Esempio n. 1
static void pairalign( char **name, int nlen[M], char **seq, double *effarr, int alloclen )
	FILE *tmpfp;
	static char dumm1[B], dumm0[B];
	int i, j;
	char *res;
	FILE *hat3p;
	static double *effarr1 = NULL;
	static double *effarr2 = NULL;
	static char **pseq;
	LocalHom **localhomtable, *tmpptr;
	float pscore = 0.0; // by D.Mathog, aguess
	char *aseq = NULL; // by D.Mathog
	char **usedseqs = NULL; // by D.Mathog
	char **usednames = NULL; // by D.Mathog
	int nused;
	double tsuyosa;

	tsuyosa = (double)nhomologs * (nhomologs-1) / njob * TSUYOSAFACTOR;
	fprintf( stderr, "tsuyosa = %f\n", tsuyosa );
	localhomtable = (LocalHom **)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom *) );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++)
		localhomtable[i] = (LocalHom *)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom ) );
		for( j=0; j<njob; j++)
			localhomtable[i][j].start1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].end1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].start2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].end2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].opt = -1.0;
			localhomtable[i][j].next = NULL;

	if( effarr1 == NULL ) 
		effarr1 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		effarr2 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		pseq = AllocateCharMtx( 2, nlenmax*9+1 );
		aseq = AllocateCharVec( nlenmax*9+1 );
		usedseqs = AllocateCharMtx( njob, nlenmax*9+1 );
		usednames = AllocateCharMtx( njob, B );
#if 0

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "##### fftwinsize = %d, fftthreshold = %d\n", fftWinSize, fftThreshold );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "TBFAST effarr[%d] = %f\n", i, effarr[i] );

//	writePre( njob, name, nlen, aseq, 0 );

	fprintf( stderr, "opening %s\n", pairfile  );
	tmpfp = fopen( pairfile, "r" );
	if( !tmpfp )
		fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", pairfile );
		exit( 1 );
	searchKUorWA( tmpfp );
	hat3p = fopen( "hat3", "w" );
	if( !hat3p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat3." );
	nused = 0;
	while( 1 )
		res = fgets( dumm0, B-1, tmpfp );
		strip( dumm0 );
		if( res == NULL )
		load1SeqWithoutName_new( tmpfp, pseq[0] );
		gappick0( aseq, pseq[0] );
		i =  searchused( aseq, usedseqs, nused );
		if( i == -1 )
			strcpy( usednames[nused], dumm0+1 );
			strcpy( usedseqs[nused], aseq );
			i = nused;
		fprintf( stderr, "i = %d\n", i );

		res = fgets( dumm1, B-1, tmpfp );
		strip( dumm1 );
		if( res == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: The number of sequences in %s must be even.\n", pairfile );
			exit( 1 );
		load1SeqWithoutName_new( tmpfp, pseq[1] );
		gappick0( aseq, pseq[1] );
		j =  searchused( aseq, usedseqs, nused );
		if( j == -1 )
			strcpy( usednames[nused], dumm1+1 );
			strcpy( usedseqs[nused], aseq );
			j = nused;
		fprintf( stderr, "j = %d\n", j );

		if( strlen( pseq[0] ) != strlen( pseq[1] ) )
			fprintf( stderr, "Not aligned,  %s - %s\n", dumm0, dumm1 );
			exit( 1 );

		fprintf( stderr, "adding %d-%d\n", i, j );
		putlocalhom2( pseq[0], pseq[1], localhomtable[i]+j, 0, 0, (int)pscore, strlen( pseq[0] ) );
		for( tmpptr=localhomtable[i]+j; tmpptr; tmpptr=tmpptr->next )
			if( tmpptr->opt == -1.0 ) continue;
			fprintf( hat3p, "%d %d %d %6.3f %d %d %d %d %p\n", i, j, tmpptr->overlapaa, tmpptr->opt * tsuyosa, tmpptr->start1, tmpptr->end1, tmpptr->start2, tmpptr->end2, (void *)tmpptr->next ); 
	fclose( tmpfp );
	fclose( hat3p );

