Refresh(vd); return VLC_SUCCESS; error: if (sys) { if (sys->pool) picture_pool_Delete(sys->pool); if (sys->dither) cucul_free_dither(sys->dither); if (sys->dp) caca_free_display(sys->dp); if (sys->cv) cucul_free_canvas(sys->cv); free(sys); } #if defined(WIN32) FreeConsole(); #endif return VLC_EGENERIC; }
LRESULT CALLBACK GetMsgProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //sprintf_s(s_buf, "GetMsgProc\n"); //WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); if (!s_initialized) { if (!AttachConsole(g_consoleId)) { FreeConsole(); AttachConsole(g_consoleId); } s_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // TODO: we don't really close it sprintf_s(s_buf, "Attached console\n"); WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); if (!g_mouseHook) { g_mouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, LowLevelMouseProc, g_this, 0); // mouse_ll global only (requires process with message loop) if (g_mouseHook) { sprintf_s(s_buf, "Installed mouse hook\n"); WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); } else { sprintf_s(s_buf, "Could not install mouse hook\n"); WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); } } if (g_detect_screen_size) { HWND win = GetDesktopWindow(); RECT rec; GetWindowRect(win, &rec); g_screen_height = rec.bottom; g_screen_width = rec.right; } sprintf_s(s_buf, "X-Offset: %i Y-Offset: %i Width: %i Height: %i\n", g_screen_offsetX, g_screen_offsetY, g_screen_width, g_screen_height); WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); s_cursors.reset(new CursorMap); s_cursorBuf.reset(new CursorMap); s_server.reset(new TUIO::TuioServer(g_host, g_serverPort)); sprintf_s(s_buf, "Created server (%s:%i)\n", g_host, g_serverPort); WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); s_timer = SetTimer(g_targetWnd, TIMER_IDENTIFIER, TIMER_CALL_TIME, 0); s_initialized = true; } if (nCode < 0) // do not process message { return CallNextHookEx(0, nCode, wParam, lParam); } switch (nCode) { case HC_ACTION: { LPMSG msg = (LPMSG)lParam; // register everything for touch // Note: pretty ugly but seems to be the only possibility to register every window RegisterTouchWindow(msg->hwnd, TOUCH_FLAGS); switch (msg->message) { case WM_TOUCH: { //sprintf_s(s_buf, "Touches received:\n"); //WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); UINT cInputs = LOWORD(msg->wParam); PTOUCHINPUT pInputs = new TOUCHINPUT[cInputs]; if (NULL != pInputs) { if (GetTouchInputInfo((HTOUCHINPUT)msg->lParam, cInputs, pInputs, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT))) { s_server->initFrame(TUIO::TuioTime::getSessionTime()); // process pInputs for (UINT i=0; i<cInputs; ++i) { //sprintf_s(s_buf, "ID: %i, X: %i, Y: %i\n", pInputs[i].dwID, pInputs[i].x, pInputs[i].y); //WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); std::map<DWORD, TUIO::TuioCursor*>::iterator cursorIt = s_cursors->find(pInputs[i].dwID); if (cursorIt != s_cursors->end()) { // found s_server->updateTuioCursor(cursorIt->second, ((pInputs[i].x*0.01f)+g_screen_offsetX)/(float)(g_screen_width+g_screen_offsetX), ((pInputs[i].y*0.01f)+g_screen_offsetY)/(float)(g_screen_height+g_screen_offsetY)); (*s_cursorBuf)[pInputs[i].dwID] = cursorIt->second; s_cursors->erase(cursorIt); } else { // not found (*s_cursorBuf)[pInputs[i].dwID] = s_server->addTuioCursor( ((pInputs[i].x*0.01f)+g_screen_offsetX)/(float)(g_screen_width+g_screen_offsetX), ((pInputs[i].y*0.01f)+g_screen_offsetY)/(float)(g_screen_height+g_screen_offsetY)); } } for (std::map<DWORD, TUIO::TuioCursor*>::iterator it = s_cursors->begin(); it != s_cursors->end(); ++it) { s_server->removeTuioCursor(it->second); } s_cursors->clear(); std::auto_ptr<CursorMap> tmp(s_cursorBuf); s_cursorBuf = s_cursors; s_cursors = tmp; s_server->commitFrame(); } } delete[] pInputs; } break; case WM_TIMER: { //if (msg->wParam == TIMER_IDENTIFIER) //{ BOOL frameOpen(false); for (std::map<DWORD, TUIO::TuioCursor*>::iterator it = s_cursors->begin(); it != s_cursors->end();) { long delta = TUIO::TuioTime::getSessionTime().getTotalMilliseconds() - it->second->getTuioTime().getTotalMilliseconds(); if (delta > MAX_CURSOR_IDLE_TIME) { if (!frameOpen) { s_server->initFrame(TUIO::TuioTime::getSessionTime()); frameOpen = true; } s_server->removeTuioCursor(it->second); std::map<DWORD, TUIO::TuioCursor*>::iterator tmp = it++; s_cursors->erase(tmp); //sprintf_s(s_buf, "Removed cursor due to time limit\n"); //WriteConsole(s_out, s_buf, strlen(s_buf), &s_ccount, 0); } else { ++it; } } if (frameOpen) { s_server->commitFrame(); } //} } break; } } break; } return CallNextHookEx(0, nCode, wParam, lParam); }
int main() { FreeConsole(); App::App(); g_app->Run(); }
void NsConsole::Hide() { FreeConsole(); _bShowing = false; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif /* __APPLE__ */ { bool commit_dune_cfg = false; #if defined(_WIN32) #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW _fileno (FILE*); #endif FILE *err = fopen("error.log", "w"); FILE *out = fopen("output.log", "w"); #if defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif if (err != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(err), _fileno(stderr)); if (out != NULL) _dup2(_fileno(out), _fileno(stdout)); FreeConsole(); #endif CrashLog_Init(); VARIABLE_NOT_USED(argc); VARIABLE_NOT_USED(argv); /* Load opendune.ini file */ Load_IniFile(); if (!File_Init()) { Error("Cannot initialise files. Does %s directory exist ?\n", DATA_DIR); exit(1); } /* Loading config from dune.cfg */ if (!Config_Read("dune.cfg", &g_config)) { Config_Default(&g_config); commit_dune_cfg = true; } /* reading config from opendune.ini which prevail over dune.cfg */ SetLanguage_From_IniFile(&g_config); /* Writing config to dune.cfg */ if (commit_dune_cfg && !Config_Write("dune.cfg", &g_config)) { Error("Error writing to dune.cfg file.\n"); exit(1); } Input_Init(); Drivers_All_Init(); if (!Unknown_25C4_000E()) exit(1); g_var_7097 = 0; GameLoop_Main(); printf("%s\n", String_Get_ByIndex(STR_THANK_YOU_FOR_PLAYING_DUNE_II)); PrepareEnd(); Free_IniFile(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pa_core *c = NULL; pa_strbuf *buf = NULL; pa_daemon_conf *conf = NULL; pa_mainloop *mainloop = NULL; char *s; int r = 0, retval = 1, d = 0; pa_bool_t valid_pid_file = FALSE; pa_bool_t ltdl_init = FALSE; int passed_fd = -1; const char *e; #ifdef HAVE_FORK int daemon_pipe[2] = { -1, -1 }; #endif #ifdef OS_IS_WIN32 pa_time_event *win32_timer; struct timeval win32_tv; #endif int autospawn_fd = -1; pa_bool_t autospawn_locked = FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_DBUS pa_dbus_connection *dbus = NULL; #endif pa_log_set_ident("pulseaudio"); pa_log_set_level(PA_LOG_NOTICE); pa_log_set_flags(PA_LOG_COLORS|PA_LOG_PRINT_FILE|PA_LOG_PRINT_LEVEL, PA_LOG_RESET); #if defined(__linux__) && defined(__OPTIMIZE__) /* Disable lazy relocations to make usage of external libraries more deterministic for our RT threads. We abuse __OPTIMIZE__ as a check whether we are a debug build or not. This all is admittedly a bit snake-oilish. */ if (!getenv("LD_BIND_NOW")) { char *rp; char *canonical_rp; /* We have to execute ourselves, because the libc caches the * value of $LD_BIND_NOW on initialization. */ pa_set_env("LD_BIND_NOW", "1"); if ((canonical_rp = pa_realpath(PA_BINARY))) { if ((rp = pa_readlink("/proc/self/exe"))) { if (pa_streq(rp, canonical_rp)) pa_assert_se(execv(rp, argv) == 0); else pa_log_warn("/proc/self/exe does not point to %s, cannot self execute. Are you playing games?", canonical_rp); pa_xfree(rp); } else pa_log_warn("Couldn't read /proc/self/exe, cannot self execute. Running in a chroot()?"); pa_xfree(canonical_rp); } else pa_log_warn("Couldn't canonicalize binary path, cannot self execute."); } #endif if ((e = getenv("PULSE_PASSED_FD"))) { passed_fd = atoi(e); if (passed_fd <= 2) passed_fd = -1; } /* We might be autospawned, in which case have no idea in which * context we have been started. Let's cleanup our execution * context as good as possible */ pa_reset_personality(); pa_drop_root(); pa_close_all(passed_fd, -1); pa_reset_sigs(-1); pa_unblock_sigs(-1); pa_reset_priority(); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); pa_init_i18n(); conf = pa_daemon_conf_new(); if (pa_daemon_conf_load(conf, NULL) < 0) goto finish; if (pa_daemon_conf_env(conf) < 0) goto finish; if (pa_cmdline_parse(conf, argc, argv, &d) < 0) { pa_log(_("Failed to parse command line.")); goto finish; } pa_log_set_level(conf->log_level); pa_log_set_target(conf->auto_log_target ? PA_LOG_STDERR : conf->log_target); if (conf->log_meta) pa_log_set_flags(PA_LOG_PRINT_META, PA_LOG_SET); if (conf->log_time) pa_log_set_flags(PA_LOG_PRINT_TIME, PA_LOG_SET); pa_log_set_show_backtrace(conf->log_backtrace); LTDL_SET_PRELOADED_SYMBOLS(); pa_ltdl_init(); ltdl_init = TRUE; if (conf->dl_search_path) lt_dlsetsearchpath(conf->dl_search_path); #ifdef OS_IS_WIN32 { WSADATA data; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &data); } #endif pa_random_seed(); switch (conf->cmd) { case PA_CMD_DUMP_MODULES: pa_dump_modules(conf, argc-d, argv+d); retval = 0; goto finish; case PA_CMD_DUMP_CONF: { if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } s = pa_daemon_conf_dump(conf); fputs(s, stdout); pa_xfree(s); retval = 0; goto finish; } case PA_CMD_DUMP_RESAMPLE_METHODS: { int i; if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } for (i = 0; i < PA_RESAMPLER_MAX; i++) if (pa_resample_method_supported(i)) printf("%s\n", pa_resample_method_to_string(i)); retval = 0; goto finish; } case PA_CMD_HELP : pa_cmdline_help(argv[0]); retval = 0; goto finish; case PA_CMD_VERSION : if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } printf(PACKAGE_NAME" "PACKAGE_VERSION"\n"); retval = 0; goto finish; case PA_CMD_CHECK: { pid_t pid; if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } if (pa_pid_file_check_running(&pid, "pulseaudio") < 0) pa_log_info(_("Daemon not running")); else { pa_log_info(_("Daemon running as PID %u"), pid); retval = 0; } goto finish; } case PA_CMD_KILL: if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } if (pa_pid_file_kill(SIGINT, NULL, "pulseaudio") < 0) pa_log(_("Failed to kill daemon: %s"), pa_cstrerror(errno)); else retval = 0; goto finish; case PA_CMD_CLEANUP_SHM: if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } if (pa_shm_cleanup() >= 0) retval = 0; goto finish; default: pa_assert(conf->cmd == PA_CMD_DAEMON || conf->cmd == PA_CMD_START); } if (d < argc) { pa_log("Too many arguments.\n"); goto finish; } if (getuid() == 0 && !conf->system_instance) pa_log_warn(_("This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is specified).")); else if (getuid() != 0 && conf->system_instance) { pa_log(_("Root privileges required.")); goto finish; } if (conf->cmd == PA_CMD_START && conf->system_instance) { pa_log(_("--start not supported for system instances.")); goto finish; } if (conf->system_instance && !conf->disallow_exit) pa_log_warn(_("Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set!")); if (conf->system_instance && !conf->disallow_module_loading) pa_log_warn(_("Running in system mode, but --disallow-module-loading not set!")); if (conf->system_instance && !conf->disable_shm) { pa_log_notice(_("Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode!")); conf->disable_shm = TRUE; } if (conf->system_instance && conf->exit_idle_time >= 0) { pa_log_notice(_("Running in system mode, forcibly disabling exit idle time!")); conf->exit_idle_time = -1; } if (conf->cmd == PA_CMD_START) { /* If we shall start PA only when it is not running yet, we * first take the autospawn lock to make things * synchronous. */ if ((autospawn_fd = pa_autospawn_lock_init()) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to initialize autospawn lock"); goto finish; } if ((pa_autospawn_lock_acquire(TRUE) < 0)) { pa_log("Failed to acquire autospawn lock"); goto finish; } autospawn_locked = TRUE; } if (conf->daemonize) { pid_t child; int tty_fd; if (pa_stdio_acquire() < 0) { pa_log(_("Failed to acquire stdio.")); goto finish; } #ifdef HAVE_FORK if (pipe(daemon_pipe) < 0) { pa_log(_("pipe failed: %s"), pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } if ((child = fork()) < 0) { pa_log(_("fork() failed: %s"), pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } if (child != 0) { ssize_t n; /* Father */ pa_assert_se(pa_close(daemon_pipe[1]) == 0); daemon_pipe[1] = -1; if ((n = pa_loop_read(daemon_pipe[0], &retval, sizeof(retval), NULL)) != sizeof(retval)) { if (n < 0) pa_log(_("read() failed: %s"), pa_cstrerror(errno)); retval = 1; } if (retval) pa_log(_("Daemon startup failed.")); else pa_log_info(_("Daemon startup successful.")); goto finish; } if (autospawn_fd >= 0) { /* The lock file is unlocked from the parent, so we need * to close it in the child */ pa_autospawn_lock_release(); pa_autospawn_lock_done(TRUE); autospawn_locked = FALSE; autospawn_fd = -1; } pa_assert_se(pa_close(daemon_pipe[0]) == 0); daemon_pipe[0] = -1; #endif if (conf->auto_log_target) pa_log_set_target(PA_LOG_SYSLOG); #ifdef HAVE_SETSID setsid(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETPGID setpgid(0,0); #endif #ifndef OS_IS_WIN32 pa_close(0); pa_close(1); pa_close(2); pa_assert_se(open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) == 0); pa_assert_se(open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY) == 1); pa_assert_se(open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY) == 2); #else FreeConsole(); #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef TIOCNOTTY if ((tty_fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) >= 0) { ioctl(tty_fd, TIOCNOTTY, (char*) 0); pa_assert_se(pa_close(tty_fd) == 0); } #endif } pa_set_env_and_record("PULSE_INTERNAL", "1"); pa_assert_se(chdir("/") == 0); umask(0022); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H set_all_rlimits(conf); #endif pa_rtclock_hrtimer_enable(); pa_raise_priority(conf->nice_level); if (conf->system_instance) if (change_user() < 0) goto finish; pa_set_env_and_record("PULSE_SYSTEM", conf->system_instance ? "1" : "0"); pa_log_info(_("This is PulseAudio %s"), PACKAGE_VERSION); pa_log_debug(_("Compilation host: %s"), CANONICAL_HOST); pa_log_debug(_("Compilation CFLAGS: %s"), PA_CFLAGS); s = pa_uname_string(); pa_log_debug(_("Running on host: %s"), s); pa_xfree(s); pa_log_debug(_("Found %u CPUs."), pa_ncpus()); pa_log_info(_("Page size is %lu bytes"), (unsigned long) PA_PAGE_SIZE); #ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK_H pa_log_debug(_("Compiled with Valgrind support: yes")); #else pa_log_debug(_("Compiled with Valgrind support: no")); #endif pa_log_debug(_("Running in valgrind mode: %s"), pa_yes_no(pa_in_valgrind())); pa_log_debug(_("Running in VM: %s"), pa_yes_no(pa_running_in_vm())); #ifdef __OPTIMIZE__ pa_log_debug(_("Optimized build: yes")); #else pa_log_debug(_("Optimized build: no")); #endif #ifdef NDEBUG pa_log_debug(_("NDEBUG defined, all asserts disabled.")); #elif defined(FASTPATH) pa_log_debug(_("FASTPATH defined, only fast path asserts disabled.")); #else pa_log_debug(_("All asserts enabled.")); #endif if (!(s = pa_machine_id())) { pa_log(_("Failed to get machine ID")); goto finish; } pa_log_info(_("Machine ID is %s."), s); pa_xfree(s); if ((s = pa_session_id())) { pa_log_info(_("Session ID is %s."), s); pa_xfree(s); } if (!(s = pa_get_runtime_dir())) goto finish; pa_log_info(_("Using runtime directory %s."), s); pa_xfree(s); if (!(s = pa_get_state_dir())) goto finish; pa_log_info(_("Using state directory %s."), s); pa_xfree(s); pa_log_info(_("Using modules directory %s."), conf->dl_search_path); pa_log_info(_("Running in system mode: %s"), pa_yes_no(pa_in_system_mode())); if (pa_in_system_mode()) pa_log_warn(_("OK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please note that you most likely shouldn't be doing that.\n" "If you do it nonetheless then it's your own fault if things don't work as expected.