Esempio n. 1
GrB_Info GxB_Vector_fprint          // print and check a GrB_Vector
    GrB_Vector v,                   // object to print and check
    const char *name,               // name of the object
    GxB_Print_Level pr,             // print level
    FILE *f                         // file for output

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Vector_fprint (v, name, pr, f)") ;

    // print and check the object

    GrB_Info info = GB_Vector_check (v, name, pr, f, Context) ;

    // return result

    if (info == GrB_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
        return (GB_ERROR (GrB_INVALID_OBJECT, (GB_LOG,
            "vector invalid: indices out of order [%s]", GB_NAME))) ;
        return (info) ;
Esempio n. 2
GrB_Info GrB_Matrix_apply           // C<Mask> = accum (C, op(A)) or op(A')
    GrB_Matrix C,                   // input/output matrix for results
    const GrB_Matrix Mask,          // optional Mask for C, unused if NULL
    const GrB_BinaryOp accum,       // optional accum for Z=accum(C,T)
    const GrB_UnaryOp op,           // operator to apply to the entries
    const GrB_Matrix A,             // first input:  matrix A
    const GrB_Descriptor desc       // descriptor for C, Mask, and A

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GrB_Matrix_apply (C, Mask, accum, op, A, desc)") ;

    // get the descriptor
    GB_GET_DESCRIPTOR (info, desc, C_replace, Mask_comp, A_transpose, xx1, xx2);

    // apply the operator and optionally transpose; assemble pending tuples

    return (GB_apply (
        C,      C_replace,          // C and its descriptor
        Mask,   Mask_comp,          // Mask and its descriptor
        accum,                      // optional accum for Z=accum(C,T)
        op,                         // operator to apply to the entries
        A,      A_transpose,        // A and its descriptor
        Context)) ;
Esempio n. 3
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]

    bool malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
    GrB_Matrix A = NULL, E = NULL, L = NULL, U = NULL ;

    // check inputs
    if (nargout > 2 || nargin != 5)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;

    #define GET_DEEP_COPY ;
    #define FREE_DEEP_COPY ;

    // get the method.  Default is Sandia method (outer product)
    int GET_SCALAR (0, int, method, 3) ;

    // get A, E, L, and U
    A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [1], "A", false, true) ;
    E = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [2], "E", false, true) ;
    L = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [3], "L", false, true) ;
    U = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [4], "U", false, true) ;

    // count the triangles
    double t [2] ;
    int64_t ntri ;
    METHOD (tricount (&ntri, method, A, E, L, U, t)) ;

    // return ntri to MATLAB
    pargout [0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar ((double) ntri) ;

    // return t to MATLAB (compute time)
    if (nargout > 0)
        pargout [1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar (t [0] + t [1]) ;

    FREE_ALL ;
    GrB_finalize ( ) ;
Esempio n. 4
GrB_Info GxB_Global_Option_set      // set a global default option
    GxB_Option_Field field,         // option to change
    ...                             // value to change it to

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Global_Option_set (field, value)") ;

    // set the global option

    va_list ap ;

    switch (field)

        case GxB_HYPER : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GB_Global.hyper_ratio = va_arg (ap, double) ;
            va_end (ap) ;
            break ;

        case GxB_FORMAT : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GB_Global.is_csc = (va_arg (ap, GxB_Format_Value) != GxB_BY_ROW) ; 
            va_end (ap) ;
            break ;

        default : 

            return (GB_ERROR (GrB_INVALID_VALUE, (GB_LOG,
                    "invalid option field [%d], must be one of:\n"
                    "GxB_HYPER [%d] or GxB_FORMAT [%d]",
                    (int) field, (int) GxB_HYPER, (int) GxB_FORMAT))) ;