	for( i=0; i<nused; i++ )
		fprintf( stdout, ">%s\n%s\n", usednames[i], usedseqs[i] );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "##### writing hat3\n" );
	hat3p = fopen( "hat3", "w" );
	if( !hat3p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat3." );
	ilim = njob-1;	
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ ) 
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			for( tmpptr=localhomtable[i]+j; tmpptr; tmpptr=tmpptr->next )
				if( tmpptr->opt == -1.0 ) continue;
				fprintf( hat3p, "%d %d %d %6.3f %d %d %d %d %p\n", i, j, tmpptr->overlapaa, tmpptr->opt * tsuyosa, tmpptr->start1, tmpptr->end1, tmpptr->start2, tmpptr->end2, tmpptr->next ); 
	fclose( hat3p );
	fprintf( stderr, "calling FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
	FreeLocalHomTable( localhomtable, njob );
	fprintf( stderr, "done. FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
Esempio n. 2
static void pairalign( char name[M][B], int nlen[M], char **seq, char **aseq, char **mseq1, char **mseq2, double *equiv, double *effarr, char **strfiles, char **chainids, int alloclen )
	int i, j, ilim;
	int clus1, clus2;
	int off1, off2;
	float pscore = 0.0; // by D.Mathog
	static char *indication1, *indication2;
	FILE *hat2p, *hat3p;
	static double **distancemtx;
	static double *effarr1 = NULL;
	static double *effarr2 = NULL;
	char *pt;
	char *hat2file = "hat2";
	LocalHom **localhomtable, *tmpptr;
	static char **pair;
//	int intdum;
	double bunbo;
	char **checkseq;

	localhomtable = (LocalHom **)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom *) );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++)

		localhomtable[i] = (LocalHom *)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom ) );
		for( j=0; j<njob; j++)
			localhomtable[i][j].start1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].end1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].start2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].end2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].opt = -1.0;
			localhomtable[i][j].next = NULL;
			localhomtable[i][j].nokori = 0;

	if( effarr1 == NULL ) 
		distancemtx = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob );
		effarr1 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		effarr2 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		indication1 = AllocateCharVec( 150 );
		indication2 = AllocateCharVec( 150 );
		checkseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, alloclen );
#if 0
		pair = AllocateCharMtx( njob, njob );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "##### fftwinsize = %d, fftthreshold = %d\n", fftWinSize, fftThreshold );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "TBFAST effarr[%d] = %f\n", i, effarr[i] );

//	writePre( njob, name, nlen, aseq, 0 );

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ ) for( j=0; j<njob; j++ ) pair[i][j] = 0;
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ ) pair[i][i] = 1;

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		strcpy( checkseq[i], seq[i] );
//		fprintf( stderr, "checkseq[%d] = %s\n", i, checkseq[i] );

	ilim = njob - 1;
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "% 5d / %d\r", i, njob );

		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )

#if 0
			if( strlen( seq[i] ) == 0 || strlen( seq[j] ) == 0 )
				distancemtx[i][j] = pscore;

