VOID FrmRenderTextureToScreen_GLES( FLOAT32 sx, FLOAT32 sy, FLOAT32 w, FLOAT32 h,
                                    UINT32 hTexture,
                                    INT32 hShaderProgram, INT32 hScreenSizeLoc )
    struct { GLint x, y, width, height; } viewport;
    glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, (GLint*)&viewport );

    FLOAT32 fTextureWidth  = w;
    FLOAT32 fTextureHeight = h;
    FLOAT32 fScreenWidth   = (FLOAT32)viewport.width;
    FLOAT32 fScreenHeight  = (FLOAT32)viewport.height;

    if( sx < 0.0f ) sx += fScreenWidth  - fTextureWidth;
    if( sy < 0.0f ) sy += fScreenHeight - fTextureHeight;

    sx = FrmFloor( sx );
    sy = FrmFloor( sy );

    // Set the geoemtry
    FRMVECTOR4 vQuad[] = 
        //          Screenspace x     Screenspace y      tu    tv
        FRMVECTOR4( sx,               sy,                0.0f, 1.0f ),
        FRMVECTOR4( sx,               sy+fTextureHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
        FRMVECTOR4( sx+fTextureWidth, sy+fTextureHeight, 1.0f, 0.0f ),
        FRMVECTOR4( sx+fTextureWidth, sy,                1.0f, 1.0f ),
    glVertexAttribPointer( 0, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, vQuad );
    glEnableVertexAttribArray( 0 );

    // Set the texture
    glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, hTexture );
    glEnable( GL_BLEND );
    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

    // Set the shader program
    glUseProgram( hShaderProgram );
    glUniform2f( hScreenSizeLoc, fScreenWidth, fScreenHeight );

    // Draw the quad
    glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4 );

    glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
    glDisable( GL_BLEND );
Esempio n. 2
// Name: EmitParticles()
// Desc: 
VOID CParticleEmitter::EmitParticles( PARTICLE* pParticles, FLOAT32 fElapsedTime,
                                      FLOAT32 fCurrentTime, FRMCOLOR Colors[NUM_COLORS],
                                      FLOAT32 fTimePerColor,
									  EmitParticleShader *epShader,
									  GLuint *srcBuffer, GLuint *pVAOs, GLuint *dstBuffer,
									  FRM_VERTEX_ELEMENT* pVertexLayout,
									  UINT32 nVertexSize, BOOL bUseTransformFeedback, GLuint Query )
    // Determine the color of the particles to be emitted
    FLOAT32  t = ( fCurrentTime / fTimePerColor ) - FrmFloor( fCurrentTime / fTimePerColor );
    UINT32   nColorIndex = (INT32)FrmFloor( fCurrentTime / fTimePerColor ) % NUM_COLORS;
    FRMCOLOR vColor1 = Colors[ nColorIndex ];
    FRMCOLOR vColor2 = Colors[(nColorIndex+1) % NUM_COLORS ];
    FRMCOLOR vColor  = FrmLerp( t, vColor1, vColor2 );

    m_fLeftOverParticles += m_fEmissionRate * fElapsedTime;

	if( !bUseTransformFeedback )
		// Create the needed number of particles based upon our emission rate.
		for( INT32 i = 0; i < (INT32)NUM_PARTICLES; i++ )
			// Get the next particle
			PARTICLE* pParticle = GetNextParticle( pParticles );

			if( FrmRand() < m_fLeftOverParticles / NUM_PARTICLES )
				FLOAT32      fAngle            = m_fEmitterSpread * ( FrmRand() - 0.5f );
				FRMMATRIX4X4 matRotate         = FrmMatrixRotate( FrmRadians(fAngle), 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
				FRMVECTOR3   vVelocity         = FrmVector3TransformCoord( m_vVelocity, matRotate );

				pParticle->m_vPosition         = m_vPosition + FrmSphrand( m_fEmitterRadius );
				pParticle->m_vVelocity         = vVelocity * ApplyVariance( 1.0f, m_fSpeedVariance );
				pParticle->m_vColor            = FRMVECTOR4( vColor.r/255.0f, vColor.g/255.0f, vColor.b/255.0f, vColor.a/255.0f );
				pParticle->m_vColor.a          = ApplyVariance( m_fInitialOpacity, m_fOpacityVariance );
				pParticle->m_fStartTime        = fCurrentTime;
				pParticle->m_fLifeSpan         = ApplyVariance( m_fInitialLifeSpan, m_fLifeSpanVariance );
				pParticle->m_fInitialSize      = ApplyVariance( m_fInitialSize, m_fInitialSizeVariance );
				pParticle->m_fSizeIncreaseRate = ApplyVariance( m_fSizeIncreaseRate, m_fSizeIncreaseRateVarience );
		// Using transform feedback to do particle emission

		// Set up the shader
		glUseProgram( epShader->ShaderID );
		glUniform3fv( epShader->slotvPosition, 1, (FLOAT32 *)&m_vPosition );
		glUniform3fv( epShader->slotvVelocity, 1, (FLOAT32 *)&m_vVelocity );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfEmitterSpread, m_fEmitterSpread );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfEmitterRadius, m_fEmitterRadius );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfSpeedVariance, m_fSpeedVariance );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfInitialOpacity, m_fInitialOpacity );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfOpacityVariance, m_fOpacityVariance );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfInitialLifeSpan, m_fInitialLifeSpan );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfLifeSpanVariance, m_fLifeSpanVariance );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfInitialSize, m_fInitialSize );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfInitialSizeVariance, m_fInitialSizeVariance );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfSizeIncreaseRate, m_fSizeIncreaseRate );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfSizeIncreaseRateVariance, m_fSizeIncreaseRateVarience );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfTime, fCurrentTime );
		glUniform4f( epShader->slotvColor, vColor.r/255.0f, vColor.g/255.0f, vColor.b/255.0f, vColor.a/255.0f );
		glUniform1f( epShader->slotfEmissionRate, m_fLeftOverParticles/NUM_PARTICLES );


		// set source buffer
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *srcBuffer );		
		FrmSetVertexLayout( pVertexLayout, nVertexSize, 0 );
		glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );	

		// set destination buffer
		glBindBufferBase( GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, *dstBuffer );


		// Perfom transform feedback
		glBeginTransformFeedback( GL_POINTS );

		glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, NUM_PARTICLES );



		glBindBufferBase( GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, 0 );

	m_fLeftOverParticles -= FrmFloor( m_fLeftOverParticles );