    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
Esempio n. 5
GrB_Info GrB_Matrix_assign          // C<Mask>(Rows,Cols) += A or A'
    GrB_Matrix C,                   // input/output matrix for results
    const GrB_Matrix Mask,          // mask for C, unused if NULL
    const GrB_BinaryOp accum,       // accum for Z=accum(C(Rows,Cols),T)
    const GrB_Matrix A,             // first input:  matrix A
    const GrB_Index *Rows,          // row indices
    GrB_Index nRows,                // number of row indices
    const GrB_Index *Cols,          // column indices
    GrB_Index nCols,                // number of column indices
    const GrB_Descriptor desc       // descriptor for C, Mask, and A

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GrB_Matrix_assign"
        " (C, Mask, accum, A, Rows, nRows, Cols, nCols, desc)") ;


    // get the descriptor
    GB_GET_DESCRIPTOR (info, desc, C_replace, Mask_comp, A_transpose, xx1, xx2);

    // C<Mask>(Rows,Cols) = accum (C(Rows,Cols), A) and variations

    return (GB_assign (
        C,          C_replace,      // C matrix and its descriptor
        Mask,       Mask_comp,      // Mask matrix and its descriptor
        false,                      // do not transpose the mask
        accum,                      // for accum (C(Rows,Cols),A)
        A,          A_transpose,    // A and its descriptor (T=A or A')
        Rows, nRows,                // row indices
        Cols, nCols,                // column indices
        false, NULL, 0,             // no scalar expansion
        false, false,               // not GrB_Col_assign nor GrB_row_assign
        Context)) ;
Esempio n. 6
GrB_Info GxB_Vector_type    // get the type of a vector
    GrB_Type *type,         // returns the type of the vector
    const GrB_Vector v      // vector to query

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Vector_type (&type, v)") ;

    // get the type

    return (GB_type (type, (GrB_Matrix) v, Context)) ;
Esempio n. 7
GrB_Info GxB_Monoid_fprint          // print and check a GrB_Monoid
    GrB_Monoid monoid,              // object to print and check
    const char *name,               // name of the object
    GxB_Print_Level pr,             // print level
    FILE *f                         // file for output

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Monoid_fprint (monoid, name, pr, f)") ;

    // print and check the object

    return (GB_Monoid_check (monoid, name, pr, f, Context)) ;
Esempio n. 8
GrB_Info GrB_Vector_nvals   // get the number of entries in a vector
    GrB_Index *nvals,       // number of entries
    const GrB_Vector v      // vector to query

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GrB_Vector_nvals (&nvals, v)") ;

    // do not check if nvals is NULL; pending updates must be applied first, in
    // GB_nvals, per Table 2.4 in the spec

    // get the number of entries

    return (GB_nvals (nvals, (GrB_Matrix) v, Context)) ;
Esempio n. 9
GrB_Info GxB_Matrix_Option_get      // gets the current option of a matrix
    GrB_Matrix A,                   // matrix to query
    GxB_Option_Field field,         // option to query
    ...                             // return value of the matrix option

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Matrix_Option_get (A, field, &value)") ;
    ASSERT_OK (GB_check (A, "A to get option", GB0)) ;

    // get the option

    va_list ap ;
    double *hyper_ratio, hyper ;
    GxB_Format_Value *format ;
    bool is_csc ;

    hyper  = A->hyper_ratio ;
    is_csc = A->is_csc ;

    switch (field)

        case GxB_HYPER : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            hyper_ratio = va_arg (ap, double *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (hyper_ratio) ;
            (*hyper_ratio) = hyper ;
            break ;

        case GxB_FORMAT : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            format = va_arg (ap, GxB_Format_Value *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (format) ;
            (*format) = (is_csc) ? GxB_BY_COL : GxB_BY_ROW ;
            break ;

        default : 

            return (GB_ERROR (GrB_INVALID_VALUE, (GB_LOG,
                    "invalid option field [%d], must be one of:\n"
                    "GxB_HYPER [%d] or GxB_FORMAT [%d]",
                    (int) field, (int) GxB_HYPER, (int) GxB_FORMAT))) ;

    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
Esempio n. 10
GrB_Info GB_Type_new
    GrB_Type *type,             // handle of user type to create
    const size_t sizeof_ctype,  // size of the user type
    const char *name            // name of the type, as "sizeof (ctype)"