			strcpy( aseq[i], seq[i] );
			strcpy( aseq[j], seq[j] );
			clus1 = conjuctionfortbfast( pair, i, aseq, mseq1, effarr1, effarr, indication1 );
			clus2 = conjuctionfortbfast( pair, j, aseq, mseq2, effarr2, effarr, indication2 );
	//		fprintf( stderr, "mseq1 = %s\n", mseq1[0] );
	//		fprintf( stderr, "mseq2 = %s\n", mseq2[0] );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "group1 = %.66s", indication1 );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "group2 = %.66s", indication2 );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
//			for( l=0; l<clus1; l++ ) fprintf( stderr, "## STEP-eff for mseq1-%d %f\n", l, effarr1[l] );
#if 1
				switch( alg )
					case( 'T' ):
						fprintf( stderr, "  Calling tmalign %d-%d/%d    \r", i+1, j+1, njob );
						pscore = calltmalign( mseq1, mseq2, equiv, strfiles[i], chainids[i], strfiles[j], chainids[j], alloclen );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
					case( 'R' ):
						fprintf( stderr, "  Calling %d-%d/%d    \r", i+1, j+1, njob );
						pscore = callrash( i, j, mseq1, mseq2, equiv, strfiles[i], chainids[i], strfiles[j], chainids[j], alloclen );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
					ErrorExit( "ERROR IN SOURCE FILE" );
			distancemtx[i][j] = pscore;
			fprintf( stderr, "score = %10.2f (%d,%d)\n", pscore, i, j );

			putlocalhom_str( mseq1[0], mseq2[0], equiv, scale, localhomtable[i]+j, off1, off2, (int)pscore, strlen( mseq1[0] ) );
#if 1

			if( alreadyoutput[i] == 0 )
				alreadyoutput[i] = 1;
				gappick0( seq[i], mseq1[0] );
				fprintf( stdout, ">%d_%s-%s\n%s\n", i+1, strfiles[i], chainids[i], seq[i] );
				strcpy( checkseq[i], seq[i] );
				gappick0( seq[i], mseq1[0] );
				fprintf( stderr, "checking seq%d\n", i );

//				fprintf( stderr, "     seq=%s\n", seq[i] );
//				fprintf( stderr, "checkseq=%s\n", checkseq[i] );

				if( strcmp( checkseq[i], seq[i] ) )
					fprintf( stderr, "\n\nWARNING: Sequence changed!!\n" );
					fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
					fprintf( stderr, "     seq=%s\n", seq[i] );
					fprintf( stderr, "checkseq=%s\n", checkseq[i] );
					exit( 1 );
			if( alreadyoutput[j] == 0 )
				alreadyoutput[j] = 1;
				gappick0( seq[j], mseq2[0] );
				fprintf( stdout, ">%d_%s-%s\n%s\n", j+1, strfiles[j], chainids[j], seq[j] );
				strcpy( checkseq[j], seq[j] );
				gappick0( seq[j], mseq2[0] );
				fprintf( stderr, "checking seq%d\n", j );
				if( strcmp( checkseq[j], seq[j] ) )
					fprintf( stderr, "\n\nWARNING: Sequence changed!!\n" );
					fprintf( stderr, "j=%d\n", j );
					fprintf( stderr, "     seq=%s\n", seq[j] );
					fprintf( stderr, "checkseq=%s\n", checkseq[j] );
					exit( 1 );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		pscore = 0.0;
		for( pt=seq[i]; *pt; pt++ )
			pscore += amino_dis[(int)*pt][(int)*pt];
		distancemtx[i][i] = pscore;


	ilim = njob-1;	
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ )
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			bunbo = MIN( distancemtx[i][i], distancemtx[j][j] );
			if( bunbo == 0.0 )
				distancemtx[i][j] = 2.0;
				distancemtx[i][j] = ( 1.0 - distancemtx[i][j] / bunbo ) * 2.0;

	hat2p = fopen( hat2file, "w" );
	if( !hat2p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat2." );
	WriteHat2( hat2p, njob, name, distancemtx );
	fclose( hat2p );