\n" "Please read for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.")); if (conf->use_pid_file) { int z; if ((z = pa_pid_file_create("pulseaudio")) != 0) { if (conf->cmd == PA_CMD_START && z > 0) { /* If we are already running and with are run in * --start mode, then let's return this as success. */ retval = 0; goto finish; } pa_log(_("pa_pid_file_create() failed.")); goto finish; } valid_pid_file = TRUE; } pa_disable_sigpipe(); if (pa_rtclock_hrtimer()) pa_log_info(_("Fresh high-resolution timers available! Bon appetit!")); else pa_log_info(_("Dude, your kernel stinks! The chef's recommendation today is Linux with high-resolution timers enabled!")); if (conf->lock_memory) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H if (mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) < 0) pa_log_warn("mlockall() failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); else pa_log_info("Sucessfully locked process into memory."); #else pa_log_warn("Memory locking requested but not supported on platform."); #endif } pa_memtrap_install(); if (!getenv("PULSE_NO_SIMD")) { pa_cpu_init_x86(); pa_cpu_init_arm(); } pa_assert_se(mainloop = pa_mainloop_new()); if (!(c = pa_core_new(pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop), !conf->disable_shm, conf->shm_size))) { pa_log(_("pa_core_new() failed.")); goto finish; } c->default_sample_spec = conf->default_sample_spec; c->default_channel_map = conf->default_channel_map; c->default_n_fragments = conf->default_n_fragments; c->default_fragment_size_msec = conf->default_fragment_size_msec; c->exit_idle_time = conf->exit_idle_time; c->scache_idle_time = conf->scache_idle_time; c->resample_method = conf->resample_method; c->realtime_priority = conf->realtime_priority; c->realtime_scheduling = !!conf->realtime_scheduling; c->disable_remixing = !!conf->disable_remixing; c->disable_lfe_remixing = !!conf->disable_lfe_remixing; c->running_as_daemon = !!conf->daemonize; c->disallow_exit = conf->disallow_exit; c->flat_volumes = conf->flat_volumes; pa_assert_se(pa_signal_init(pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop)) == 0); pa_signal_new(SIGINT, signal_callback, c); pa_signal_new(SIGTERM, signal_callback, c); #ifdef SIGUSR1 pa_signal_new(SIGUSR1, signal_callback, c); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 pa_signal_new(SIGUSR2, signal_callback, c); #endif #ifdef SIGHUP pa_signal_new(SIGHUP, signal_callback, c); #endif #ifdef OS_IS_WIN32 win32_timer = pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop)->rtclock_time_new(pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop), pa_gettimeofday(&win32_tv), message_cb, NULL); #endif if (!conf->no_cpu_limit) pa_assert_se(pa_cpu_limit_init(pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop)) == 0); buf = pa_strbuf_new(); if (conf->load_default_script_file) { FILE *f; if ((f = pa_daemon_conf_open_default_script_file(conf))) { r = pa_cli_command_execute_file_stream(c, f, buf, &conf->fail); fclose(f); } } if (r >= 0) r = pa_cli_command_execute(c, conf->script_commands, buf, &conf->fail); pa_log_error("%s", s = pa_strbuf_tostring_free(buf)); pa_xfree(s); /* We completed the initial module loading, so let's disable it * from now on, if requested */ c->disallow_module_loading = !!conf->disallow_module_loading; if (r < 0 && conf->fail) { pa_log(_("Failed to initialize daemon.")); goto finish; } if (!c->modules || pa_idxset_size(c->modules) == 0) { pa_log(_("Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.")); goto finish; } #ifdef HAVE_FORK if (daemon_pipe[1] >= 0) { int ok = 0; pa_loop_write(daemon_pipe[1], &ok, sizeof(ok), NULL); pa_close(daemon_pipe[1]); daemon_pipe[1] = -1; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DBUS dbus = register_dbus(c); #endif pa_log_info(_("Daemon startup complete.")); retval = 0; if (pa_mainloop_run(mainloop, &retval) < 0) goto finish; pa_log_info(_("Daemon shutdown initiated.")); finish: #ifdef HAVE_DBUS if (dbus) pa_dbus_connection_unref(dbus); #endif if (autospawn_fd >= 0) { if (autospawn_locked) pa_autospawn_lock_release(); pa_autospawn_lock_done(FALSE); } #ifdef OS_IS_WIN32 if (win32_timer) pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop)->time_free(win32_timer); #endif if (c) { pa_core_unref(c); pa_log_info(_("Daemon terminated.")); } if (!conf->no_cpu_limit) pa_cpu_limit_done(); pa_signal_done(); #ifdef HAVE_FORK if (daemon_pipe[1] >= 0) pa_loop_write(daemon_pipe[1], &retval, sizeof(retval), NULL); pa_close_pipe(daemon_pipe); #endif if (mainloop) pa_mainloop_free(mainloop); if (conf) pa_daemon_conf_free(conf); if (valid_pid_file) pa_pid_file_remove(); /* This has no real purpose except making things valgrind-clean */ pa_unset_env_recorded(); #ifdef OS_IS_WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif if (ltdl_init) pa_ltdl_done(); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS dbus_shutdown(); #endif return retval; }
// N.B. On Windows, this should be called from WinMain. Link against qtmain and specify // /SubSystem:Windows int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef _WIN32 const bool console_attached = AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS) != FALSE; HANDLE stdout_handle = ::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (console_attached && stdout_handle) { freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); } #endif QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(QStringLiteral("Dolphin Emulator")); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(QStringLiteral("")); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(QStringLiteral("dolphin-emu")); QApplication app(argc, argv); #ifdef _WIN32 // Get the default system font because Qt's way of obtaining it is outdated NONCLIENTMETRICS metrics = {}; LOGFONT& logfont = metrics.lfMenuFont; metrics.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS); if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(metrics), &metrics, 0)) { // Sadly Qt 5 doesn't support turning a native font handle into a QFont so this is the next best // thing QFont font = QApplication::font(); font.setFamily(QString::fromStdString(UTF16ToUTF8(logfont.lfFaceName))); font.setItalic(logfont.lfItalic); font.setStrikeOut(logfont.lfStrikeOut); font.setUnderline(logfont.lfUnderline); // The default font size is a bit too small font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.2); QApplication::setFont(font); } #endif auto parser = CommandLineParse::CreateParser(CommandLineParse::ParserOptions::IncludeGUIOptions); const optparse::Values& options = CommandLineParse::ParseArguments(parser.get(), argc, argv); const std::vector<std::string> args = parser->args(); #ifdef _WIN32 FreeConsole(); #endif UICommon::SetUserDirectory(static_cast<const char*>(options.get("user"))); UICommon::CreateDirectories(); UICommon::Init(); Resources::Init(); Settings::Instance().SetBatchModeEnabled(options.is_set("batch")); // Hook up alerts from core RegisterMsgAlertHandler(QtMsgAlertHandler); // Hook up translations Translation::Initialize(); // Whenever the event loop is about to go to sleep, dispatch the jobs // queued in the Core first. QObject::connect(QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(), &QAbstractEventDispatcher::aboutToBlock, &app, &Core::HostDispatchJobs); std::unique_ptr<BootParameters> boot; if (options.is_set("exec")) { const std::list<std::string> paths_list = options.all("exec"); const std::vector<std::string> paths{std::make_move_iterator(std::begin(paths_list)), std::make_move_iterator(std::end(paths_list))}; boot = BootParameters::GenerateFromFile(paths); } else if (options.is_set("nand_title")) { const std::string hex_string = static_cast<const char*>(options.get("nand_title")); if (hex_string.length() == 16) { const u64 title_id = std::stoull(hex_string, nullptr, 16); boot = std::make_unique<BootParameters>(BootParameters::NANDTitle{title_id}); } else { QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("Invalid title ID.")); } } else if (!args.empty()) { boot = BootParameters::GenerateFromFile(args.front()); } int retval; { DolphinAnalytics::Instance()->ReportDolphinStart("qt"); MainWindow win{std::move(boot)}; if (options.is_set("debugger")) Settings::Instance().SetDebugModeEnabled(true); win.Show(); #if defined(USE_ANALYTICS) && USE_ANALYTICS if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_analytics_permission_asked) { QMessageBox analytics_prompt(&win); analytics_prompt.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); analytics_prompt.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); analytics_prompt.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); analytics_prompt.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Allow Usage Statistics Reporting")); analytics_prompt.setText( QObject::tr("Do you authorize Dolphin to report information to Dolphin's developers?")); analytics_prompt.setInformativeText( QObject::tr("If authorized, Dolphin can collect data on its performance, " "feature usage, and configuration, as well as data on your system's " "hardware and operating system.\n\n" "No private data is ever collected. This data helps us understand " "how people and emulated games use Dolphin and prioritize our " "efforts. It also helps us identify rare configurations that are " "causing bugs, performance and stability issues.\n" "This authorization can be revoked at any time through Dolphin's " "settings.")); const int answer = analytics_prompt.exec(); SConfig::GetInstance().m_analytics_permission_asked = true; Settings::Instance().SetAnalyticsEnabled(answer == QMessageBox::Yes); DolphinAnalytics::Instance()->ReloadConfig(); } #endif auto* updater = new Updater(&win); updater->start(); retval = app.exec(); } Core::Shutdown(); UICommon::Shutdown(); Host::GetInstance()->deleteLater(); return retval; }