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GrB_Type_new (&type, sizeof (ctype))") ;
    GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (type) ;
    (*type) = NULL ;

    // create the type

    // allocate the type
    GB_CALLOC_MEMORY (*type, 1, sizeof (struct GB_Type_opaque)) ;
    if (*type == NULL)
        return (GB_NO_MEMORY) ;

    // initialize the type
    GrB_Type t = *type ;
    t->magic = GB_MAGIC ;
    t->size = GB_IMAX (sizeof_ctype, 1) ;
    t->code = GB_UDT_code ;     // run-time user-defined type

    // get the name

    // if no name found, a generic name is used instead
    strncpy (t->name, "user-type", GB_LEN-1) ;

    char input2 [GB_LEN+1] ;
    char *p = NULL ;

    // look for "sizeof" in the input string
    if (name != NULL)
        strncpy (input2, name, GB_LEN) ;
        p = strstr (input2, "sizeof") ;

    if (p != NULL)

        // "sizeof" appears in the input string, advance past it
        p += 6 ;

        // find leading "(" if it appears, and advance to one character past it
        char *p2 = strstr (p, "(") ;
        if (p2 != NULL) p = p2 + 1 ;

        // find trailing ")" if it appears, and delete it
        p2 = strstr (p, ")") ;
        if (p2 != NULL) *p2 = '\0' ;

        // p now contains the final name, copy it to the output name
        strncpy (t->name, p, GB_LEN-1) ;

    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
Esempio n. 11
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]

    bool malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
    GrB_Matrix A = NULL ;
    void *Y = NULL ;
    void *Xtemp = NULL ;
    void *X = NULL ;
    GrB_Index nvals = 0 ;

    // check inputs
    if (nargout > 3 || nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;

    #define GET_DEEP_COPY ;
    #define FREE_DEEP_COPY ;

    // get A (shallow copy)
    A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [0], "A input", false, true) ;
    if (A == NULL)
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("A failed") ;
    mxClassID aclass = GB_mx_Type_to_classID (A->type) ;

    // get the number of entries in A
    GrB_Matrix_nvals (&nvals, A) ;

    mxClassID xclass ;
    GrB_Type xtype ;

    if (A->type == Complex)
        // input argument xclass is ignored
        xtype = Complex ;
        xclass = mxDOUBLE_CLASS ;
        // create Xtemp
        if (nargout > 2)
            GB_MALLOC_MEMORY (Xtemp, nvals, sizeof (double complex)) ;
        // get xclass, default is class (A), and the corresponding xtype
        xclass = GB_mx_string_to_classID (aclass, PARGIN (1)) ;
        xtype = GB_mx_classID_to_Type (xclass) ;
        if (xtype == NULL)
            FREE_ALL ;
            mexErrMsgTxt ("X must be numeric") ;
        // create X
        if (nargout > 2)
            pargout [2] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, xclass, mxREAL) ;
            X = (void *) mxGetData (pargout [2]) ;

    // create I
    pargout [0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, mxUINT64_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
    GrB_Index *I = (GrB_Index *) mxGetData (pargout [0]) ;

    // create J
    GrB_Index *J = NULL ;
    if (nargout > 1)
        pargout [1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (nvals, 1, mxUINT64_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
        J = (GrB_Index *) mxGetData (pargout [1]) ;