	fprintf( stderr, "##### writing hat3\n" );
	hat3p = fopen( "hat3", "w" );
	if( !hat3p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat3." );
	ilim = njob-1;	
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ ) 
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			for( tmpptr=localhomtable[i]+j; tmpptr; tmpptr=tmpptr->next )
				if( tmpptr->opt == -1.0 ) continue;
				fprintf( hat3p, "%d %d %d %7.5f %d %d %d %d k\n", i, j, tmpptr->overlapaa, tmpptr->opt, tmpptr->start1, tmpptr->end1, tmpptr->start2, tmpptr->end2 ); 
	fclose( hat3p );
	fprintf( stderr, "calling FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
	FreeLocalHomTable( localhomtable, njob );
	fprintf( stderr, "done. FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
Esempio n. 3
static void pairalign( char name[M][B], int nlen[M], char **seq, char **aseq, char **mseq1, char **mseq2, double *effarr, int alloclen )
	int i, j, ilim;
	int clus1, clus2;
	int off1, off2;
	float pscore = 0.0; // by D.Mathog
	static char *indication1, *indication2;
	FILE *hat2p, *hat3p;
	static double **distancemtx;
	static double *effarr1 = NULL;
	static double *effarr2 = NULL;
	char *pt;
	char *hat2file = "hat2";
	LocalHom **localhomtable, *tmpptr;
	static char **pair;
	int intdum;
	double bunbo;

	localhomtable = (LocalHom **)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom *) );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++)
		localhomtable[i] = (LocalHom *)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom ) );
		for( j=0; j<njob; j++)
			localhomtable[i][j].start1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].end1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].start2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].end2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].opt = -1.0;
			localhomtable[i][j].next = NULL;
			localhomtable[i][j].nokori = 0;

	if( effarr1 == NULL ) 
		distancemtx = AllocateDoubleMtx( njob, njob );
		effarr1 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		effarr2 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		indication1 = AllocateCharVec( 150 );
		indication2 = AllocateCharVec( 150 );
#if 0
		pair = AllocateCharMtx( njob, njob );

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "##### fftwinsize = %d, fftthreshold = %d\n", fftWinSize, fftThreshold );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "TBFAST effarr[%d] = %f\n", i, effarr[i] );

//	writePre( njob, name, nlen, aseq, 0 );

	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ ) for( j=0; j<njob; j++ ) pair[i][j] = 0;
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ ) pair[i][i] = 1;

	if( alg == 'H' )
		fprintf( stderr, "Calling FOLDALIGN with option '%s'\n", foldalignopt );
		callfoldalign( njob, seq );
		fprintf( stderr, "done.\n" );
	if( alg == 'B' )
		fprintf( stderr, "Calling LARA\n" );
		calllara( njob, seq, "" );
		fprintf( stderr, "done.\n" );
	if( alg == 'T' )
		fprintf( stderr, "Calling SLARA\n" );
		calllara( njob, seq, "-s" );
		fprintf( stderr, "done.\n" );

	ilim = njob - 1;
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ ) 
		fprintf( stderr, "% 5d / %d\r", i, njob );
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )

			if( strlen( seq[i] ) == 0 || strlen( seq[j] ) == 0 )
				distancemtx[i][j] = pscore;