/* Called from main thread only (Passes Event) */ int sdl_init(int mode) { #if !defined(NO_X) && defined(__unix__) dll_handle dl; const char *libnames[2]={"X11", NULL}; #endif if(init_sdl_video()) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL Video Init Failed\n"); return(-1); } bitmap_init(sdl_drawrect, sdl_flush); if(mode==CIOLIB_MODE_SDL_FULLSCREEN) fullscreen=1; if(mode==CIOLIB_MODE_SDL_YUV) yuv.enabled=1; if(mode==CIOLIB_MODE_SDL_YUV_FULLSCREEN) { yuv.enabled=1; fullscreen=1; } #if (SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 1) || (SDL_MINOR_VERSION > 2) || (SDL_PATCHLEVEL > 9) if(yuv.enabled) { const SDL_version *linked=sdl.Linked_Version(); if(linked->major > 1 || linked->minor > 2 || linked->patch > 9) { yuv.screen_width=sdl.initial_videoinfo.current_w; yuv.screen_height=sdl.initial_videoinfo.current_h; } } #endif sdl_init_mode(3); if(yuv.enabled && yuv.overlay==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "YUV Enabled, but overlay is NULL\n"); sdl_init_good=0; } sdl_user_func_ret(SDL_USEREVENT_INIT); if(sdl_init_good) { cio_api.mode=fullscreen?CIOLIB_MODE_SDL_FULLSCREEN:CIOLIB_MODE_SDL; #ifdef _WIN32 FreeConsole(); #endif #if !defined(NO_X) && defined(__unix__) dl=xp_dlopen(libnames,RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL,7); if(dl!=NULL) { sdl_x11available=TRUE; if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XFree=xp_dlsym(dl,XFree))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XGetSelectionOwner=xp_dlsym(dl,XGetSelectionOwner))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XConvertSelection=xp_dlsym(dl,XConvertSelection))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XGetWindowProperty=xp_dlsym(dl,XGetWindowProperty))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XChangeProperty=xp_dlsym(dl,XChangeProperty))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XSendEvent=xp_dlsym(dl,XSendEvent))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } if(sdl_x11available && (sdl_x11.XSetSelectionOwner=xp_dlsym(dl,XSetSelectionOwner))==NULL) { xp_dlclose(dl); sdl_x11available=FALSE; } } if(sdl_x11available) sdl.EventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_ENABLE); #endif return(0); } return(-1); }
/********************* Main*/ int omain(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i, cnt, cntt, cnttt, way; static char file[MAXC], attr[MAXC], val[MAXC], *p, *binver; #if defined(ALLEGRO_WINDOWS) binver = "Windows binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_DOS) binver = "DOS binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_LINUX) binver = "Linux binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_BEOS) binver = "BEOS binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_QNX) binver = "QNX binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_UNIX) binver = "UNIX binary"; #elif defined(ALLEGRO_MPW) binver = "MacOS binary"; #else binver = "Unknown binary"; #endif printf("%s %s\n","\nO2EM v" O2EM_VERSION " " RELEASE_DATE " - ", binver); printf("Free Odyssey2 / Videopac+ Emulator -\n"); printf("Created by Daniel Boris (c)1996/1998\n"); printf("Developed by:\n"); printf(" Andre de la Rocha since version 0.80\n"); printf(" Arlindo M. de Oliveira since version 1.16\n"); printf("\n"); app_data.debug = 0; app_data.stick[0] = app_data.stick[1] = 1; app_data.sticknumber[0] = app_data.sticknumber[1] = 0; set_defjoykeys(0,0); set_defjoykeys(1,1); set_defsystemkeys(); = 0; app_data.limit = 1; app_data.sound_en = 1; app_data.speed = 100; app_data.wsize = 2; #ifdef ALLEGRO_DOS app_data.fullscreen = 1; #else app_data.fullscreen = 0; #endif app_data.scanlines = 0; app_data.voice = 1; app_data.window_title = "O2EM v" O2EM_VERSION; app_data.svolume = 100; app_data.vvolume = 100; app_data.filter = 0; app_data.exrom = 0; app_data.three_k = 0; app_data.crc = 0; app_data.scshot = scshot; app_data.statefile = statefile; app_data.euro = 0; app_data.openb = 0; app_data.vpp = 0; app_data.bios = 0; app_data.scoretype = 0; app_data.scoreaddress = 0; app_data.default_highscore = 0; app_data.breakpoint = 65535; app_data.megaxrom = 0; strcpy(file,""); strcpy(file_l,""); strcpy(bios_l,""); strcpy(bios,""); strcpy(scshot,""); strcpy(statefile,""); strcpy(xrom,""); strcpy(scorefile,"highscore.txt"); read_default_config(); if (argc >= 2){ for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { strncat(file,argv[i],MAXC-1); file[MAXC-1]=0; strcpy(file_v,file); } else { p=strtok(argv[i],"="); if (p){ strncpy(attr,p+1,MAXC-1); attr[MAXC-1]=0; } else strcpy(attr,""); p=strtok(NULL,"="); if (p){ strncpy(val,p,MAXC-1); val[MAXC-1]=0; if (!strcmp(attr,"romdir")||!strcmp(attr,"ROMDIR")) { strcpy(romdir,val); strcat(romdir,file); strcpy(file,romdir); strcpy(romdir,val); } if (!strcmp(attr,"biosdir")||!strcmp(attr,"BIOSDIR")) { strcpy(biosdir,val); } } else strcpy(val,""); strlwr(attr); if (!parse_option(attr, val)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (helpflag) helpus(); if (strlen(file)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: file name missing\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef __LIBRETRO__ sprintf(statefile,"%s.state\0",file); #endif printf("Starting emulation ...\n"); #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ allegro_init(); install_timer(); #endif init_audio(); #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ printf("Using Allegro %s\n",allegro_id); #endif /********************** ROMs if Launcher running... */ k = strchr(romdir, '/'); launcher_flag_r = strchr(file, '\\'); if (k != 0) { strcpy (xrom,romdir); } else if (!launcher_flag_r) { strcpy(xrom,"roms/"); strcpy(romdir,file); #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ strcpy(file,xrom); strcat(file,romdir); #endif strcpy(romdir,xrom); } else { cnt = 0; cntt = 0; cnttt = 0; way = 0; for (cnt=0; file[cnt] != '\0'; cnt=cnt+1) { if ( file[cnt] == '\\' ) { cnttt = cnt; } } for (cnt=0; cnt<=cnttt; cnt++) { file_l[cnt] = file[cnt]; } strcpy (romdir,file_l); strcpy (xrom,romdir); } #ifdef __LIBRETRO__ #ifdef AND sprintf(xrom,"%s\0","/mnt/sdcard/O2EM/roms/"); strcpy(romdir,xrom); #else sprintf(xrom,"%s\0","./roms/"); strcpy(romdir,xrom); #endif #endif file_name(xrom); if (contax < 3) { printf("\nROMs directory empty!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } app_data.crc = crc32_file(file); crcx = app_data.crc; suck_roms(); /********************** BIOSs if Launcher running... */ launcher_flag_b = strchr(bios, '\\'); if (!launcher_flag_b){ k = strchr(biosdir, '/'); if (k != 0) { strcpy (xbios,biosdir); } else { strcpy (xbios,"bios/"); strcpy (biosdir,xbios); } #ifdef __LIBRETRO__ #ifdef AND sprintf(xbios,"%s\0","/mnt/sdcard/O2EM/bios/"); strcpy (biosdir,xbios); #else sprintf(xbios,"%s\0","./bios/"); strcpy (biosdir,xbios); #endif #endif file_name(xbios); if (contax < 3) { printf("\nBIOS directory empty!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } suck_bios(); c_j = strcmp(bios,"jopac"); if ((rom_f!=1) && (c_j!=0)) strcpy(bios,g7400); if ((!o2flag) && (!jopflag) && (!c52flag) && (!g74flag)) { printf("\ndir '%s' without BIOS !",biosdir); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("BIOS found:\n"); if (!strcmp(bios,"g7400")){ strcpy(bios,g7400); if (g74flag != 1) { printf("\nG7400 BIOS not found !"