    // [I,J,X] = find (A)
    if (GB_VECTOR_OK (A))
        // test extract vector methods
        GrB_Vector v = (GrB_Vector) A ;
        switch (xtype->code)
            case GB_BOOL_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (bool     *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT8_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int8_t   *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT8_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint8_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT16_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int16_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT16_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint16_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT32_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int32_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT32_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint32_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT64_code  : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (int64_t  *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT64_code : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (uint64_t *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP32_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (float    *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP64_code   : METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, (double   *) X, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            case GB_UCT_code    : 
            case GB_UDT_code    : 
              METHOD (GrB_Vector_extractTuples (I, Xtemp, &nvals, v)) ; break ;
            default             : FREE_ALL ; mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported class") ;
        if (J != NULL)
            for (int64_t p = 0 ; p < nvals ; p++) J [p] = 0 ;
        switch (xtype->code)
            case GB_BOOL_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (bool     *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT8_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int8_t   *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT8_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint8_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT16_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int16_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT16_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint16_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT32_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int32_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT32_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint32_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_INT64_code  : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (int64_t  *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_UINT64_code : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (uint64_t *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP32_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (float    *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break ;
            case GB_FP64_code   : METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, (double   *) X, &nvals, A)) ; break;
            case GB_UCT_code    :
            case GB_UDT_code    :
                METHOD (GrB_Matrix_extractTuples (I, J, Xtemp, &nvals, A)) ; break;
            default             : FREE_ALL ; mexErrMsgTxt ("unsupported class") ;

    if (A->type == Complex && nargout > 2)
        // create the MATLAB complex X
        pargout [2] = mxCreateNumericMatrix
            (nvals, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX) ;
        GB_mx_complex_split (nvals, Xtemp, pargout [2]) ;

    FREE_ALL ;
Esempio n. 12
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]

    bool malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
    GrB_Matrix C = NULL ;
    GrB_Descriptor desc = NULL ;
    GrB_Index *I = NULL, ni = 0, I_range [3] ;
    GrB_Index *J = NULL, nj = 0, J_range [3] ;
    bool ignore ;

    // check inputs
    if (nargout > 1 || nargin < 2 || nargin > 5)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;

    // get C (make a deep copy)
    #define GET_DEEP_COPY \
        C = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [0], "C input", true, true) ;
    if (C == NULL)
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("C failed") ;
    mxClassID cclass = GB_mx_Type_to_classID (C->type) ;

    // get accum; default: NOP, default class is class(C)
    GrB_BinaryOp accum ;
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_BinaryOp (&accum, pargin [1], "accum",
        GB_NOP_opcode, cclass, C->type == Complex, C->type == Complex))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("accum failed") ;

    // get I
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&I, PARGIN (2), &ni, I_range, &ignore))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("I failed") ;

    // get J
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&J, PARGIN (3), &nj, J_range, &ignore))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("J failed") ;

    // get desc
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_Descriptor (&desc, PARGIN (4), "desc"))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("desc failed") ;

    GrB_Index nrows, ncols ;
    GrB_Matrix_nvals (&nrows, C) ;
    GrB_Matrix_nvals (&ncols, C) ;

    // C(I,J) = accum (C(I,J),C)
    METHOD (GrB_assign (C, NULL, accum, C, I, ni, J, nj, desc)) ;

    GrB_wait ( ) ;
    TOC ;

    // return C to MATLAB as a struct and free the GraphBLAS C
    pargout [0] = GB_mx_Matrix_to_mxArray (&C, "C output", true) ;

    FREE_ALL ;
Esempio n. 13
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]

    bool malloc_debug = GB_mx_get_global (true) ;
    GrB_Matrix C = NULL ;
    GrB_Matrix Mask = NULL ;
    GrB_Matrix A = NULL ;
    GrB_Descriptor desc = NULL ;
    GrB_Index *I = NULL, ni = 0, I_range [3] ;
    GrB_Index *J = NULL, nj = 0, J_range [3] ;
    bool ignore ;


    // check inputs
    if (nargout > 1 || nargin < 6 || nargin > 7)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: " USAGE) ;

    // get C (make a deep copy)
    #define GET_DEEP_COPY \
    C = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [0], "C input", true, true) ;
    if (C == NULL)
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("C failed") ;
    mxClassID cclass = GB_mx_Type_to_classID (C->type) ;

    // get Mask (shallow copy)
    Mask = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [1], "Mask", false, false) ;
    if (Mask == NULL && !mxIsEmpty (pargin [1]))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Mask failed") ;

