	if (mModule != NULL)
	if (mModuleName != NULL)
		delete [] mModuleName;
HMODULE CRemoteLoader::LoadLibraryByPathIntoMemoryA( PCHAR Path, BOOL PEHeader )
	HMODULE hReturnValue = NULL;

	DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathIntoMemoryA] %s (0x%X)", Path, PEHeader );

	ModuleFile File = InitModuleFile( Path );

	if( File.IsValid() == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathIntoMemoryA] Failed to open file handle!" );

		return NULL;

	hReturnValue = LoadLibraryFromMemory( File.Buffer, File.Size, PEHeader, Path );

	if( FreeModuleFile( File ) == FALSE )
		DebugShout( "[LoadLibraryByPathIntoMemoryA] Failed to free file handle..." );

	return hReturnValue;