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (g74flag) printf(" G7400 VP+\n"); if (!strcmp(bios,"c52")){ strcpy(bios,c52); if (c52flag != 1) { printf("\nC52 BIOS not found !"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (c52flag) printf(" C52\n"); if (!strcmp(bios,"jopac")){ strcpy(bios,jopac); if (jopflag != 1) { printf("\nJOPAC BIOS not found !"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (jopflag) printf(" JOPAC VP+\n"); if ((!strcmp(bios,"")) || (!strcmp(bios,"o2rom"))) { strcpy(bios,odyssey2); if ((!o2flag)&&(!c52flag)&&(rom_f)){ printf("Odyssey2 BIOS not found !\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((!o2flag)&&(c52flag)&&(rom_f)){ printf("\nOdyssey2 BIOS not found !\n"); printf("Loading C52 BIOS ... "); strcpy(bios,c52); } } if (o2flag) printf(" Odyssey 2\n"); } if (launcher_flag_b) { identify_bios(bios); if (rom_f!=1) { if (!((g74flag)||(jopflag))) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: ROM only VP+ BIOS"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } if (!launcher_flag_b) { if (rom_f!=1) { if (!((g74flag)||(jopflag))) { printf("\nROM only VP+ BIOS\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!(g74flag)) { printf("\nVP+ G7400 BIOS not found !"); printf("\nLoading VP+ Jopac BIOS ..."); strcpy(bios,jopac); } } } load_bios(bios); load_cart(file); if (app_data.voice) load_voice_samples(path); init_display(); init_cpu(); init_system(); set_score(app_data.scoretype, app_data.scoreaddress, app_data.default_highscore); int stateError; if ((stateError=loadstate(app_data.statefile))==0) { printf("Savefile loaded."); } else if (stateError>=199) { if (stateError==199) fprintf(stderr,"Wrong ROM-File for Savefile."); else if (stateError==200+ROM_O2) fprintf(stderr,"Wrong BIOS for Savefile: O2ROM needed."); else if (stateError==200+ROM_G7400) fprintf(stderr,"Wrong BIOS for Savefile: G7400 ROM needed."); else if (stateError==200+ROM_C52) fprintf(stderr,"Wrong BIOS for Savefile: C52 ROM needed."); else if (stateError==200+ROM_JOPAC) fprintf(stderr,"Wrong BIOS for Savefile: JOPAC ROM needed."); else fprintf(stderr,"Wrong BIOS for Savefile: UNKNOWN ROM needed."); return(0); } if (app_data.debug) key_debug=1; #ifndef _DEBUG #ifdef ALLEGRO_WINDOWS FreeConsole(); #endif #endif #ifdef __LIBRETRO__ return 1; #endif run(); if (app_data.scoretype!=0) save_highscore(get_score(app_data.scoretype, app_data.scoreaddress), scorefile); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (!strcmp(attr,"help")||!strcmp(attr,"HELP")) helpus(); printf("type o2em -help"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
~ConsoleAttacher() { if(isAttached) { FreeConsole(); } isAttached = false; }
VOID CConsole::Free() { FreeConsole(); }
int main( int argc, char * * argv ) { #ifdef LMMS_DEBUG_FPE // Enable exceptions for certain floating point results feenableexcept( FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW); // Install the trap handler // register signal SIGFPE and signal handler signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler); #endif #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 // Don't touch redirected streams here // GetStdHandle should be called before AttachConsole HANDLE hStdIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); HANDLE hStdErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); FILE *fIn, *fOut, *fErr; // Enable console output if available if (AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { if (!hStdIn) { freopen_s(&fIn, "CONIN$", "r", stdin); } if (!hStdOut) { freopen_s(&fOut, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout); } if (!hStdErr) { freopen_s(&fErr, "CONOUT$", "w", stderr); } } // Make Qt's debug message handlers work qInstallMessageHandler(consoleMessageHandler); #endif // initialize memory managers NotePlayHandleManager::init(); // intialize RNG srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); disable_denormals(); bool coreOnly = false; bool fullscreen = true; bool exitAfterImport = false; bool allowRoot = false; bool renderLoop = false; bool renderTracks = false; QString fileToLoad, fileToImport, renderOut, profilerOutputFile, configFile; // first of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" || arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" || arg == "render" || arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" ) { coreOnly = true; } else if( arg == "rendertracks" || arg == "--rendertracks" ) { coreOnly = true; renderTracks = true; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { allowRoot = true; } else if( arg == "--geometry" || arg == "-geometry") { if( arg == "--geometry" ) { // Delete the first "-" so Qt recognize the option strcpy(argv[i], "-geometry"); } // option -geometry is filtered by Qt later, // so we need to check its presence now to // determine, if the application should run in // fullscreen mode (default, no -geometry given). fullscreen = false; } } #if !defined(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) && !defined(LMMS_BUILD_HAIKU) if ( ( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 ) && !allowRoot ) { printf( "LMMS cannot be run as root.\nUse \"--allowroot\" to override.\n\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_LINUX // don't let OS steal the menu bar. FIXME: only effective on Qt4 QCoreApplication::setAttribute( Qt::AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar ); #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); #endif QCoreApplication * app = coreOnly ? new QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) : new MainApplication( argc, argv ); Mixer::qualitySettings qs( Mixer::qualitySettings::Mode_HighQuality ); OutputSettings os( 44100, OutputSettings::BitRateSettings(160, false), OutputSettings::Depth_16Bit, OutputSettings::StereoMode_JointStereo ); ProjectRenderer::ExportFileFormats eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; // second of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" ) { printVersion( argv[0] ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "upgrade" || arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u") { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return noInputFileError(); } DataFile dataFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); if( argc > i+1 ) // output file specified { dataFile.writeFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i+1] ) ); } else // no output file specified; use stdout { QTextStream ts( stdout ); dataFile.write( ts ); fflush( stdout ); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { // Ignore, processed earlier #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( allowRoot ) { printf( "\nOption \"--allowroot\" will be ignored on this platform.\n\n" ); } #endif } else if( arg == "dump" || arg == "--dump" || arg == "-d" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return noInputFileError(); } QFile f( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QString d = qUncompress( f.readAll() ); printf( "%s\n", d.toUtf8().constData() ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "render" || arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" || arg == "rendertracks" || arg == "--rendertracks" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return noInputFileError(); } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); renderOut = fileToLoad; } else if( arg == "--loop" || arg == "-l" ) { renderLoop = true; } else if( arg == "--output" || arg == "-o" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No output file specified" ); } renderOut = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else if( arg == "--format" || arg == "-f" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No output format specified" ); } const QString ext = QString( argv[i] ); if( ext == "wav" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; } #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_OGGVORBIS else if( ext == "ogg" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::OggFile; } #endif #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_MP3LAME else if( ext == "mp3" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::MP3File; } #endif else if (ext == "flac") { eff = ProjectRenderer::FlacFile; } else { return usageError( QString( "Invalid output format %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg == "--samplerate" || arg == "-s" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No samplerate specified" ); } sample_rate_t sr = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( sr >= 44100 && sr <= 192000 ) { os.setSampleRate(sr); } else { return usageError( QString( "Invalid samplerate %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg == "--bitrate" || arg == "-b" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No bitrate specified" ); } int br = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( br >= 64 && br <= 384 ) { OutputSettings::BitRateSettings bitRateSettings = os.getBitRateSettings(); bitRateSettings.setBitRate(br); os.setBitRateSettings(bitRateSettings); } else { return usageError( QString( "Invalid bitrate %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg == "--mode" || arg == "-m" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No stereo mode specified" ); } QString const mode( argv[i] ); if( mode == "s" ) { os.setStereoMode(OutputSettings::StereoMode_Stereo); } else if( mode == "j" ) { os.setStereoMode(OutputSettings::StereoMode_JointStereo); } else if( mode == "m" ) { os.setStereoMode(OutputSettings::StereoMode_Mono); } else { return usageError( QString( "Invalid stereo mode %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg =="--float" || arg == "-a" ) { os.setBitDepth(OutputSettings::Depth_32Bit); } else if( arg == "--interpolation" || arg == "-i" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No interpolation method specified" ); } const QString ip = QString( argv[i] ); if( ip == "linear" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_Linear; } else if( ip == "sincfastest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincFastest; } else if( ip == "sincmedium" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincMedium; } else if( ip == "sincbest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincBest; } else { return usageError( QString( "Invalid interpolation method %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg == "--oversampling" || arg == "-x" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No oversampling specified" ); } int o = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); switch( o ) { case 1: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_None; break; case 2: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_2x; break; case 4: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_4x; break; case 8: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_8x; break; default: return usageError( QString( "Invalid oversampling %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } } else if( arg == "--import" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No file specified for importing" ); } fileToImport = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); // exit after import? (only for debugging) if( QString( argv[i + 1] ) == "-e" ) { exitAfterImport = true; ++i; } } else if( arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No profile specified" ); } profilerOutputFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else if( arg == "--config" || arg == "-c" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { return usageError( "No configuration file specified" ); } configFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else { if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { return usageError( QString( "Invalid option %1" ).arg( argv[i] ) ); } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } } // Test file argument before continuing if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() ) { fileCheck( fileToLoad ); } else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() ) { fileCheck( fileToImport ); } ConfigManager::inst()->loadConfigFile(configFile); // Hidden settings MixHelpers::setNaNHandler( ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "nanhandler", "1" ).toInt() ); // set language QString pos = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "language" ); if( pos.isEmpty() ) { pos = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 ); } #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 #undef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR #define QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir() #endif #ifdef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR // load translation for Qt-widgets/-dialogs loadTranslation( QString( "qt_" ) + pos, QString( QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ) ); #endif // load actual translation for LMMS loadTranslation( pos ); // try to set realtime priority #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_LINUX #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_SCHED_H #ifndef __OpenBSD__ struct sched_param sparam; sparam.sched_priority = ( sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) + sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO ) ) / 2; if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &sparam ) == -1 ) { printf( "Notice: could not set realtime priority.\n" ); } #endif #endif #endif #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( !SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) ) { printf( "Notice: could not set high priority.\n" ); } #endif #if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 1 || _XOPEN_SOURCE || _POSIX_SOURCE struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; if ( sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" ); } if ( sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" ); } #endif bool destroyEngine = false; // if we have an output file for rendering, just render the song // without starting the GUI if( !renderOut.isEmpty() ) { Engine::init( true ); destroyEngine = true; printf( "Loading project...\n" ); Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); if( Engine::getSong()->isEmpty() ) { printf("The project %s is empty, aborting!\n", fileToLoad.toUtf8().constData() ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } printf( "Done\n" ); Engine::getSong()->setExportLoop( renderLoop ); // when rendering multiple tracks, renderOut is a directory // otherwise, it is a file, so we need to append the file extension if ( !renderTracks ) { renderOut = baseName( renderOut ) + ProjectRenderer::getFileExtensionFromFormat(eff); } // create renderer RenderManager * r = new RenderManager( qs, os, eff, renderOut ); QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( r, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( quit() ) ); // timer for progress-updates QTimer * t = new QTimer( r ); r->connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( updateConsoleProgress() ) ); t->start( 200 ); if( profilerOutputFile.isEmpty() == false ) { Engine::mixer()->profiler().setOutputFile( profilerOutputFile ); } // start now! if ( renderTracks ) { r->renderTracks(); } else { r->renderProject(); } } else // otherwise, start the GUI { new GuiApplication(); // re-intialize RNG - shared libraries might have srand() or // srandom() calls in their init procedure srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); // recover a file? QString recoveryFile = ConfigManager::inst()->recoveryFile(); bool recoveryFilePresent = QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).exists() && QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).isFile(); bool autoSaveEnabled = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "enableautosave" ).toInt(); if( recoveryFilePresent ) { QMessageBox mb; mb.setWindowTitle( MainWindow::tr( "Project recovery" ) ); mb.setText( QString( "<html>" "<p style=\"margin-left:6\">%1</p>" "<table cellpadding=\"3\">" " <tr>" " <td><b>%2</b></td>" " <td>%3</td>" " </tr>" " <tr>" " <td><b>%4</b></td>" " <td>%5</td>" " </tr>" "</table>" "</html>" ).arg( MainWindow::tr( "There is a recovery file present. " "It looks like the last session did not end " "properly or another instance of LMMS is " "already running. Do you want to recover the " "project of this session?" ), MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ), MainWindow::tr( "Recover the file. Please don't run " "multiple instances of LMMS when you do this." ), MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ), MainWindow::tr( "Launch a default session and delete " "the restored files. This is not reversible." ) ) ); mb.setIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ); mb.setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "icon_small" ) ); mb.setWindowFlags( Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint ); QPushButton * recover; QPushButton * discard; QPushButton * exit; // setting all buttons to the same roles allows us // to have a custom layout discard = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); recover = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); // have a hidden exit button exit = mb.addButton( "", QMessageBox::RejectRole); exit->setVisible(false); // set icons recover->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "recover" ) ); discard->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "discard" ) ); mb.setDefaultButton( recover ); mb.setEscapeButton( exit ); mb.exec(); if( mb.clickedButton() == discard ) { gui->mainWindow()->sessionCleanup(); } else if( mb.clickedButton() == recover ) // Recover { fileToLoad = recoveryFile; gui->mainWindow()->setSession( MainWindow::SessionState::Recover ); } else // Exit { return 0; } } // first show the Main Window and then try to load given file // [Settel] workaround: showMaximized() doesn't work with // FVWM2 unless the window is already visible -> show() first gui->mainWindow()->show(); if( fullscreen ) { gui->mainWindow()->showMaximized(); } // Handle macOS-style FileOpen QEvents QString queuedFile = static_cast<MainApplication *>( app )->queuedFile(); if ( !queuedFile.isEmpty() ) { fileToLoad = queuedFile; } if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() ) { if( fileToLoad == recoveryFile ) { Engine::getSong()->createNewProjectFromTemplate( fileToLoad ); } else { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); } } else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() ) { ImportFilter::import( fileToImport, Engine::getSong() ); if( exitAfterImport ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } // If enabled, open last project if there is one. Else, create // a new one. else if( ConfigManager::inst()-> value( "app", "openlastproject" ).toInt() && !ConfigManager::inst()-> recentlyOpenedProjects().isEmpty() && !recoveryFilePresent ) { QString f = ConfigManager::inst()-> recentlyOpenedProjects().first(); QFileInfo recentFile( f ); if ( recentFile.exists() && recentFile.suffix().toLower() != "mpt" ) { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( f ); } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } // Finally we start the auto save timer and also trigger the // autosave one time as recover.mmp is a signal to possible other // instances of LMMS. if( autoSaveEnabled ) { gui->mainWindow()->autoSaveTimerReset(); } } const int ret = app->exec(); delete app; if( destroyEngine ) { Engine::destroy(); } // ProjectRenderer::updateConsoleProgress() doesn't return line after render if( coreOnly ) { printf( "\n" ); } #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 // Cleanup console HWND hConsole = GetConsoleWindow(); if (hConsole) { SendMessage(hConsole, WM_CHAR, (WPARAM)VK_RETURN, (LPARAM)0); FreeConsole(); } #endif return ret; }
static int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { AllocConsole(); //create a console freopen( "conin$","r",stdin ); freopen( "conout$","w",stdout ); freopen( "conout$","w",stderr ); printf( "Program Started, console initialized\n" ); const char WindowName[] = "Wet Clay"; int64 mSecsPerFrame = 16; //60FPS System system = { }; system.windowHeight = 680; system.windowWidth = 1080; system.ReadWholeFile = &ReadWholeFile; system.GetMostRecentMatchingFile = &GetMostRecentMatchingFile; system.TrackFileUpdates = &TrackFileUpdates; system.DidFileUpdate = &DidFileUpdate; system.WriteFile = &WriteFile; system.HasFocus = &HasFocus; //Center position of window uint16 fullScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); uint16 fullScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); uint16 windowPosX = ( fullScreenWidth / 2 ) - (system.windowWidth / 2 ); uint16 windowPosY = ( fullScreenHeight / 2 ) - (system.windowHeight / 2 ); WNDCLASSEX wc = { }; wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_OWNDC; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = WindowName; wc.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); if( !RegisterClassEx( &wc ) ) { printf( "Failed to register class\n" ); return -1; } EnableCrashingOnCrashes(); // at this point WM_CREATE message is sent/received // the WM_CREATE branch inside WinProc function will execute here HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, WindowName, "Wet Clay App", WS_BORDER, windowPosX, windowPosY, system.windowWidth, system.windowHeight, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL ); RECT windowRect = { }; GetClientRect( hwnd, &windowRect ); SetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE, 0 ); ShowWindow ( hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); UpdateWindow( hwnd ); LARGE_INTEGER timerResolution; BOOL canSupportHiResTimer = QueryPerformanceFrequency( &timerResolution ); assert( canSupportHiResTimer ); size_t systemsMemorySize = MEGABYTES( 8 ); Stack gameSlab; gameSlab.size = SIZEOF_GLOBAL_HEAP + systemsMemorySize; gameSlab.start = VirtualAlloc( NULL, gameSlab.size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ); gameSlab.current = gameSlab.start; assert( gameSlab.start != NULL ); Stack systemsMemory = AllocateNewStackFromStack( &gameSlab, systemsMemorySize ); InitWin32WorkerThread( &systemsMemory ); GLRendererGlobalState glRendererStorage = { }; globalGLRendererStorageRef = &glRendererStorage; GLRenderDriver glDriver = Win32InitGLRenderer( hwnd, &system, globalGLRendererStorageRef ); Win32Sound win32Sound = Win32InitSound( hwnd, 60, &systemsMemory ); void* imguistate = InitImGui_LimeStone( &systemsMemory, (RenderDriver*)&glDriver, system.windowWidth, system.windowHeight ); printf( "Remaining System Memory: %Id\n", SPACE_IN_STACK( (&gameSlab) ) ); LoadGameCode( &gameapp ); assert( gameapp.GameInit != NULL ); fileTracking = { }; fileTracking.writeHead = &fileTracking.stringBuffer[0]; int dllTrackingIndex = TrackFileUpdates( GAME_CODE_FILEPATH ); assert( dllTrackingIndex != -1 ); void* gameMemoryPtr = gameapp.GameInit( &gameSlab, (RenderDriver*)&glDriver, &win32Sound.driver, &system ); appIsRunning = true; InputState inputSnapshot1 = { }; InputState inputSnapshot2 = { }; inputSnapshot1.prevState = &inputSnapshot2; inputSnapshot2.prevState = &inputSnapshot1; InputState* currentSnapshotStorage = &inputSnapshot1; MSG Msg; while( appIsRunning ) { if( DidFileUpdate( dllTrackingIndex ) ) { LoadGameCode( &gameapp ); } static LARGE_INTEGER startTime; LARGE_INTEGER elapsedTime; LARGE_INTEGER lastTime = startTime; QueryPerformanceCounter( &startTime ); elapsedTime.QuadPart = startTime.QuadPart - lastTime.QuadPart; elapsedTime.QuadPart *= 1000; elapsedTime.QuadPart /= timerResolution.QuadPart; //GAME LOOP if( gameapp.UpdateAndRender != NULL && gameapp.MixSound != NULL ) { currentSnapshotStorage = currentSnapshotStorage->prevState; QueryInput( system.windowWidth, system.windowHeight, windowPosX, windowPosY, currentSnapshotStorage ); keypressHistoryIndex = 0; UpdateImgui( currentSnapshotStorage, imguistate, system.windowWidth, system.windowHeight ); appIsRunning = gameapp.UpdateAndRender( gameMemoryPtr, (float)elapsedTime.QuadPart, currentSnapshotStorage, &win32Sound.driver, (RenderDriver*)&glDriver, &system, imguistate ); PushAudioToSoundCard( &gameapp, &win32Sound ); ImGui::Render(); BOOL swapBufferSuccess = SwapBuffers( deviceContext ); glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ); } else { printf( "Game code was not loaded...\n" ); } //Windows Message pump is here, so if there is a system level Close or //Destory command, the UpdateAndRender method does not reset the appIsRunning //flag to true while( PeekMessage( &Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &Msg ); DispatchMessage( &Msg ); } //End loop timer query LARGE_INTEGER endTime, computeTime; { QueryPerformanceCounter( &endTime ); computeTime.QuadPart = endTime.QuadPart - startTime.QuadPart; computeTime.QuadPart *= 1000; computeTime.QuadPart /= timerResolution.QuadPart; } if( computeTime.QuadPart <= mSecsPerFrame ) { Sleep(mSecsPerFrame - computeTime.QuadPart ); } else { printf("Didn't sleep, compute was %ld\n", computeTime.QuadPart ); } }; FreeConsole(); return Msg.wParam; }