    // get A (shallow copy)
    A = GB_mx_mxArray_to_Matrix (pargin [3], "A input", false, true) ;
    if (A == NULL)
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("A failed") ;

    // get accum; default: NOP, default class is class(C)
    GrB_BinaryOp accum ;
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_BinaryOp (&accum, pargin [2], "accum",
        GB_NOP_opcode, cclass, C->type == Complex, A->type == Complex))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("accum failed") ;

    // get I
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&I, pargin [4], &ni, I_range, &ignore))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("I failed") ;

    // get J
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_indices (&J, pargin [5], &nj, J_range, &ignore))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("J failed") ;

    // get desc
    if (!GB_mx_mxArray_to_Descriptor (&desc, PARGIN (6), "desc"))
        FREE_ALL ;
        mexErrMsgTxt ("desc failed") ;

    // C<Mask> = accum (C,A(I,J))
    METHOD (GrB_extract (C, Mask, accum, A, I, ni, J, nj, desc)) ;

    // return C to MATLAB as a struct and free the GraphBLAS C
    pargout [0] = GB_mx_Matrix_to_mxArray (&C, "C output", true) ;

    FREE_ALL ;
Esempio n. 14
GrB_Info GxB_Global_Option_get      // gets the current global option
    GxB_Option_Field field,         // option to query
    ...                             // return value of the global option

    // check inputs

    GB_WHERE ("GxB_Global_Option_get (field, &value)") ;

    // get the option

    va_list ap ;

    switch (field)

        // hyper_ratio

        case GxB_HYPER : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            double *hyper_ratio = va_arg (ap, double *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (hyper_ratio) ;
            (*hyper_ratio) = GB_Global.hyper_ratio ;
            break ;

        // matrix format (CSR or CSC)

        case GxB_FORMAT : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GxB_Format_Value *format = va_arg (ap, GxB_Format_Value *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (format) ;
            (*format) = (GB_Global.is_csc) ? GxB_BY_COL : GxB_BY_ROW ;
            break ;

        // mode from GrB_init (blocking or non-blocking)

        case GxB_MODE : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GrB_Mode *mode = va_arg (ap, GrB_Mode *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (mode) ;
            (*mode) = GB_Global.mode ;
            break ;

        // threading model for synchronizing user threads

        case GxB_THREAD_SAFETY : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GxB_Thread_Model *thread_safety = va_arg (ap, GxB_Thread_Model *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (thread_safety) ;
            (*thread_safety) = 

                #if defined (USER_POSIX_THREADS)
                GxB_THREAD_POSIX ;
                #elif defined (USER_WINDOWS_THREADS)
                GxB_THREAD_WINDOWS ;    // Windows threads not yet supported
                #elif defined (USER_ANSI_THREADS)
                GxB_THREAD_ANSI ;       // ANSI C11 threads not yet supported
                #elif defined (_OPENMP) || defined (USER_OPENMP_THREADS)
                GxB_THREAD_OPENMP ;
                GxB_THREAD_NONE ;       // GraphBLAS is not thread safe!

            break ;

        // internal parallel threading in GraphBLAS (currently none)

        case GxB_THREADING : 

            va_start (ap, field) ;
            GxB_Thread_Model *threading = va_arg (ap, GxB_Thread_Model *) ;
            va_end (ap) ;

            GB_RETURN_IF_NULL (threading) ;
            (*threading) = GxB_THREAD_NONE ;
            break ;

        // invalid option

        default : 

            return (GB_ERROR (GrB_INVALID_VALUE, (GB_LOG,
                    "invalid option field [%d], must be one of:\n"
                    "GxB_HYPER [%d], GxB_FORMAT [%d], GxB_MODE [%d],"
                    "GxB_THREAD_SAFETY [%d], or GxB_THREADING [%d]",
                    (int) field, (int) GxB_HYPER, (int) GxB_FORMAT,
                    (int) GxB_MODE, (int) GxB_THREAD_SAFETY,
                    (int) GxB_THREADING))) ;


    return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;