			strcpy( aseq[i], seq[i] );
			strcpy( aseq[j], seq[j] );
			clus1 = conjuctionfortbfast( pair, i, aseq, mseq1, effarr1, effarr, indication1 );
			clus2 = conjuctionfortbfast( pair, j, aseq, mseq2, effarr2, effarr, indication2 );
	//		fprintf( stderr, "mseq1 = %s\n", mseq1[0] );
	//		fprintf( stderr, "mseq2 = %s\n", mseq2[0] );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "group1 = %.66s", indication1 );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
			fprintf( stderr, "group2 = %.66s", indication2 );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	//		for( l=0; l<clus1; l++ ) fprintf( stderr, "## STEP-eff for mseq1-%d %f\n", l, effarr1[l] );
#if 1
			if( use_fft )
				pscore = Falign( mseq1, mseq2, effarr1, effarr2, clus1, clus2, alloclen, &intdum, NULL, 0, NULL );
				off1 = off2 = 0;
				switch( alg )
					case( 'a' ):
						pscore = Aalign( mseq1, mseq2, effarr1, effarr2, clus1, clus2, alloclen );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
					case( 'A' ):
						pscore = G__align11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen, NULL, 0, NULL );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
#if 0
					case( 'V' ):
						pscore = VAalign11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen, &off1, &off2, localhomtable[i]+j );
						fprintf( stderr, "i,j = %d,%d, score = %f\n", i,j, pscore );
					case( 'S' ):
						fprintf( stderr, "aligning %d-%d\n", i, j );
						pscore = suboptalign11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen, &off1, &off2, localhomtable[i]+j );
						fprintf( stderr, "i,j = %d,%d, score = %f\n", i,j, pscore );
					case( 'N' ):
						pscore = genL__align11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen, &off1, &off2 );
//						fprintf( stderr, "pscore = %f\n", pscore );
					case( 'L' ):
						pscore = L__align11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen, &off1, &off2 );
//						fprintf( stderr, "pscore (1) = %f\n", pscore );
//						pscore = (float)naivepairscore11( *mseq1, *mseq2, penalty ); // nennnotame
//						fprintf( stderr, "pscore (2) = %f\n\n", pscore );
					case( 'H' ):
						pscore = recallpairfoldalign( mseq1, mseq2, i, j, &off1, &off2, alloclen );
					case( 'B' ):
					case( 'T' ):
						pscore = recalllara( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
//						fprintf( stderr, "lara, pscore = %f\n", pscore );
					case( 's' ):
						pscore = callmxscarna( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen );
						off1 = off2 = 0;
//						fprintf( stderr, "scarna, pscore = %f\n", pscore );
					case( 'M' ):
//						pscore = MSalign11( mseq1, mseq2, effarr1, effarr2, clus1, clus2, alloclen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
						pscore = MSalign11( mseq1, mseq2, alloclen );
//						fprintf( stderr, "pscore = %f\n", pscore );
						ErrorExit( "ERROR IN SOURCE FILE" );
			distancemtx[i][j] = pscore;
			fprintf( stderr, "score = %10.2f (%d,%d)\n", pscore, i, j );
//			fprintf( stderr, "pslocal = %d\n", pslocal );
//			offset = makelocal( *mseq1, *mseq2, pslocal );
#if 0
			fprintf( stderr, "off1 = %d, off2 = %d\n", off1, off2 );
			fprintf( stderr, ">%d\n%s\n>%d\n%s\n>\n", i, mseq1[0], j, mseq2[0] );

//			putlocalhom2( mseq1[0], mseq2[0], localhomtable[i]+j, countamino( *mseq1, off1 ), countamino( *mseq2, off2 ), pscore, strlen( mseq1[0] ) );
//			fprintf( stderr, "pscore = %f\n", pscore );
			if( alg == 'H' )
//			if( alg == 'H' || alg == 's' || alg == 'B' ) // next version
				putlocalhom_ext( mseq1[0], mseq2[0], localhomtable[i]+j, off1, off2, (int)pscore, strlen( mseq1[0] ) );
			else if( alg != 'S' && alg != 'V' )
				putlocalhom2( mseq1[0], mseq2[0], localhomtable[i]+j, off1, off2, (int)pscore, strlen( mseq1[0] ) );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		pscore = 0.0;
		for( pt=seq[i]; *pt; pt++ )
			pscore += amino_dis[(int)*pt][(int)*pt];
		distancemtx[i][i] = pscore;


	ilim = njob-1;	
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ )
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			bunbo = MIN( distancemtx[i][i], distancemtx[j][j] );
			if( bunbo == 0.0 )
				distancemtx[i][j] = 2.0;
				distancemtx[i][j] = ( 1.0 - distancemtx[i][j] / bunbo ) * 2.0;

	hat2p = fopen( hat2file, "w" );
	if( !hat2p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat2." );
	WriteHat2( hat2p, njob, name, distancemtx );
	fclose( hat2p );