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE legacy, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { __EXPN__ = new ExceptionData_t (20, "ExceptionErrors.txt"); srand (static_cast<UINT>(time (nullptr))); try { WindowClass window (int (SCREEN_WIDTH * 0.98f), int (SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.9f)); AllocConsole (); FILE* file = nullptr; freopen_s (&file, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout); Direct3DProcessor d3dProc (&window); d3dProc.ApplyBlendState (d3dProc.AddBlendState (true)); //d3dProc.ApplyRasterizerState (d3dProc.AddRasterizerState (false, false, true)); //XMMATRIX world = XMMatrixTranslation (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); CamInfo_t camInfo = { { BASE_X, BASE_Y, BASE_Z, 1.0f }, {}, 0.01f , 0.0f}; Direct3DCamera cam (&window, camInfo.pos.x, camInfo.pos.y, camInfo.pos.z, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f, FOV, 0.5f); XMStoreFloat4(&camInfo.dir, cam.GetDir()); ConstantBufferIndex_t camBuf = d3dProc.RegisterConstantBuffer (&camInfo, sizeof (camInfo), 1); d3dProc.UpdateConstantBuffer (camBuf); MeteoObject meteo ("Data/COSMOMESH", "Data/Fronts", "Data/H", &camInfo.step, 0.01f, &d3dProc, &cam); cam.Update (); meteo.RunPolygonalBuilding(); //SetForegroundWindow (window.hwnd ()); printf("Processing\n"); d3dProc.ProcessObjects (); MSG msg = {}; bool rotate = true; bool wasPressedSpace = false; uint64_t ticksOld = 0; uint64_t ticksNew = GetTickCount64 (); char ticksN = 0; printf("Drawing\n"); int hour = 0; while (true) { if (PeekMessage (&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) break; } // SCENE PROCESSING /*if (rotate) meteo.Rotate (0.01f); if (GetAsyncKeyState (VK_SPACE) & 0x8000) { if (!wasPressedSpace) { rotate = !rotate; wasPressedSpace = true; } } else wasPressedSpace = false;*/ if (GetAsyncKeyState('J') & 0x8000) { while (GetAsyncKeyState('J')); camInfo.noise = 2.0f - camInfo.noise; } ProcessCam (&cam, &camInfo); meteo.PreDraw (); cam.Update (); cam.StorePos (camInfo.pos); d3dProc.UpdateConstantBuffer (camBuf); d3dProc.SendCBToGS (camBuf); d3dProc.SendCBToPS (camBuf); d3dProc.ProcessDrawing (&cam, true); d3dProc.Present (); if (ticksN >= 10) { ticksN = 0; ticksOld = ticksNew; ticksNew = GetTickCount64(); printf ("%.2f fps %f step noise %s \r", 10000.0f/(ticksNew - ticksOld), camInfo.step, camInfo.noise > 1.0f ? "ON" : "OFF"); /*if (10000.0f / (ticksNew - ticksOld) - TARGET_FPS > 10.0f) camInfo.step -= 0.0005f; else if (10000.0f / (ticksNew - ticksOld) - TARGET_FPS < -10.0f) camInfo.step += 0.0005f; if (camInfo.step < 0.0f) camInfo.step = 0.0001f;*/ } ticksN++; //_getch(); //break; } FreeConsole (); } catch (ExceptionHandler_t& ex) { _MessageBox ("Exception occurred\nCheck \"ExceptionErrors.txt\""); ex.WriteLog (__EXPN__); system ("start ExceptionErrors.txt"); } catch (std::exception err) { _MessageBox ("Exception occurred: %s\n", err.what ()); } catch (...) { _MessageBox ("Exception occurred\n"); } delete __EXPN__; return 0; }
// // The ConStream constructor initializes the object to point to the // NUL device. It does this by calling two consecutive constructors. // First, the member variable m_Nul is initialized with a FILE object // created by opening device "nul", the bit bucket. Second, the base // class constructor is called with a reference to m_Nul, which is // an ofstream object. This sets up ConStream so that it will direct // its output to the given file. // ConStream::ConStream() : m_Nul( m_fNul = fopen( "nul", "w" ) ), m_fConsole(0), #ifdef _UNICODE basic_ostream<wchar_t>( &m_Nul ) #else basic_ostream<char>( &m_Nul ) #endif { m_FileBuf = 0; m_hConsole = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // The ConStream destructor always has to close the m_fNul FILE object // which was created in the constructor. Even if the Open() method has // been called and the bit bucket isn't being used, the FILE object is // still using memory and a system file handle. // // If the ConStream object has been opened with a call to member function // Open(), we have to call the Win32 API function FreeConsole() to close // the console window. If the console window was open, we also call the // C fclose() function on the m_fConsole member. // ConStream::~ConStream() { delete m_FileBuf; if ( m_hConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FreeConsole(); fclose( m_fConsole ); } fclose( m_fNul ); } // // Opening the stream means doing these things: // 1) Opening a Win32 console using the Win32 API // 2) Getting an O/S handle to the console // 3) Converting the O/S handle to a C stdio file handle // 4) Converting the C stdio file handler to a C FILE object // 5) Attaching the C FILE object to a C++ filebuf // 6) Attaching the filebuf object to this // 7) Disabling buffering so we see our output in real time. // void ConStream::Open() { if ( m_hConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { AllocConsole(); m_hConsole = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); int handle = _open_osfhandle((INT_PTR)m_hConsole, _O_TEXT ); m_fConsole = _fdopen( handle, "w" ); #ifdef _UNICODE m_FileBuf = new basic_filebuf<wchar_t>( m_fConsole ); #else m_FileBuf = new basic_filebuf<char>( m_fConsole ); #endif init( m_FileBuf ); setf(ios::unitbuf); } }; // // Closing the ConStream is considerably simpler. We just use the // init() call to attach this to the NUL file stream, then close // the console descriptors. // void ConStream::Close() { if ( m_hConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { init( &m_Nul ); FreeConsole(); fclose( m_fConsole ); m_hConsole = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } };
myPRINT::myPRINT(BOOL bUseConsole) { m__bAllocConsole = FALSE; m__bUseConsole = bUseConsole; INT iReturnVal = 0; m__lpFile = NULL; if (m__bUseConsole == FALSE) return; // STD_INPUT_HANDLE 과 STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE 은 Redirected 됐을 수도 // 있으므로, 먼저 STD_ERROR_HANDLE 을 얻는다. // 만약 성공하면 이미 유용한 콘솔은 있고 그렇지 않다면 // AllocConsole() 을 이용해서 필요한 콘솔을 생성한다. m__CONERR = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (m__CONERR == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { (VOID) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) failed!"), TEXT("Message Box: Error!"), MB_OK ); iReturnVal = -1; goto NEXT; } else if (m__CONERR == NULL) { // 유용한 콘솔이 없다! // AllocConsole() 을 이용해서 새로 만들자. if (!AllocConsole()) { (VOID) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("AllocHandle(VOID) failed!"), TEXT("Message Box: Error!"), MB_OK ); iReturnVal = -1; goto NEXT; } m__bAllocConsole = TRUE; m__CONERR = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (m__CONERR == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || m__CONERR == NULL) { INT i = *((PINT) 0); } } // 사용가능한 콘솔이 있다! m__CONOUT = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (m__CONOUT == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { (VOID) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) failed!"), TEXT("Message Box: Error!"), MB_OK ); iReturnVal = -1; goto NEXT; } else if (m__CONOUT == NULL) { // 이럴수가... // 이미 사용가능한 콘솔이 있지 않나?... (VOID) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE): ") TEXT("No Associated Standard Output Handle!"), TEXT("Message Box: Warning!"), MB_OK ); iReturnVal = -1; goto NEXT; } NEXT: if (iReturnVal != 0) { if (m__bAllocConsole == TRUE) { if (0 && !FreeConsole()) { (VOID) MessageBox( NULL, TEXT("FreeConsole(VOID) failed!"), TEXT("Message Box: Error!"), MB_OK ); } m__bAllocConsole = FALSE; } m__CONOUT = NULL; m__CONERR = NULL; } }
cConsol::~cConsol() { if(hout) FreeConsole(); }
void CLog::UnInitConsole() { FreeConsole(); m_hConsloe = NULL; }
virtual bool Free() const override { return FreeConsole()!=FALSE; }
int mkill(void) { FreeConsole(); return 1; }
// Default destructor Console::~Console() { FreeConsole(); //CloseHandle(consoleHandle); }