	fprintf( stderr, "##### writing hat3\n" );
	hat3p = fopen( "hat3", "w" );
	if( !hat3p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat3." );
	ilim = njob-1;	
	for( i=0; i<ilim; i++ ) 
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			for( tmpptr=localhomtable[i]+j; tmpptr; tmpptr=tmpptr->next )
				if( tmpptr->opt == -1.0 ) continue;
				fprintf( hat3p, "%d %d %d %7.5f %d %d %d %d %p\n", i, j, tmpptr->overlapaa, tmpptr->opt, tmpptr->start1, tmpptr->end1, tmpptr->start2, tmpptr->end2, (void *)tmpptr->next ); 
	fclose( hat3p );
	fprintf( stderr, "calling FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
	FreeLocalHomTable( localhomtable, njob );
	fprintf( stderr, "done. FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
Esempio n. 4
static void pairalign( char name[M][B], int nlen[M], char **seq, double *effarr, int alloclen )
	int i, j;
	FILE *hat3p;
	float pscore = 0.0; // by D.Mathog
	static double *effarr1 = NULL;
	static double *effarr2 = NULL;
	char *aseq;
	static char **pseq;
	LocalHom **localhomtable, *tmpptr;
	double tsuyosa;

	if( nhomologs < 1 ) nhomologs = 1; // tsuyosa=0.0 wo sakeru
	tsuyosa = (double)nhomologs * nhomologs * TSUYOSAFACTOR;
	fprintf( stderr, "tsuyosa = %f\n", tsuyosa );
	localhomtable = (LocalHom **)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom *) );
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++)
		localhomtable[i] = (LocalHom *)calloc( njob, sizeof( LocalHom ) );
		for( j=0; j<njob; j++)
			localhomtable[i][j].start1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].end1 = -1;
			localhomtable[i][j].start2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].end2 = -1; 
			localhomtable[i][j].opt = -1.0;
			localhomtable[i][j].next = NULL;

	if( effarr1 == NULL ) 
		effarr1 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		effarr2 = AllocateDoubleVec( njob );
		pseq = AllocateCharMtx( 2, 0 );
		aseq = AllocateCharVec( nlenmax*9+1 );
#if 0

#if 0
	fprintf( stderr, "##### fftwinsize = %d, fftthreshold = %d\n", fftWinSize, fftThreshold );

#if 0
	for( i=0; i<njob; i++ )
		fprintf( stderr, "TBFAST effarr[%d] = %f\n", i, effarr[i] );

//	writePre( njob, name, nlen, aseq, 0 );

	hat3p = fopen( "hat3", "w" );
	if( !hat3p ) ErrorExit( "Cannot open hat3." );
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	for( i=0; i<njob-1; i++ )
		for( j=i+1; j<njob; j++ )
			pseq[0] = seq[i];
			pseq[1] = seq[j];

			if( strlen( pseq[0] ) != strlen( pseq[1] ) )
				fprintf( stderr, "## ERROR  ###\n" );
				fprintf( stderr, "Not aligned,  %s - %s\n", name[i], name[j] );
				fprintf( stderr, "## ERROR  ###\n" );
				exit( 1 );

			fprintf( stderr, "adding %d-%d\r", i, j );
			putlocalhom2( pseq[0], pseq[1], localhomtable[i]+j, 0, 0, (int)pscore, strlen( pseq[0] ) );
			for( tmpptr=localhomtable[i]+j; tmpptr; tmpptr=tmpptr->next )
				if( tmpptr->opt == -1.0 ) continue;
				if( tmpptr->start1 == -1 ) continue;
				fprintf( hat3p, "%d %d %d %6.3f %d %d %d %d k\n", i+seedoffset, j+seedoffset, tmpptr->overlapaa, tmpptr->opt * tsuyosa, tmpptr->start1, tmpptr->end1, tmpptr->start2, tmpptr->end2 ); 
	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	fclose( hat3p );

	fprintf( stderr, "calling FreeLocalHomTable\n" );
	FreeLocalHomTable( localhomtable, njob );
	fprintf( stderr, "done. FreeLocalHomTable\n" );